90+ Digital Photography Solved MCQs


In 1829, Niepce and Louis Mande Daguerre formed a partnership to work together on the improvement of ___________________

A. heliography
B. camera obscura
C. black maria
D. none of these
Answer» A. heliography

Wet collodion process was invented in________

A. 1899
B. 1851
C. 1877
D. 1890
Answer» B. 1851

In the late________, flexible film appeared for the first time, replacing clumsy and heavy glass plates

A. 1880s
B. 1877s
C. 1921s
D. 1888s
Answer» A. 1880s

Kodak Camera was invented by__________________

A. george eastman
B. edison
C. lumiere brothers
D. none of these
Answer» A. george eastman

Rules of third

A. camera handling rule
B. composition rule
C. rules of lighting
D. none of the above
Answer» B. composition rule


A. sensor
B. lens
C. shutter
D. flash
Answer» A. sensor


A. focusing
B. cloning
C. exposing
D. making image sharper
Answer» C. exposing

Depth of Field

A. area in front and behind of subject.
B. zooming capacity of lens
C. frame size of the lens
D. view finder dimension
Answer» A. area in front and behind of subject.

General Character of SLR Camera

A. interchangeable lens
B. fixed lens with optical zoom
C. no image sensors
D. auto focus
Answer» A. interchangeable lens

ISO number in film

A. film speed rating
B. quality standard number
C. internal system number
D. aperture order number
Answer» A. film speed rating

Amount of light that falls in to the sensor of the camera

A. exposure
B. white balance
C. depth of field
D. three point lighting
Answer» A. exposure


A. international organization for standardization
B. indian optical standards
C. internal office system
D. information of standards
Answer» A. international organization for standardization

A Digital Image is made up of thousands of

A. pixels
B. bitmap
C. resolution
D. vector images
Answer» A. pixels


A. single lens reflex
B. semi lens reflector
C. system linear remote
D. specification of lens range
Answer» A. single lens reflex

Camera modes

A. portrait
B. lens
C. view finder
D. focal length
Answer» A. portrait


A. controls the size of the hole
B. controls speed of shoot
C. controls ccd
D. none of the above
Answer» A. controls the size of the hole

ISO Number

A. sensitivity of the film to light
B. serial no of film
C. frame no. of film
D. none of the above
Answer» A. sensitivity of the film to light

shutter speed

A. control exposure timing
B. control light,
C. control resolution
D. none of the above
Answer» A. control exposure timing

Ambient light

A. available light at surrounding
B. backlight
C. artificial light
D. none of the above
Answer» A. available light at surrounding


A. lens automatically focus
B. manual focus
C. view finders focus
D. none of the above
Answer» A. lens automatically focus

Back lighting

A. light from the foreground
B. light behind camera
C. light behind the object
D. none of these
Answer» C. light behind the object

Candid pictures

A. posed picture
B. un posed picture
C. group photo
D. none of the above
Answer» B. un posed picture


A. camera container
B. film container
C. flash container
D. none of the above
Answer» B. film container

Colour noise

A. acuracy of signals
B. disturbance
C. vibration
D. none of the above
Answer» A. acuracy of signals


A. arrangements of camera parts
B. pleasing arrangements of elements
C. focusing
D. none of the above
Answer» B. pleasing arrangements of elements

Contact Print

A. exposing contact with negative
B. digital printing
C. screen printing
D. none of the above
Answer» A. exposing contact with negative

Double exposure

A. exposing two times
B. two images printed in paper
C. consecutive exposure
D. none of the above
Answer» B. two images printed in paper


A. light sensitive gelatin
B. developing chemical
C. digital ink
D. none of the above
Answer» A. light sensitive gelatin


A. back ground light
B. additional light to soften
C. natural light
D. none of the above
Answer» B. additional light to soften


A. coloured piece of glass
B. a mesh
C. muslin cloth
D. none of the above
Answer» A. coloured piece of glass

Flat lighting

A. high contrast
B. little contrast
C. for shadow
D. none of the above
Answer» B. little contrast

Focal length

A. distance between film and centre of lens
B. distance between foreground and background
C. distance between object and film.
D. none of the above
Answer» A. distance between film and centre of lens


A. area between lens and sensor
B. area between camera and object
C. area between photographer and camera
D. none of the above
Answer» B. area between camera and object

___________________ has been defined as taking of photographs to provide a record of social and political situations with the aim of conveying information.

A. documentary photography
B. wild life photography
C. travel photography
D. sports photography
Answer» A. documentary photography

Long distance photography is facilitated by_______________________________

A. visible light
B. x-rays
C. infra-red rays
D. ultra violet rays
Answer» C. infra-red rays

A ‘bleeding’ picture is one that is

A. without borders
B. badly printed
C. streaked due to exhausted developer
D. note of these
Answer» A. without borders

Visible light occurs between

A. 3000 and 8000 angstrom
B. 3000 and 7000 angstrom
C. 4000 and 7000 angstrom
D. none of these
Answer» C. 4000 and 7000 angstrom

The Camera Obscura was first recorded in

A. 400bc
B. 1600 ad
C. 1800 ad
D. 800 ad
Answer» A. 400bc

A Camera Lucida is

A. an artists aid
B. an early box camera
C. a type of rangefinder camera
D. none of these
Answer» A. an artists aid

Which of the following parts of the eye are the most colour sensitive

A. the rods
B. the cones
C. the iris
D. the retina
Answer» B. the cones

The world’s oldest surviving photograph was taken in

A. 1826
B. 1836
C. 1846
D. 1889
Answer» A. 1826

The first Canon camera was released in

A. 1930
B. 1935
C. 1940
D. 1923
Answer» B. 1935

What is a ‘dolly’?

A. a heavy tripod
B. a remote flash
C. a camera case
D. none of these
Answer» A. a heavy tripod

What was the first camera to be used on the moon?

A. liecaflex sl mot
B. hasseblad 500el hec
C. mamiya rb67
D. none of these
Answer» B. hasseblad 500el hec

A Candela is a measure of light

A. wavelength
B. temperature
C. intensity
D. none of these
Answer» C. intensity

When was the first ever colour photograph taken?

A. 1861
B. 1881
C. 1901
D. 1900
Answer» A. 1861

Lenses are usually coated with

A. magnesium fluoride
B. sodium fluoride
C. zinc fluorite
D. none of these
Answer» A. magnesium fluoride

Visible spectrum of the light has a wavelength in the range of:

A. 1000 to 4000 ao
B. 4000 to 7000 ao
C. 7500 to 12500 ao
D. 12500 to 30000 ao
Answer» B. 4000 to 7000 ao

Luminous flux is:

A. the rate of energy radiation in the form of light waves
B. the part of light energy radiated from light source
C. measured in lux
D. both a and c
Answer» A. the rate of energy radiation in the form of light waves

Candela is the unit of:

A. illumination
B. luminous intensity
C. luminance
D. light energy
Answer» C. luminance

Sky appears to be blue because of:

A. radiation of light over dust particles
B. reflection of light over dust particles
C. refraction of light over dust particles
D. scattering of light over dust particles
Answer» D. scattering of light over dust particles

Candle power is:

A. the luminous flux emitted by the source per unit solid angle
B. the part of the light energy radiated by the sun that is received by earth
C. measured in lux
D. none of the above
Answer» B. the part of the light energy radiated by the sun that is received by earth

An object which appears to be red to the eyes absorbs:

A. blue radiation
B. violet radiation
C. green radiation
D. absorbs all the above radiation
Answer» D. absorbs all the above radiation

. Which of the following colour has the wavelength between blue and yellow:

A. violet
B. orange
C. red
D. green
Answer» D. green

Which of the materials is most commonly used for the filaments in the incandescent lamps:

A. tungsten
B. tin
C. silver
D. asbestos
Answer» A. tungsten

The expected life of an incandescent lamp is about:

A. 100 hours
B. 200 hours
C. 500 hours
D. 1000 hours
Answer» D. 1000 hours

‘Camera’ is actually a Latin word meaning

A. picture box
B. room
C. light box
D. none of the above
Answer» B. room

The world’s first photographic portrait studio was opened in

A. 1840
B. 1850
C. 1860
D. 1870
Answer» A. 1840

The world’s first all electric photographic studio was opened in

A. 1877
B. 1897
C. 1917
D. 1887
Answer» A. 1877

Incident light

A. falls on the subject
B. is reflected from the subject
C. backlights the subject
D. none of these
Answer» A. falls on the subject

Who coined the term ‘photography’?

A. fox talbot
B. nicephore niepce
C. sir john herschel
D. none of these
Answer» C. sir john herschel

What is a photon?

A. a particle of light energy
B. a measure of light energy
C. a stream of light energy
D. none of these
Answer» A. a particle of light energy

What type of development process does Kodachrome need?

A. additive
B. subtractive
C. dye replacement
D. none of these
Answer» B. subtractive

Your print needs 8 seconds at f5.6 (in a diffuser enlarger). You decide to use f11, what is your new exposure?

A. 16 seconds
B. 24 seconds
C. 32 seconds
D. none of these
Answer» C. 32 seconds

What was Roger Fenton famous for?

A. war photography
B. founding the royal photographic society?
C. both
D. none of these
Answer» C. both

When was the first proper flashbulb invented?

A. 1920
B. 1925
C. 1930
D. none of these
Answer» B. 1925

What is a ‘magic lantern’?

A. a slide projector
B. an early enlarger
C. a flashbulb
D. none of these
Answer» A. a slide projector

Your negative is very weak with very little shadow detail. Why?

A. under exposure and under development
B. under exposure and over development
C. over exposure and over development
D. none of these
Answer» A. under exposure and under development

What is ‘posterization’?

A. extreme tone separation
B. partial image reversal
C. total image reversal
D. none of these
Answer» A. extreme tone separation

David Seyour was the founder of which group?

A. f64
B. societe heliographique
C. magnum
D. none of these
Answer» C. magnum

Which camera (from around 1984) used solar energy to assist the batteries?

A. nikon fa
B. ricoh xr-s
C. pentax lx
D. none of these
Answer» B. ricoh xr-s

Your black and white print has mottled tones despite full development. Why?

A. old paper
B. contaminated stop bath
C. exhausted fixer
D. none of these
Answer» A. old paper

What is ‘chiaroscuro’?

A. a lens aberration
B. a light and shade effect
C. warped negative film
D. none of these
Answer» B. a light and shade effect

What temperature should colour film be developed at?

A. 95 degrees celsius
B. 100 degrees celsius
C. 105 degrees celsius
D. none of these
Answer» B. 100 degrees celsius

Daylight colour film is balanced for light at

A. 3200 k
B. 3400 k
C. 5400 k
D. 3000 k
Answer» C. 5400 k

Circles of confusion are most prominent in

A. mirror lens
B. zoom lens
C. fisheye lens
D. none of these
Answer» A. mirror lens

Magenta is a combination of

A. red and blue light
B. red and green light
C. blue and green light
D. none of these
Answer» A. red and blue light

Panchromatic film is sensitive to

A. all light
B. all light bar red
C. all light bar green
D. none of these
Answer» A. all light

Parallax error is due to

A. your flash mis-timing
B. viewing and taking lenses being separate
C. flaws in ultra wide angle lenses
D. none of these
Answer» B. viewing and taking lenses being separate

What is the angle of view on a fisheye lens?

A. 180 degrees
B. 225 degrees
C. 270 degrees
D. 290 degrees
Answer» A. 180 degrees

Focus finders are found in

A. studios
B. darkrooms
C. cameras
D. none of these
Answer» B. darkrooms

The light source that casts sharp, well define shadows is called ___________________

A. fill light
B. set light
C. hard light
D. none of these
Answer» D. none of these

Rule of thirds is a concept related to _____________________

A. trimming
B. composition
C. tracking
D. lighting
Answer» B. composition

MFD stands for ________________

A. minimum focusing distance
B. maximum focusing
C. distance minimum focusing direction
D. none of the above
Answer» A. minimum focusing distance

Wide angle lens

A. focal length is smaller
B. focal length is longer
C. large size of the lense
D. none of the above aspect ratio
Answer» A. focal length is smaller

key light

A. principle illuminator
B. back light
C. soft light
D. none of the above
Answer» A. principle illuminator


A. point of view
B. picture of vision
C. photographs of visual
D. none of the above
Answer» A. point of view

An image editing software.

A. pagemaker
B. ms-word
C. photoshop
D. all of the above
Answer» C. photoshop

Which colour mode is used for digital Image

A. cmyk
B. hsb
C. pantone
D. rgb
Answer» D. rgb

The early photographic process involving an emulsion coated onto a glass plate

A. dry plate
B. silver plate
C. platinum dry plate
D. none of these
Answer» A. dry plate

A photographic process developed by inventor William Henry Fox Talbot in 1853 that allowed him to make multiple copies of a positive image from a single “negative.”

A. stroboscope
B. calotype
C. zoetrop
D. none of these
Answer» B. calotype

________________ is a process developed by French physicist Joseph Niepce in 1816 that produced a positive copy of an engraving by exposing a glass plate coated with asphaltlike substance

A. texography
B. heliography
C. developing
D. none of these
Answer» B. heliography

_____________ is a photographic image made without a camera ,generally by contact printing object placed directly on the photographic paper.

A. photogram
B. photo testing
C. photo sketching
D. none of these
Answer» A. photogram

Edison is considered the father of movie studio. His studio was known as ______________

A. edison parlour
B. film strip parlour
C. black maria
D. black edison
Answer» C. black maria

The first shot is a man looking up. The second shot is a low angle shot of a high rise apartment. The second shot is a _____________________________shot

A. long shot
B. mid – shot
C. extreme long shot
D. point - of – view
Answer» D. point - of – view

The light source that casts sharp, well define shadows is called ____________________

A. key light
B. fill light
C. set light
D. hard light
Answer» D. hard light

A camera mounting that straps the camera to the body of the operator to keep the recorded image reasonably steady is known as _______________________

A. steadicam
B. sturdycam
C. studycam
D. none of the above
Answer» A. steadicam

Rule of thirds

A. rule of composition
B. rule of camera fixing
C. rule of editing
D. rule of art direction
Answer» A. rule of composition
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