3300+ Topic-wise solved MCQs for:
Bachelor Multimedia Communication (BMMC)

  1. 1. Advertising
  2. 2. Audio Recording and Editing
  3. 3. Basic Numerical Skills
  4. 4. Basics of Audio and Video Media
  5. 5. Communication Media
  6. 6. Computer Graphics basic (CG)
  7. 7. Creativity and Design skills
  8. 8. Design and Pagination
  9. 9. Digital Photography
  10. 10. Electronic Media Production
  11. 11. Entrepreneurship Development (ED)
  12. 12. Fundamentals of Multimedia
  13. 13. Fundaments of Web Designing
  14. 14. General Informatics
  15. 15. Introduction to Cinema
  16. 16. Introduction to Communication
  17. 17. Introduction to Computer
  18. 18. Introduction to Videography
  19. 19. Media laws and Ethics
  20. 20. Media Publishing
  21. 21. Multi Media Journalism and E-Content Development
  22. 22. Photo Journalism
  23. 23. Scripting for Media
  24. 24. Video Recording and Editing
  25. 25. Web Media
  26. 26. Writing Good English

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