130+ Writing Good English Solved MCQs


‘She is a good dancer’. This is an example of

A. assertive sentence
B. imperative sentence
C. exclamatory sentence
D. interrogative sentence
Answer» A. assertive sentence

‘I like him’ this sentence has the structure

A. subject + intransitive verb
B. subject + transitive verb + direct object
C. subject + transitive verb + indirect object + direct object
D. subject + transitive verb + direct object + adjective
Answer» B. subject + transitive verb + direct object

Choose the correct reported speech of the given direct speech.

A. he said that he had never seen her in his life.
B. he denied that he had never seen her in his life
C. he denied that he had ever seen her in his life
D. he said that he had ever seen her in his life.
Answer» C. he denied that he had ever seen her in his life

We saw no one there, _____?

A. shall we
B. did we
C. don’t we
D. none of these
Answer» B. did we

He might be there, _____?

A. mightn’t he
B. did he
C. didn’t he
D. mayn’t he
Answer» A. mightn’t he

Communication is successful when

A. receiver the information
B. sender communicate with clarity
C. both the sender and receiver understands the same information
D. both the sender and receiver uses the same medium.
Answer» C. both the sender and receiver understands the same information

The situation in which message is delivered is the

A. source
B. context
C. medium
D. channel
Answer» B. context

_____ people trying to get into the football stadium

A. there were too much
B. there were too many
C. it was too many
D. there was too many.
Answer» B. there were too many

I _____ her birthday and I ______ to know make it up to her

A. completely forgot ----- don’t just know
B. forgot completely ----- don’t just know
C. completely forget ---- just don’t know
D. forget completely ----- just don’t know
Answer» C. completely forget ---- just don’t know

------ they slept carefully

A. hot though was the night air
B. hot though the night air was
C. hot the night air was
D. hot although the night air was
Answer» B. hot though the night air was

If he ____ a chance of success, he ____ to move to London

A. will have ------ good need.
B. will have ----- will need
C. were to have ----- will need
D. were to have ----- would need
Answer» D. were to have ----- would need

our teacher gave us ------ problem to solve

A. a very impossible
B. a complete impossible
C. an absolutely impossible
D. an extremely impossible
Answer» C. an absolutely impossible

who ----- was coming to see me this morning

A. you said
B. did you say
C. did you say that
D. did you say
Answer» B. did you say

----- what to do this weekend

A. what you
B. which do you
C. what do you
D. what do you do
Answer» C. what do you

Communication requires

A. accuracy
B. fluency
C. appropriacy
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

She ------ the piano for three years.

A. will have been learning
B. had learnt
C. will learn
D. has been learning
Answer» D. has been learning

This is the first time I ----- your city.

A. visited
B. have visited
C. had visited
D. was visiting
Answer» A. visited

Choose the correct sentence

A. not any force was needed to make them move
B. no force was needed to make them move
C. none force was needed to make them move
D. none of the above.
Answer» B. no force was needed to make them move

Choose the correct sentence

A. it is a difficult to say word
B. it is an identical to mine car
C. it is a difficult word to say
D. it is identical to mine car
Answer» C. it is a difficult word to say

Choose the correct sentence

A. i have just bought a wooden beautiful coffee table.
B. i have just bought a beautiful coffee table wooden
C. i have just bought a coffee table wooden beautiful
D. i have just bought a beautiful wooden coffee table.
Answer» D. i have just bought a beautiful wooden coffee table.

Choose the correct sentence

A. how big piece you want
B. how significant role did he play in your life
C. he is not as good player as he used to be
D. she was as patient a teacher as any one could have had.
Answer» D. she was as patient a teacher as any one could have had.

Speaking skill is the function of ---- sense

A. lingual
B. understanding
C. listening
D. channel
Answer» A. lingual

Speaking listening is ------of communication

A. medium
B. channel
C. comprehension
D. understanding
Answer» B. channel

Pronunciation is related to the ----

A. vocabulary
B. speaking
C. intonation
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Reading involves the sequence

A. content-expression
B. expression-content
C. both the above
D. none of these
Answer» B. expression-content

Objective of oral reading is

A. correct pronunciation
B. keeps attentive
C. helps in understanding
D. all the above.
Answer» D. all the above.

Language laboratory is used for developing

A. speaking skill
B. pronunciation
C. both the above
D. none of these
Answer» C. both the above

Characteristic of good writing is

A. uniformity
B. legibility
C. simplicity
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Which of the following are receptive skills

A. reading and writing
B. writing and understanding
C. listening and reading
D. none of these
Answer» C. listening and reading

First and foremost quality of a language is its

A. native quality
B. objective aspect
C. communicative aspect
D. cultural aspect
Answer» C. communicative aspect

Basic skills of language are

A. writing , teaching, learning and speaking
B. reading, writing, teaching and speaking
C. listening speaking, learning and writing
D. listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Answer» D. listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Learning of a language depends completely on its --------

A. teaching or teacher
B. understanding or comprehension
C. learning or understanding
D. learning or teaching.
Answer» B. understanding or comprehension

Two types of listening are

A. focused and usual
B. unusual and casual
C. casual and usual
D. casual and focused.
Answer» D. casual and focused.

Two types of reading methods are

A. synthetic and practical
B. synthesis and analyses
C. analytical and synthetic
D. analytic and practical
Answer» C. analytical and synthetic

Communication needs a

A. sender
B. receiver
C. channel
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Choose the correct sentence

A. my uncle lives in upstairs
B. he resembles his brother
C. we must do our duty
D. he called me as fool
Answer» C. we must do our duty

It’s incredible news. I can’t believe it.

A. the news is such incredible that i can’t believe it
B. it is such incredible news that i can’t believe it
C. both a and b are correct
D. none of these.
Answer» B. it is such incredible news that i can’t believe it

Choose the correct sentence

A. rita as well as her friends go for a film.
B. rita as well as her friends also go for a film.
C. rita as well as her friends goes for a film
D. rita and her friends goes for a film.
Answer» C. rita as well as her friends goes for a film

If Rema came late Swathi ----------- angry

A. would be
B. will be
C. would have been
D. had been
Answer» A. would be

I would not deny the offer if I ------ you

A. am
B. were
C. was
D. had been
Answer» B. were

If I ---- a car, I would drive it my self

A. had
B. have
C. am having
D. would have
Answer» A. had

What type of sentence is this

A. complex
B. compound
C. simple
D. none of these
Answer» C. simple

Ling worked on her story while the noisy children played

A. compound
B. complex
C. simple
D. none of these
Answer» A. compound

Example for a sentence with split infinitive in

A. to go boldly where no one has gone before
B. steve decided quickly to remove amy’s cat
C. we are determined to completely and utterly eradicate the disease
D. none of these.
Answer» C. we are determined to completely and utterly eradicate the disease

People will laugh at you if you wear that silly hat

A. people will laugh at you if your were worn that silly hat
B. you will be laughed at if that silly hat is worn
C. you will be laughed at if that silly hat you wear
D. wearing silly hat will make people laught at you.
Answer» B. you will be laughed at if that silly hat is worn

One must abide by one’s promise

A. one’s promise must be abided
B. one’ s promise must be abided by
C. one’s promised must be abided by
D. one’s promised must be abided.
Answer» C. one’s promised must be abided by

Have they agreed up on a plan

A. has a plan been agreed up on
B. has the plan been agreed up on
C. have a plan been agreed
D. have a plan been agreed.
Answer» A. has a plan been agreed up on

He is ---- in Delhi

A. generally
B. seldom
C. enough
D. very much.
Answer» B. seldom

I can ---- hear what you say.

A. not yet
B. hardly
C. seldom
D. else.
Answer» B. hardly

Pick out the incorrect part.

A. unless you
B. do not come here
C. i shall not
D. help you
Answer» B. do not come here

None but the brave ----- the honour

A. deserve
B. deserves
C. deserving
D. deserved
Answer» B. deserves

‘Sweet are the uses of adversity’. This is an example of

A. interrogative sentence
B. assertive sentence
C. exclamatory sentence
D. none of these
Answer» B. assertive sentence

He slept for an hour. The verb in this sentence is

A. transitive
B. intransitive
C. monotransitive
D. ditransitive
Answer» B. intransitive

‘They made him the manager’. In this the verb is

A. monotransitive
B. ditransitive
C. complex transitive
D. compound transitive
Answer» C. complex transitive

‘Hari wanted to play tennis’. The infinitive is

A. bare infinitive
B. passive infinitive
C. to-infinitive
D. split infinitive
Answer» C. to-infinitive

John is easy to please. The infinitive is

A. bare infinitive
B. passive infinitive
C. to infinitive
D. split infinitive
Answer» B. passive infinitive

You ------ and it is getting in my nerves

A. always are contradicting me always
B. contradict me always
C. contradicted me always
D. are always contradicting me
Answer» D. are always contradicting me

------- you were going to phone, I’d have stayed at home

A. had i known
B. if i knew
C. did i know
D. i had but known
Answer» A. had i known

------ and I’m out of work

A. i’ve give the sack
B. the sack has given me
C. i’ve been given the sack
D. the sack has been given me
Answer» C. i’ve been given the sack

They’re vegetarians ----- they don’t eat meat or fish.

A. the fact that means that
B. that is that
C. which is that
D. which means that
Answer» B. that is that

------- I wasn’t hungry

A. already eating
B. already eaten
C. having already eaten
D. i had already eaten
Answer» C. having already eaten

Over the last six months ----- how to play the flute?

A. i have been learning
B. i’m learning
C. i am learning
D. was learning
Answer» A. i have been learning

You ----- drink alcohol when you drive

A. don’t
B. didn’t need to
C. don’t have to
D. mustn’t
Answer» D. mustn’t

Newspapers ----- have to say who provided their information

A. mustn’t
B. don’t
C. needn’t
D. none of these
Answer» B. don’t

Why don’t we go out for a meal?

A. is a criticism
B. is a suggestion
C. is persuading some one
D. is showing surprise
Answer» B. is a suggestion

Can’t you play that trumpet somewhere else?

A. is a suggestion
B. is persuading some one
C. is a criticism
D. is showing surprise
Answer» C. is a criticism

Pick out the correct sentence

A. unless it rains, i’ll pick you up at 6.00
B. until it rains, i’ll pick you up at 6.00
C. unless it will rain, i’ll pick you up at 6.00
D. none of these
Answer» A. unless it rains, i’ll pick you up at 6.00

Fortune faours the brave is in

A. simple present tense
B. simple past tense
C. future tense
D. present perfect
Answer» A. simple present tense

He just returned from office is in

A. simple present tense
B. past perfect tense
C. present perfect tense
D. present perfect continues
Answer» C. present perfect tense

He confessed that he was guilty. Convent into simple sentence

A. he confessed his guilty
B. he confessed his crime
C. he confessed he was guilty
D. none of these
Answer» B. he confessed his crime

Silver is more plentiful than gold. (Begin Gold is ..)

A. gold is plentiful than silver
B. gold is less plentiful than silver
C. gold is less plenty than silver
D. gold is plenty than silver
Answer» B. gold is less plentiful than silver

The benefits of writing are -------

A. vehicle for communication
B. intellectual exercise
C. assessment tool
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

The most influential model of the writing process is

A. morgan and murray model
B. mcgrath and watson model
C. cook and munroe model
D. flower and hayes model
Answer» D. flower and hayes model

Effective writing fulfills -------

A. writers intention
B. audience needs
C. strategies for invention
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Recursive process means ------

A. composing a linear process
B. moving back and forth among the stages of writing process
C. direct and indirect references
D. none of the above
Answer» B. moving back and forth among the stages of writing process

Which is the correct order of the writing process

A. revising, drafting, editing, pre writing
B. prewriting, drafting, revising, editing
C. drafting, revising, prewriting, editing
D. prewriting, editing, revising, drafting
Answer» B. prewriting, drafting, revising, editing

Reviewing a work is ------

A. drafting
B. revising
C. editing
D. prewriting
Answer» B. revising

The prewriting strategies include ------

A. reading
B. dialogue
C. inquiry
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Talking and free writing are helpful strategies for ------

A. drafting
B. pre writing
C. editing
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

The greatest tool, the word processor is used for -----

A. drafting
B. revising
C. pre writing
D. none of the above
Answer» A. drafting

The writing process helps the students to

A. connect their thoughts
B. deeper their content knowledge
C. communicate with others
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Elements of effective assessment includes ------

A. clarity
B. variety
C. sound pedagogy
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Portfolio’s are ------

A. collection of works gathered over time
B. students informal and formal writing
C. responses to reading
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Proof reading means -----

A. get feedback from readers
B. outline
C. correct typographical errors
D. all the above
Answer» C. correct typographical errors

The worst time moving from planning to drafting is

A. brain freeze
B. writer’s block
C. both a and b
D. none of the above
Answer» C. both a and b

Write the fullform of APA

A. american psychological association
B. asian psychological association
C. american philosophical association
D. asian philosophical association
Answer» A. american psychological association

The visual approach helps to generate subtopics is known as

A. webbing
B. mapping
C. clustering
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

How can you order your ideas in the writing process a

A. chronological order
B. the order of importance
C. spatial orders
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Helps to arrange the ideas in a logical sequence is --------

A. paragraphing
B. lay out
C. word processing
D. outlining
Answer» D. outlining

A paper which is persuasive as it argues a thesis is known as ----

A. a research paper
B. term paper
C. seminar paper
D. none of the above
Answer» A. a research paper

A paper which is expository, as it shows or tells is -----

A. research paper
B. a newspaper
C. a term paper
D. all the above
Answer» C. a term paper

A specific issue being discussed in a research papers is -------

A. topic
B. hypothesis
C. objective
D. none of the above
Answer» A. topic

The general content of a research paper is ------

A. methodology
B. subject
C. sample
D. hypothesis
Answer» B. subject

The central point proving in the research paper is ------

A. theses statement
B. sample selected
C. tools used
D. none of the above
Answer» A. theses statement

Expand the term ERIC

A. essential resources for international centres
B. educational resources information center
C. educational research and center
D. none of the above
Answer» B. educational resources information center

Subtitles are generally used for -----

A. textual versions of the dialogue
B. commentary in film
C. television programmes
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

What is SDF

A. software document folder
B. software document file
C. system design file
D. none of the above
Answer» A. software document folder

The method of project reporting should be -----

A. favourable,
B. scientific
C. personal
D. ethical and attractive
Answer» B. scientific

The main part of a project report is -------

A. title page
B. trunk region
C. posterior region
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

The justifiable scientific list of all references is called -------

A. index
B. bibliography
C. references
D. neobook reference
Answer» C. references
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