These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy (BA Philosophy) .
1. |
------ and ------ are the two systems of schools in Indian philosophy |
A. | asthika and nasthika |
B. | vedic and non-vedic |
C. | materialistic and spiritualistic |
D. | none of these |
Answer» A. asthika and nasthika |
2. |
Those who believes in the authority of Vedas are known as---------- |
A. | orthodox |
B. | heterodox |
C. | visions |
D. | none of the above |
Answer» A. orthodox |
3. |
The term Nastika means ------ |
A. | orthodox |
B. | heterodox |
C. | vedas |
D. | none of these |
Answer» B. heterodox |
4. |
Who was the founder of Carvaka Philosophy |
A. | kanada |
B. | brhaspati |
C. | gautama |
D. | mahavira |
Answer» B. brhaspati |
5. |
Carvaka philosophy is other wise known as ------ |
A. | materialism |
B. | empiricism |
C. | idealism |
D. | spiritualism |
Answer» A. materialism |
6. |
In Heterodox systems how many schools are there |
A. | three |
B. | two |
C. | four |
D. | six |
Answer» A. three |
7. |
The term ‘eat, drink and merry is related to------ |
A. | carvaka |
B. | buddhism |
C. | jainism |
D. | advaita |
Answer» A. carvaka |
8. |
Who was the founder of Buddhism |
A. | gautama buddha |
B. | mahavira |
C. | ramanuja |
D. | madhva |
Answer» A. gautama buddha |
9. |
The Orthodox schools of Indian philosophy accepts the goal of life is------- |
A. | self-realization |
B. | self-satisfaction |
C. | self –manifestation |
D. | self-discipline |
Answer» A. self-realization |
10. |
The term’ the fruit has arisen out of the action and action out of the fruit’ is related to---- |
A. | concept of karma |
B. | concept of bhakti |
C. | concept of moksha |
D. | concept of nishkamakarma |
Answer» C. concept of moksha |
11. |
In Indian philosophy------------- is the cause of existence of suffering |
A. | death |
B. | disease |
C. | emotion |
D. | karma |
Answer» D. karma |
12. |
The Four Noble Truths are related to ----- |
A. | advaita |
B. | buddhism |
C. | jainism |
D. | vaisesika |
Answer» B. buddhism |
13. |
Direct experience of one’s inner nature is known as |
A. | self-discipline |
B. | self-satisfaction |
C. | self-realization |
D. | self-manifestation |
Answer» C. self-realization |
14. |
The philosophy of Vivekananda is related to------- |
A. | advaita |
B. | dvaita |
C. | visistadvaita |
D. | none of these |
Answer» A. advaita |
15. |
The philosophy of Sri Aurobindo is known as |
A. | integral yoga |
B. | jnana yoga |
C. | karma yoga |
D. | bhakti yoga |
Answer» A. integral yoga |
16. |
The two concepts of Evolution and Involution is related to ----- |
A. | m.k.gandhi |
B. | swami vivekananda |
C. | tagore |
D. | sri aurobindo |
Answer» D. sri aurobindo |
17. |
The concept of Supermind is associated with the philosophy of |
A. | sri aurobindo |
B. | swami vivekananda |
C. | pathanjali |
D. | sri narayanaguru |
Answer» A. sri aurobindo |
18. |
Who said that ‘man should recognize his ultimate truth’ |
A. | tagore |
B. | m.k. gandhi |
C. | sri narayanaguru |
D. | k.c. bhattacharya |
Answer» A. tagore |
19. |
The process of Ascent through Descent means |
A. | existence |
B. | consciousness |
C. | integration |
D. | bliss |
Answer» C. integration |
20. |
Creation according to Sri Aurobindo is nothing but an |
A. | expression of joy |
B. | expression of sorrow |
C. | expression of nothingness |
D. | none of these |
Answer» A. expression of joy |
21. |
According to Sri Aurobindo realm of reality is divided to two hemispheres are -----and ---- |
A. | lower&higher |
B. | upper& lower |
C. | north& south |
D. | none of these |
Answer» A. lower&higher |
22. |
The most important character of Evolutionary process is |
A. | widening |
B. | heightening |
C. | integration |
D. | combination |
Answer» C. integration |
23. |
Ascent according to Sri Aurobindo means |
A. | involution |
B. | evolution |
C. | destruction |
D. | combination |
Answer» B. evolution |
24. |
Sri Aurobindo claims that his Yoga is Integral or ----- |
A. | synthetic |
B. | analytic |
C. | descriptive |
D. | none of these |
Answer» A. synthetic |
25. |
-------- is known as Father of Renaissance |
A. | kumaranasan |
B. | ayyankali |
C. | sreenarayana guru |
D. | chattambiswamikal |
Answer» C. sreenarayana guru |
26. |
Who contribute the message of “One caste One Religion One God to Humanity. |
A. | sreenarayanaguru |
B. | swami vivekananda |
C. | swami vivekananda |
D. | none of these |
Answer» A. sreenarayanaguru |
27. |
Who held the consecration of an Ezhava Shiva ? |
A. | m.k. gandhi |
B. | tagore |
C. | s.radhakrishnan |
D. | sreenarayanaguru |
Answer» D. sreenarayanaguru |
28. |
In his famous work ‘Atmopadeshasatakam’ NarayanaGuru describes |
A. | self-instructions |
B. | self-discipline |
C. | self-analysis |
D. | self-sacrifice |
Answer» A. self-instructions |
29. |
Truth and Non-violence are the two important weapons of |
A. | tagore |
B. | s.radhakrishnan |
C. | m.k. gandhi |
D. | sri aurobindo |
Answer» C. m.k. gandhi |
30. |
According to Gandhi’ Truth’ is----- |
A. | mind |
B. | god |
C. | consciousness |
D. | self |
Answer» B. god |
31. |
Ahimsa is otherwise known as -------- |
A. | love force |
B. | peace |
C. | violence |
D. | struggle |
Answer» A. love force |
32. |
The term Sarvodaya means |
A. | uplift of all |
B. | uplift of brahmins |
C. | uplift of untouchables |
D. | none of these |
Answer» A. uplift of all |
33. |
According to Gandhi in Politics the power must be----- |
A. | centralized |
B. | decentralized |
C. | wither away |
D. | none of these |
Answer» B. decentralized |
34. |
‘Reliance on our strength’ is otherwise known as--- |
A. | swadeshi |
B. | fearlessness |
C. | trusteeship |
D. | truthfulness |
Answer» A. swadeshi |
35. |
Satyagraha literally means----- a) Insistence on Truth b) Bravery c) Cowardness d) None of these 37. ‘The Kingdom of God’ is otherwise known as |
A. | ramarajya |
B. | swarajya |
C. | sarvodaya |
D. | none of these |
Answer» A. ramarajya |
36. |
According to S.Radhakrishnan the knowledge of the self is possible only through |
A. | intuition |
B. | intellect |
C. | sensation |
D. | mind |
Answer» A. intuition |
37. |
The Ultimate human destiny is not individual redemption but universal redemption |
A. | sri aurobindo |
B. | s. radhakrishnan |
C. | swami vivekananda |
D. | none of these |
Answer» B. s. radhakrishnan |
38. |
Which among the following is not a possible source of knowledge according to Radhakrishnan? |
A. | sense-experience |
B. | implication |
C. | intellectual cognition |
D. | intuitive cognition |
Answer» B. implication |
39. |
The function of Intellect, according to Radhakrishnan is---- |
A. | synthesis |
B. | argumentation |
C. | differentiation |
D. | analysis |
Answer» A. synthesis |
40. |
The whole must be grasped by -----alone |
A. | intellect |
B. | intuition |
C. | sense-experience |
D. | implication |
Answer» B. intuition |
41. |
“An Idealist View of Life is “ written by |
A. | sri aurobindo |
B. | s. radhakrishnan |
C. | swami vivekananda |
D. | m.k.gandhi |
Answer» B. s. radhakrishnan |
42. |
According to Radhakrishnan from the cosmic point of view --------------is the Absolute |
A. | god |
B. | self |
C. | consciousness |
D. | mind |
Answer» A. god |
43. |
------- is the insight into the nature of Reality |
A. | religion |
B. | science |
C. | metaphysics |
D. | ethics |
Answer» A. religion |
44. |
How many ways of knowing is in Rachakrishnan’s philosophy |
A. | one |
B. | two |
C. | three |
D. | none of these |
Answer» C. three |
45. |
The first philosopher who became the president of India |
A. | dr. s.radhakrishnan |
B. | dr. v.v.giri |
C. | dr. a.p.j .abdulkalam |
D. | none of these |
Answer» A. dr. s.radhakrishnan |
46. |
Ancient Indian philosophy describes ----- is the ultimate goal of existence |
A. | moksa |
B. | bliss |
C. | consciousness |
D. | freedom |
Answer» A. moksa |
47. |
The Ultimate human destiny according to S. Radhakrishnan is |
A. | jivanmukti |
B. | sarvamukti |
C. | videhamukti |
D. | none of these |
Answer» B. sarvamukti |
48. |
According to Swami Vivekananda , Raja Yoga means |
A. | chitta vrtti nirodha |
B. | , mental concentration, |
C. | physical concentration, |
D. | none of the above |
Answer» A. chitta vrtti nirodha |
49. |
Yoga literaly means |
A. | modification |
B. | action |
C. | union |
D. | sacrifice |
Answer» C. union |
50. |
According to Swami Vivekananda , a Karma yogi should work ------------------ |
A. | physically. |
B. | spiritually, |
C. | consciously |
D. | incessantly |
Answer» D. incessantly |
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