90+ Logic and Scientific Method Solved MCQs


is defined as the science of reasoning.

A. ethics
B. aesthetics
C. logic
D. psychology
Answer» C. logic

Logic is a science.

A. normative
B. positive
C. physical
D. natural
Answer» A. normative

Logic aims precisely at the search for .

A. beauty
B. truth
C. good
D. none of these
Answer» B. truth

is a normative study.

A. logic
B. aesthetics
C. ethics
D. all these
Answer» D. all these

is not a positive science.

A. biology
B. physics
C. sociology
D. logic
Answer» D. logic

Logic deals with the operations of human mind in its search for _.

A. beauty
B. conduct
C. truth
D. all these
Answer» C. truth

is the verbal expression of judgment.

A. logic
B. proposition
C. truth
D. none of these
Answer» B. proposition

A is that which serves either as the subject or as the predicate in a proposition.

A. term
B. word
C. argument
D. sentence
Answer» A. term

A valid deductive argument with true premise and conclusion is called a argument.

A. sound
B. true
C. false
D. none of these
Answer» A. sound

A/an contains premises and conclusion.

A. proposition
B. argument
C. sentence
D. term
Answer» B. argument

Positive sciences are .

A. descriptive
B. prescriptive
C. normative
D. all these
Answer» A. descriptive

Normative sciences are .

A. conservative
B. prescriptive
C. descriptive
D. all these
Answer» B. prescriptive

is the process of passing from known judgments to a new judgment.

A. inference
B. imagination
C. argument
D. none of these
Answer» A. inference

Identify the odd one.

A. logic
B. physics
C. ethics
D. aesthetics
Answer» B. physics

Identify the wrong combination.

A. logic and reasoning
B. ethics and good
C. logic and imagination
D. logic and inference
Answer» C. logic and imagination

Logic is related to as Ethics is to good.

A. beauty
B. truth
C. proposition
D. none of these
Answer» B. truth

Aesthetics is related to as Logic is to truth.

A. right
B. reasoning
C. inspiration
D. beauty
Answer» D. beauty

Logic prescribes the means to distinguish between correct and incorrect .

A. moral choice
B. norms of beauty
C. reasoning
D. sentence
Answer» C. reasoning

Deductive logic is concerned with the of arguments.

A. form
B. content
C. material truth
D. none of these
Answer» A. form

Deductive logic is not concerned with the of arguments.

A. form
B. content
C. premises
D. none of these
Answer» B. content

In argument, the conclusion cannot be wider than the premises.

A. deductive
B. inductive
C. both (a) and (b)
D. neither (a) nor (b)
Answer» A. deductive

In deduction, the conclusion is .

A. probable
B. ambiguous
C. necessary
D. all these
Answer» C. necessary

In deduction, the conclusion is related to premises by .

A. probability
B. ambiguity
C. chance
D. implication
Answer» D. implication

In , the conclusion necessarily follows from the given premises.

A. proposition
B. induction
C. deduction
D. none of these
Answer» C. deduction

In , the conclusion is always probable.

A. induction
B. deduction
C. formal logic
D. none of these
Answer» A. induction

is to argument as truth is to proposition.

A. inference
B. deduction
C. induction
D. validity
Answer» D. validity

A proposition is true or false as a/an is valid or invalid.

A. induction
B. argument
C. premise
D. term
Answer» B. argument

A logical sentence is called .

A. proposition
B. argument
C. premise
D. explanation
Answer» A. proposition

Learning is a way to improve reasoning power.

A. athletics
B. music
C. logic
D. cookery
Answer» C. logic

refers to the process of drawing conclusion from observed instances.

A. induction
B. deduction
C. conversion
D. obversion
Answer» A. induction

Logic is indispensable for . a) Science b) Law c) Criminology d) all these 32. Induction and deduction are processes of reasoning.

A. contradictory
B. complementary
C. opposite
D. competing
Answer» D. competing

‘What ought to be’ is the concern of sciences.

A. positive
B. social
C. physical
D. normative
Answer» D. normative

shares the same area of study with logic.

A. sociology
B. psychology
C. mathematics
D. none of these
Answer» B. psychology

Logic is to as grammar is to language.

A. religion
B. science
C. society
D. politics
Answer» B. science

Logical sentence is called __________.

A. proposition
B. proprium
C. preposition
D. idiom
Answer» A. proposition

The connecting link between the terms in a proposition is called __________.

A. sentence
B. copula
C. verb
D. name
Answer» B. copula

What is said about the subject term in a proposition is __________.

A. copula
B. subject
C. predicate
D. none of these
Answer» C. predicate

_____________ of a proposition means whether the predicate is affirmed or denied of the subject.

A. import
B. intension
C. quantity
D. quality
Answer» D. quality

_________ propositions refer to the whole of the subject class.

A. disjunctive
B. categorical
C. universal
D. particular
Answer» C. universal

Identify the odd one.

A. categorical
B. contradictory
C. hypothetical
D. disjunctive
Answer» B. contradictory

Categorical propositions are classified into__________.

A. three
B. four
C. two
D. five
Answer» B. four

The universal affirmative proposition is symbolized as ___________.

A. sip
B. sep
C. sop
D. sap
Answer» D. sap

On the basis of quality, propositions are classified into _________.

A. four
B. three
C. two
D. one
Answer» C. two

“Dog is a domestic animal” is a/an __________affirmative proposition.

A. particular
B. universal
C. individual
D. none of these
Answer» B. universal

When the predicate is affirmed of the whole of the subject class, the proposition is symbolized as _________.

A. i
B. o
C. a
D. e
Answer» C. a

Both the subject and the predicate are distributed in _____________proposition.

A. a
B. e
C. i
D. o
Answer» B. e

Neither the subject nor the predicate is distributed in ____________Proposition.

A. a
B. i
C. e
D. o
Answer» B. i

The predicate term alone is distributed in ___________proposition.

A. e
B. i
C. a
D. o
Answer» D. o

Only the subject term is distributed in_____________ proposition.

A. o
B. i
C. e
D. a
Answer» D. a

___________ is the basis of classification of immediate and mediate inference.

A. length of premise
B. meaning of premise
C. number of premise
D. all these
Answer» C. number of premise

In ___________ inference there is one and only one premise from which the conclusion is drawn.

A. mediate
B. immediate
C. syllogistic
D. mixed
Answer» B. immediate

Among the following _________ is considered as an immediate inference.

A. opposition of proposition
B. dilemma
C. disjunctive syllogism
D. syllogism
Answer» A. opposition of proposition

In _________, the meaning of the premise and the conclusion is equivalent.

A. opposition
B. syllogism
C. eduction
D. deduction
Answer» C. eduction

In eduction, the difference between the premise and conclusion is only of _________.

A. form
B. meaning
C. quality
D. quantity
Answer» A. form

In Square of Opposition, the premise and conclusion differ in__________.

A. form only
B. meaning only
C. quantity only
D. both in form and meaning
Answer» D. both in form and meaning

The diagram of square that represents the relationship between the four categorical propositions is called the _______.

A. square of opposition
B. square of relations
C. square of inference
D. none of these
Answer» A. square of opposition

Inference through opposition is possible only among the propositions having the _______.

A. different subject and predicate
B. same subject and different predicate
C. same subject and predicate
D. different subject and same predicate
Answer» C. same subject and predicate

‘A’ proposition and ‘E’ proposition are related to each other by the__________ relation.

A. sub- contrary
B. contradictory
C. subaltern
D. contrary
Answer» D. contrary

Universal Affirmative proposition is related to Particular Negative proposition by ___________ relation.

A. sub- contrary
B. contradictory
C. subaltern
D. contrary
Answer» B. contradictory

‘I’ and ‘O’ propositions _________.

A. can be false together
B. cannot both be true
C. cannot both be false
D. none of these
Answer» C. cannot both be false

Subaltern relationship shows that if ‘A’ is true, then ‘I’ is__________.

A. undetermined
B. false
C. necessarily true
D. necessarily false
Answer» C. necessarily true

All S is P is converted as__________.

A. all p is s
B. some p is s
C. no s is p
D. all p is not s
Answer» B. some p is s

The inferred proposition in an obversion is called _________.

A. obvertend
B. invertend
C. obverse
D. converse
Answer» C. obverse

___________ is not considered as an independent form of immediate inference.

A. conversion
B. obversion
C. inversion
D. contraposition
Answer» D. contraposition

A ___________ is a form of mediate deductive inference in which the conclusion is drawn from two categorical propositions taken jointly.

A. categorical syllogism
B. hypothetical syllogism
C. disjunctive syllogism
D. all these
Answer» A. categorical syllogism

In a syllogism, the predicate of the conclusion is called the _________ term.

A. minor
B. major
C. middle
D. none of these
Answer» B. major

In categorical syllogism, the common term, which occurs in both the premises, is __________.

A. major
B. minor
C. middle
D. none of these
Answer» C. middle

In a disjunctive syllogism, conclusion is _________ type of proposition.

A. disjunctive,
B. hypothetical
C. categorical
D. none of these
Answer» C. categorical

Every syllogism must contain only ________ terms.

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. none of these
Answer» B. 3

__________ is determined by the quality and quantity of the constituent propositions.

A. figure
B. mood
C. method
D. minor term
Answer» B. mood

BARBARA is a valid mood of _________ figure.

A. 1st
B. 2nd
C. 3rd
D. 4th
Answer» A. 1st

The major premise of a dilemma is __________ of two conditional statements.

A. conjunction
B. disjunction
C. implication
D. negation.
Answer» A. conjunction

The minor premise of Modus Tollens is _________.

A. affirmation of antecedent
B. denial of antecedent
C. affirmation of consequent
D. denial of consequent
Answer» D. denial of consequent

The conclusion of pure hypothetical syllogism is a/an ________ proposition.

A. hypothetical
B. categorical
C. disjunctive
D. equivalent
Answer» A. hypothetical

The minor premise of a simple destructive dilemma is the ___________.

A. disjunction of the consequents
B. disjunction of the negation of consequents
C. disjunction of antecedents of major premise
D. disjunction of negation of antecedents
Answer» B. disjunction of the negation of consequents

Identify the minor premise in the following: All men are mortal. All kings are men. ∴All kings are mortal.

A. all men are mortal
B. all kings are men
C. all kings are mortal
D. none of these
Answer» B. all kings are men

In a syllogism, there are _________ propositions.

A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four
Answer» C. three

___________ provides the ground for induction.

A. observation
B. opinion
C. . belief
D. intuition
Answer» A. observation

__________ means a tentative explanation of a given phenomenon.

A. experiment
B. observation
C. hypothesis
D. none of these
Answer» C. hypothesis

Generalization based on specific observations is a/an ___________ hypothesis.

A. null
B. inductive
C. deductive
D. all these
Answer» B. inductive

___________ is a postulate of Induction.

A. causation
B. experiment
C. observation
D. opinion
Answer» A. causation

Identify the odd one.

A. belief
B. hypothesis
C. opinion
D. intuition
Answer» B. hypothesis

_________ is observation made under artificially set conditions.

A. mal-observation
B. non-observation
C. experiment
D. none of these
Answer» C. experiment

Observation and experiment are ___________.

A. opposite
B. interdependent
C. simple
D. all these
Answer» B. interdependent

__________ is the material ground of induction.

A. observation
B. experiment
C. both (a) and (b)
D. neither (a) nor (b)
Answer» C. both (a) and (b)

From a good _________, we can make deductions.

A. intuition
B. belief
C. hypothesis
D. idea
Answer» C. hypothesis

A _______ hypothesis is unverifiable.

A. good
B. barren
C. working
D. none of these
Answer» B. barren

A good hypothesis is based on _________.

A. facts
B. imagination
C. guess
D. belief
Answer» A. facts

The problem of induction is the _______ from the observed phenomena to an unobserved phenomenon.

A. intuition
B. guess
C. procedure
D. leap
Answer» D. leap

“Nature is a systematic unity’. This is the postulate of _________.

A. intuition
B. induction
C. deduction
D. imagination
Answer» B. induction

“Nothing is uncaused’ is a postulate of _________.

A. unity
B. intuition
C. deduction
D. induction
Answer» D. induction

Observation is not ___________.

A. passive
B. active
C. neither (a) nor (b)
D. both (a) and (b)
Answer» A. passive

Observation is always ___________.

A. passive
B. selective
C. false
D. correct
Answer» B. selective

_________ gives us control over conditions.

A. observation
B. experiment
C. postulate
D. non-observation
Answer» B. experiment

The one instance that may falsify a hypothesis is called _________ instance.

A. false
B. true
C. crucial
D. none of these
Answer» C. crucial
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