
110+ Contemporary Western Philosophy Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy (BA Philosophy) .


The founder of phenomenological movement is ---------------

A. husserl
B. hegel
C. kant
D. brentano
Answer» A. husserl

Brentano belongs to ------ movement

A. feminist
B. materialist
C. existentialist
D. phenomenologist
Answer» D. phenomenologist

Ideas: A General Introduction to Pure Phenomenology is a work o

A. brentano
B. husserl
C. sartre
D. aristotle
Answer» B. husserl

The task of phenomenology is to study ---

A. moral acts
B. science
C. emotions
D. consciousness
Answer» D. consciousness

The phenomenological reduction is by -------

A. husserl
B. brentano
C. ponty
D. sartre
Answer» A. husserl

Transcendental phenomenology, according to Husserl, was the study of -------

A. spirit
B. logic
C. transcendental consciousness
D. science
Answer» C. transcendental consciousness

--------- subscribes to slogan “To the things themselves.”

A. husserl
B. sartre
C. heidegger
D. empiricist
Answer» A. husserl

Which philosophy is emphasizing the study of consciousness by the method of reduction

A. existentialism
B. phenomenology
C. psychology
D. none of the above
Answer» B. phenomenology

Who wrote the work Logical Investigations?

A. heidegger
B. sartre
C. merleau-ponty
D. husserl
Answer» D. husserl

Who was the first to employ the term ‘phenomenology?

A. leibnitz
B. leucippus
C. lambert
D. bertano
Answer» C. lambert

Descriptive psychology and had its origins in the project of -------

A. brentano.
B. husserl
C. heidegger
D. meinong
Answer» A. brentano.

Whose conviction that philosophy is a rigorous science?

A. kant
B. brentano
C. aristotle
D. husserl
Answer» D. husserl

phenomenology emphasizes the concept of ------

A. self-evidence
B. anticipation
C. existence
D. science
Answer» A. self-evidence

Brentano contrasts empirical psychology with ---------

A. gestalt psychology
B. clinical psychology
C. genetic psychology
D. all are false
Answer» C. genetic psychology

------- is a concept in phenomenology borrowed from Brentano

A. intentionality
B. de anima,
C. cognition
D. consciousness
Answer» A. intentionality

Who laid great stress on phenomenology’s principle of presuppositionlessness in Phenomenology?

A. heidegger
B. meinong
C. brentano
D. husserl
Answer» D. husserl

Which of the following is true to Husserl?

A. the suspension of the natural attitude
B. the phenomenological epoché,
C. eidetic and transcendental reductions
D. all are true
Answer» D. all are true

-------- meant that all scientific, philosophical, cultural, and everyday assumptions had to be put aside.

A. positivism
B. bracketing
C. empiricism
D. descriptivism
Answer» B. bracketing

Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint is the work of --------

A. brentano
B. husserl
C. heidegger
D. sartre
Answer» A. brentano

Who contrasts empirical psychology with genetic psychology?

A. carnap
B. meinong
C. brentano
D. husserl
Answer» C. brentano

Cartesian Meditations is the famous work of ---------

A. carnap
B. descartes
C. brentano
D. husserl
Answer» D. husserl

--------------is the doctrine that every mental act is related to some object.

A. objectivity
B. intentionality
C. reduction
D. bracketing
Answer» B. intentionality

Husserl as a transcendental philosopher deferrers from-------. (a) Descartes (b) Socrates (c) Aristotle (d) Kant 29. Who distinguished between phenomena and noumena ?

A. kant
B. brentano
C. sartre
D. berkeley
Answer» D. berkeley

Whose transcendental philosophy is known as transcendental phenomenology?

A. brentano
B. husserl
C. sartre
D. heidegger
Answer» B. husserl

----- reduction brackets the question of existence and attempts to focus on the essence.

A. eidetic
B. transcendental
C. phenomenological
D. all are true
Answer» A. eidetic

According to Kierkegaard, truth is--------. (a) Subjectivity (b) God (c) Transcendental (d) Particular 34. Who said that “existence precedes essence”?

A. husserl
B. plato
C. descartes
D. sartre
Answer» A. husserl

Being and Time is the work of --------. (a) Nietzsche (b) Plato (c) Heidegger (d) Sartre 36. Who said that "God is dead"?

A. heidegger
B. nietzsche
C. sartre
D. kierkegaard
Answer» C. sartre

---- philosophers give importance to the term existence?

A. existentialists
B. phenomenologist
C. empiricists
D. rationalists
Answer» A. existentialists

Existentialism is a philosophical -----------. (a) Idealism (b) Movement (c) Pragmatics (d) Science 39 Existentialism emphasizing individual existence, freedom, and ----

A. god
B. religion
C. objectivity
D. subjectivity
Answer» B. religion

Who is regarded as the founder of modern existentialism?

A. sartre
B. heidegger
C. kierkegaard
D. nietzsche
Answer» C. kierkegaard

Who claimed the word nausea for the individual's recognition

A. husserl
B. sartre
C. heidegger
D. nietzsche
Answer» B. sartre

One of the following is an atheist existentialist

A. descartes
B. karl jaspers
C. gabriel marcel
D. sartre
Answer» D. sartre

Who wrote the book Thus Spake Zarathustra ?

A. nietzsche
B. sartre
C. brentano
D. aristotle
Answer» A. nietzsche

Being and Time is the work of -------. (a) Sartre (b) Husserl (c) Heidegger (d) Descartes 46 According to Heidegger, Dasein means --------

A. god
B. becoming
C. being- that
D. being- there
Answer» C. being- that

In Heidegger the fundamental ontology means the study of -----

A. being
B. non -being
C. becoming
D. logic
Answer» A. being

Being and Nothingness is the work of --------

A. husserl
B. sartre
C. brentano
D. heidegger
Answer» B. sartre

“Man is condemned to be free”, is the statement of ----

A. nietzsche
B. husserl
C. sartre
D. heidegger
Answer» C. sartre

Sartre's philosophy is explicitly ------and pessimistic

A. religious
B. catholic
C. theistic
D. atheistic
Answer» D. atheistic

Heidegger is an ------------- philosopher.

A. agnostic
B. ancient
C. analytic
D. existential
Answer» A. agnostic

Sartre tried to reconcile existentialist concepts with a ----------- analysis of society and history.

A. samos
B. marxist
C. religious
D. all are false
Answer» B. marxist

Nietzsche is an ------- existentialist philosopher.

A. atheistic
B. atomists
C. theistic
D. phenomenological
Answer» A. atheistic

A number of existentialist philosophers used --------- to convey their thought.

A. Ethics
B. Hermeneutics
C. literary forms
D. god
Answer» C. literary forms

Existentialism is --------- century philosophical movement.

A. 18th
B. 20th
C. 21st
D. 5th
Answer» B. 20th

All existentialists have followed --------in stressing the importance of individual action in deciding questions of both morality and truth

A. Husserl
B. Nietzsche
C. Brentano
D. Kierkegaard
Answer» D. Kierkegaard

Existentialists have argued that no objective and ------ principles can be found for moral decisions.

A. Rational
B. innate
C. axiomatic
D. subjective
Answer» A. Rational

------ who claimed to have worked out a total rational understanding of humanity and history.

A. Hegel
B. Nietzsche
C. Husserl
D. Kierkegaard
Answer» A. Hegel

All the existentialist thinkers suggest major themes and stress on concrete ----- existence.

A. ontological
B. metaphysical
C. individual
D. theological
Answer» C. individual

Logical positivism is a philosophy developed by the Vienna Circle during the ------

A. 1950s
B. 1980s
C. 1920s
D. 1960s
Answer» C. 1920s

The most famous doctrine of logical positivism is its --------- principle

A. Verifiability
B. metaphysical
C. Ethical
D. all are false
Answer» A. Verifiability

A statement which cannot be verified is held to be ……………………………..

A. True
B. valid
C. meaningless
D. idealist
Answer» C. meaningless

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