290+ Usability Engineering Solved MCQs


A technique that organizes data into groups to form non-redundant, stable, flexible, and adaptive entities is:

A. optimization
B. normalization
C. randomization
D. requirements analysis
Answer» B. normalization

Which of the following is not a factor in the failure of the systems developments projects?

A. size of the company
B. failure of systems integration
C. inadequate user involvement
D. continuation of a project that should have been cancelled
Answer» A. size of the company

A software might allow a user to interact via

A. keyboard commands
B. mouse movement
C. voice recognition commands
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

_ helps meet psychological and cognitive processing needs, increases human confidence.

A. attitude
B. feedback
C. visual analysis
D. interaction design
Answer» B. feedback

What is the fundamental insight underlying the "cognitive walk through" method of evaluation?

A. processes are the most important aspect of the user experience
B. the idea that users can sometimes be left out of the evaluation
C. the idea that users earn by exploring an interface text should be legible and distinguishable from its background under different lighting conditions
D. the idea that experts need to work hand in hand with useers to develop an optimal user experience
Answer» C. the idea that users earn by exploring an interface text should be legible and distinguishable from its background under different lighting conditions

Which of the following is a design implication of our understanding of human attention?

A. the same kinds of distinctions that a person would feel in the world
B. information than is needed at the present moment for the user
D. sounds should be audible and distinguishable in the user
Answer» B. information than is needed at the present moment for the user

"An informal narrative description of human activities or tasks in a story that allows exploration and discussion of contexts, needs, and requirements" describes which of the following?

A. storyboard
B. scenario
C. use case
D. uml case
Answer» B. scenario

Mental model is a/ an                       of a device or a system

A. summary of the characteristics of users
B. estimate of mental level of users
C. human representation of the conceptual structure
D. investigation results about mental characteristics of users
Answer» C. human representation of the conceptual structure

What is the most important property that prototype should have?

A. should allow the key concepts to be tested with users
B. should support a wide range of user tests
C. should look like the final product
D. should be easy to throw away
Answer» A. should allow the key concepts to be tested with users

Metaphor is a cognitive process in which an experience is related to:

A. an already familiar concept
B. a newly created concept
C. an expert rule
D. an organizational rule
Answer» A. an already familiar concept

A simplified model of Human Information Processign include human resources such as:

A. memory
B. strength
C. energy
D. head
Answer» A. memory

The design of a keyboard layout reflects the                       concern in HCI

A. cognitive
B. physical
C. usefulness
D. usability
Answer» B. physical

Define life cycle model in HCI.

A. none of the mentioned
B. star, usability engineering
C. usability engineering, iterative design
D. star, iterative design
Answer» B. star, usability engineering

Process oriented Main element
Issue, position and arguments
Which design rationale suite the characteristic above?

A. issue-based information system
B. design space analysis
C. psychological design rationale
D. graphical design rationale
Answer» A. issue-based information system

Which rule in Schneiderman Golden Rule suite the statement below "For every user action, to simplify new system sign up process, error correction system must be provided to facilitate user"

A. strive for consistency
B. offer informative feedback
C. disign dialogues to yield closure
D. offer error prevention and simple error handling
Answer» A. strive for consistency

Choose THREE (3) senses in Multi-modal Technology
i. Touch
ii. Smell
iii. Sound

A. i, ii and iii
B. i, iii and iv
C. i, ii and iv
D. ii, iii and iv
Answer» A. i, ii and iii

Which of the following is the handwriting recognition device?

A. tablet pc
B. lcd monitor
C. keyboard
D. monochrome monitor
Answer» A. tablet pc

How many principle in universal design?

A. six
B. seven
C. eight
D. ten
Answer» B. seven

Given a scenario where you have a very small user base, which evaluationstrategy would you select:

A. between groups
B. within groups, fixed order tasks
C. within groups, randomised tasks
D. within groups, a combination of fixed and random tasks
Answer» C. within groups, randomised tasks

Which of the following is/are false about Within-group study design?

A. there are two groups of test users
B. there is one group of test users
C. there is a learning effect
D. every test user uses both systems
Answer» A. there are two groups of test users

In user experiments, we have a Control Group to:

A. deal with extra people
B. establish a baseline
C. evaluate the default behaviour of people
D. distract people
Answer» C. evaluate the default behaviour of people

Suppose you have designed two versions of your application and you show themto a set of 10 users one by one for a user study. Which of the following studydesigns does this signify?

A. within-group
B. between-group
C. control-group
D. none of the above
Answer» A. within-group

Which of the following is true about good design?

A. good design is just cool graphics
B. good design is just common sense
C. good design comes from an iterative process with the user in loop
D. good design can come from fixing the ui at the end
Answer» C. good design comes from an iterative process with the user in loop

HCI design standards include recommendations based on

A. human physical,
B. cognitive
C. affective characteristics
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Which of the following is golden rule for interface design?

A. place the user in control
B. reduce the user’s memory load
C. make the interface consistent
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

Which of the following is not a design principle that allow the user to maintain control?

A. provide for flexible interaction
B. allow user interaction to be interrupt-able and undo-able
C. show technical internals from the casual user
D. design for direct interaction with objects that appear on the screen
Answer» C. show technical internals from the casual user

Which of the following is not a user interface design process?

A. user, task, and environment analysis and modeling
B. interface design
C. knowledgeable, frequent users
D. interface validation
Answer» C. knowledgeable, frequent users

HyperCard is used to develop a quick

A. system design
B. software
C. mockup
D. quality test
Answer» C. mockup

The total number of stages of reading process of the data from screen is

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Answer» B. 3

Which of the following are principles of icon design?

A. the icon set should be consistent in terms of size, colours, metaphor, and level of realism.
B. design a set of icons as a whole.
C. the icons in a set should be visually balanced
D. all of the above.
Answer» D. all of the above.

What is the principal interaction mode for a Wii system?

A. gesture and body movements
B. haptic (touch) interface
C. exploring and browsing
D. infrared position detection
Answer» A. gesture and body movements

What is true for vertical protoyping?

A. it is a particular kind of working prototype.
B. it provides full interface features.
C. . it is designed to show how much vertical scrolling is acceptable
D. . it provides critical functionality.
Answer» A. it is a particular kind of working prototype.

What kind of activity does the D.E.C.I.D.E. acronym support?

A. planning and conducting an evaluation and analysing the data.
B. conducting user tests.
C. deciding what kind of prototype to use for user tests.
D. deciding whether to perform empirical or analytical evaluations.
Answer» A. planning and conducting an evaluation and analysing the data.

By using capitalized words, the reading speed and accuracy

A. increased
B. improved
C. declined
D. leveled
Answer» C. declined

Impressing moving icons in a system design can be

A. appealing
B. attractive
C. distracting
D. attentive
Answer» C. distracting

The speed of reading text in reading process is measured by using

A. legibility
B. usability
C. quality
D. readability
Answer» A. legibility

The design of a system must be developed

A. integrally with each part of system
B. at the end
C. at the start
D. never
Answer» A. integrally with each part of system

Which is the best definition of an interface metaphor?

A. in broad terms, the kind of technical and software framework within which human system interaction takes place (e.g., wimp, mobile, tangible)
B. is used in the interface to help the user understand what to do (e.g., click on tabs to change window contents, use shopping cart
C. inputs and receive information from the system (e.g., click and drag an object, talk to an object, move self closer to an object, converse with
D. the conceptual model used to guide the design of the interface.
Answer» B. is used in the interface to help the user understand what to do (e.g., click on tabs to change window contents, use shopping cart

To reconstruct a system, which of the following key element(s) must be considered :

A. outputs and inputs
B. control and processors.
C. feedback and environment
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Which of the following is not a characteristic of good test data

A. should be comprehensive
B. every statement should be executed
C. users do not participate at this preliminary stage
D. all of the above
Answer» C. users do not participate at this preliminary stage

Which of these factors influence a user’s conceptual model?

A. familiarity with similar devices.
B. constraints.
C. instructions.
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Formative Evaluation:

A. helps improve an interface design
B. involves collecting process data.
C. helps find reasons for things that went wrong
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Regarding personas:

A. a primary persona needs their own interface
B. . multiple secondary personas are combined into a primary persona.
C. a persona represents an average user.
D. a persona represents the elastic user.
Answer» A. a primary persona needs their own interface

Which of the following is the most likely interface metaphor used by a smart phone calendar function?

A. restaurant menu
B. touchscreen interface
C. a paper diary
D. mobile technology
Answer» C. a paper diary

When desk-checking an algorithm, you should set up a table that contains           .

A. one column for each input item
B. one column for each output item
C. one column for each processing item
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Factors that effect speed of screen reading can be reduced using

A. brightened displays
B. less words per screen
C. colorful display
D. negative contrast
Answer» D. negative contrast

Which of the following is the estimated amount of time required to complete a task, based on a weighted average of pessimistic, optimistic, and expected duration?

A. minimal duration
B. earliest completion
C. weighted average duration
D. most likely duration
Answer» D. most likely duration

Regarding gear-up accidents:

A. pilots frequently lowered the landing gear instead of the flaps after take-off.
B. lt. alphonse chapanis dicovered the cause of the problem in 1975.
C. the flap control knobs were replaced by beer tap handles.
D. shape-coded wheel and flap controls are still used today.
Answer» D. shape-coded wheel and flap controls are still used today.

Human speed of reading text is higher at

A. tablet screen reading
B. mobile screen reading
C. book reading
D. computer screen reading
Answer» C. book reading

Which of the following is not a factor in the failure of the systems developments projects?

A. failure of systems integration
B. size of the company
C. continuation of a project that should have been cancelled
D. inadequate user involvement
Answer» B. size of the company

Positive testing is

A. running the system with line data by the actual user
B. testing changes made in an existing or a new program
C. is checking the logic of one or more programs in the candidate system
D. making sure that the new programs do in fact process certain transactions according to specifications
Answer» D. making sure that the new programs do in fact process certain transactions according to specifications

Evaluation done during design to check that product continues to meet users'needs are known as                       evaluation

A. summative
B. formative
C. relative
D. qualitative
Answer» B. formative

                          is the least technical way of collecting data, but it can be difficult and tiring to write and observe at

A. audio recording.
B. taking notes.
C. observation
D. video
Answer» B. taking notes.

               is particularly useful early in design. It is excellent technique to use with the prototype, because it provid

A. aco-discovery
B. active intervention
C. splendid research
D. none of the given
Answer» B. active intervention

Evaluations done during design to check that product continues to meet user’s needs are known as The primary interactive method of communication used by human is …….

A. formative
B. summative
C. relative
D. none of the given
Answer» A. formative

Desktop applications fit into                             categories of posture. Goal-oriented context scenarios are                             task-oriented than key path Scenario

A. two
B. three
C. four
D. five
Answer» C. four

There can only be one                     persona per interface for a product What are the most common things you do with the product is a type of                 .

A. primary secondary supplemental customer goal-oriented question. system-oriented questiworkflow-oriented question. attitude-oriented question.
Answer» A. primary secondary supplemental customer goal-oriented question. system-oriented questiworkflow-oriented question. attitude-oriented question.

An observational study:

A. provides insight into how hardware is used.
B. . is a formative evaluation method.
C. involves time-consuming manual analysis of user sessions.
D. . can reach a wide subject group.
Answer» C. involves time-consuming manual analysis of user sessions.

Affordances are:

A. the range of possible (physical) actions by a user on an artefact
B. the costs of buying user interface components.
C. . the completion times for a typical task
D. what user wants.
Answer» A. the range of possible (physical) actions by a user on an artefact

A diary study:

A. involves self-reporting of activities by users.
B. provides insight into how hardware is used.
C. is a summative evaluation method.
D. involves time-consuming manual analysis of user sessions.
Answer» A. involves self-reporting of activities by users.

Paper prototypes:

A. . describe choices and results verbally
B. implement just simple algorithms.
C. simulate screen and dialogue elements on paper.
D. are manipulated during a thinking aloud test by the facilitator.
Answer» C. simulate screen and dialogue elements on paper.

Regarding Augment/NLS:

A. it had the first practical implementation of hypertext links.
B. it was the first use of the mouse.
C. it used a pixel-based raster display
D. all of the above.
Answer» D. all of the above.

Concerning competitive analysis:

A. . two groups of usability testers compare their results for the same interface.
B. it is used for usability benchmarking.
C. it is an online between-groups experiment
D. represents a particular type of user.
Answer» B. it is used for usability benchmarking.

In a heuristic evaluation:

A. a group of usability experts judges an interface with a detailed checklist of guidelines.
B. a group of test users conducts a formal experiment.
C. a group of usability experts reviews a user interface according to a small set of general principles
D. all of the above
Answer» C. a group of usability experts reviews a user interface according to a small set of general principles

Regarding a formal experiment:

A. objective measurements are made.
B. a larger number of test users is needed.
C. a fully implemented system is required.
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Thinking aloud testing:

A. slows down the user by about 17%
B. cannot provide performance data.
C. is a formative evaluation method.
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Cognitive Walkthrough:

A. is a summative evaluation method.
B. is performed by a single evaluator, who walks through a typical task.
C. focuses explicitly on learnability.
D. not with action sequence
Answer» C. focuses explicitly on learnability.

In a co-discovery test:

A. the user works togther with the facilitator
B. two users explore an interface together.
C. nothing shows issue.
D. a structured walkthrough discovers problems.
Answer» B. two users explore an interface together.

What are the pros (advantages) when using questionnaires as opposed to interviews?

A. easy to analyse and compare.
B. easy to repeat.
C. can reach a wide subject group.
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

When conducting an investigation with human participants for research or commercial reasons, which provision(s) for consent must be made?

A. approval of the research by a properly constituted ethics committee independent of the researchers.
B. participants informed they do not have to take part if they do not want to
C. participants fully informed of their right to withdraw from the investigation without consequences to them
D. all of the above.
Answer» D. all of the above.

Rolf Molich’s Comparative Usability Evaluation (CUE) studies:

A. show there is a large amount of overlap between findings from different teams.
B. show that usability testing finds all known problems.
C. show many teams found more problems than they chose to report.
D. use the common industry format (cif) for usability reports.
Answer» C. show many teams found more problems than they chose to report.

akes to explain an interface to a new user. T F 4. Which of the following are advantages of using platform conventions during interface design:

A. users can run the same software on different platforms.
B. users can load documents created by different applications
C. users can transfer knowledge as they move between applications.
D. users can apply logical constraints between applications
Answer» C. users can transfer knowledge as they move between applications.

Which statement best reflects interaction design?

A. interaction design is a new discipline
B. interaction design is multidisciplinary
C. interaction design combines the disciplines of software engineering and psychology
D. interaction design is an application of common sense
Answer» B. interaction design is multidisciplinary

According to Quintanar (1982) how do users rate an interface/system that gives them personalised feedback?

A. they rate it as more honest
B. they rate it as less honest
C. they rate it as more likeable
D. they rate it as less likeable.
Answer» B. they rate it as less honest

Which of the following options best represents the core values of user-centred design, as originally articulated by Gould & Lewis (1985)?

A. focusing on users and their tasks in the design process
B. measuring progress towards usability goals throughout development
C. developing and testing in several cycles
D. all of the above.
Answer» D. all of the above.

Which of the following steps is NOT the process of defining the interaction Framework?

A. defining form factor and input methods
B. defining images and maps
C. defining functional and data elements
D. constructing key path scenarios
Answer» B. defining images and maps

User personas that are not primary or secondary are             personas.

A. served
B. supplemental
C. customer
D. negative
Answer» B. supplemental

                           Research can tell you about what, how, many and why in rich, multivariate detail.

A. quantitative
B. qualitative
C. sme
D. none of these
Answer» B. qualitative

What is the fundamental insight underlying the "cognitive walk through" method of evaluation?

A. processes are the most important aspect of the user experience
B. the idea that users can sometimes be left out of the evaluation
C. the idea that users earn by exploring an interface
D. the idea that experts need to work hand in hand with useers to develop an optimal user experience
Answer» C. the idea that users earn by exploring an interface

Which of the following is a design implication of our understanding of human attention?

A. the same kinds of distinctions that a person would feel in the world
B. information than is needed at the present moment for the user
C. text should be legible and distinguishable from its background under different lighting conditions
D. sounds should be audible and distinguishable in the user
Answer» B. information than is needed at the present moment for the user

        environments are environments that are user and context aware.

A. non-attentive
B. visual
C. sensing
D. attentive
Answer» D. attentive

Main element
Issue, position and arguments
Which design rationale suite the characteristic above?

A. issue-based information system
B. design space analysis
C. psychological design rationale
D. graphical design rationale
Answer» A. issue-based information system

                       suggests identifying goals and questions first before selecting techniques for the study

A. rvm model
B. decide framework
C. usability testing
D. field study
Answer» B. decide framework

                             applications are great platforms for creating an environment rich, in visual feedback for the user.

A. sovereign
B. transient
C. auxiliary
D. daemonic
Answer» A. sovereign

                     is like the building name for a website.

A. site id
B. navigation
C. section
D. none of the given
Answer» A. site id

                       is the process of selecting things to concentrate on, at a point in time, from the range of possibilities available.

A. perception and recognition
B. attention
C. learning
D. none of these
Answer» B. attention

The type of ganglion cells that enables the early detection of image movement are called

A. x-cells
B. y-cells
C. z-cells
D. a-cells
Answer» B. y-cells

Which of the following are recognised kinds of prototype:

A. interactive sketches.
B. conceptual models.
C. beta versions.
D. easy understanding
Answer» A. interactive sketches.

Regarding the knowledge required for precise behaviour:

A. it can be distributed partly in the constraints of the head.
B. it can be distributed partly in the head & world.
C. it can only be distributed using instructions
D. it can only be distributed using labels.
Answer» B. it can be distributed partly in the head & world.

The standard line length given by scientists for equally legible is

A. 2.1 to 5.3 inches
B. 2.3 to 5.2 inches
C. 2.2 to 5.3 inches
D. 2.5 to 3.2 inches
Answer» B. 2.3 to 5.2 inches

The human machine processor include some rules that governs the system behavior under certain constraints is called

A. principles of control
B. principles of operation
C. principles of management
D. principles of behavior
Answer» B. principles of operation

The optical illusion used in designs effects page

A. borders
B. composition
C. symmetry
D. asymmetry
Answer» C. symmetry

In the following data set, which number is the mode? 4 5 5 5 6 7 8 8

A. 5
B. 5.5
C. 6
D. none of the above.
Answer» A. 5

Which of the following' is NOT a characteristic of good test data?

A. should be comprehensive
B. every statement should be executed
C. users do not participate at this preliminary stage
D. expected output from the module\s execution should be determined manually
Answer» C. users do not participate at this preliminary stage

Which of the following are not the components of the HCI approach to design?

A. tasks
B. humans
C. usability
D. technology
Answer» B. humans

Which one of these would not be found in a good HCI?

A. icons that can have specific meanings
B. common shortcuts, like ctrl+z for undo.
C. sounds that convey meanings.
D. a long command line to achieve a function
Answer» D. a long command line to achieve a function

Which of the following statements is true?

A. a good ui design doesn’t save money as it is expensive
B. bad ui design doesn’t really affect the reputation of the company
C. a good ui design saves time and effort
D. the ui design doesn’t matter as long as the product is great
Answer» C. a good ui design saves time and effort

Which of the following is not true of a good design:

A. everything designed has an explicit criteria such that the design is useful and usable
B. everything is designed keeping a vague context in mind
C. both of the above
D. none of the above
Answer» B. everything is designed keeping a vague context in mind

What are the goals of a good design?

A. utility
B. effectiveness
C. efficiency
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Which of the following should an HCI expert take care of while designing aproduct?

A. you can make as many assumptions as possible
B. if it\s not obvious to the users, it’s always their fault
C. you should not think yourself as a typical userd.
D. the end user is never a beginner
Answer» D. the end user is never a beginner
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