Chapter: Introduction to HRM

HRM is concerned with the ------------------- in the organisation.

A. company
B. people
C. industry
D. society
Answer» B. people

HRM can be understood as a process of

A. processing
B. developing
C. maintaining people
D. all the above
Answer» C. maintaining people

HRM is an art of

A. preparation of a task
B. coordinating middle management
C. helping top management
D. managing people
Answer» D. managing people

Why are employers interested in employee engagement?

A. to encourage employees to trust their manager.
B. to make a quick profit
C. to make employees work harder for less
D. because engaged employees are more motivated and prepared to give their best to
Answer» D. because engaged employees are more motivated and prepared to give their best to

HR policy makes employees

A. train for future positions
B. better person /worker
C. a knowledgeable person
D. all the above
Answer» A. train for future positions

Healthy HRM practices can help the organization

A. to reduce the disputes/ conflicts
B. to increase the promotional opportunities
C. to realize the employees
D. to maintain cardinal relationship
Answer» D. to maintain cardinal relationship

------------------practices teach individuals team work and adjustment.

A. personnel management
B. effective human resource
C. employee welfare
D. healthy, safety and welfare
Answer» B. effective human resource

When industrial development increased by HR, it also stimulates

A. organizational modifications
B. economy
C. technology
D. socio cultural change
Answer» B. economy

HR also focuses on

A. physical and emotional capital
B. the confident of employees
C. communication styles of the workers
D. attitude of the worker
Answer» D. attitude of the worker

___________ is the art and science.

A. labour legislation
B. human resource management
C. allotment of right job to right one
D. all of the above
Answer» B. human resource management

The scope of the HRM start from the

A. manpower needs
B. organizational needs
C. social needs
D. industry welfare
Answer» A. manpower needs

____________ influence the financial wealth of the organization.

A. technological conditions
B. social conditions
C. political conditions
D. economical conditions
Answer» D. economical conditions

____ is the major strategy of our country's HR focused to face the foreign organization.

A. challenge the competition
B. focus on product
C. recruitment of employees from other country
D. none of the above
Answer» A. challenge the competition

Human Resource Management is the process of

A. recruitment and selection
B. analyzing the skills
C. workforce utilization
D. none of the above
Answer» A. recruitment and selection

Management in HRM refers to

A. labour unions
B. proper and maximum utilization of resources
C. top management
D. operations management
Answer» B. proper and maximum utilization of resources

The core purpose of HRM is

A. select the right person for the task
B. satisfaction of employees
C. safety of employees
D. make efficient purpose of existing hr
Answer» D. make efficient purpose of existing hr

Which of the following is not a function normally performed by the HR department?

A. employee relation
B. training and development
C. accounting
D. recruitment and selection
Answer» C. accounting

The role of HR director is

A. solving the disputes
B. extension of plan
C. administration
D. training and development
Answer» C. administration

The perspective for the need of HR is

A. select the legal employee
B. promote the skill employee
C. distinguishing the features of employees
D. to right person for the right job
Answer» D. to right person for the right job

HRM is

A. inter - related
B. inter dependent
C. interacting
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

The skill and talents of HR

A. need an opportunity
B. obtained by the management
C. exemplified
D. represented
Answer» C. exemplified

__________ practices will help to overcome the HR promotions.

A. employment
B. economic
C. innovative
D. cultural changes
Answer» C. innovative

_____ is the big problem for every organization.

A. recruiting and selecting
B. attracting and retaining
C. performance appraisal
D. promotion and transfer
Answer» B. attracting and retaining

The name of the facilitator in the HR department.

A. people\s champion
B. supervisor
C. chief executive
D. leader
Answer» A. people\s champion

HRM policy is

A. place of action
B. a decision making
C. is a mission
D. all the above
Answer» A. place of action

HRM policies lies in

A. an organization value
B. philosophy
C. concepts and principles
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Human resource policies are

A. mitigate the company\s risk of liability
B. increase the benefit
C. reduce the labour turnover
D. none of the above
Answer» A. mitigate the company\s risk of liability

HRD will develop the

A. executive development
B. strategic development
C. planning and decision making
D. organizational and personal skills
Answer» D. organizational and personal skills

HRD deals with functions such as

A. career development
B. mentoring
C. coaching
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

A key HR role in the firm will be multidisciplinary consulting around.

A. individual
B. team
C. business unit
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

The alignment of the HRM function with organizational goals is referred to as:

A. an hr balanced scorecard
B. strategic human resources management (strategic hrm)
C. concreteness or congruence
D. human resources program evaluation
Answer» B. strategic human resources management (strategic hrm)

HR Accounting is a systematic method of

A. identifying cost involved in hr
B. value of hr
C. worth of hr
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above
Chapter: Performance Appraisal, Training and development

_____________ can be promoted for the top level job.

A. potential employees
B. legal employees
C. skilled employees
D. trained employees
Answer» A. potential employees

Why are employers interested in employee engagement?

A. to encourage employees to trust their manager.
B. to make a quick profit
C. to make employees work harder for less
D. because engaged employees are more motivated and prepared to give their best to make the firm
Answer» D. because engaged employees are more motivated and prepared to give their best to make the firm

Employee training requires to meet

A. job requirement
B. job enhancement
C. job analysis
D. job enrichment
Answer» A. job requirement

What is Harmonious relationship at workplace?

A. friendly in nature
B. pleasing and consistent
C. cordial and available
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Sending employees for higher studies.

A. process of appraisal
B. process of selection
C. motivation
D. learning and development
Answer» D. learning and development

The actual achievements compared with the objectives of the job is

A. job performance
B. job evaluation
C. job description
D. none of these
Answer» A. job performance

Job evaluation is based on the:

A. complexity of the job to perform
B. conceptual skill required by the job
C. relative job worth for an organization
D. physical skills required by the job
Answer» A. complexity of the job to perform

______________ is a performance measure of both efficiency and effectiveness.

A. organisational behaviour
B. organisational citizenship
C. employee productivity
D. none of these
Answer» C. employee productivity

Which performance appraisal methods consumes a lot of time?

A. essay method
B. rating scales
C. critical incident
D. tests and observation
Answer» B. rating scales

Which of the following is a benefit of employee training?

A. improves morale
B. helps people identify with organisational goals
C. provides a good climate for learning, growth and co - ordination
D. none of these
Answer» B. helps people identify with organisational goals

Which of the following is a method used in group or organisational training needs assessment?

A. consideration of current and projected changes
B. rating scales
C. interviews
D. questionnaires
Answer» D. questionnaires

Which of these is a hindrance to effective training?

A. career planning workshop
B. aggregate spending on training is inadequate
C. mentoring
D. career counselling
Answer» B. aggregate spending on training is inadequate

Which of the forecasting technique is the fastest?

A. work study technique
B. flow models
C. ratio trend analysis
D. hr demand forecast
Answer» C. ratio trend analysis

The focuses of psychological appraisals are on ______________.

A. future potential
B. actual performance
C. past performance
D. none of these
Answer» A. future potential

What techniques are used while analysing the internal supply?

A. inflows and outflows
B. turnover rate
C. conditions of work and absenteeism
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

Which of these is one of the seven criteria for assessing performance?

A. community service
B. interpersonal contact
C. need for supervision
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

Training increases the employees

A. market value
B. earning power
C. job security
D. all of these
Answer» B. earning power

______________ refers to the learning opportunities designed to help employees grow.

A. training
B. development
C. education
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

Which of these is an off - the - job training method?

A. television
B. job rotation
C. orientation training
D. coaching
Answer» C. orientation training

Which of the following is a barrier while doing human resource planning?

A. hr information often is incompatible with the information used in strategy formulation
B. implementing human resource information system
C. managing inventories
D. supply forecast
Answer» A. hr information often is incompatible with the information used in strategy formulation

How does training and development offer competitive advantage to an organisation?

A. removing performance decencies
B. individuals have the aptitude and motivation to learn
C. deficiency is caused by a lack of ability
D. none of these
Answer» A. removing performance decencies

Which of the below given options is a pre - requisite for an effective incentive system?

A. increased need for planning
B. co-operation of workers
C. management\s commitment to the cost and time necessary to administer incentive schemes
D. all of the these
Answer» D. all of the these

What are the pre - requisites for successful human resource planning?

A. backing of top management
B. personal records must be complete
C. techniques of planning should be the best
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

Performance development plan is set for the employee by his immediate boss.

A. employer
B. department head
C. immediate boss
D. none of these
Answer» C. immediate boss

The process of providing the trainees the information about their performance.

A. feedback
B. observation
C. suggestion
D. research
Answer» A. feedback

The test which compare employee performance with job requirements ______________.

A. selection test
B. preference test
C. achievement test
D. simulation
Answer» B. preference test

Which of the following helps the employee to improve their efficiency?

A. development
B. training.
C. promotion.
D. transfer.
Answer» B. training.

Dispute between employees at different levels in an organization is known as ______________.

A. horizontal conflict
B. over all conflict.
C. vertical conflict
D. organizational conflict.
Answer» C. vertical conflict

A kind of future oriented training ______________.

A. employee training
B. employee development
C. employability
D. employee potential
Answer» B. employee development

Picking up suitable candidates by rejecting the unsuitable ______________.

A. recruitment
B. training
C. selection
D. development
Answer» C. selection

Performance appraisal refers to ______________ of an employee.

A. training.
B. placement.
C. assessment.
D. induction
Answer» C. assessment.

Employees can be appraisal against ______________.

A. relative standards
B. objective
C. absolute standards
D. group
Answer» A. relative standards

Sources of recruitment & methods, procedures, techniques for ______________.

A. selection.
B. promotion.
C. transfer.
D. training.
Answer» A. selection.

Movement of an employee from one job to another.

A. job enlargement
B. retrenchment
C. job rotation
D. job design
Answer» C. job rotation

Rotation is otherwise called as ______________.

A. replacement transfer
B. shift transfer
C. versatility transfer
D. remedial transfer
Answer» C. versatility transfer
Chapter: The E-HR

HR shared service includes

A. recruitment function
B. customer care service
C. payroll function
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

The poor quality of selection will mean extra cost on _______ and supervision.

A. training
B. recruitment
C. work quality
D. none of the above
Answer» A. training

Which of these is the most important external factor governing recruitments?

A. sons of soil
B. labour market
C. unemployment rate
D. supply and demand
Answer» D. supply and demand

Which of the following act deals with recruitment and selection?

A. child labour act
B. the apprentices act
C. mines act
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

How many stages does the recruitment process comprise of?

A. 2
B. 6
C. 9
D. 5
Answer» D. 5

___________ express the relationship of applicant inputs to outputs at various decision points.

A. number of contacts
B. yield ratios
C. type of contacts
D. technological sophistication
Answer» B. yield ratios

Which of the following are the decisions to be made while devising the strategies to hire?

A. geographic distribution of labour markets comprising job seekers
B. make or buy employees
C. sequencing the activities in the recruitment process
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Which decision in strategy development relates to the methods used in recruitment and selection?

A. sources of recruitment
B. technological sophistication
C. sequencing the activities in the recruitment process
D. make or buy employees
Answer» B. technological sophistication

Choose the odd man out.

A. acquisitions and mergers
B. radio and television
C. former employees
D. advertisements
Answer» C. former employees

What is the natural perception of people on the process of recruitment and selection?

A. positive
B. negative
C. both positive and negative
D. none of the above
Answer» A. positive

What is the main objective of the recruitment and selection process?

A. recruit the right candidates
B. meet the high labour turnover
C. to reduce the costs of recruiting
D. none of the above
Answer» B. meet the high labour turnover

e-HRM stands for

A. electronic
B. economic
C. equal
D. none of these
Answer» A. electronic

What are the main aims of Employee Assistance Programmes?

A. to alter the organizational culture.
B. to address team and individual performance and well-being in the workplace.
C. to focus the attention of employees to the power structures of an organization.
D. to establish effective methods of care and support for everyone in an organization
Answer» D. to establish effective methods of care and support for everyone in an organization

Scope of the HRM includes __

A. retirement and separation of employees
B. hr training and development
C. industrial relations
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Recruitment and selection must be effective to ensure it:

A. offsets high labour turnover
B. delivers the highest calibre of individuals at optimum most
C. to have a surplus in case of sickness and absence
D. encourages new blood into the organization
Answer» B. delivers the highest calibre of individuals at optimum most

Competencies are the

A. knowledge
B. skills
C. behaviour
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

WAB's Refers to ______________

A. weighted allotment blanks
B. weighted application blanks
C. weighted average blanks
D. weighted assimilation blanks
Answer» B. weighted application blanks

Halo Effect is related with ______________.

A. performance appraisal
B. wage & salary administration
C. selection
D. transfer
Answer» C. selection

Whatever an individual does, there is always some amount of ______________ on him.

A. satisfaction
B. stress
C. profit
D. benefit
Answer» B. stress

Division of work to take the advantage of ______________.

A. discipline
B. specialization
C. aptitude
D. productivity
Answer» B. specialization

Activities that prepare employee for future responsibility ______________.

A. inducement
B. development
C. education
D. motivation
Answer» B. development

What did the whitely councils establish?

A. tripartite employee relations
B. collective bargaining framework
C. trade union
D. employer associations
Answer» A. tripartite employee relations

Recruitment is one of the HR ______________ function.

A. acquisition
B. development
C. maintenance
D. compensation
Answer» A. acquisition

A collection of several tasks in sequence ______________.

A. group
B. duty
C. position
D. sharing
Answer» B. duty

Training helps to improve and give higher ______________.

A. productivity
B. mobility
C. viability
D. vitality
Answer» A. productivity

______________ is the ideal or target to achieve through higher productivity.

A. fair wages
B. minimum wages
C. living wages
D. normal wages
Answer» D. normal wages

Enriching jobs create

A. halo effect
B. snowball effect
C. negative effect
D. positive effect
Answer» B. snowball effect

______________ interview in which candidate is allowed to speak his mind freely.

A. non directed
B. structured
C. formal
D. depth
Answer» A. non directed
Chapter: Wages and Salary Administration

According to Taylor’s Differential plan, the worker is paid according to his?

A. degree of efficiency
B. degree of understanding
C. degree of flexibility
D. degree of loyality
Answer» A. degree of efficiency

How many components are there in remuneration?

A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
Answer» B. 5

Which of the following option is a component of remuneration?

A. fringe benefits
B. commitment
C. external equity
D. motivation
Answer» A. fringe benefits

What is the alternate name for incentives?

A. gratuity
B. paid holidays
C. payments by result
D. none of the above
Answer» C. payments by result

Which importance is emphasised by the reinforcement and expectancy theory?

A. person actually experiencing award
B. seeking to restore equality
C. holding identical jobs in the organisation
D. none of the above
Answer» A. person actually experiencing award
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