
180+ Indian aesthetics Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy (BA Philosophy) .


Abhihitanvaya theory is advocatedby ____________ .

A. prabhakara
B. kumarila
C. bhamaha
D. bharatha
Answer» B. kumarila

Anvitabhidanatheory is advocated by _______________ .

A. prabhakara
B. kumarila
C. bhamaha
D. bharatha
Answer» A. prabhakara

According to Patanjalisabda is _____ .

A. nitya
B. anitya
C. both
D. none
Answer» A. nitya

the relation between word and meaning is eternal according to _________.

A. panini
B. katyayana
C. patanjali
D. all three
Answer» D. all three

________is the causeof utterance and the cause of understanding

A. sphota
B. abhitha
C. lakshana
D. vyanjana
Answer» A. sphota

__________ is the author of ashtadhyayi

A. yaska
B. patanjali
C. panini
D. bharatha
Answer» C. panini

_________ is the author of Mahabhasya .

A. patanjali
B. yaska
C. panini
D. bharatha
Answer» A. patanjali

Katyayana’s __________ is an elaboration of Panini’s ashtdhyayi.

A. varttika
B. karika
C. vritti
D. bhasya
Answer» A. varttika

The first kanda of vakyapadiya is ________

A. vakyakanda
B. brahma kanda
C. jnanakanda
D. bhakti kanda
Answer» B. brahma kanda

__________ kanda of vakyapdiya contains different conceptions of sentence.

A. vakyakanda
B. brahma kanda
C. padakanda
D. bhakti kanda
Answer» A. vakyakanda

Vakypadiya represents a kind of _________ in which language principle stands ultimately as the source of entire material existence.

A. linguistic monism
B. metaphysical dualism
C. epistemological dualism
D. none
Answer» A. linguistic monism

The doctrine of _____________ asserts that the ultimate reality, brahman , is the imperishable principle of language.

A. atman
B. sabdabrahman
C. jiva
D. none of these
Answer» B. sabdabrahman

_________ stands for real word and _________ stands for physical sound

A. sphota , dhwani
B. dhwani , sphota
C. madhyama , vaikhari
D. none of these
Answer» A. sphota , dhwani

According to bartrahari as a linguistic reality the sentence is a __________ unit.

A. indivisible ,
B. divisible
C. both
D. none of these
Answer» A. indivisible ,

A linguistic expression conceived as a single unit is referred as _________.

A. pada
B. vakya
C. sphota
D. varna
Answer» C. sphota

____________ consider a sentence to be primary unit and believe that words are analytically derived from sentences.

A. vakyavadins
B. padavadins
C. both
D. none of these
Answer» A. vakyavadins

According to padavadin sentence meaning is understood only when all the ____ come together.

A. sentences
B. words
C. both
D. none of these
Answer» B. words

__________ is the author of dhvanyaloka.

A. abhinavagupta
B. anandhavardhana
C. mahimabhatta
D. mukulabhatta
Answer» B. anandhavardhana

__________ is a commentary on Dhvanyaloka by Abhinavagupta .

A. locana
B. bharathi
C. kavyaprakasa
D. vakyapadiya
Answer» A. locana

Hrdayadarpana of __________ is critical of the theory of suggestion.

A. bhattanayaka
B. bhattalollata
C. abhinavagupta
D. anandhavardhana
Answer» A. bhattanayaka

__________ a reputed logician of Kashmir was of the opinion that dhvani does not deserve any serious attenssion at all.

A. mahimabhatta
B. mukulabhatta
C. jayanyhabhatta
D. bhattalollata
Answer» C. jayanyhabhatta

According to bhattanayaka poetic language has the three fold power of Abhitha ,bhavakatva and ______________

A. rasa dhvani
B. bhojakatva
C. alamkara
D. vakrokti
Answer» B. bhojakatva

Mahimabhatta is the author of ------------.

A. kavyaprakasa
B. vyaktivivieka
C. alamkarasastra
D. kavyasastra
Answer» B. vyaktivivieka

Nyaya admits two kinds of meaning ___________ and __________’

A. abhita and vyanjana
B. abhita and laksana
C. lakshana and vyanjana
D. none
Answer» B. abhita and laksana

According to ________________ dhvani is a type of inference

A. mahimabhatta
B. mukulabhatta
C. bhattanayaka
D. bhattalollata
Answer» A. mahimabhatta

According to mukulabhattadhvani can be explained by ______

A. inference
B. abhitha
C. lakshan
D. vyanjana
Answer» C. lakshan

When suggested sense arise naturally in a poem it is called

A. chitrakavya
B. gunibhutavyangyakavya
C. dhvanikavya
D. none of these .
Answer» C. dhvanikavya

When suggested sense is subordinate to explicit sense then the poem is called ________ .

A. chitrakavya
B. gunibhutavyangyakavya
C. dhvanikavya
D. none of these
Answer» B. gunibhutavyangyakavya

DhvaniKavya has ___ principal varities.

A. five
B. four
C. three
D. two
Answer» A. five

In the seventh century _____ school divided in to two sub schools under the aegis of kumarillabhatta and prabhakara.

A. mimamsa
B. vedanta
C. nyaya
D. samkhya
Answer» A. mimamsa

The element of suggestion is not present at all in _____ .

A. chitrakavya
B. gunibhutavyangyakavya
C. dhvanikavya
D. none of these
Answer» A. chitrakavya

Sangitaratnakara is an encyclopedic work on indian _______ .

A. architecture
B. dance
C. paintings
D. music
Answer» D. music

__________ is the author of sangitaratnakara.

A. bharatha
B. manu
C. patanjali
D. sarangadeva
Answer» D. sarangadeva

________ wrote a commentary on Sangitaratnakara

A. panini
B. simhabhupala
C. sarangadeva
D. bharatha
Answer» B. simhabhupala

____________ is not a commentary on sangitaratnakara

A. sudhakara
B. kalanidhi
C. kaustubha
D. locana
Answer» D. locana

The spiritual value of music was recognized in ______ upanisad.

A. chandogya
B. aitareya
C. mundaka
D. mandukya
Answer» A. chandogya

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