290+ Usability Engineering Solved MCQs


Which one of these would NOT be found in a good Human Computer Interaction?

A. common short cuts, like ctrl+z for undo
B. icons that can have specific meanings
C. a long command line to achieve a function
D. sounds that convey meanings
Answer» C. a long command line to achieve a function

Conventional wisdom says that tell the user when he has made some mistake. How do you identify the user in the usability engineering lifecycle?

A. program crash
B. system stuck
C. error messages
D. metadata
Answer» C. error messages

In a heuristic evaluation ……………………

A. a group of usability expert judges an interface with a detailed checklist of guidelines
B. a group of test users conducts a formal experiment
C. a group of psychologists administers a questionnaire
D. a group of usability experts reviews a user interface according to a small set of general principles
Answer» B. a group of test users conducts a formal experiment

The primary interactive method of communication used by human is …….

A. reading
B. writing
C. speaking
D. listening
Answer» C. speaking

Identify from among the following the attribute of usability.

A. learnability
B. usefulness
C. generalizability
D. subjective satisfaction
Answer» A. learnability

Unlike traditional observation, guided observation ………………..

A. set a strict guidelines for session activities
B. reduces error introduced by the experimenter
C. sets strict guidelines for session length
D. includes some interaction with participants
Answer» B. reduces error introduced by the experimenter

A persona in the context of goa- oriented interaction design ………..

A. is used to role-play through an interface design
B. is a real person
C. represents a particular type of user
D. should represent an average user
Answer» A. is used to role-play through an interface design

Which of the following fields is not an influence on Human Computer Interaction (HCI)?

A. ergonomics
B. cognitive psychology
C. computer science
D. all of the above are an influence on hci
Answer» D. all of the above are an influence on hci

The name of the document should be shown on the application’s ………………

A. menu bar
B. title bar
C. tool bar
D. status bar
Answer» B. title bar

is the best example for design.

A. view
B. model
C. analyzing
D. none
Answer» B. model

What is the benefit of good design

A. positive effect or performance
B. success
C. both a & b
D. none
Answer» C. both a & b

Study of how computer works together and to satisfy for accurate results is known as

A. good design
B. hci
C. bad design
D. all the above
Answer» B. hci

When users are involved in complex tasks, the demand on                       can be significant.

A. short-term memory
B. shortcuts
C. objects that appear on the screen
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» A. short-term memory

Which of the following option is not considered by the Interface design?

A. the design of interfaces between software components
B. interfaces between the software and human producers and consumers of information
C. the design of the interface between two computers
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» C. the design of the interface between two computers

What incorporates data, architectural, interface, and procedural representations of the software?

A. design model
B. user’s model
C. mental image
D. system image
Answer» A. design model

What establishes the profile of end-users of the system?

A. design model
B. user’s model
C. mental image
D. system image
Answer» B. user’s model

The cognitive walkthrough mainly evaluates a product's?

A. utility
B. efficiency
C. likeability
D. learnability
Answer» D. learnability

Providing accelerators (e.g. keyboard shortcuts) mostly addresses?

A. efficiency
B. learnability
C. attitude
D. utility
Answer» A. efficiency

A pluralistic walkthrough?

A. requires a fully functional prototype
B. is usually conducted at the end of the development process
C. is often conducted with low- fidelity designs
D. requires having several alternate designs
Answer» C. is often conducted with low- fidelity designs

Which of the following is general term for the technology capable of creating a virtual world with intense reality using the computer?

A. vr
B. ir
C. ar
D. or
Answer» A. vr

Which of the following corresponds to the computer interface technology that uses icon, etc?

A. cui
B. cai
C. gdi
D. gui
Answer» D. gui

Which of the following is the appropriate term to represent the processing mode in which computer user exchange information with the computer by selecting the icons displayed on the screen, and entering commands using the keyboard, adding human judgment to the information processing?

A. time sharing processing
B. online transaction processing
C. batch processing
D. interactive processing
Answer» C. batch processing

Which of the following does not include in Shneiderman's 8 golden rules?

A. support internal locus control
B. maintain the system frequently
C. permit easy reversal actions
D. offer informative feedback
Answer» B. maintain the system frequently

How many main categories of principles to support usability?

A. 5
B. 4
C. 6
D. 3
Answer» D. 3

Which of the following is not a Model human processor?

A. the perceptual system
B. the cognitive system
C. the motor system
D. the memory system
Answer» D. the memory system

Which of the following does not belong to 9 heuristics?

A. provide clearly marked exits
B. easy to use
C. minimize user memory load
D. speak user language
Answer» B. easy to use

in a heuristic evaluation:

A. a group of psychologists administer a questionnaire
B. interface according to a small set of principles
C. a group of test users conduct a formal experiment
D. a group of usability experts judge an interface with a detailed checklist of guidelines
Answer» B. interface according to a small set of principles

Concerning the legibility of text:

A. . if lines are too long, the text is hard to read
B. all upper case improves reading speed.
C. a good font size for flowing text is 10 pt.
D. all upper case improves reading speed.
Answer» A. . if lines are too long, the text is hard to read

What is the best description of a conceptual model?

A. a high level description of how a system is organised and how it operates
B. interaction paradigms and interaction modes
D. the problem space faced by the designer when gathering user requirements
Answer» A. a high level description of how a system is organised and how it operates

Which is the best example of triangulation in data gathering?

A. collecting information about designer\s model, user\s mental model, and system image.
B. sing different theories with which to interpret data.
C. using multiple researchers in a user-centred evaluation.
D. collecting data from users in different ways with different methods.
Answer» D. collecting data from users in different ways with different methods.

Which of the following is a problem with low-level prototyping?

A. testers tend to comment on superficial aspects and not content.
B. they take too long to build.
C. user expectations can be set too high.
D. none of the above.
Answer» D. none of the above.

The sensitivity of cones to blue light results into

A. lower red acuity
B. lower red acuity
C. higher blue acuity
D. lower blue acuity
Answer» D. lower blue acuity

What is an affinity diagram?

A. a diagram showing the degree of connection between people in social networks
B. a diagram used to show people\s cultural affinities or sense of belonging to groups.
C. a diagram that organises individual ideas and insights into a hierarchy showing themes
D. a variant of a tag cloud that is generated from think- aloud protocols.
Answer» C. a diagram that organises individual ideas and insights into a hierarchy showing themes

Where would a card-based prototype best fit in the design process?

A. after conceptual design, before scenario design
B. after scenario design, before storyboarding.
C. after storyboarding, before low- level prototyping.
D. after low-level prototyping, before high-level prototyping.
Answer» C. after storyboarding, before low- level prototyping.

The following are examples of placing “knowledge in the world”:

A. showing an example of the required date format.
B. using previously entered values as defaults.
C. using shape coding for aircraft controls
D. all of the above.
Answer» D. all of the above.

Regarding user interface components:

A. vertically scrolling lists support single- item scrolling
B. a single row of tabs (property sheets) is a good user interface design.
C. . on the macintosh, the trash can was used to eject a diskette.
D. all of the above.
Answer» D. all of the above.

A task of developing a technical blueprint and specifications for a solution that fulfills the business requirements is undertaken in the following phase of the system development process

A. system initiation
B. system implementation
C. system analysis
D. system design
Answer» D. system design

Which of the following is NOT a category of entities?

A. concept
B. place
C. object
D. relationship
Answer» D. relationship

You are running a user test session and your participant wants to leave half way through the session. What do you do?

A. ask them to stay until the end as planned, so you can collect your data.
B. after ensuring they do not need medical help, let them leave, with your thanks.
C. offer them an incentive payment to encourage them to finish the
D. none of the above.
Answer» B. after ensuring they do not need medical help, let them leave, with your thanks.

The limits on the human ability to seen is set by the

A. loss of suppression
B. loss of oppression
C. loss of discrimination
D. loss of calibration
Answer» C. loss of discrimination

The user input in human computer interaction is occurred through

A. motor controls
B. experience
C. senses
D. education
Answer» C. senses

What is the best description of a conceptual model?

A. a high level description of how a system is organised and how it operates
B. interaction paradigms and interaction modes
C. the problem space faced by the designer when gathering user requirements
D. none of the above.
Answer» A. a high level description of how a system is organised and how it operates

The reading speed and accuracy is increased by reading familiar words based on

A. word shape
B. word color
C. word as single letter
D. word as character by character
Answer» A. word shape

The small region of retina where optic nerve enters the eye is called

A. fovea
B. blind spot
C. ligament
D. lens
Answer» B. blind spot

The user's vocal system is categorically used as

A. input control
B. processing control
C. memorization control
D. motor control
Answer» D. motor control

The ear of a human is further categorized into

A. two sections
B. three sections
C. four sections
D. five sections
Answer» B. three sections

The light sensitive part of an eye in human vision system is

A. lens
B. cornea
C. retina
D. rods
Answer» C. retina

What interaction paradigm did the Xerox Star use?

A. conversation
B. knowledge of a physical desktop
C. embedded computing
D. windows, icons, mouse, and pointer (wimp).
Answer» D. windows, icons, mouse, and pointer (wimp).

Select the best way of analysing qualitative user comments collected during a user tset

A. classify the comments into categories and count number of comments in each category
B. find the average and the standard deviation of the data and report it in the body of the report
C. use a scatterplot to graph users on the x axis and comments on the y axis.
D. look for critical incidents to report.
Answer» A. classify the comments into categories and count number of comments in each category

What are web analytics?

A. online methods for performing usability tests through the cloud.
B. web-based methods for performing analysis of video records and electronic logs of user interaction
C. web-based methods for performing statistical analysis of data, using tools such as spss
D. online methods for analysing and visualising patterns of visiting a website, viewing
Answer» D. online methods for analysing and visualising patterns of visiting a website, viewing

Which professional groups are most appropriately involved in preparation and performance of the classic kind of cognitive walkthrough?

A. end users and designers
B. designers and usability experts
C. usability experts and marketing personnel
D. designers and marketing personnel.
Answer» B. designers and usability experts

The analogy of the user in HCI is used as

A. requirements design system
B. system design
C. information processing system
D. system output
Answer» C. information processing system

Pressing the mouse button in the       ?       object allows you to drag the document within the window boundaries.

A. button
B. text
C. label
D. header
Answer» B. text

The term "physical reception" of stimulus actually describes the

A. infinite capabilities of human
B. skills of human vision
C. unlimited human vision
D. limitation of human vision
Answer» D. limitation of human vision

Rolf Molich’s Comparative Usability Evaluation (CUE) studies:

A. show there is a large amount of overlap between findings from different teams.
B. show many teams found more problems than they chose to report.
C. use the common industry format (cif) for usability reports.
D. show that usability testing finds all known problems.
Answer» B. show many teams found more problems than they chose to report.

Regarding the measurement of usability attributes:

A. reliability is measured by performing common use cases
B. . sample expert users are needed to measure efficiency.
C. learnability is determined by measuring the time it takes to explain an interface to a new user.
D. none of these
Answer» B. . sample expert users are needed to measure efficiency.

Which of these are usability inspection methods?

A. action analysis
B. heuristic evaluation
C. cognitive walkthrough
D. all of the above.
Answer» D. all of the above.

Exploratory Evaluation:

A. explores the potential design space for new designs.
B. involves collecting process data.
C. a special kind of goal.
D. is a usability inspection method.
Answer» A. explores the potential design space for new designs.

What are the pros (advantages) of a heuristic evaluation?

A. all known problems are found
B. 3 evaluators find 80% of all known problems
C. usable early in development
D. costly
Answer» C. usable early in development

In general, a pilot test is intended to:

A. discover gear-up accidents with aircraft landing gear.
B. discover unrealistic time estimates for tasks.
C. discover effective equipment.
D. determine an alternative set of tasks for testing
Answer» B. discover unrealistic time estimates for tasks.

:                     capture the non-verbal dialogue between artifact and user over time.

A. persona
B. scenario
C. dialogue
D. design model
Answer» B. scenario

Explanatory undo is, generally, a much more pleasant feature than             .

A. single undo
B. multiple undo
C. blind undo
D. incremental undo
Answer» C. blind undo

Browser Title always contains the word ‘              ’.

A. home
B. default
C. error
D. browser
Answer» A. home

Conventional wisdom says that tell the user when he has made some mistake.

A. program crash
B. system stuck
C. error messages
D. metadata
Answer» C. error messages

How do you identify the user in the usability engineering lifecycle?

A. draw up a user profile
B. run a thinking aloud test
C. assume the role of an apprentice learning from the master craftsman
D. observe representative users
Answer» D. observe representative users

In a heuristic evaluation ……………………

A. a group of usability expert judges an interface with a detailed checklist of guidelines
B. a group of test users conducts a formal experiment
C. a group of psychologists administers a questionnaire
D. a group of usability experts reviews a user interface according to a small set of general principles
Answer» B. a group of test users conducts a formal experiment

& are the main functions of GUI.

A. pointing & selecting
B. selecting & executing
C. pointing & editing
D. none of these
Answer» A. pointing & selecting

Conventional wisdom says that                   tell the user when he has made some mistake.

A. program crash
B. system stuck
C. error messages
D. metadata
Answer» C. error messages

What are valid kinds of working prototype, along the dimensions of features and funtionality?:

A. vertical prototype
B. scenario prototype
C. horizontal prototype
D. all of the above.
Answer» D. all of the above.

The test materials for a usability test should include:

A. oriental script
B. data connection form
C. debriefing topic guide
D. personality questionnaire
Answer» C. debriefing topic guide

The human perception in reading process is the part of

A. saccades
B. fixations
C. regressions
D. suppression
Answer» B. fixations

The simple model of human interaction was proposed in

A. 1990
B. 1989
C. 1983
D. 1988
Answer» C. 1983

The characteristic of a software that enable it to be used multiple times is called

A. reusable
B. useful
C. usable
D. used
Answer» A. reusable

The ratio of brightness of the color is defined as

A. contrast
B. saturation
C. intensity
D. hue
Answer» C. intensity

What is the most important property that a prototype should have?

A. it should support a wide range of user tests.
B. it should look like the final product.
C. it should allow the key design concepts to be tested with users.
D. it should be easy to throw away.
Answer» C. it should allow the key design concepts to be tested with users.

What was an important feature of the process by which the Mobiphos photograph sharing application (Patel et al., 2009) was evaluated?

A. agile programming methods were interlaces with iterative user testing.
B. four different data gathering techniques were used.
C. participatory design was used.
D. vibrations indicated the arrival of new photos in the application.
Answer» B. four different data gathering techniques were used.

The optical illusion used in designs effects page

A. symmetry
B. composition
C. borders
D. asymmetry
Answer» A. symmetry

All of the following are the project management causes of failed projects, except

A. lack of organization’s commitment to the system development methodology
B. lack of project documentation
C. premature commitment to a fixed budget and schedule
D. failure to adopt to business change
Answer» B. lack of project documentation

If you are taking lecture and suddenly you hear music or voices from the other room. It is called?

A. focused attention
B. divided attention
C. voluntary attention
D. involuntary attention
Answer» D. involuntary attention

                      refers to how good a system at doing What it is supposed to do?

A. safety
B. usability
C. efficiency
D. effectiveness
Answer» D. effectiveness

                 applications are great platforms for creating an environment rich, in visual feedback for the user.

A. sovereign
B. transient
C. auxiliary
D. daemonic
Answer» A. sovereign

               is the remarkable facility that lets us reverse a previous action.

A. redo
B. undo
C. repeat
D. delete
Answer» B. undo

Conventional wisdom says that tell the user when he has made some mistake.

A. program crash
B. system stuck
C. error messages
D. metadata
Answer» C. error messages

The field of HCI                      

A. is a brunch of computer engineering
B. involves very little applied knowledge
C. focuses on the study of human behavior on the basis of pschology
D. attempts to understand and shape the way people interact with computers
Answer» D. attempts to understand and shape the way people interact with computers

he Usability Engineering involve three phase EXCEPT:

A. requirement analysis
B. implementation
C. installation
D. design, testing, and development
Answer» A. requirement analysis

                     plays a role to bridge up the gape between the interfaces of machines and human understanding.

A. human
B. computer
C. human computer interaction
D. none of these
Answer» C. human computer interaction

A                   is usually a collection of icons those are reminiscent of the purpose of the various modes.

A. button
B. pointer
C. title bar
D. palette
Answer» D. palette

What do you enjoy most about your job (or lifestyle) is an example of                   .

A. avoidance
B. motivation
C. exceptions
D. attitude-oriented questions
Answer» B. motivation

Waterfall model is basically a                    model in which each step must be completed before the next step can be started

A. incremental
B. linear
C. iterative
D. analytical
Answer» B. linear

Which of the technique evaluates design on how well it supports user in learning task

A. heuristik evaluation
B. cognitive walkthrough
C. model-based evaluation
D. review based evaluation
Answer» A. heuristik evaluation

i. Touch
ii. Smell
iii. Sound
iv. Instinct

A. i, ii and iii
B. i, iii and iv
C. i, ii and iv
D. ii, iii and iv
Answer» A. i, ii and iii

in a heuristic evaluation:

A. a group of psychologists administer a questionnaire
B. a group of usability experts review a user interface according to a small set of principles
C. a group of test users conduct a formal experiment
D. a group of usability experts judge an interface with a detailed checklist of guidelines
Answer» B. a group of usability experts review a user interface according to a small set of principles

When users are involved in complex tasks, the demand on                      can be significant.

A. short-term memory
B. shortcuts
C. objects that appear on the screen
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» A. short-term memory

Which of the following option is not considered by the Interface design?

A. the design of interfaces between software components
B. the design of interfaces between the software and human producers and consumers of information
C. the design of the interface between two computers
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» C. the design of the interface between two computers

There can only be one                    persona per interface for a product

A. primary
B. secondary
C. supplemental
D. customer
Answer» A. primary

What are the most common things you do with the product is a type of                 .

A. goal-oriented question.
B. system-oriented question.
C. workflow-oriented question.
D. attitude-oriented question.
Answer» B. system-oriented question.

Which of these are attributes of usability?

A. usefulness
B. generalisability
C. reliability
D. learnability
Answer» D. learnability

In human vision, the light into a sharp image is been focused by

A. rods
B. lens
C. retina
D. cones
Answer» B. lens

The division of visual perception process of human is in total

A. 1 stage
B. 2 stages
C. 3 stages
D. 4 stages
Answer» B. 2 stages

Backup and recovery procedures are primarily implemented to

A. to provide data redundancy
B. to show different versions of data and programs
C. handle the contingency when a file gets corrupted
D. all of the above
Answer» C. handle the contingency when a file gets corrupted
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