190+ International Organizations and World Affairs Solved MCQs


The total number of members represented in General assembly is………………

A. 191
B. 193
C. 195
D. 197
Answer» B. 193

The General Assembly president serves the office for…………………

A. 6 months
B. 1 year
C. 2 years
D. 3 years
Answer» B. 1 year

The number of permanent members of UN Security Council is…………………

A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
Answer» C. 5

The number of non-permanent members of UN Security Council is………………..

A. 8
B. 10
C. 12
D. 14
Answer» B. 10

Which of the following is not permanent member of Security Council?

A. france
B. china
C. germany
D. united kingdom
Answer» C. germany

The Charter of OAS consist of ------------------- .

A. 50 articles
B. 112 articles
C. 24 articles
D. none of these.
Answer» B. 112 articles

Which of the following is not main organ of United Nations?

A. international court of justice
B. economic and social council
C. secretariat
D. international monetary fund
Answer» D. international monetary fund

The UN day is celebrated every year on………………………

A. 24th september
B. 28th september
C. 24th october
D. 28th october
Answer» C. 24th october

Which of the following is not function of United Nations Development Programme?

A. protect refugees worldwide
B. poverty reduction
C. crisis prevention and recovery
D. energy and environment
Answer» A. protect refugees worldwide

Which of the following UN agencies focuses on poverty reduction and the improvement of living standards worldwide?

A. world bank
B. imf
C. who
D. ilo
Answer» A. world bank

The headquarters of International Labour organization is situated at………………

A. paris
B. geneva
C. new york
D. the hague
Answer» B. geneva

Which of the following is world‟s centre for co-operation in the nuclear field?

A. ilo
B. ctbto
C. iaea
D. icao
Answer» C. iaea

The UN Charter was signed on …………………

A. 24th june, 1945
B. 26th june, 1945
C. 24th july, 1945
D. 26th july, 1945
Answer» B. 26th june, 1945

Which of the following is not an official language of United Nations?

A. arabic
B. spanish
C. french
D. portuguese
Answer» D. portuguese

The Bogota Pact is Closely related to ………………..

A. asean
B. oas
C. saarc
D. european union
Answer» B. oas

Who was the only Secretary General of the UNO to have died while in office?

A. u thant
B. dag hammarskjöld
C. trygve lie
D. kurt waldhiem
Answer» B. dag hammarskjöld

In which year was the UNO awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?

A. 1975
B. 1999
C. 2001
D. 2006
Answer» C. 2001

How many member countries did the UNO have on its formation in 1945?

A. 45
B. 48
C. 51
D. 54
Answer» C. 51

Which organ of the United Nations has suspended its operations since 1994?

A. trusteeship council
B. economic and social council
C. secretariat
D. international court of justice
Answer» A. trusteeship council

How many official languages does the United Nations have?

A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 4
Answer» B. 6

What is the term of the President of the UN General Assembly?

A. 4 years
B. 2 years
C. 1 year
D. 5 years
Answer» C. 1 year

UN Secretary General heads which principal organ of the United Nations Organisation?

A. general assembly
B. security council
C. economic and social council
D. the secretariat
Answer» D. the secretariat

Which organ of the UNO functions from Peace Palace in The Hague, Netherlands?

A. security council
B. general assembly
C. economic and social council
D. international court of justice
Answer» D. international court of justice

Which one of the following is not one of the organs of OAS?

A. the trusteeship council
B. the inter-american conference
C. the pan american union
D. the meeting of foreign ministers
Answer» A. the trusteeship council

What is the term of a judge of the International Court of Justice?

A. 5 years
B. 7 years
C. 8 years
D. 9 years
Answer» D. 9 years

Which organ of the United Nations Organisation is responsible for coordinating the work of its specialised agencies?

A. general assembly
B. economic and social council
C. security council
D. secretariat
Answer» B. economic and social council

When was the United Nations Organisation founded?

A. august 9, 1945
B. october 24, 1944
C. october 24, 1945
D. december 10, 1945
Answer» C. october 24, 1945

Which of the following is not a specialized agency of the United Nations Organisation?

A. world trade organisation
B. world health organisation
C. world meteorological organisation
D. international monitory fund
Answer» D. international monitory fund

How many members does the Economic and Social Council have?

A. 15
B. 22
C. 36
D. 54
Answer» D. 54

How many countries are the members of the U. N. O. at present?

A. 196
B. 189
C. 193
D. 169
Answer» C. 193

The United Nations agency concerned with the improvement of standards of education and strengthening international co-operation in this field is :

A. unef
B. u n e s c o
C. unicef
D. unedo
Answer» B. u n e s c o

Which of the following is an inactive organ of the U. N. O.?

A. general assembly
B. security council
C. trusteeship council
D. secretariat
Answer» C. trusteeship council

Which one of the following is the specialised organization of OAS?

A. pan -american health organization
B. pan – american institute of geography and history
C. inter- american commission of woman
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

How many Judges are there in the International Court of Justice?

A. 9
B. 10
C. 11
D. 15
Answer» D. 15

Trygve Lie was the first Secretary General of the United Nations from ……………

A. russia
B. norway
C. japan
D. usa
Answer» B. norway

Who was the first Indian to be the President of U. N. General Assembly?

A. natwar singh
B. v. k. krishna menon
C. smt. vijay laxmi pandit
D. ramesh bhandari
Answer» C. smt. vijay laxmi pandit

Who was the foremost champion of African Unity?

A. joseph stalin
B. george washington
C. lenin
D. kwame nkrumah
Answer» D. kwame nkrumah

The non-permanent members of the Security Council are elected for a period of …………………………..

A. two years
B. one year
C. three years
D. four years
Answer» A. two years

General Assembly of the United Nations meets in a regular session …………….

A. once a year
B. twice a year
C. once in two years
D. occasionally
Answer» A. once a year

Which of the following is not one of the official languages of the U.N.O.?

A. french
B. spanish
C. arabic
D. italian
Answer» D. italian

On what date did the U. N. O. adopt the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

A. 20th october, 1945
B. 24th october, 1945
C. 26th june, 1945
D. 10th december, 1948
Answer» D. 10th december, 1948

Which specialized agency of UNO lists World Heritage Sites?

A. unesco
B. unicef
C. unwto
D. wwf
Answer» A. unesco

Who of the following was the U.N.O.'s first Secretary General from the African continent?

A. kofi anan
B. boutros boutros-ghali
C. javier perez de cuellar
D. ban ki-moon
Answer» B. boutros boutros-ghali

Who coined the term United Nations?

A. franklin d roosevelt
B. harry truman
C. winston churchill
D. joseph stalin
Answer» A. franklin d roosevelt

The term “Inner Six” is related to................................

A. g-24 organisation
B. asean
C. saarc
D. european community market (eec)
Answer» D. european community market (eec)

Currently how many members are in the European Union?

A. 27
B. 28
C. 53
D. 17
Answer» B. 28

Which of the following country is not the member of the EU?

A. estonia
B. denmark
C. switzerland
D. malta
Answer» C. switzerland

Which of the following statement is NOT correct about the EU?

A. germany is the founder member of the eu
B. croatia is the latest member of the eu.
C. among all the members of the eu, malta has smallest area
D. all the member countries of the eu use euro as the currency of their state.
Answer» D. all the member countries of the eu use euro as the currency of their state.

Which of the following two countries are not the participants of the euro zone?

A. luxembourg, malta
B. denmark and the united kingdom
C. austria, belgium
D. slovenia, spain
Answer» B. denmark and the united kingdom

Where is the headquarters of the European Union?

A. belgium
B. netherlands
C. luxembourg
D. greece
Answer» A. belgium

Which of the following was/were the objective of the European Union?

A. establishing an economic and a monetary union
B. implementing a common foreign and defence policy
C. developing relations in the spheres of‟ home affairs and justice
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Who is the current President of the European Commission?

A. jean-claude juncker
B. herman van rompuy
C. donald tusk
D. none of these
Answer» A. jean-claude juncker

BRICS is the acronym coined for an association of…………… major emerging national economies.

A. two
B. three
C. four
D. five
Answer» D. five

Which one of the following is not a member of BRICS?

A. brazil
B. russia
C. india,
D. canada
Answer» D. canada

Which country is the last joined member of BRICS in 1910?

A. brazil
B. russia
C. india
D. south africa
Answer» D. south africa

The formation of BRICS is in……………….

A. 2004
B. 2005
C. 2006
D. 2007
Answer» C. 2006

The interval between two BRICS summit is……………….

A. one year
B. two year
C. three year
D. four year
Answer» A. one year

Which of the following treaties marked the establishment of the European Union?

A. treaty of lisbon
B. berlin treaty
C. maastricht treaty
D. treaty of london
Answer» C. maastricht treaty

Which of the following is not a member of SAARC?

A. afghanistan
B. the maldives
C. mauritius
D. nepal
Answer» C. mauritius

Which of the regional organisation is closely related to the place Kathmandu?

A. saarc
B. brics
C. asean
D. european union
Answer» A. saarc

Currently how many members are in the SAARC organisation?

A. 6
B. 7
C. 8
D. 10
Answer» C. 8

When was SAARC established?

A. 1967
B. 1995
C. 1953
D. 1985
Answer» D. 1985

Afghanistan joined in SAARC on…………………..

A. april 3, 2005
B. april 3, 2006
C. april 3, 2007
D. april 3, 2008
Answer» C. april 3, 2007

SAARC was founded in ……………………..

A. dhaka
B. delhi
C. islamabad
D. none of these
Answer» A. dhaka

The 19th SAARC summit to be held in……………… was cancelled.

A. pakistan
B. india
C. sri lanka
D. nepal
Answer» A. pakistan

Which of the following country is not the member of the SAARC?

A. myanmar
B. bhutan
C. nepal
D. maldives
Answer» A. myanmar

Which of the following SAARC member has the highest population?

A. bangladesh
B. pakistan
C. nepal
D. afghanistan
Answer» B. pakistan

Which of the following SAARC member has best HDI rank in the whole group?

A. india
B. pakistan
C. sri lanka
D. bhutan
Answer» C. sri lanka

What was the theme of the SAARC year 2016-17?

A. year for girls
B. year for environment
C. year of good governance
D. year of cultural heritage
Answer» D. year of cultural heritage

Who is the current Secretary General of the SAARC?

A. sheel kant sharma
B. amjad hussain
C. ahmed saleem
D. arjun bahadur thapa
Answer» C. ahmed saleem

Where is the headquarters of the SAARC?

A. manila
B. kathmandu
C. new delhi
D. jakarta
Answer» B. kathmandu

Which country is the largest, most advanced and populated among SAARC countries?

A. india
B. sri lanka
C. pakistan
D. bangladesh
Answer» A. india

Name of judicial branch of 'United Nations' is…………………….

A. international court of justice
B. world court
C. international criminal court
D. both a and b
Answer» D. both a and b

International Court of Justice' is located at ……………………

A. peace palace, berlin
B. peace palace, the hague
C. peace palace, rome
D. peace palace, france
Answer» B. peace palace, the hague

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) was founded in………………………..

A. 1946
B. 1949
C. 1944
D. 1945
Answer» D. 1945

UN' stands for………………

A. union nationals
B. united nations
C. united nationals
D. union nations
Answer» B. united nations

Which one of the following not included in the organizational machinery of SAARC?

A. the international court of justice
B. the summit meeting
C. the council of ministers
D. the secretariat
Answer» A. the international court of justice

Motto of 'Food and Agriculture Organization' is…………………….

A. let\s there be nutrition
B. let\s there be bread
C. let\s there be food
D. let\s there be health
Answer» B. let\s there be bread

Principal organ of United Nations General Assembly which deals with trade, development and investment issues is……………………

A. unctad
B. european union
C. ibrd
D. icsid
Answer» B. european union

Secretary General of United Nations 'Bank Ki Moon' belongs to……………

A. japan
B. china
C. south korea
D. north korea
Answer» D. north korea

United Nations specialized agency whose main concern is international public health is known as………………..

A. icsid
B. ibrd
C. world food programme
D. world health organization
Answer» D. world health organization

Headquarter of United Nations (UN) is located in………………………

A. washington
B. nairobi
C. geneva
D. new york city
Answer» D. new york city

International Monetary Fund is headquartered in……………………..

A. washington, united states
B. new york city, united states
C. geneva, switzerland
D. avenue du mont blanc, switzerland
Answer» A. washington, united states

The Euro was launched as a partial alternative to which currency?

A. canadian dollar
B. chinese yuan
C. german mark
D. us dollar
Answer» D. us dollar

The African Standby Force acts under the direction of the ………………….

A. unsc
B. nato
C. african union
D. un mission for africa
Answer» C. african union

The African Union (AU) is a continental union consisting of ……………member states located on the continent of Africa.

A. 55
B. 60
C. 65
D. 70
Answer» A. 55

African Union founded in……………….

A. 9 july 2000
B. 9 july 2001
C. 9 july 2002
D. 9 july 2003
Answer» C. 9 july 2002

IMF was established in ……………….

A. dec. 27,1945
B. jan. 30, 1947
C. jan.1, 1946
D. sept. 24, 1947
Answer» D. sept. 24, 1947

Which of the following is not the objective of the IMF?

A. to promote international monetary cooperation
B. to ensure balanced international trade
C. to ensure exchange rate stability
D. to provide loan to private sectors
Answer» D. to provide loan to private sectors

The International Monetary Fund consists of …………… member states.

A. 188
B. 189
C. 190
D. 192
Answer» A. 188

Cambodia was joined in ASEAN in ……………………..

A. 1998
B. 1999
C. 2000
D. 2001
Answer» B. 1999

ASEAN Economic Community (AEC)was formed in………………..

A. november 2013
B. november 2014
C. november 2015
D. november 2016
Answer» C. november 2015

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization consists of………………….. Foundingmembers.

A. four
B. five
C. six
D. seven
Answer» B. five

Which one of the following country is not afounding member of Shanghai Cooperation Organization?

A. china
B. kazakhstan,
C. kyrgyzstan
D. india
Answer» D. india

The present member of Shanghai Cooperation Organization is ………………..

A. four
B. five
C. six
D. seven
Answer» C. six

Uzbekistan joined Shanghai Cooperation Organization in ………………….

A. 2000
B. 2001
C. 2002
D. 2003
Answer» B. 2001

………………..is not a member of the SCO, on the grounds of its “permanent neutrality”, but attends Summits as a special guest of honour.

A. turkmenistan
B. china
C. kazakhstan,
D. kyrgyzstan
Answer» A. turkmenistan

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) was founded in…………..

A. 1989
B. 1990
C. 1992
D. 1995
Answer» A. 1989

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) was founded in 1989 on the initiative of ………………..

A. china
B. japan and australia
C. russia
D. usa
Answer» B. japan and australia

To strengthen economic growth in the Asia-Pacific region is the main aim of ……………………..

A. asean
B. saarc
C. european union
D. apec
Answer» D. apec
Question and answers in International Organizations and World Affairs, International Organizations and World Affairs multiple choice questions and answers, International Organizations and World Affairs Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for International Organizations and World Affairs, International Organizations and World Affairs MCQs with answers PDF download