Chapter: Working with Controls

In vb variable name cannot be more than --- characters

A. 255
B. 300
C. 355
D. 4000
Answer» A. 255
Chapter: Working with ActiveX Controls & Menus

In vb ________ is the extension to represent project file.

A. .frm
B. .vbp
C. .cls
D. .vb
Answer» B. .vbp

___is data type that can be used to declare a text of maximum 10 million.

A. date
B. long
C. numeric
D. string
Answer» D. string

The variable that does not change the value during execution of program is______

A. numeric
B. string
C. constant
D. none
Answer» C. constant

none of these 36)The data control s used to link _____________

A. oracle
B. ms-excel
C. ms-access
D. none of these
Answer» D. none of these

The methods which loads the form into memory _______ it on screen.

A. load
B. show
C. display
D. all of above
Answer» C. display

The code in an application can be broken into logical component by ---- process

A. modular
B. procedural
C. partitioning
D. none of these
Answer» B. procedural

Vb allows programmers to define a data type before start the program it is called ____

A. explicit
B. implicit
C. dim
D. none of these
Answer» A. explicit

VB allows programmers to without the declaring data type before start the program it is called ____

A. explicit
B. implicit
C. dim
D. none of these
Answer» B. implicit

Variables are used to temporarily store data during execution of application.

A. true
B. false
C. both
D. none of these
Answer» A. true

A variable is scoped to a global or local variable depending on how it is declared.

A. true
B. false
C. both
D. none of these
Answer» A. true

.--- is the process of putting two string together.

A. concatenation
B. grouping
C. remove
D. none of these
Answer» A. concatenation

The main Property of check box is _______ ___

A. check
B. value
C. stretch
D. load picture
Answer» A. check

The main Property of radio button box is ___ _______

A. check
B. value
C. stretch
D. load picture
Answer» B. value

______ property is used set width and height of images .

A. check
B. value
C. stretch
D. load picture
Answer» C. stretch

Stretch property is used set_________of images .

A. width and height
B. border
C. color
D. load picture
Answer» A. width and height

The main Property of picture box is ___ _______

A. check
B. value
C. caption
D. picture
Answer» D. picture

Progress bar is always work with _________control.

A. text box
B. timer
C. menu
D. none of these.
Answer» B. timer

To menu editor is available in ___________button of the mouse

A. left
B. right
C. got focus
D. none of these
Answer» A. left

____________menu is open by right button of the mouse .

A. short cut menu
B. popup menu
C. sub menu
D. none of these
Answer» B. popup menu

To create menu on MDI form, we have to select _________

A. view code
B. menu editor
C. images
D. lock control
Answer» B. menu editor

status bar is display at the _____of the mdi forms.

A. bottom
B. top
C. dim
D. frame
Answer» A. bottom

Toolbar is display at the __________ of the mdi form.

A. bottom
B. top
C. dim
D. frame
Answer» B. top

To declare the variable in vb _________-this key word is used

A. bottom
B. top
C. dim
D. frame
Answer» C. dim

_______ is used to differentiate the one redio button group to another radio button group.

A. bottom
B. top
C. dim
D. frame
Answer» D. frame

in ______box & ____ can edit in run time

A. text box & combo box
B. list and combo
C. label and text
D. all of these.
Answer» A. text box & combo box

Ms Access is used to ________

A. store data
B. display data
C. create data
D. none of these
Answer» A. store data

Following properties is use full to link ms-access in ADODC.

A. data source
B. caption
C. text
D. list
Answer» A. data source

VB is the example of____________software .

A. backhand
B. front end
C. o.s
D. none of these.
Answer» B. front end

The main property of ADODC control property is ___

A. data source
B. caption
C. text
D. none of these.
Answer» A. data source
Chapter: Working With Database

What is the use of OLE

A. we can link to the other application
B. we can remove the other application
C. we can adjust the application
D. none of these
Answer» A. we can link to the other application

MS-access or oracle is the example of ___ _______software.

A. back end
B. front end
C. mathematical
D. none of these
Answer» A. back end

The ____ include all widow property, form, project ,form layout .

A. ide
B. adodc
C. msaccess
D. none of these
Answer» A. ide

_______is used to differentiate the one redio button group to another radio button group.

A. frame
B. top
C. dim
D. list
Answer» A. frame

_______is the process of finding & removing errors.

A. debugging
B. error finding
C. processing
D. none of these
Answer» A. debugging

VB is an ______________.

A. object based programming language
B. script language
C. mobile application
D. none of these
Answer» A. object based programming language

In _________ The size of the array can be changed at the run time- size changes during the program execution.

A. if ... then ..else
B. do while
C. dynamic array
D. array
Answer» C. dynamic array

The _______is show under or below the Project Explorer window

A. properties window
B. project explorer
C. menu bar
D. toolbox
Answer» A. properties window

The _________ is used to show quick reference to the various elements of a project namely form, classes and modules

A. mdi
B. project explorer
C. menu bar
D. toolbox
Answer» B. project explorer

____________is insert from component , it is used to load ADO control.

A. microsoft activex data control 6
B. microsoft combo control 6
C. microsoft data grid control.
D. none of these
Answer» A. microsoft activex data control 6

ADO is ActiveX-based, it can not work in different platforms and different programming languages.

A. true
B. false
C. both
D. none of these
Answer» B. false

in VB , ___ is used to enter the more then one value in a single variable having different data types.

A. dim
B. structure
C. array
D. variable
Answer» C. array

In VB , array is divided into 3 types ., the second type is _____

A. single dimension
B. double dimension
C. poly dimension
D. multi dimension
Answer» C. poly dimension

in _________ we can edit in run time

A. text box
B. combo
C. label
D. all of these.
Answer» D. all of these.

frame is used to differentiate the one radio button group to another radio button group.

A. true
B. false
C. both a and b
D. none of these
Answer» A. true

In_________The size of the array can be changed at the run time- size changes during the program execution.

A. true
B. false
C. both
D. none of these
Answer» A. true

Microsoft ActiveX Data Control 6 is insert from component , it is used to load ADO control.

A. true
B. false
C. both
D. none of these
Answer» A. true

The Project Explorer is used to show quick reference to the various elements of a project namely form, classes and modules

A. true
B. false
C. both
D. none of these
Answer» A. true

single dimensional array requires one indexes to identify a particular element.

A. true
B. false
C. both a and b
D. none of these
Answer» A. true

The most common event associated with the command button is the Click event,

A. true
B. false
C. both a and b
D. none of these
Answer» A. true

The main property of Image Control is stretchable,

A. true
B. false
C. both a and b
D. none of these
Answer» A. true

The main property of ____, is LoadPicture and resize the picture .

A. picture
B. text
C. list
D. form
Answer» A. picture

Following are not the arithmetic operator .

A. mod
B. <=
C. +
D. /
Answer» B. <=

Following are the not condition operator .

A. >
B. <
C. <>
D. mod
Answer» D. mod
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