
220+ Soil Mechanics and Foundations Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Civil Engineering .


Consolidation and compressibility of soil

A. is a measure of the ability of soil to allow the water to pass through its pores
B. is a measure of the ability of soil to bear stresses without failure
C. deals with changes in volume of pores in a soil under load
D. any one of the above
Answer» C. deals with changes in volume of pores in a soil under load

The minimum size of grains of silts is about

A. 0.0002 mm
B. 0.002 mm
C. 0.02 mm
D. 0.2 mm
Answer» A. 0.0002 mm

Quich sand is a

A. moist sand containing small particles
B. condition which occurs in coarse sand
C. condition in which a cohesionless soil loses at its strength because of upward flow of water
D. none of the above
Answer» C. condition in which a cohesionless soil loses at its strength because of upward flow of water

Submerged soils are

A. partially
B. fully
Answer» B. fully

The unit bearing capacity of footing in sand

A. decreases with depth of footing
B. decreses with width of footing
C. increases with depth of footing
D. increases with width of footing
Answer» C. increases with depth of footing

The specific gravity of sandy soils is

A. 1.2
B. 1.8
C. 2.2
D. 2.7
Answer» D. 2.7

The active earth pressure of a soil is defined as the lateral pressure exerted by soil

A. when it is at rest
B. when the retaining wall has no movement relative to the back fill
C. when the retaining wall tends to move away from the back fill
D. when the retaining wall moves into the soil
Answer» C. when the retaining wall tends to move away from the back fill

Cohesionless soils are

A. sands
B. clays
C. silts
D. silts and clays
Answer» A. sands

The process of maintaining or improving the performance of a soil as a constructional material, usually by the use of admixtures, is known as

A. soil exploration
B. soil stabilisation
C. soil compaction
D. consolidation
Answer» B. soil stabilisation

The permeability of a given soil is

A. directly proportional to the average grain size
B. inversely proportional to the average grain size
C. directly proportional to the square of the average grain size
D. inversely proportional to the square of the average grain size
Answer» C. directly proportional to the square of the average grain size

A line showing the dry density as a function of water content for soil containing no air voids, is called

A. saturation line
B. zero air void line
C. liquid limit line
D. none of these
Answer» B. zero air void line

The hydraulic gradient provided at the downstream side of a hydraulic structure such as a dam, is called

A. downstream gradient
B. tail water gradient
C. exit gradient
D. any one of these
Answer» D. any one of these

The dry sand specimen is put through a triaxial test. The cell pressure is 50 kPa and the deviator stress at failure is 100 kPa. The angle of internal friction for the sand specimen is

A. 15?
B. 30?
C. 35?
D. 40?
Answer» B. 30?

The lateral earth pressure exerted by the soil when the retaining wall moves into the soil, is known as

A. earth pressure at rest
B. active earth pressure
C. passive earth pressure
D. total earth pressure
Answer» C. passive earth pressure

Hydrometer analysis is used to determine the density of soil suspension.

A. Agree
B. Disagree
Answer» A. Agree

The uniformity co-efficient of soil is defined as the ratio of

A. D40 to D10
B. D40 to D20
C. D50 to D10
D. D60 to D10
Answer» D. D60 to D10

Which of the following gives the correct decreasing order of the densities of a soil sample?

A. Saturated, submerged, wet, dry
B. Saturated, wet, submerged, dry
C. Saturated, wet, dry, submerged
D. Wet, saturated, submerged, dry
Answer» C. Saturated, wet, dry, submerged

The effective stress on the soil mass

A. increases
B. decreases
Answer» B. decreases

The ultimate net bearing capacity lay depends upon the value of cohesion.

A. Agree
B. Disagree
Answer» A. Agree

The ratio of the unit weight of soil solids to that of water is called

A. void ratio
B. porosity
C. specific gravity
D. degree of saturation
Answer» C. specific gravity

When the water table is under the base of the footing at a depth equal to half of the width of the footing, the bearing capacity of a soil is reduced to

A. one-fourth
B. one-half
C. two-third
D. three-fourth
Answer» B. one-half

The net ultimate bearing capacity is the maximum net pressure intensity causing shear failure of soil.

A. True
B. False
Answer» A. True

Talus' is a soil transported by glacial water.

A. Right
B. Wrong
Answer» B. Wrong

The compression index of the soil

A. increases with the increase in liquid limit
B. decreases with the increase in liquid limit
C. increases with the decrease in plastic limit
D. decreases with the increase in plastic limit
Answer» A. increases with the increase in liquid limit

The critical gradient of the seepage of water

A. directly proportional to void ratio
B. increases with the decrease in void ratio
C. inversely proportional to specific gravity
D. increases with the decrease in specific gravity of soil
Answer» B. increases with the decrease in void ratio

The settlement of a footing in sand depends upon the

A. stress deformation characteristics of sand
B. relative density of the sand
C. width of the footing
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

The bearing capacity of a soil

A. increases
B. decreases
C. does not change
Answer» A. increases

A soil with consistency equal to one is at its

A. liquid
B. plastic
Answer» B. plastic

The angle of internal friction

A. varies with the density of sand
B. depends upon the amount of interlocking
C. depends upon the particle shape and roughness
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Which of the following clay mineral gives maximum swelling?

A. Kalonite
B. Montmorillonite
C. Illite
D. all of these
Answer» B. Montmorillonite

The uniformity coefficient for a uniformly graded soil is nearly unity.

A. Agree
B. Disagree
Answer» A. Agree

The degree of saturation for the moist soil is about

A. 0%
B. 1 to 25%
C. 25 to 50%
D. 50 to 75%
Answer» D. 50 to 75%

The submerged or buoyant unit weight of soil is equal to the

A. sum
B. difference
C. product
D. ratio
Answer» B. difference

The contact pressure of flexible footing on no-choesive soils is

A. more in the centre than at the edges
B. less in the centre than at the edges
C. uniform throughout
D. none of these
Answer» A. more in the centre than at the edges

The seepage pressure is independent of the coefficient of permeability.

A. Correct
B. Incorrect
Answer» A. Correct

The plastic limit of a soil is defined as the

A. limit of water that makes the soil to flow
B. amount of water content which makes the soil to go into the liquid state
C. amount of water content which makes the soil to go into the solid state from the liquid state
D. minimum amount of water content which makes the soil to be rolled into 3 mm diameter threads
Answer» D. minimum amount of water content which makes the soil to be rolled into 3 mm diameter threads

The decrease in voids ratio per unit increse of presure is called

A. coefficient of permeability
B. coefficient of compressibility
C. coefficient of volume compressibility
D. coefficient of curvature
Answer» B. coefficient of compressibility

The maximum size of grains of silts is about

A. 0.06 mm
B. 0.2 mm
C. 0.5 mm
D. 1 mm
Answer» A. 0.06 mm

Which of the following statement is wrong?

A. The neutral stress does not change the shearing resistance of the soil.
B. The decrease in effective stress is accompanied by increase in the neutral stress.
C. The neutral stress does not decrease the void ratio.
D. none of the above
Answer» D. none of the above

The frictional resistance of clayey soil is

A. less than
B. more than
C. same as
Answer» A. less than

The coefficient of compressibility

A. increases
B. decreases
C. does not change
Answer» B. decreases

If the coefficient of passive earth pressure is 1/3, then the coefficient of active earth pressure is

A. 1?3
B. 1
C. 3?2
D. 3
Answer» C. 3?2

The lateral earth pressure is

A. directly proportional to the depth of soil
B. inversely proportional to the depth of soil
C. directly proportional to the squre of the depth of soil
D. inversely proportional to the square of the depth of soil
Answer» C. directly proportional to the squre of the depth of soil

The net soil pressure is obtained by multiplying the net ultimate bearing capacity of soil to the factor of safety.

A. Right
B. Wrong
Answer» B. Wrong

The maximum size of the particles of clay is about

A. 0.0002 mm
B. 0.002 mm
C. 0.02 mm
D. 0.2 mm
Answer» B. 0.002 mm

The angle of internal friction of round grained loose sand is about

A. 5? to 25?
B. 25? to 30?
C. 30? to 35?
D. 32? to 37?
Answer» B. 25? to 30?

A soil having particles of nearly the same size is known as

A. uniform soil
B. poor soil
C. well graded soil
D. coarse soil
Answer» A. uniform soil

The dense sands have

A. greater
B. lesser
Answer» A. greater

The unconfined compressive strength of a very hard clay is

A. 10 to 25 kN/m2
B. 25 to 150 kN/m2
C. 150 to 400 kN/m2
D. Above 400 kN/m2
Answer» D. Above 400 kN/m2

The sensitivity of a normal clay is about

A. 2 to 4
B. 4 to 8
C. 8 to 15
D. 15 to 20
Answer» A. 2 to 4

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