6100+ Topic-wise solved MCQs for:
Bachelor of Tourism Studies (BTS)

  1. 1. Air Fare and Ticketing
  2. 2. Cultural Heritage of India
  3. 3. Cultural History and Tourism Resources of Kerala
  4. 4. ECO-Tourism
  5. 5. Economics and Banking for Tourism Management
  6. 6. English for Careers
  7. 7. Financial Accounting
  8. 8. Fundamentals of Tourism
  9. 9. Geography for Tourism
  10. 10. Historical Background of Tourism Centers in South India
  11. 11. Hospitality Management and Public Relations
  12. 12. Human Resource Management (HRM)
  13. 13. Indian Constitution and Civic Consciousness
  14. 14. Management information system
  15. 15. MICE Tourism
  16. 16. Negotiation and Guiding Skills for Tourism
  17. 17. Principles of Internation Business for Tourism
  18. 18. Principles of Management
  19. 19. Statistics for Tourism Business
  20. 20. Strategic Tourism Management and Entrepreneurial Development
  21. 21. Tourism Environment and Ecology
  22. 22. Tourism Law and Regulatory Framework
  23. 23. Tourism Marketing
  24. 24. Tourism Policy and Planning
  25. 25. Tourism Products
  26. 26. Travel Agency and Tour Operation
  27. 27. Web Design and Online Business for Tourism

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