Chapter: Software Used in Accounting

What are the features of a computerized accounting system? Sol:

A. It facilitates off-line input and storage of accounting data
B. This system never fails
C. It generates a print-out of purchase and sale invoices
D. None of the above
Answer» C. It generates a print-out of purchase and sale invoices

What is not an advantage of a computerized accounting system. Sol:

A. High Speed
B. High Reliability
C. Reduced training cost
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Reduced training cost

What are the types of a computerized accounting system? Sol:

A. Ready to use Software
B. Customized Software
C. Tailor-made Software
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

What are the advantages of tailor-made software? Sol:

A. These are ready made softwares
B. Low cost
C. High secrecy of data
D. None of the above
Answer» C. High secrecy of data

What are the factors to be considered while source accounting software? Sol:

A. Flexibility
B. Adaptability
C. Interest of management
D. Both a & b
Answer» D. Both a & b

Ram want to install a computerised accounting system but his budget is low. Which
software he should opt for

A. Ready to use Software
B. Customized Software
C. Tailor-made Software
D. He can buy any of above, all cost same
Answer» A. Ready to use Software

If an organisation want to develop a computerised accounting system according to its need as the business of organisation is complex. Which software it should opt for :

A. Ready to use Software
B. Customized Software
C. Tailor-made Software
D. Any of above
Answer» C. Tailor-made Software

What are the features of computerized accounting software? Sol:

A. storage of accounting data and on-line input
B. instantly produces different reports
C. group different account
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The ……….of a vendor is also an important factor to consider while opting for a computerized accounting software

A. Level of profit
B. Honesty
C. Capability
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Capability

Software must be easy to……. Sol:

A. Install
B. Adapt
C. Understand
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Acounting Packages are developed on the basis of Sol:

A. Accounting concepts
B. Accounting conventions
C. Both Accounting concepts and Conventions
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Both Accounting concepts and Conventions

What type of Software is an Accounting Package? Sol:

A. System Software
B. Application Software
C. Utility Software
D. Basic
Answer» B. Application Software

The components of computerised accounting system are Sol:

A. Data, Report, Ledger, software, Hardware
B. Software, Hardware, People, Procedure, Data
C. Data, Coding, Procedure, Objective, Output
D. People, Procedure, Hard ware, software
Answer» B. Software, Hardware, People, Procedure, Data

Grouping of Accounts means the classification of data from: Sol:

A. Assets, Capital, and Liabilities
B. Assets, Capital, Liabilities, Revenues & Expenses
C. Assets, Owners equity, Revenue & Expenses
D. Capital, Liabilities, Revenues, & Expenses
Answer» B. Assets, Capital, Liabilities, Revenues & Expenses

Codification of Accounts required for the purpose of:

A. Hierarchical relationship between groups and components
B. Data processing faster and preparing of final accounts
C. Keeping data and information secured
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Hierarchical relationship between groups and components

Method of codification should be

A. Such that it leads to grouping of accounts
B. An identification mark
C. Easy to understand and leads to grouping of accounts
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Easy to understand and leads to grouping of accounts

Final account subsystem in Accounting Information System (AIS) deals with Sol:

A. Preparation of budgets
B. Preparation of Pay Roll
C. Preparation of Final Accounts
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Preparation of Final Accounts

Pick the odd one out Sol:

A. Password security
B. Data Audit
C. Data Bank
D. Data vault
Answer» C. Data Bank

Which among the following is an example of mnemonic codes? Sol:

A. AS03, AS04, AS05
B. 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928
D. 001-100, 101-200, 201-300, 301-400
Answer» C. ACC, ECO, ENG, MAL

Which among the following deals with generation of reports that are vital for management
decision making?

A. Costing sub system
B. Pay Roll Accounting Sub system
C. Budget Sub System
D. Management Information System
Answer» D. Management Information System

The need of codification is Sol:

A. Easy to process data
B. Keeping proper records
C. The generation of block codes
D. The encryption of data
Answer» D. The encryption of data

Choose the correct pair Sol:

A. Cash and Bank sub system – Deals with receipts and payments of cash
B. Inventory subsystem – deals with recording of sales
C. Payroll Accounting sub system – deals with the preparation of final accounts
D. Accounts receivable sub system – deals with expenses
Answer» A. Cash and Bank sub system – Deals with receipts and payments of cash

It refers to the system of recording, organising, summarising, analysing, interpreting and
communicating the financial data of a business.

A. Manual Accounting
B. Computerised Accounting
C. Auditing
D. Human Resource Accounting
Answer» B. Computerised Accounting

Following businesses generally require customised software: Sol:

A. Banking
B. Medical
C. Retail or point of Sale
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Features of computerised accounting system Sol:

A. Complete visibility
B. Fast, powerful, simple and integrated
C. Accuracy and speed
D. All of the above
Answer» B. Fast, powerful, simple and integrated

When different accounts are clubbed on the basis of some common characteristics that are shared by them, the concept is known as_______.

A. Asset
B. Liability
C. Income
D. Grouping
Answer» D. Grouping

_________ is the systematic assignment of number to items to classify and organise them. Sol:

A. Codification
B. Coding
C. Grouping
D. Recording
Answer» B. Coding

Most organisations use __________ for coding their accounts. Sol:

A. Block code
B. Block number
C. Block group
D. Block section
Answer» A. Block code

Computers can be used in accounting in different number of ways: Sol:

A. Utility in batch processing
B. Utility in Online/Interactive Processing
C. Utility in Wage/Payroll System
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Such systems also generate reports which allow the accounting professionals to have a proper view of different transactions in a comprehensive manner.

A. Enterprise Resource Planning software
B. Pre-packaged accounting software
C. Spreadsheet software
D. Customised accounting packages
Answer» B. Pre-packaged accounting software

This software is a package which is used for managing the entire organisation in a comprehensive.

A. Enterprise Resource Planning software
B. Pre-packaged accounting software
C. Spreadsheet software
D. Customised accounting packages
Answer» A. Enterprise Resource Planning software

The individual field in the sheet is known as a _________. Sol:

A. Row
B. Cell
C. Column
D. Group
Answer» B. Cell

Such kind of software offers various functionalities such as cell content, pivot table, formulas and macros.

A. Enterprise Resource Planning software
B. Pre-packaged accounting software
C. Spreadsheet software
D. Customised accounting packages
Answer» C. Spreadsheet software

The software may also allow for graphical rendering of data, which is useful for carrying
out analysis.

A. Enterprise Resource Planning software
B. Spreadsheet software
C. Pre-packaged accounting software
D. Customised accounting packages
Answer» B. Spreadsheet software

This is the kind of software which is specifically designed for meeting the requirements of
a particular business.

A. Enterprise Resource Planning software
B. Customised accounting packages
C. Pre-packaged accounting software
D. Spreadsheet software
Answer» B. Customised accounting packages

The components of Computerised Accounting System are : Sol:

A. Data, Report, Ledger, Hardware, Software
B. Data, People, Procedure, Hardware, Software
C. People, Procedure, Ledger, Data, Chart of Accounts
D. Data, Coding, Procedure, Rules, Output
Answer» B. Data, People, Procedure, Hardware, Software

The Computerised Accounting System refers to : Sol:

A. Printing of Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Accounts using computer
B. Processing of accounting transaction through computer and produce records and reports
C. Processing of accounting related data and printing reports
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Processing of accounting transaction through computer and produce records and reports

The components of Computerised Accounting System refers to :

A. Business transactions are analysed, transactions recorded, prepare trial balance, preparation of balance sheet and profit and loss account
B. From data entry to preparation of final statements
C. Transformation of manual accounting system to CAS
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Business transactions are analysed, transactions recorded, prepare trial balance, preparation of balance sheet and profit and loss account

The CAS should be Sol:

A. Simple and integrated, transparent, accurate, scalability, reliability
B. Complex, Accurate, Transparent, Faster to work
C. Able to transform the manual accounting system to computerised accounting system
D. None of the above.
Answer» A. Simple and integrated, transparent, accurate, scalability, reliability

A computer is an electric device Sol:

A. True
B. False
C. none
D. all
Answer» B. False

Control unit works as ___________ of the computer. Sol:

A. Monitor
B. Brain
C. Component
D. Part
Answer» B. Brain

Accounting standards issued by ICAI are mandatory in India. Sol:

A. True
B. False
C. none
D. all
Answer» A. True

Computer Accounting System is used for recording the financial transaction. Sol:

A. True
B. False
C. none
D. all
Answer» A. True

Which of the following is true statement for computerised accounting system? a. the computer accounting system is based on the concept of database. b. Computer accounting system does not away with the concept of creating and maintaining journals, ledger etc.

A. Only a
B. Only b
C. Both a and b
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Only a

Opening an account in a computerized accounting system is entirely different from opening an account in a manual system.

A. True
B. False
C. none
D. all
Answer» B. False

Creation of company is the first step in Computerized Accounting process. Sol:

A. True
B. False
C. none
D. all
Answer» A. True

Application softwares Sol:

A. Can operate on its own
B. Cannot operate without Operating Software
C. Both a and b
D. None of these
Answer» B. Cannot operate without Operating Software

Accounting software requires Sol:

A. Transactions to be entered once
B. Transactions to be entered at each stage i.e. recording and posting into accounts
C. Both a and b
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Transactions to be entered once

Accounting softwares available are Sol:

A. Readymade or off-the-shelf software
B. Tailor-made software
C. Customised Software
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

Which of the following software is not operating software? Sol:

B. Windows XP
C. MS Word
D. None of these
Answer» C. MS Word
Chapter: Final Accounts Charitable Trust

The public hospitals do not carry the activities with an intention of earning profits. Sol:

A. True
B. False
C. none
D. all
Answer» A. True

The Income and Expenditure Account is a summary of cash transactions. Sol:

A. True
B. False
C. none
D. all
Answer» B. False

The Income and Expenditure Account includes all revenue expenses and income
irrespective of its cash flow

A. True
B. False
C. none
D. all
Answer» A. True

The Income and Expenditure Account is always accompanied with a cash flow statement Sol:

A. True
B. False
C. none
D. all
Answer» B. False

The fees are collected only once at the time of admission of a member, hence Entrance Fees should be treated as 'Revenue Receipt'.

A. True
B. False
C. none
D. all
Answer» B. False

The fees received from life members is not a periodic subscription, hence are to be capitalized

A. True
B. False
C. none
D. all
Answer» A. True

) A Receipts and Payments Account is nothing but a summary of all capital receipts and payments.

A. True
B. False
C. none
D. all
Answer» B. False

Charitable Organizations promote welfare of the common man, in general Sol:

A. True
B. False
C. none
D. all
Answer» A. True

A Receipts and Payments Account record only non-cash items. Sol:

A. True
B. False
C. none
D. all
Answer» B. False

Receipts and Payments A/c is a summary of: Sol:

A. All Capital Receipts and Payments
B. All Revenue Receipts and Payments
C. All Revenue and Capital Receipts and Payments
D. None of the above
Answer» C. All Revenue and Capital Receipts and Payments

Out of the following items, which one is shown in the Receipts and Payments Account? Sol:

A. Outstanding Salary
B. Depreciation
C. Life Membership Fees
D. Accrued Subscription
Answer» C. Life Membership Fees

In case specific fund is maintained, the expenses exceeding the amount of the fluids, should be recorded on:

A. Liabilities side of the Balance Sheet
B. Debit side the Income and Expenditure Account
C. Credit side of the Income and Expenditure Account
D. Assets side of the Balance Sheet
Answer» B. Debit side the Income and Expenditure Account

All receipts from sale of consumable items are treated as: Sol:

A. Capital Receipts
B. Revenue Receipts
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of these
Answer» B. Revenue Receipts

Capital fund is calculated: Sol:

A. Income-Expenditure
B. Assets Liabilities
C. Capital + Liabilities
D. None of these
Answer» B. Assets Liabilities

Subscription received in advance during the current year is: Sol:

A. An income
B. An Asset
C. A liability
D. None of these
Answer» C. A liability

Balance of Income and Expenditure Account shows: Sol:

A. Cash in hand
B. Capital fund
C. Net Profit
D. Excess of Income over expenditure or vice versa
Answer» D. Excess of Income over expenditure or vice versa

Property received as a result of the will of the deceased person is called: Sol:

A. Lagacy
B. Honorarium
C. Donation
D. Subscription
Answer» A. Lagacy

Receipts and Payments Account usually indicates: Sol:

A. Surplus
B. Capital fund
C. Debit Balance
D. Credit Balance
Answer» C. Debit Balance

Income and Expenditure Account generally indicates: Sol:

A. Surplus/ deficit
B. Cash balance
C. Capital fund
D. Net profit/Loss
Answer» A. Surplus/ deficit

Donation received for a special purpose: Sol:

A. Should be credited to Income and Expenditure A/c
B. Should be credited to a separate account and shown in the Balance Sheet
C. Should be shown on the Assets side of the Balance Sheet
D. None of these
Answer» B. Should be credited to a separate account and shown in the Balance Sheet

In not-for-profit organisation, excess of expenditure over income is called : Sol:

A. Loss
B. Profit
C. Deficit
D. Surplus
Answer» C. Deficit

Which of the following is a non-profitable organisation ? Sol:

A. Jharkhand Academic Council
B. Tata Steel
C. Air India
D. Reliance
Answer» A. Jharkhand Academic Council

Income and Expenditure Account is preparedly : Sol:

A. Trending Organisation
B. Non-trading Organisation
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of these
Answer» B. Non-trading Organisation

Sale of old newspapers is: Sol:

A. Capital Receipt
B. Revenue Receipt
C. Asset
D. Profit
Answer» B. Revenue Receipt

Income and expenses related to the prize fund is shown in: Sol:

A. Income and Expenditure Account
B. Assets side of the Balance Sheet
C. Liabilities side of the Balance Sheet
D. Cash Account
Answer» A. Income and Expenditure Account

Which of the following is not a not-for-profit organisation: Sol:

A. School
B. Hospital
C. Club
D. Partnership Firm
Answer» D. Partnership Firm

Subscription received during the year 50,000 Rs. Subscriptions outstanding at the end of
the year 8,000 Rs. Subscription outstanding at the beginning of the year 6,000 Rs. Net Income
from subscription will be :

A. Rs 48000
B. RS 64000
C. RS 52000
D. RS 36000
Answer» C. RS 52000

In case specific fund is maintained, the expenses exceeding the amount of the funds, should be recorded on:

A. Liabilities side of the Balance Sheet
B. Debit side of the Income and Expenditure Account
C. Credit side of the Income and Expenditure Account
D. Assets side of the Balance Sheet
Answer» B. Debit side of the Income and Expenditure Account

Income and Expenditure Account is: Sol:

A. Personal Account
B. Real Account
C. Nominal Account
D. None of these
Answer» C. Nominal Account

Life Membership Fees received by a club is shown in : Sol:

A. Income and Expenditure A/c
B. Balance Sheet
C. Receipts and Payments A/c
D. None of these
Answer» B. Balance Sheet

Receipts and Payments Account is a : Sol:

A. Personal Account
B. Real Account
C. Nominal Account
D. None of these
Answer» B. Real Account

Income and Expenditure Account is prepared : Sol:

A. By Business Organisation
B. By Industrial Organisation
C. By Not-for-Profit Organisation
D. By All Organisations
Answer» C. By Not-for-Profit Organisation

Payment of honorarium to secretary is treated as : Sol:

A. Capital expenditure
B. Revenue expenditure
C. An income
D. None of these
Answer» B. Revenue expenditure

Outstanding subscription is a: Sol:

A. Income
B. Assets
C. (a) and (b) Both
D. None of these
Answer» C. (a) and (b) Both

Legacies should be treated as Sol:

A. A Liability
B. A Revenue Receipt
C. An Income
D. None of these
Answer» A. A Liability

The excess of assets over liabilities in non-trading concerns is termed as: Sol:

A. Capital Fund
B. Capital
C. Profit
D. Net profit
Answer» A. Capital Fund

For a non-trading concern, honorarium paid is: Sol:

A. An Income
B. An Assets
C. An Expense
D. None of these
Answer» C. An Expense

Entrance fees, unless otherwise stated, is treated as: Sol:

A. A Capital Receipt
B. A Revenue Income
C. A liability
D. None of these
Answer» B. A Revenue Income

Specific donation is: Sol:

A. Capital receipt
B. Revenue Receipt
C. Assets
D. Liabilities
Answer» A. Capital receipt

Income and Expenditure Account records transactions of: Sol:

A. Capital nature only
B. Revenue nature only
C. (a) and (b) both
D. None of these
Answer» B. Revenue nature only

Life membership fee received by a club is: Sol:

A. Revenue Receipt
B. Capital Receipt
C. (a) and (b)
D. None of these
Answer» B. Capital Receipt

All receipts of capital nature are shown in : Sol:

A. Income and Expenditure A/c
B. Balance Sheet
C. P. & L. A/c
D. None of these
Answer» B. Balance Sheet

All items of revenue in nature are shown in: Sol:

A. Income and Expenditure A/c
B. Balance Sheet
C. (a) and (b) both
D. None of these
Answer» A. Income and Expenditure A/c

Which of the following is not a not-for-profit organisation ? Sol:

A. College
B. Sports Club
C. Tata Automobiles
D. Hospital
Answer» C. Tata Automobiles

Subscriptions received in advance by a club are shown on……………..of the Balance

A. Assets Side
B. Liability Side
C. Credit Side
D. Debit Side
Answer» B. Liability Side

Which of the following is not an income ? Sol:

A. Subscription
B. Donation
C. Sale of ticket
D. Endowment Fund
Answer» D. Endowment Fund

Subscription received by an organisation is: Sol:

A. Capital Receipt
B. Revenue Receipt
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Revenue Receipt

Not-for-profit organisations are based on…………………………theory. Sol:

A. Fund
B. Surplus
C. Profit
D. Expenses
Answer» A. Fund

The not for profit concerns prohibit the payment of any ………………………to their

A. Dividend
B. Loss
C. Assets
D. Expenditure
Answer» A. Dividend

The primary motive of Charitable Trust organizations is to provide……………………. Sol:

A. Fund
B. Servive
C. Profit
D. Loss
Answer» B. Servive
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