180+ Indian aesthetics Solved MCQs


Brahma in originating the Natyaveda has borrowed the art of effective speech from __________ .

A. rgveda
B. sama veda
C. yajurveda
D. atharvaveda
Answer» A. rgveda

According to____________ there were three preceding books of natyasastra attributed to brahma bharatha , SadasivaBharatha and AdiBharatha.

A. abhinava bharati
B. locana
C. kavyasastra
D. dhvany aloka
Answer» A. abhinava bharati

________ is the founder of samkhya system.

A. bharatha
B. panini
C. patanjali
D. kapila
Answer» B. panini

According to pessimistic _____ nature is not wholly beautiful.

A. nyaya
B. yoga
C. samkhya
D. vedanta
Answer» A. nyaya

Purusharthas are ____ in number.

A. 4
B. 3
C. 5
D. 6
Answer» A. 4

Brahma in originating Natyaveda has borrowed acting from ______ veda.

A. rgveda
B. samaveda
C. yajurveda
D. atharvaveda
Answer» C. yajurveda

_________ is the author of kavyaalamkarasutravritti .

A. bhamaha
B. kundaka
C. rudrata
D. none of these
Answer» D. none of these

According to Vamana __________ riti has all the ten gunas.

A. gaudi
B. panchali
C. vaidarbhi
D. none of these
Answer» B. panchali

_______ coined the term aesthetics.

A. baumgarten
B. immanuel kant
C. aristotle
D. plato
Answer» A. baumgarten

According to __________ aesthetics is a science of sense cognition.

A. plato
B. immanuel kant
C. aristotle
D. baumgarten
Answer» D. baumgarten

The word Soundarya stands for the concept ______of in Indian aesthetics.

A. experience
B. enjoyment
C. art
D. beauty
Answer» D. beauty

The earliest attempt to define art is found in _____brahmana.

A. aitareya
B. mundaka
C. mandukya
D. brhadaranyaka
Answer» A. aitareya

_________ is the author of aesthetica .

A. kant
B. hegel
C. baumgarten
D. plato
Answer» C. baumgarten

_________ is Aristotle’s work on Tragedy

A. republic
B. poetics
C. critique of judgment
D. lectures on aeshetics
Answer» B. poetics

Immanuel Kant discusses his aesthetic theory in _________ .

A. republic
B. poetics
C. critique of judgment
D. lectures on aesthetics
Answer» C. critique of judgment

On sublime by _____ is one of the important work of Greeko roman literature.

A. longinus
B. plato
C. aristotle
D. kant
Answer» A. longinus

_____ is the first known and extant work on dramaturgy in Indian tradition.

A. natyasastra
B. kavyasastra
C. alamkarasastra
D. none of these
Answer» A. natyasastra

_________ is the first known author of poetics.

A. bharatha
B. bhamaha
C. bhattalollata
D. sankuka
Answer» A. bharatha

According to _______ a performance of drama is concerned with achieving certain siddhis.

A. bhamaha
B. bharatha
C. bhattalollata
D. sankuka
Answer» B. bharatha

__________ is the author of Malavikagnimitram.

A. bana
B. kalidasa
C. bharatha
D. bhamaha
Answer» B. kalidasa

_________ is the author of Rasagangadhara.

A. bharatha
B. jagannatha
C. bhamaha
D. bhattanayaka
Answer» B. jagannatha

In _______ purana there are two chapters dealing with architecture.

A. matsya
B. vayu
C. skanda
D. none of these.
Answer» A. matsya

Upanishads, ___________, and the Bhagavad-Gita, are collectively called the prasthanathrayi.

A. brahmasutras
B. yajurveda
C. samaveda
D. yoga sutra
Answer» A. brahmasutras

The founder of Nyaya school is___________ .

A. kapila
B. gautama
C. patanjali
D. sankara
Answer» B. gautama

According to ________Art is mimesis.

A. plato
B. kant
C. hegel
D. bharatha
Answer» A. plato

Both Bharatha and Aristotle were primarily concerned with __________.

A. dance
B. architecture
C. drama
D. music
Answer» C. drama

According to ___________ right knowledge is the knowledge of the separation of purusa from prakriti.

A. samkhya
B. yoga
C. nyaya
D. vaisesika
Answer» A. samkhya

Brahmasutra is the basic text of _______ school of Indian philosophy.

A. nyaya
B. vaisesika
C. sankhya
D. vedanta
Answer» D. vedanta

According to _________ nature is not wholly beautiful.

A. vedanta
B. sankhya
C. yoga
D. nyaya
Answer» B. sankhya

Purusa according to samkhya conception is absolutely _________ .

A. active
B. inert
C. passive
D. none of these
Answer» C. passive

According _______ nature is wholly beautiful.

A. vedanta
B. sankhya
C. yoga
D. nyaya
Answer» A. vedanta

_______ is the author of sankhyakarika.

A. dhanamjaya
B. abhinava
C. kapila
D. isvarakrsna
Answer» D. isvarakrsna

Vacaspatimisra wrote a commentary on ____________ .

A. sankhya sutra
B. sankhyakarika
C. kavyasastra
D. kavyalamkara
Answer» B. sankhyakarika

According to samkhya philosophy everything is made up of _______ gunas.

A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
Answer» A. 3

Sankhya aesthetics is ________ .

A. pessimistic
B. optimistic
C. both a and b
D. none of these
Answer» A. pessimistic

According to _______________artistic attitude is characterized by a temporary forgetting of our individuality.

A. vedanta
B. sankhya
C. yoga
D. nyaya
Answer» A. vedanta

The aim art according to samkhya and Vedanta is to induce _______.

A. detachment
B. attachment
C. both a and b
D. none of these
Answer» A. detachment

According to ___________ artistic attitude offers an escape from the natural world.

A. nyaya
B. yoga
C. advaida
D. sankhya
Answer» D. sankhya

Vedanta aesthetics is ___________.

A. pessimistic
B. optimistic
C. both a and b
D. none of these
Answer» B. optimistic

Prakrti and purusa are the two realities according to ______ system.

A. advaida
B. samkhya
C. nyaya
D. yoga
Answer» B. samkhya

“Vibhavanubhavavyabhicharisamyogadrasanispattih” is the _______ .

A. yoga sutra
B. rasa sutra
C. bhagyasukta
D. none of these
Answer» B. rasa sutra

According to the rasa sutra of Bharata the birth rasa takes place out of the combination of _________, anubhava and vyabhicharibhava .

A. vibhava
B. sthayibhava
C. satvikabhava
D. none of these
Answer» B. sthayibhava

According to ____________ rasa is a permanent mental state intensified by determinants, consequents and transitory emotions.

A. bhattanayaka
B. bhattalollata
C. sankuka
D. bhattatauttta
Answer» B. bhattalollata

According to Bharatha _________ is the expression of mental states.

A. bhava
B. rasa
C. vibhava
D. none of these
Answer» A. bhava

BhattaLollata was not concerned about __________ view of rasa.

A. character
B. actor
C. spectator
D. none of these.
Answer» C. spectator

According to ______Rasa is not an intensified state but an imitated mental state

A. sankuka
B. bhattalollata
C. bharatha
D. bhattanayaka
Answer» A. sankuka

_______________ is the author of kavyakautuka .

A. bharatha
B. bhattanayaka
C. bhattalollata
D. bhattatauta
Answer» D. bhattatauta

_________ is the special power words in poetry and drama assume according bhattanayaka

A. abhitha
B. bhavana
C. vyanjana
D. none of these
Answer» B. bhavana

The concept of _______ is Bhattanayaka’s main contribution to Indian aesthetics.

A. dhvani
B. alamkara
C. sadharanikarana
D. none of these
Answer» C. sadharanikarana

Acording to bhattanayaka aesthetic experience is not noetic in character ,but it is a kind of ____________ .

A. bhava
B. anubhava
C. bhoga
D. vyabhicharibhava
Answer» C. bhoga

According to _________ thesecondry function of language does not imply poetry .

A. anandhavardhana
B. abhinavagupta
C. bhattanayaka
D. bhattalollata
Answer» A. anandhavardhana

_______________ held the view that poetic meaning is not understood by mere learning of grammar and poetry .

A. anandhavardhana
B. abhinavagupta
C. bhattanayaka
D. bhattalollata
Answer» C. bhattanayaka

In _____ kavya conventional meaning are subordinate.

A. abhitha
B. lakshana
C. dhvani
D. none of these
Answer» C. dhvani

The ninthrasa according to Abhinavagupta is _______________

A. soka
B. hasya
C. sringara
D. santa
Answer» D. santa

Aesthetic experience is ___________ ordinary experience and religious experience

A. same as
B. different from
C. both a and b
D. none of these
Answer» B. different from

Abhinavagupta takes the idea of sadharanikarana from _______ .

A. bhattanayaka
B. bhattalollata
C. anandhavardhana
D. sankuka
Answer» A. bhattanayaka

According to ______________ rasa is not limited by any difference of space , time and knowing subject.

A. bhattanayaka
B. abhinavagupta
C. bhattalollata
D. sankuka
Answer» B. abhinavagupta

Unlike ______ Abhinavagupta separates the boundaries between aesthetic and mystical experience.

A. bhattanayaka
B. bharatha
C. lollata
D. sankuka
Answer» A. bhattanayaka

Sattvikabhavas are __________ in number

A. four
B. six
C. eight
D. two
Answer» C. eight

_____________ are 33 in number.

A. sattvikabhava
B. sthayibhava
C. vyabhicharibhava
D. anubhava
Answer» C. vyabhicharibhava

_______________ is the author of Kavyaprakasadarsa.

A. maheshvara
B. bharata
C. vidyabhusana
D. abhinavagupta
Answer» A. maheshvara

Abhinavagupta belongs to ______________ school of Indian philosophy

A. nyaya
B. vaisesika
C. pratyabhinja
D. sankhya
Answer» C. pratyabhinja

Theories of literature and drama are discussed in ______________.

A. vishnudharmottarapurana
B. skandapurana
C. vayupurana
D. none of
Answer» A. vishnudharmottarapurana

____________ is the author of Kavyadarsa.

A. sankuka
B. bhamaha
C. bharatha
D. dandin
Answer» D. dandin

According to Bharathasthayibhavas are ________ in number.

A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8
Answer» D. 8

Vibhavas are of ___ types

A. two
B. three
C. four
D. eight
Answer» A. two

Actors in the drama are _____________ vibhavas.

A. alambhana
B. uddipana
C. alamkara
D. chamatkara
Answer» A. alambhana

___________ is bodily reaction by which vibhavas and bhavas are understood.

A. anubhava
B. sthayibhava
C. sancharibhava
D. none of these
Answer» A. anubhava

Bharatha defines _______ as the condition for the expression of rasa in poetry.

A. bhava
B. vibhava
C. anubhava
D. none of these
Answer» A. bhava

Bharata enumerates bhavas as _________ in number and classifies them as sthayibhavas ,vyabhicharibhavas and sattvikabhavas.

A. 49
B. 47
C. 41
D. 43
Answer» A. 49

__________describes natya as anukriti.

A. patanjali
B. jaimini
C. kapila
D. bharatha
Answer» D. bharatha

According to Bharathabhavas or rasas has _______ stages of transformations.

A. two
B. three
C. four
D. five
Answer» B. three

Bharatha recognizes ________ types of acting .

A. seven
B. four
C. three
D. nine
Answer» B. four

Angika, vachika, sattvika and ___________ are the types of acting recognized by Bharata .

A. kaisiki
B. aharya
C. arabhati
D. bharathi
Answer» B. aharya

The four types of actions recognized by Bharatha are Sattvati, arabhati ,_______ and bharathi .

A. kaisiki
B. sattvika
C. vachika
D. aharya
Answer» A. kaisiki

Srngara rasa is based on the sthayibhava __________

A. soka
B. hasa
C. rati
D. adbudha
Answer» C. rati

_______ rasa based on the sthayibhavautsaha.

A. vira
B. soka
C. hasya
D. ) vismaya
Answer» A. vira

Ugrata is _______________ bhava.

A. vyabhichari
B. satvika
C. sthayi
D. none of these
Answer» A. vyabhichari

Sthamba is _______________ .

A. vyabhichari
B. satvika
C. sthayi
D. none of these
Answer» B. satvika

Nirveda and glani are ______________ bhava.

A. vyabhichari
B. satvika
C. sthayi
D. none of these
Answer» A. vyabhichari

Presiding diety of the srngara rasa is ______ .

A. visnu
B. pramatha
C. siva
D. brahma
Answer» A. visnu

The colour associated with hasyarasa is __________.

A. white
B. black
C. red
D. yellow
Answer» A. white

The diety associated withadbhuta rasa is ___________ .

A. brahma
B. kala
C. mahakal
D. indra
Answer» A. brahma

The colour associated with raudrarasa is

A. black
B. blue
C. yellow
D. red
Answer» D. red

________ is the sthayibhava associated with raudrarasa .

A. krodha
B. hasa
C. soka
D. utsaha
Answer» A. krodha

Intoxication, despair, Epilepsy, sickness, madness, death are the vyabhicharibhavas associatedwith __________ rasa .

A. bhibatsa
B. vira
C. adbhuta
D. bhayanaka
Answer» A. bhibatsa

The colour associated with karuna rasa in _____

A. black
B. blue
C. yellow
D. grey
Answer» D. grey

The deity associated with vira rasa is ____________ .

A. brahma
B. kala
C. mahakal
D. indra
Answer» D. indra

________ is the sthayibhavaassociated with adbhutharasa .

A. juguspa
B. bhaya
C. vismaya
D. utsaha
Answer» A. juguspa

All vyabhicaris except indolence and cruelty are associatedwith ____ rasa .

A. srngara
B. vira
C. adbhuta
D. bhayanaka
Answer» A. srngara

In the ancient past theoretical performance was called ----------- .

A. nataka
B. rupaka
C. natya
D. none of these
Answer» B. rupaka

Most evolved form of rupaka is called ________ .

A. bhava ,
B. kala
C. anka
D. nataka
Answer» D. nataka

Which among the following is not a rupaka ?

A. thithi
B. prakarana
C. nataka
D. alamkara
Answer» D. alamkara

Bharatha talks about __ varieties of poetic embellishments.

A. 33
B. 36
C. 43
D. 46
Answer» B. 36

According to ______ alamkara is the most essential element of poetry.

A. bhamaha
B. kundaka
C. battalollata
D. none of these
Answer» A. bhamaha

According to ___________ vakrokti is the soul of poetry .

A. bhamaha
B. kundaka
C. rudrata
D. none of these
Answer» B. kundaka

_________in Kavyaalankaara divides kavya into three based on the language as Samskrita, Prakrita and Apabhramsha

A. bhamaha
B. kundaka
C. rudrata
D. none of these
Answer» A. bhamaha

Dandin, in his ____________divides Kavya as gadya, padya and mishra.

A. kavyadarsha
B. alamkara-sara-sangraha
C. kavyaalankaara
Answer» A. kavyadarsha

__________ the author of Alamkara-sara-sangraha,

A. bhamaha
B. kundaka
C. rudrata
D. udhbhata
Answer» D. udhbhata

____________in his work Kavyaalamkara-sutra, declares riti as the soul of poetry.

A. bhamaha
B. kundaka
C. vamana
D. udhbhata
Answer» C. vamana
Question and answers in Indian aesthetics, Indian aesthetics multiple choice questions and answers, Indian aesthetics Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for Indian aesthetics, Indian aesthetics MCQs with answers PDF download