160+ System Analysis and Design Solved MCQs


In significant codes some or all parts of the code

A. .are meaningful
B. are usable
C. are significant
D. represent values
Answer» D. represent values

Sequence numbering of records is used to
(i)Identify each record uniquely
(ii)Track a missing record in a batch of records
(iii)Count the number of records
(iv) Sort the records

A. i, ii
B. i, ii, iii
C. i, ii, iii, iv
D. i and iv
Answer» C. i, ii, iii, iv

Study involves

A. study of an existing system
B. System documenting the existing system.
C. identifying current deficiencies and establishing new goals
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The primary tool used in structured design is a:

A. structure chart
B. structure chart
C. program flowchart
D. module
Answer» A. structure chart

How many steps are in the systems development life cycle (SDLC)?

A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 10
Answer» A. 4

The first step in the systems development life cycle (SDLC) is:

A. Analysis.
B. Design.
C. Problem/Opportunity Identification.
D. Development and Documentation.
Answer» C. Problem/Opportunity Identification.

Most modern software applications enable you to customize and automate various features using small custom-built “miniprograms” called:

A. macros.
B. code.
C. routines.
D. subroutines.
Answer» A. macros.

The organized process or set of steps that needs to be followed to develop an information system is known as the:

A. analytical cycle.
B. design cycle.
C. program specification.
D. system development life cycle.
Answer» D. system development life cycle.

The final step in the Sytem development life cycle (SDLC)?

A. Analysis
B. Operational
C. Development
D. Design
Answer» B. Operational

The make-or-buy decision is associated with the ____________ step in the SDLC.

A. Problem/Opportunity Identification
B. Design
C. Analysis
D. Development and Documentation
Answer» B. Design

In the Analysis phase, the development of the ____________ occurs, which is a clear statement of the goals and objectives of the project.

A. documentation
B. flowchart
C. program specification
D. design
Answer» C. program specification

Actual programming of software code is done during the ____________ step in the SDLC.

A. Maintenance and Evaluation
B. Design
C. Analysis
D. Development and Documentation
Answer» D. Development and Documentation

Enhancements, upgrades, and bug fixes are done during the ____________ step in the SDLC.

A. Maintenance and Evaluation
B. Problem/Opportunity Identification
C. Design
D. Development and Documentation
Answer» A. Maintenance and Evaluation

The ____________ determines whether the project should go forward.

A. feasibility assessment
B. opportunity identification
C. system evaluation
D. program specification
Answer» A. feasibility assessment

Technical writers generally provide the ____________ for the new system.

A. programs
B. network
C. analysis
D. documentation
Answer» D. documentation

___________ design and implement database structures.

A. Programmers
B. Project managers
C. Technical writers
D. Database administrators
Answer» D. Database administrators

____________ spend most of their time in the beginning stages of the SDLC, talking with end-users, gathering information, documenting systems, and proposing solutions.

A. Systems analysts
B. Project managers
C. Network engineers
D. Database administrators
Answer» A. Systems analysts

____________ manage the system development, assign staff, manage the budget and reporting, and ensure that deadlines are met.

A. Project managers
B. Network engineers
C. Graphic designers
D. Systems analysts
Answer» A. Project managers

____________ is the process of translating a task into a series of commands that a computer will use to perform that task.

A. Project design
B. Installation
C. Systems analysis
D. Programming
Answer» D. Programming

Debugging is:

A. creating program code.
B. finding and correcting errors in the program code.
C. identifying the task to be computerized.
D. creating the algorithm.
Answer» B. finding and correcting errors in the program code.

Translating the problem statement into a series of sequential steps describing what the program must do is known as:

A. coding.
B. debugging.
C. creating the algorithm.
D. writing documentation.
Answer» C. creating the algorithm.

Translating the algorithm into a programming language occurs at the ____________ step of the PDLC.

A. Debugging
B. Coding
C. Testing and Documentation
D. Algorithm Development
Answer» B. Coding

The problem statement should include all of the following EXCEPT:

A. input.
B. output.
C. processing.
D. storage.
Answer» D. storage.

The problem statement includes the ____________, which lists specific input numbers a program would typically expect the user to enter and precise output values that a perfect program would return for those input values.

A. testing plan
B. error handler
C. IPO cycle
D. input-output specification
Answer» A. testing plan

The major goal of requirement determination phase of information system development is

A. determine whether information is needed by an organization
B. determine what information is needed by an organization
C. determine how information needed by an organization can be provided
D. determine when information is to be given
Answer» B. determine what information is needed by an organization

Information requirements of an organization can be determined by

A. interviewing managers and users and arriving at the requirements based on consensus
B. finding out what similar organizations do
C. telling organization what they need based on your experience
D. sending a questionnaire to all employees of the organization
Answer» A. interviewing managers and users and arriving at the requirements based on consensus

It is necessary to prioritize information requirements of an organization at the requirements determination phase as

A. it is always good to prioritize
B. there are conflicting demands from users
C. there are constraints on budgets, available time, human resource and requirement
D. all good organization do it
Answer» C. there are constraints on budgets, available time, human resource and requirement

The code is developed with the measurable properties of an item is known

A. Group classification code
B. Self checking code
C. Significant digit code
D. Numeric code
Answer» C. Significant digit code

In order to understand the working of an organization for which a computer based system is being designed, an analyst must

A. look at only current work and document flow in the organization
B. discuss with top level and middle level management only
C. interview top, middle, line managers and also clerks who will enter data and use the system
D. only clerical and middle level staff who have long experience in the organization and will be users of the system
Answer» C. interview top, middle, line managers and also clerks who will enter data and use the system

The main objective of feasibility study is

A. to assess whether it is possible to meet the requirements specifications
B. to assess if it is possible to meet the requirements specified subject to constraints of budget, human resource and hardware
C. to assist the management in implementing the desired system
D. to remove bottlenecks in implementing the desired system
Answer» B. to assess if it is possible to meet the requirements specified subject to constraints of budget, human resource and hardware

It is necessary to carry out a feasibility study as

A. top management can not ensure that a project is feasible before calling a system analyst
B. top management is not sure what they want from the system
C. even though top management is in favor of the system, technology may not be mature for implementation
D. all organizations do it
Answer» C. even though top management is in favor of the system, technology may not be mature for implementation

Final specifications are drawn up by

A. system analyst in consultation with the management of the organization
B. the managers of user organization
C. system analyst in consultation with programmers
D. system designers along with users
Answer» A. system analyst in consultation with the management of the organization

System test plan is specified

A. when the final specifications are drawn up
B. during feasibility study
C. during the requirements specifications stage
D. during system study stage
Answer» A. when the final specifications are drawn up

Systems are modified whenever

A. user’s requirements change
B. new computers are introduced in the market
C. new software tools become available in the market
D. other similar organization modify these system
Answer» A. user’s requirements change

.It is necessary to design an information system to easily accommodate change, because

A. new computers are introduced every year
B. new computer languages become popular every year
C. organizations’ requirements change over a period of time
D. systems need continuous debugging
Answer» C. organizations’ requirements change over a period of time

The primary responsibility of a systems analyst is to

A. specify an information system which meets the requirements of an organization
B. write programs to meet specifications
C. maintain the system
D. meet managers of the organization regularly
Answer» A. specify an information system which meets the requirements of an organization

The responsibilities of a system analyst include
i) defining and prioritizing information requirement of an organization
ii) gathering data, facts and opinions of users in an organization
iii) drawing up specifications of the system for an organization
iv) designing and evaluating the system

A. i and ii
B. i, ii and iv
C. i, ii, iii and iv
D. i, ii and iii
Answer» D. i, ii and iii

Among the attributes of a good systems analyst the following are essential
i) knowledge of organization
ii) analytical mind
iii) ability to communicate orally
iv) excellent mathematical abilities

A. i and ii
B. i, ii and iii
C. i, ii and iv
D. i, iii and iv
Answer» B. i, ii and iii

Managers in organizations should not design their own systems as

A. systems have to interact with other systems
B. they do not have the special skills necessary to design systems
C. it is not their job
D. they are always very busy
Answer» B. they do not have the special skills necessary to design systems

……………….. includes review of the existing procedures and information flow.

A. Feasibility Study
B. Feasibility report
C. System Design
D. System analysis
Answer» A. Feasibility Study

Organization chart is a type of

A. basic chart
B. IPO chart
C. Hierarchical chart
D. step chart
Answer» C. Hierarchical chart

…………….. refers to the collection of information pertinent to systems Project.

A. Data transfer
B. Data gathering
C. Data Embedding
D. Data Request
Answer» B. Data gathering

………………….. means coordinated effort, to communicate the information of the system written form.

A. System documentation
B. Resource required
C. Development schedule
D. User Document
Answer» A. System documentation

It specifies the structure of an organization

A. Organization chart
C. Flowchart
D. IPO chart
Answer» A. Organization chart

To create vehicle of information to provide evidence in the development process and to monitor the process. This is one of the objectives of

A. Analysis
B. Design
C. Development
D. Documentation
Answer» D. Documentation

A …………. System is no more than idea

A. Conceptual
B. Logical
C. Physical
D. All of the above
Answer» A. Conceptual

By an external entity we mean a

A. Unit outside the system being designed which can be controlled by an analyst.
B. Unit outside the system whose behavior is independent of the system being designed
C. A unit external to the system being designed
D. A unit which is not part of a DFD
Answer» C. A unit external to the system being designed

Errror report is an example of

A. Ouput process
B. Input process
C. Process
D. None of these
Answer» A. Ouput process

Data store in a DFD represents.

A. a sequential file
B. a disk store
C. a repository of data
D. a random access memory
Answer» C. a repository of data

…………… system consists of programs, data files and documentation

A. Conceptual
B. Logical
C. Physical
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Physical

…………… is a good example of deterministic system.

A. Life cycle
B. Computer Program
C. Software Program
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Computer Program

The main ingredient of the report documenting the ……………… is the cost benefit analysis.

A. System Analysis
B. Feasibility Study
C. System Analyst
D. System Design
Answer» B. Feasibility Study

A data flow can

A. Only a data store
B. Only leave a data store
C. Enter or leave a data Store
D. Either enter or leave a data store but not both
Answer» C. Enter or leave a data Store

Changing the relationship with and services provided to customers in such a way that they will not think of changing suppliers is called ………….

A. Lock in customers
B. Lock out customers
C. Lock in competitors
D. Lock out competitors
Answer» A. Lock in customers

…………… can be defined as data that has been processed into a form that is meaningful to the recipient and is of real or perceived value in current or prospective decisions.

A. Information
B. Data collection
C. Internal data
D. Sample data
Answer» A. Information

Increased volume of sales is an example of ………….…. Benefit. Reduction of bad debts is an example of ………..

A. Tangible, Intangible
B. Tangible, Tangible
C. Intangible, Tangible
D. Intangible, Intangible
Answer» D. Intangible, Intangible

A data cannot flow between a store and i) a store ii) a process iii) an external entity

A. i and iii
B. i and ii
C. ii and iii
D. ii
Answer» A. i and iii

In ISR which field indicates the purpose of job

A. Objective
B. Anticipated benefits
C. Output description
D. None of these
Answer» A. Objective

After Development phase, a document is prepared

A. Program specification
B. Design specification
C. System specification
D. None of these
Answer» C. System specification

In DFD which symbol represents the process

A. Circle
B. Rectangle
C. Square
D. Open ended rectangle
Answer» A. Circle

The document prepared after study phase is known as

A. Performance specification
B. Design specification
C. System specification
D. None of these
Answer» A. Performance specification

In which activity the management approve the requirements of the customer

A. Study phase report
B. Study phase review
C. Feasibility study
D. None of these
Answer» B. Study phase review

In study phase activities, which activity filled the ISR by user

A. User review
B. User need
C. Initial investigation
D. System review
Answer» B. User need
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