190+ International Organizations and World Affairs Solved MCQs


The members of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) are……………..

A. australia, brunei, canada
B. india, pakistan, nepal
C. afghanistan, britain, france
D. none of these
Answer» A. australia, brunei, canada

THE Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) consists of …………….. Member states.

A. 20
B. 21
C. 22
D. 23
Answer» B. 21

The guideline of WTO is ……………………………..

A. trade without discrimination
B. predictable and growing market access
C. promoting fair competition
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

WTO is the successor of ………………………………

A. gatt
B. world bank
C. imf
D. none of these
Answer» A. gatt

Which one of the following is not the function of IMF

A. to grant loans to nations
B. to check the breakdown of economics
C. to sell foreign exchanges to nations
D. to provide health related facilities to nations
Answer» D. to provide health related facilities to nations

IMF stands for……………………….

A. international money fund
B. international monetary fund
C. indian monetary fund
D. none of these
Answer» B. international monetary fund

1 St SAARC Summit conducted in …………………

A. bangalore
B. dhaka
C. kathmandu
D. maldives
Answer» B. dhaka

The first SAARC Summit is conducted on……………………..

A. 1982
B. 1983
C. 1984
D. 1985
Answer» D. 1985

SAARC is associated with seven…………………………..

A. european nations
B. african nations
C. south east asian countries
D. latin american countries
Answer» C. south east asian countries

The idea of a regional organization for corporation in South Asia was put forward by ……………………

A. rajiv gandhi
B. zia–ur- rahman
C. mujeeb rahman
D. none of these
Answer» B. zia–ur- rahman

As per the Charter of SAARC, the head of the states should meet ………………… in a year.

A. once
B. twice
C. thrice
D. none of these
Answer» A. once

The ASEAN was created through………………………

A. bangkok declaration
B. vienna declaration
C. paris agreement
D. none of these
Answer» A. bangkok declaration

The ASEAN has a permanent Secretariat with its headquarters is situated at ………………………

A. manila
B. jakarta
C. singapore
D. none of these
Answer» B. jakarta

Which one of the following country is not a member of ASEAN?

A. indonesia
B. singapore
C. thailand
D. nepal
Answer» D. nepal

Which one of the following regional organization is the oldest one among the list.

A. asean
B. saarc
C. oas
D. opec
Answer» C. oas

Organization of American States (OAS) was formed in……………………..

A. 1948
B. 1949
C. 1950
D. 1951
Answer» A. 1948

TheOrganization of American States (OAS) charter came into force on …………………………

A. 13 december 1958
B. 13 december 1949
C. 13 december 1950
D. 13 december 1951
Answer» D. 13 december 1951

TheOrganization of American States (OAS) charter came into force on 13 December 1951 and reframed on………………………

A. 1965
B. 1966
C. 1967
D. 1968
Answer» C. 1967

Which one of the following is not an organ of TheOrganization of American States (OAS)?

A. the pan american union
B. the permanent council
C. foreign ministers meeting
D. trusteeship council
Answer» D. trusteeship council

…………………….. works as the Secretariat of Organization of American States(OAS)

A. pan american union
B. foreign ministers meeting
C. the general assembly
D. the permanent council
Answer» A. pan american union

Which one is the Function of Pan American Union (one of the organ of TheOrganization of American States).

A. works as the secretariat of oas.
B. coordinate the social and economic activities of oas.
C. promote the welfare of the member states
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Which one of the following statement is wrong about the General Assembly of OAS.

A. it is known as inter- american conference before 1970
B. it consists of representatives of all the member states.
C. it meets twice in a year.
D. it is the supreme organ of oas
Answer» C. it meets twice in a year.

The members of Organization of American States (OAS) consist of ………………….

A. 20
B. 25
C. 35
D. 50
Answer» C. 35

The headquarters of Organization of American States (OAS) is situated at………………………..

A. arisona
B. washington dc
C. belgrade
D. manila
Answer» B. washington dc

The General assembly of UNO meets…………………….. in an year

A. once
B. twice
C. thrice
D. monthly meeting
Answer» A. once

The regular session of General Assembly commencing on …………………

A. the third tuesday in september
B. the third tuesday in october
C. the third tuesday in november
D. the third tuesday in december
Answer» A. the third tuesday in september

Which one of the country is not a permanent member of Security Council of UNO?

A. united states
B. china
C. france
D. japan
Answer» D. japan

Which one of the following statement is correct about the election of nonpermanent members of UNO.

A. select five members from asia and africa
B. two members from latin america
C. one from eastern europe
D. all are correct
Answer» D. all are correct

The Economic and Social Council of UNO consists of ……………….. members.

A. 52
B. 53
C. 54
D. 55
Answer» C. 54

The members Economic and Social Council of UNO are elected by …………………………….

A. general assembly
B. security council
C. secretariat
D. both general assembly and security council
Answer» A. general assembly

…………………………. Is the organ of UNO was set up to supervise and administer trust territories placed under UNO.

A. general assembly
B. security council
C. secretariat
D. trusteeship council
Answer» A. general assembly

The judges of International Court of Justice are elected by ………………………..

A. general assembly
B. security council
C. secretariat
D. both general assembly and security council
Answer» D. both general assembly and security council

………………………………. Is the administrative body of UNO?

A. general assembly
B. security council
C. secretariat
D. trusteeship council
Answer» C. secretariat

Who was the first Secretary General of UNO?

A. kofi annan
B. trygve lie
C. u thand
D. kurt waldheim
Answer» B. trygve lie

The term of Secretary Genaral is …………………

A. four year
B. five year
C. six year
D. seven year
Answer» B. five year

OAU is the most important and most comprehensive regional arrangement in …………………….

A. america
B. africa
C. china
D. india
Answer» A. america

Originally (in 1963) the membership of Organization of African Unity is ………………

A. 30
B. 32
C. 43
D. 53
Answer» B. 32

The person Kwame Nkrumah is related to ……………………….

A. asean
B. organization of african unity
C. saarc
D. european union
Answer» B. organization of african unity

Who was the first Secretary General of Organization of African Unity?

A. kiflewodajo
B. diallotelli
C. nzo ekangaki
D. none of these
Answer» A. kiflewodajo

At present the membership of African Union is…………………..

A. 32
B. 55
C. 67
D. none of these
Answer» B. 55

Organization of African Unity (OAU)is related to …………………….

A. bangkok declaration
B. vienna declaration
C. paris agreement
D. addis ababa conference
Answer» D. addis ababa conference

Organization of African Unity (OAU) was formed in …………………….

A. 1960
B. 1962
C. 1963
D. 1965
Answer» C. 1963

Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) was formed in the year…………………….

A. 1988
B. 1989
C. 1990
D. 1991
Answer» B. 1989

At present Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) has……………………. Members.

A. 21
B. 22
C. 23
D. 24
Answer» A. 21

Which one of the country is not a member of Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC).

A. usa
B. canada
C. china
D. india
Answer» D. india

Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) include ……………………………

A. nafta
B. asean
C. anzus
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

The regional organization ofBrazil, Russia, India and China was called………….

A. asean
B. saarc
C. apec
D. bric
Answer» D. bric

The regional organization of Brazil, Russia, India and China named BRIC was formed in the year………….

A. 2007
B. 2008
C. 2009
D. 2010
Answer» C. 2009

The first BRIC summit was chaired by ………………….

A. brazil
B. russia
C. india
D. china
Answer» B. russia

The first BRIC summit was held in …………………………

A. yekaterinburg
B. delhi
C. beijing
D. rio de janero
Answer» A. yekaterinburg

The first BRIC summit was held on ………………………..

A. 16 june 2009
B. 16 june 2010
C. 16 june 2011
D. 16 june 2012
Answer» A. 16 june 2009

Which was the last country joined in BRICS?

A. sweden
B. singapore
C. south africa
D. somalia
Answer» C. south africa

When South Africa joined in BRICS?

A. 2010
B. 2011
C. 2012
D. 2013
Answer» B. 2011

The second BRIC Summit was held at ………………………….

A. sanya (china)
B. brasilia (brazil)
C. new delhi (india)
D. durban city (south africa)
Answer» B. brasilia (brazil)

BRIC came into be BRICS with the entry of South Africa in the third BRICS Summit in……………………

A. sanya (china)
B. brasilia (brazil)
C. new delhi (india)
D. durban city (south africa
Answer» A. sanya (china)

The third BRICS Summit was held on …………………………

A. april 2010
B. april 2011
C. march 2012
D. march 2013
Answer» B. april 2011

The World Trade Centre was attacked in……………………….

A. 11 september 2000
B. 11 september 2001
C. 11 september 2002
D. 11 september 2003
Answer» B. 11 september 2001

Jihad is an example of what type of terrorism?

A. revolutionary
B. state-sponsored
C. religious
D. political
Answer» C. religious

Which one of the terrorist group associated with the World Trade Centre attack?

A. al- qaeda
B. jklf
C. ltte
D. none of these
Answer» A. al- qaeda

Which of the following is not a greenhouse gas?

A. carbon di-oxide
B. methane
C. nitrous oxide
D. carbon monoxide
Answer» C. nitrous oxide

Which of the following is (are) the anticipated effect(s) of Global warming?

A. rising sea levels
B. changing precipitation
C. expansion of deserts
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

UNFCCC stands for…………………………..

A. united nations framework convention on climate change
B. united nations federation convention on climate change
C. united nations framework council on climate change
D. united nations federation council on climate change
Answer» A. united nations framework convention on climate change

World Economies of the following countries isresponsible for greatest annual CO2 emissions.

A. usa
B. china
C. brazil
D. both (a) and (b)
Answer» D. both (a) and (b)

The El-Nino Phenomenon occurs in…………………..

A. atlantic ocean
B. pacific ocean
C. indian ocean
D. arctic ocean
Answer» B. pacific ocean

Which of the following types of sources of energy do not produce carbon dioxide?

A. wind energy
B. geothermal energy
C. hydroelectric energy
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

When was the ozone hole discovered?

A. 1974
B. 1964
C. 1994
D. 1984
Answer» D. 1984

Absolute poverty means……………………….

A. poverty in terms of prevailing price level
B. poverty in terms of absolute number of people
C. poverty in terms of the absolute level of unemployment
D. poverty in terms of the basic minimum calorie requirements
Answer» D. poverty in terms of the basic minimum calorie requirements

GaribiHatao means………………………….

A. remove poverty
B. protect environment
C. save water
D. none of these
Answer» A. remove poverty

The slogan „Garibi Hatao‟ is associated with the Indian Prime Minister………………….

A. rajiv gandhi
B. indira gandhi
C. vajpayee
D. narendra modi
Answer» B. indira gandhi

…………………….is the level of income to meet the minimum living conditions.

A. hdi
B. average income
C. poverty line
D. none of these
Answer» C. poverty line

Which is/are the following statement is correct about FAO.

A. it is the specialized agency of uno.
B. it was formed in the year 1945
C. the main is to defeat hunger.
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

The headquarters of Food and Agricultural Organization is…………………….

A. rome
B. manila
C. washington
D. geneva
Answer» A. rome

When was the African Union established?

A. 1967
B. 1987
C. 2002
D. 2005
Answer» C. 2002

Which organization was the predecessor to the African Union?

A. sarrc
B. asean
C. uno
D. the oau
Answer» D. the oau

---------------------------- is the first Communist country joined the ASEAN on 28th July 1995 as the seventh member.

A. combodia
B. brunei
C. vietnam
D. malaysia
Answer» C. vietnam

Which one of the following is (are) the official bodies of the African Union?

A. peace and security council
B. pan –african parliament
C. trusteeship council
D. both a and b
Answer» D. both a and b

Which one of the following is/are the causes of terrorism?

A. poverty
B. inequality
C. political reason
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

The term „Red Corridor‟ related to……………..

A. naxalism
B. ltte
C. international relation
D. none of these
Answer» A. naxalism

Which one of the state is not included in the „Seven Sister States‟?

A. meghalaya
B. manipur
C. mizoram
D. bihar
Answer» D. bihar

The motto “Working for a world free of poverty” is related to………………..

A. imf
B. nabard
C. none of these
D. world bank
Answer» D. world bank

The headquarters of World Bank is……………

A. manila
B. washington,d.c
C. geneva
D. vienna
Answer» B. washington,d.c

The United Nations Organization consists of …………. Organs

A. four
B. five
C. six
D. seven
Answer» C. six

……………………….. is the only body of the United Nations Organizations with the authority to issue binding resolutions to member states.

A. general council
B. security council
C. international court of justice
D. trusteeship council
Answer» B. security council

Koyto Protocol is an international treaty to control……………………

A. greenhouse gases emission
B. nuclear waste and safety
C. depletion of ozone layer
D. spillage of oil
Answer» A. greenhouse gases emission

………………….is the lowest layer of atmosphere.

A. troposphere
B. stratosphere
C. mesosphere
D. thermosphere
Answer» A. troposphere

The major contributor of Carbon monoxide is………………….

A. motor vehicle
B. industrial processes
C. stationary fuel combustion
D. none of the above
Answer» A. motor vehicle

Ozone of found in…………………..

A. mesosphere
B. ionosphere
C. stratosphere
D. exosphere
Answer» C. stratosphere

PH value of fresh water is……………………

A. five
B. six
C. seven
D. eight
Answer» C. seven

The effects of global warming include……………….

A. rising sea levels
B. heat increasing
C. flood
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

The natural ecosystems are made up of ………………

A. forests
B. water sources,
C. plants and animals
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above
Question and answers in International Organizations and World Affairs, International Organizations and World Affairs multiple choice questions and answers, International Organizations and World Affairs Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for International Organizations and World Affairs, International Organizations and World Affairs MCQs with answers PDF download