190+ Professional Ethics in Engineering Solved MCQs


Controller of Examinations can not be held legally responsible, although he is        Responsible .

A. moral
B. self
C. private
D. all the above
Answer» A. moral

Courage to accept the mistakes will ensure success in the efforts in future         

A. conscientiousness
B. blameworthy
C. stakeholder
D. specific obligations
Answer» A. conscientiousness

The project is usually executed in                          

A. partial ignorance
B. standard experiment
C. engineering experiment
D. experiment
Answer» C. engineering experiment

                continually the progress and gaining new knowledge are needed before, during, and after execution of project

A. experiment
B. monitoring
C. engineering
D. planning
Answer» B. monitoring

             is practiced in medical experimentation

A. informed consent
B. engineering
C. ethics
D. morals
Answer» C. ethics

Conscientious moral commitment means

A. be accountable for the results of the project
B. comprehensive perspective on relevant information
C. being sensitive to full range of moral values and responsibilities relevant to the prevailing situation
D. prepare for the unexpected outcomes, in the actual field environments
Answer» A. be accountable for the results of the project

Conscientious moral commitment means

A. being sensitive to full range of moral values and responsibilities relevant to the prevailing situation
B. the willingness to develop the skill and put efforts needed to reach the best balance possible among those considerations
C. both (a) and (b)
D. none of the above
Answer» B. the willingness to develop the skill and put efforts needed to reach the best balance possible among those considerations

The term Accountability means           

A. conscientious commitment to live by moral values
B. being sensitive to full range of moral values and responsibilities relevant to the prevailing situation
C. the willingness to develop the skill and put efforts needed to reach the best balance possible among those considerations
D. the capacity to understand and act on moral reasons
Answer» A. conscientious commitment to live by moral values

The term Accountability means:

A. willingness to submit one‟s actions to moral scrutiny and be responsive to the assessment of others
B. the willingness to develop the skill and put efforts needed to reach the best balance possible among those considerations
C. )conscientious commitment to live by moral values
D. being sensitive to full range of moral values and responsibilities relevant to the prevailing situation
Answer» A. willingness to submit one‟s actions to moral scrutiny and be responsive to the assessment of others

                 includes being answerable for meeting specific obligations.

A. conscientious
B. commitment
C. accountability
D. responsibility
Answer» B. commitment

The              exhibit, rights, duties, and obligations of the members of a profession and a professional society.

A. accountability
B. codes of ethics
C. responsibility
D. commitment
Answer» C. responsibility

             reduces the production costs and at the same time, the quality is achieved easily.

A. globalization
B. standardization
C. © specification
D. competitiveness
Answer» A. globalization

The                    in engineering practices stresses the necessity of laws and regulations.

A. standardization
B. experimentation
C. balance outlook on law
D. competition
Answer» A. standardization

            when enforced effectively produce benefits.

A. globalization
B. standardization
C. © both a & b
D. good laws
Answer» A. globalization

             are needed to provide a minimum level of compliance.

A. standardization
B. laws
C. © specification
D. none of the above
Answer» A. standardization

                   have become relevant with the development of the world trade.

A. international standards
B. glbalization
C. © quality of service
D. safety
Answer» D. safety

                 is discourage to act immorally.

A. honesty
B. deterrence
C. © discipline
D. human values
Answer» C. © discipline

A written statement of policies and principles that guides the behaviour of all employees is called

A. code of ethics
B. word of ethics
C. © ethical dilemma
D. work standards
Answer» C. © ethical dilemma

The HR policy which is based on the philosophy of the utmost good for the greatest number of people is covered under the

A. utilitarian approach
B. approach based on rights
C. approach based on justice
D. none of the above
Answer» C. approach based on justice

Which of the following is not usually the objective of a code of ethics?

A. to create an ethical workplace
B. to evaluate the ethical components of the proposed actions of the employees
C. © to improve the public image of the company
D. to enhance the profits of the business continuously
Answer» C. © to improve the public image of the company

Which of the following is not a core principle of the Society for Human Resource Management’s Code of Ethics?

A. professional responsibility
B. fairness and justice
C. © professional development
D. none of the above
Answer» B. fairness and justice

Which of the following factors shapes the ethical behaviour of the members of an organization?

A. the supervisor’s behaviour
B. organizational culture
C. © code of ethics
D. all of the above
Answer» B. organizational culture

The Primary aspects of codes of ethics is to provide the basic framework for                    for a profession.

A. codes of conduct
B. ethical judgment (c ) standards
D. ethical principals
Answer» D. ethical principals

The codes of ethics propagated by professional societies play a variety of roles. They are           

A. inspiration
B. guidance
C. © support to responsible conduct
D. education and promotion (e ) all the above
Answer» B. guidance

The standards are framed by companies for their in-house use that is _         

A. internal use
B. external use
C. ) interchangeability
D. ease of handling
Answer» A. internal use

Standards ensure a _                   and hence facilitate more realistic trade-off decisions.

A. measure of quality
B. reduce variety
C. balance competition
D. none of the above
Answer» A. measure of quality

Moral responsibility of engineers is not merely following the         _ and their emphasis should go beyond that, especially during the technological development activities.

A. laws
B. rules
C. © practice
D. all the above
Answer» A. laws

A written statement of policies and principles that guides the behaviour of all employees is called

A. codes of ethics
B. word of ethics
C. ethical dilemma
D. none of the above
Answer» C. ethical dilemma

             is done till the component fails

A. simulation testing
B. prototype testing
C. destructive testing
D. testing
Answer» C. destructive testing

               is done on a proportional scale model with all vital components fixed in the system

A. simulation testing
B. prototype testing
C. destructive testing
D. testing
Answer» B. prototype testing

               is most common method of analysis

A. fault tree analysis
B. event tree analysis
C. fmea
D. scenario analysis
Answer» A. fault tree analysis

A              is a synopsis of events or conditions leading to an accident and subsequent loss.

A. scenario
B. exposure
C. testing
D. faults
Answer» A. scenario

In                  method , various parts of components of the systems and their modes are studied.

A. fault tree analysis
B. event tree analysis
C. fmea
D. scenario analysis
Answer» A. fault tree analysis

FMEA is defined as a systematic tool to

A. identify possible failure modes in the products/process
B. to understand failure mechanism (process that leads to failure)
D. all the above
Answer» B. to understand failure mechanism (process that leads to failure)

             is a cross-functional team management

A. fmea
B. fault tree analysis
C. event tree analysis
D. scenario analysis
Answer» A. fmea

               is a qualitative method and was originated by Bell Telephones

A. fmea
B. fault tree analysis
C. event tree analysis
D. scenario analysis
Answer» A. fmea

                         method illustrates the sequence of outcomes which may occur after the occurrence of selected initial event.

A. fmea
B. fault tree analysis
C. event tree analysis
D. scenario analysis
Answer» A. fmea

             method uses technology-based deductive logic.

A. fmea
B. fault tree analysis
C. event tree analysis
D. scenario analysis
Answer» A. fmea

The conditions referred to as „safe exit‟ is/are:

A. the product, when it fails, should fail safely
B. the product, when it fails, can be abandoned safely (c )the user can safely escape the product
D. all the above
Answer» B. the product, when it fails, can be abandoned safely (c )the user can safely escape the product

To access public risk            are estimated.

A. loss of senses
B. loss of earning capability
C. loss of voluntary activities
D. loss on assets and correction costs
Answer» C. loss of voluntary activities

             is the involvement of people in risky actions, although they know that these actions are unsafe

A. voluntary risk
B. involuntary risk
C. faulty risk
D. emergency risk
Answer» A. voluntary risk

                   is tendency to support and cooperate with colleagues

A. confidentiality
B. commitment
C. collegiality
D. responsibility
Answer» A. confidentiality

      is an obligation to fullfill his/her contractual duties to the employer

A. collegiality
B. agency loyalty (c)attitude loyalty
D. supreme loyalty
Answer» A. collegiality

             is concerned with the attitudes, emotions, and a sense of personal identity

A. collegiality
B. agency loyalty (c)attitude loyalty
D. supreme loyalty
Answer» A. collegiality

               is necessary to ensure progress in action.

A. collegiality
B. agency loyalty (c)attitude loyalty
D. authority
Answer» A. collegiality

                 is the authority exercised within the organization

A. agency authority
B. institutional authority
C. expert authority
D. attitude authority
Answer» A. agency authority

                   is the possession of special knowledge, skills and competence to perform a job thoroughly.

A. agency authority
B. institutional authority
C. expert authority
D. attitude authority
Answer» A. agency authority

                   is done by the trade union for improving the economic interests of the worker members

A. authority
B. loyalty
C. collective bargaining
D. collegiality
Answer» A. authority

          means keeping the information on the employer and clients, as secrets

A. authority
B. loyalty
C. collective bargaining
D. confidentiality
Answer» A. authority

           is available and accessed by virtue of privilege.

A. privileged information
B. proprietary information
C. confidential information
D. collective information
Answer» A. privileged information

                   is owned by the organization

A. privileged information
B. proprietary information
C. confidential information
D. collective information
Answer» A. privileged information

                     occurs when employee has more than one interest

A. conflict of interest
B. excitement
C. confusion
D. dilemma
Answer» C. confusion

               is a situation when a person is working as employee for two different companies in the spare time.

A. moonlighting
B. actual conflict of interest
D. potential conflict of interest
Answer» A. moonlighting

               may be committed by wrong actions of a person through one’s lawful employment .

A. moonlighting
B. actual conflict of interest
C. apparent conflict of interest
D. occupational crime
Answer» C. apparent conflict of interest

                 is called as white collared crime

A. bribery
B. occupational crime
C. computer crime
D. environment crime
Answer» C. computer crime

                 means simply spying for company or personal benefits

A. occupational crime
B. computer crime
C. moonlighting
D. industrial espionage
Answer» A. occupational crime

             are defined as moral entitlements that place obligations on other people to treat one with dignity and respect.

A. human rights
B. employee rights
C. employer rights
D. professional rights
Answer» A. human rights

               are moral and legal rights that are obtained by the status of being employee.

A. human rights
B. employee rights
C. employer rights
D. professional rights
Answer» B. employee rights

           is a morally unjust treatment of people in the workplace.

A. discrimination
B. integrity
C. humanity
D. dignity
Answer» A. discrimination

                     is defined as conveying information by an employee on an important moral problem to somebody in a position to take actions on the problem.

A. affirmative actions
B. whistle blowing
C. preferential treatment
D. integrity
Answer» A. affirmative actions

The person or organization, who receives the information, is in a position to remedy the problem or alert the affected parties is called as                

A. recipient
B. agent
C. internal
D. external
Answer» C. internal

The person disclosing the information may be a current or former employee or a person having a close link to the organization is called as          

A. recipient
B. agent
C. internal
D. external
Answer» A. recipient

                 permits people to have fully independent ownership for their innovation.

A. standards
B. right to act
C. intellectual property
D. right to equal
Answer» A. standards

                       is a contract between the individual (inventor) and the society (all other).

A. trademark
B. copyright
C. trade secret
D. patents
Answer» A. trademark

                 is a wide identity of specific good and services, permitting differences to be made among different trades.

A. trademark
B. copyright
C. trade secret
D. patents
Answer» A. trademark

                  means integration of countries through commerce, transfer of technology, and exchange of information and culture.

A. mnc
B. globalization
C. standardization
D. business
Answer» A. mnc

Organisations who have established business in more than one country, are called                

A. multinational corporation
B. non-profit corporation
C. partnership corporation
D. proprietorship corporation
Answer» A. multinational corporation

              is a process of moving technology to a new setting and implementing it there

A. globalization
B. standardization
C. technology transfer
D. appropriate technology
Answer» A. globalization

Identification, transfer, and implementation of most suitable technology for a set of new situations, is called              

A. globalization
B. standardization
C. technology transfer
D. appropriate technology
Answer» C. technology transfer

Flixborough accident in 1974 in U.K. when certain modifications carried out in the plant led to the leakage and explosion of            

A. propylene
B. poly chloride
C. cyclohexane
D. sodium hydroxide
Answer» A. propylene

The organizations may practice laws of the home country, without adjustments to the host culture is called              

A. ethical pluralism
B. ethical egoism
C. ethical relativism
D. ethical absolutism
Answer» B. ethical egoism

                  is the study of moral issues concerning the environment

A. environmental ethics
B. computer ethics
C. business ethics
D. duty ethics
Answer» C. business ethics

              is the study of moral perspectives, beliefs, or attitudes concerning those issues.

A. environmental ethics
B. computer ethics
C. business ethics
D. duty ethics
Answer» C. business ethics

              is defined as study and analysis of nature and social impact of computer technology

A. environmental ethics
B. computer ethics
C. business ethics
D. duty ethics
Answer» C. business ethics

                is defined as formulation and justification of policies, for ethical use of computers.

A. environmental ethics
B. computer ethics
C. business ethics
D. duty ethics
Answer» C. business ethics

Engineers involve in weapons development because:

A. it gives one job with high salary.
B. one takes pride and honor in participating in the activities towards the defense of the nation
C. © one believes the he fights a war on terrorism and thereby contribute to peace and stability of the country.
D. all the above mentioned
Answer» D. all the above mentioned

                  happens because of various levels of execution, priority and limitations of each level.

A. conflicts based on schedules
B. conflict based on the availability of personnel.
C. conflict arising in administration
D. conflicts of personality
Answer» D. conflicts of personality

              means offering a price, and get something in return for the service offered

A. advertising
B. competitive bidding
C. contingency fee
D. bribe
Answer» D. bribe

                is the fee or commission paid to the consultant, when one is successful in saving the expenses for the client.

A. gifts
B. competitive bidding
C. contingency fee
D. bribe
Answer» D. bribe

                  is required to exhibit the responsibility of confidentiality just as they do in the consulting roles

A. expert witness
B. eye witness
C. hired guns
D. consulting engineers
Answer» A. expert witness

              is essentially required for the engineers

A. moral leadership
B. time management
C. decision making
D. authorization
Answer» D. authorization

NSPE stands for

A. national society for provisional engineers
B. national society of professional engineers
C. national society of provisional ethics
D. national society of professional ethics
Answer» A. national society for provisional engineers

Organizations who have established business in more than one country, are called                    

A. multinational corporation
B. globalization
C. privatization
D. none of the above
Answer» A. multinational corporation

It is a process of moving technology to a new setting and implementing it there.

A. machine and installations
B. technology transfer
C. skills and procedure
D. applications
Answer» A. machine and installations

                     is a type of international private business self-regulation that aims to contribute to societal goals by engaging in or supporting volunteering or ethically-oriented practices.

A. multi national companies
B. globalizations
C. corporate social responsibility
D. none of the above
Answer» B. globalizations

The term „appropriate‟ should emphasize the                  and environmental protection of the host countries, and this need to be addressed while transferring technology

A. social experimentation
B. high technology
C. social acceptability
D. genetically modified
Answer» B. high technology

The organizations may practice laws of the home country, with out adjustment to the host culture. This stand is called                

A. morally false
B. ethical imbalance
C. ethical balance
D. overpopulated
Answer» C. ethical balance

                  is the study of moral issues concerning the environment, and moral perspectives, beliefs, or attitudes concerning those issues

A. environmental ethics
B. exploitation
C. degradation
D. safety
Answer» C. degradation

“One major but sure and unintended effect of technology is wastage and the resulting pollution of land, water, air and even space. Study how the industry and technology affects the environment”

A. establish standards
B. environmental impact assessment
C. counter measures
D. environmental awareness
Answer» A. establish standards

The study and analysis of nature and social impact of computer technology and formulation and justification of policies             

A. computer ethics
B. unethical acts
C. environmental ethics
D. all the above
Answer» C. environmental ethics

The computers are to be protected against theft, fire, and physical damage. This can be achieved by proper insurance on the assets.

A. physical security
B. logical security
C. absence
D. none of the above
Answer» C. absence

It means offering a price, and get something in return for the service offered. The organizations have a pool of engineers. The expertise can be shared and the bidding is made more realistic.

A. contingency fee
B. competitive bidding
C. advertising
D. safety and client’s needs
Answer» D. safety and client’s needs

The proposed options should be aimed to srengthen the economy and security of the nation, besides safeguarding the natural resources and the environment from exploitation and degradation.

A. objectivity
B. values
C. technical complexity
D. national security
Answer» C. technical complexity

              is not merely the dominance by a group. It means adopting reasonable means to motivate the groups to achieve morally desirable goals.

A. moral leadership
B. entrepreneurs
C. consultant
D. managers
Answer» D. managers
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