220+ Banking Services Management (BSM) Solved MCQs


Who regulates the money circulation in India?

A. state bank of india
B. reserve bank of india
C. naba
D. commercial banks
Answer» B. reserve bank of india

Which of the following is not an organized sector in India?

A. nationalised banks
B. regional rural banks
C. cooperative banks
D. chits and money lenders
Answer» D. chits and money lenders

Who will settle the grievances of customers of banks?

A. reserve bank of india
B. state bank of india
C. local courts
D. ombuds men
Answer» D. ombuds men

Who introduced the Banking Ombudsmen Scheme?

A. rbi
B. sbi
C. ministry of finance
D. nabard
Answer» A. rbi

Which was the firth Bank corporated by the Indians? (1881)

A. imperial bank of india
B. state bank of india
C. avadh commercial bank(oudh)
D. reserve bank of india
Answer» C. avadh commercial bank(oudh)

When was Reserve Bank of India established?

A. 1920
B. 1925
C. 1935
D. 1948
Answer» C. 1935

When was Reserve Bank of India Nationalised?

A. 1947
B. 1948
C. 1949
D. 1950
Answer» C. 1949

When was Indian Banking Act come into force?

A. 1948
B. 1949
C. 1950
D. 1951
Answer» B. 1949

Imperial Banks were amalgamated and changed as _________

A. reserve bank of india
B. state bank of india
C. subsidiary banks
D. union bank of india
Answer» B. state bank of india

How many banks were first nationalised?

A. 10
B. 12
C. 14
D. 16
Answer» C. 14

When was the second phase of nationalisation done?

A. 9th july 1969
B. 10th july 1968
C. 16th august 1985
D. 15th april, 1980
Answer» D. 15th april, 1980

Who will act as the banker to the Government of India?

A. state bank of india
B. reserve bank of india
C. naba
D. nationalised banks
Answer» B. reserve bank of india

Where is the Head Quarter of Reserve Bank of India?

A. mumbai
B. delhi
C. kolkotta
D. ahmedabad
Answer» A. mumbai

When was Lead Bank Scheme introduced?

A. 1967
B. 1968
C. 1969
D. 1974
Answer» C. 1969

The first development financial institution in India that has got merged with a bank is

A. idbi
B. icici
C. idfc
D. uti
Answer» B. icici

……….prepared a framework through a consultative process to secure international convergence of supervisory regulations governing the capital adequacy of international banks.

A. basel committee on banking supervision
B. banking committee on banking supervision
C. basel company on banking supervision
D. banking company on banking supervision
Answer» A. basel committee on banking supervision

Gilt edged securities refer to

A. government securities
B. securities issued by municipal corporations
C. securities issu
D. by first class companies
Answer» A. government securities

Indian Banks Association (IBA) has a common net working system for sharing the ATM facilities in Mumbai, which is known as

A. atm network
B. shared payment network system
C. cash network
D. none of these
Answer» B. shared payment network system

World Bank stands for

A. nabard
B. gatt
C. ib
D. bank of england
Answer» C. ib

Where is the headquarters of SWIFT?

A. hong kong
B. brussels
C. london
D. mumbai
Answer» B. brussels


A. department of rbi
B. wholly owned subsidiary of rbi
C. subsidiary of sbi
D. none of the above
Answer» D. none of the above

Which of the following statement is correct.

A. foreign exchange markets are localized markets
B. foreign exchange markets operate within a country’s time zone.
C. foreign exchange markets are dynamic a
D. round the clock markets
Answer» C. foreign exchange markets are dynamic a

Who is the Governor of RBI?

A. bimal jalan
B. y v reddy
C. raghuram rajan
D. ranga reddy
Answer» C. raghuram rajan

Section 14 of Banking Regulation Act, 1949

A. prohibits a banking company from creating a charge upon any unpaid capital of the company.
B. contains a system of licensing of banks by the r.b.i.
C. provides that the subscrib
D. capital of a banking company should not be less than one-half of its authorized capital.
Answer» A. prohibits a banking company from creating a charge upon any unpaid capital of the company.

A Bank is under a statutory obligations to honour its customer's cheques vide

A. section 10 of the banking regulation act, 1949.
B. section 3 of the r.b.i. act, 1934.
C. section 31 of the negotiable instruments act, 1881.
D. none of these
Answer» C. section 31 of the negotiable instruments act, 1881.

The Reserve Bank of India was originally constituted as a share holder's Bank with a share capital of --

A. rs. 50 lakh
B. rs. 100 lakh
C. rs. 10 crores
D. rs. 5 crores
Answer» D. rs. 5 crores

Infrastructure Development Finance Company was established in -

A. 1961
B. 1997
C. 1994
D. 1991
Answer» B. 1997

Nationalised Banks have been permitted to offer their equity shares to the public to the extent of 49% of their capital as per amendments made in 1994 in

A. banking regulation act, 1949
B. banking companies (acquisition & transfer of undertakings) acts 1970/1980
C. both in (i) a (ii)
D. None
Answer» B. banking companies (acquisition & transfer of undertakings) acts 1970/1980

EXIM Bank is owned by -

A. govt, of india and rbi jointly
B. rbi and select commercial banks jointly
C. fully own
D. by govt, of india
Answer» C. fully own

Contribution towards Rural Infrastructure Development Fund is made by

A. nabard and commercial banks jointly
B. state govts. and govt, of india
C. only those commercial banks who fail to achieve the stipulat
D. benchmark of agricultural advances and / or priority sector advances
Answer» C. only those commercial banks who fail to achieve the stipulat

Credit rationing is a…………method of credit control.

A. quantitative credit control
B. qualitative credit control
C. direct credit control
D. continuous credit control
Answer» B. qualitative credit control

The development programme began in our country with the launch of

A. community development programme
B. integrated rural development programme
C. small farmers development agency
D. intensive agriculture area programme
Answer» A. community development programme

"Sans recourse" means ____.

A. i am not afraid
B. do not touch me
C. ask the drawer
D. without liability to me
Answer» D. without liability to me

When a drawer draws a cheque without keeping sufficient balance and if the cheque is bounced for insufficient funds. The drawer is punishable with imprisonment which may extend to and or a fine.

A. two months
B. one year
C. four months
D. six months
Answer» B. one year

The highest credit risk rating that can be awarded to any company by CRISIL is…..

A. ++a
B. aaa
C. +aa
D. none of the above
Answer» B. aaa

Bankers, in general, are hesitant to finance HUF because .

A. the firms ceases to exist when the karta is dead.
B. the firm ceases to exist with the death of any of the male coparcener.
C. the liability of the firm to the banker is susceptible to change with the birth of male chi
D. or with the death of a male coparcener in the huf.
Answer» C. the liability of the firm to the banker is susceptible to change with the birth of male chi

Factoring means .

A. financing against bills receivables.
B. financing invoices without recourse only.
C. purchasing and/or administering the receivables of a concern.
D. collecting the receivables and remitting to the seller.
Answer» C. purchasing and/or administering the receivables of a concern.

Under law of limitation , the liability of a guarantor is .

A. 3 years form the date of document.
B. 3 years from the date of default of the advance.
C. 3 years from the date when the dema
D. is made on guarantor.
Answer» C. 3 years from the date when the dema

The first bank to be established in India was ________ ,

A. bank of bengal
B. bank of hindustan
C. allahab
D. bank
Answer» B. bank of hindustan

Which type of securities are held by Reserve Bank of India before issuance of currency notes ?

A. gold coins and bullion
B. foreign securities
C. government of india's securities
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

Quasi Negotiable Instrument is accepted like Negotiable Instrument because of

A. the force of law
B. the customs and practice
C. their character of negotiability
D. none of these
Answer» B. the customs and practice

Loan documents executed out of India must be presented for registration within……….of its arrival in India.

A. three months
B. four months
C. six months
D. twelve months
Answer» B. four months

Usance bills or promissory notes drawn out of India are required to be stamped by

A. first holder in india
B. any holder
C. any party
D. none of the above
Answer» A. first holder in india

Command Area Development Programme relates to __________

A. desert development
B. hill area development
C. livestock development
D. irrigation development
Answer» D. irrigation development

The minimum percentage of Priority Sector advances to be maintained by foreign banks in India is .

A. 40%
B. 22%
C. 32%
D. 18%
Answer» C. 32%

Margin money scheme of KVIC is applicable to the project of individuals and entrepreneurs ______________ .

A. where the total project cost does not exceed rs. 10 lakh
B. where the total project cost does not exceed rs. 25 lakh
C. where the total project cost does not exce
D. rs. 5 lakh
Answer» A. where the total project cost does not exceed rs. 10 lakh

"Customer" is defined in -

A. banking regulation act
B. n.i. act
C. r.b.i. act
D. nowhere it is defined
Answer» D. nowhere it is defined

Prospectus is issued by a Private Limited Company when it issues

A. debentures
B. shares
C. both debentures a
D. shares
Answer» D. shares

A Public Limited Company should have minimum membership of -

A. 50
B. 15
C. 7
D. no limit
Answer» C. 7

Introduction of rating methodology for banks was introduced by RBI on the lines of-

A. camel
B. ir
C. cma
D. none of these
Answer» A. camel

In terms of the N.I. Act, finder of a lost cheque is :

A. a holder but not holder in due course, if payable to order
B. a holder in due course, if payable to bearer
C. both holder a
D. holder in due course, in either case
Answer» D. holder in due course, in either case

The charge created on a security of National Savings Certificate is -

A. pledge
B. hypothecation
C. assignment
D. .mortgage
Answer» A. pledge

Internet is the cheapest of all banking channels and helps banks to gain substantially in terms of………….cost.

A. auditing
B. deposit
C. investment
D. transaction
Answer» D. transaction

Drawing power in an account means

A. limit sanctioned
B. value of security
C. value of security minus unpa
D. stock
Answer» D. stock

Lien becomes time-barred three years after

A. the date of loan
B. date of delivery o the relative goods
C. due date of loan
D. lien has no limitation period
Answer» D. lien has no limitation period

Negative lien means -

A. a declaration by a company not to encumber assets of the company without previous consent of banker
B. deposit of title deeds with the bank with an oral declaration to mark bank's lien
C. a lien letter execut
D. by the company authorising the bank to mark lien on its fixed deposit receipt
Answer» A. a declaration by a company not to encumber assets of the company without previous consent of banker

Letter of Probate means-

A. a letter attached with a will containing signatures of the witnesses
B. confirmation of succession certificate
C. a certificate issu
D. by the court containing the name of the person who has to administer the property of a deceased person
Answer» D. by the court containing the name of the person who has to administer the property of a deceased person

Non-registration of a firm will affect in the following manner-

A. on dissolution of the firm, remaining partners will have to approach to the court for settlement of their dues.
B. bank will not allow an unregistered firm to open an account.
C. no partner shall be in a position to institute a suit against any other partner of the firm
D. none of these
Answer» C. no partner shall be in a position to institute a suit against any other partner of the firm

Working Capital Gap means-

A. total current assets minus total current liabilities
B. total assets minus intangible assets
C. total liabilities minus terms liabilities.
D. total current assets minus current liabilities (other than bank
Answer» D. total current assets minus current liabilities (other than bank

…………… constitute the largest source of funds for the banks

A. cash
B. loan
C. deposit
D. agency service
Answer» C. deposit

Banker's lien is a type of security.

A. hypothecated
B. mortgaged
C. impli
D. pledge
Answer» C. impli

Section 85(1) of the Negotiable Instrument Act 1881 provides protection to the paying banker in respect of

A. forged endorsement
B. material alterations on the face of the cheque
C. forgery of drawer's signature
D. all of these
Answer» A. forged endorsement

Collection of cheques for customer is a………….function of bank.

A. agency function
B. trustee function
C. plann
D. function
Answer» A. agency function

In periods of boom, which leads to economic instability, Reserve Bank resorts to

A. sale in the market of first class securities in its possession to reduce the supply of money as a measure of open market operations
B. buying of approved securities in the market as a measure of pen market operations
C. hike in the bank rate as a measure of open market operations
D. none of these
Answer» A. sale in the market of first class securities in its possession to reduce the supply of money as a measure of open market operations

Under Section 17 of the Banking Regulation Act 1949, every banking company incorporated in India is required to transfer each year to a reserve fund a sum equivalent to not less than

A. 10 per cent of profit before dividends;
B. 20 per cent of profit after interest tax and dividend;
C. 25 per cent of profit before dividends;
D. 5 per cent of gross profit
Answer» C. 25 per cent of profit before dividends;

After a customer has closed the account______

A. the banker is no more liable to observe secrecy of his account because the contractual relationship comes to an end
B. the banker is still bound by his duty of secrecy
C. the banker's duty of secrecy comes to an e
D. in terms of the provisions of the negotiable instrument act, 1881
Answer» B. the banker is still bound by his duty of secrecy

………….is a new scheme of deposit mobilization have been evolved by the Indian commercial banks.

A. current deposit
B. saving deposit
C. insurance link
D. deposit
Answer» C. insurance link

A mandate may continue to be operative even in the case of—

A. death of the agent
B. lunacy of the agent
C. insolvency of the agent
D. none of these
Answer» C. insolvency of the agent

………….is a document issued by the bank acknowledge the receipt of a fixed sum of money on deposit.

A. collection receipt
B. withdrawal receipt
C. fix
D. deposit receipt
Answer» C. fix

A bill should be presented for acceptance in case of insolvency of a drawee to

A. official receiver
B. drawee in case of need
C. acceptor for honour
D. none of the above
Answer» A. official receiver

An order instrument can be made payable to the bearer by making

A. conditional endorsement
B. full endorsement
C. general endorsement
D. none of the above
Answer» C. general endorsement

The endorser will not liable to the holder on dishonor of a negotiable instrument if he makes

A. sans-recourse endorsement
B. facultative endorsement
C. sans-frais endorsement
D. none of the above
Answer» A. sans-recourse endorsement

Negotiation-back implies

A. return of the instrument back of he person who indorsed it earlier
B. the endorser does not want the instrument to be indorsed back to him
C. the endorser does not want the endorsee to incur any expenses on endorser’s account
D. none of the above
Answer» A. return of the instrument back of he person who indorsed it earlier

Once a bearer instrument always a bearer instrument is true in case of

A. a cheque only
B. a bill of exchange only
C. all negotiable instruments
D. none of the above
Answer» A. a cheque only

……are treated as negotiable instrument by usage or custom of trade.

A. bill of exchange
B. promissory note
C. cash
D. hundies
Answer» D. hundies

The relationship between a banker and its customer is basically that of

A. a debtor and a creditor
B. a trustee and the beneficiary
C. a principal a
D. an agent
Answer» A. a debtor and a creditor

The banker's answer in case of dishonor of a cheque on a account of insufficiency of funds is generally

A. refer to drawer (rd)
B. no funds (nf)
C. not arrang
D. for (naf)
Answer» A. refer to drawer (rd)

The title of the endorsee will not be better than of the endorser in case a cheque is crossed containing the words

A. & co
B. not negotiable
C. account payee
D. none of the above
Answer» B. not negotiable

Travelers cheques are issue by

A. travel agencies
B. commercial banks
C. tourist department of government of india
D. none of the above
Answer» B. commercial banks

When a banker accepts the securities for safe custody, the relationship between a banker and a customer is that of

A. a debtor and a creditor
B. trustee and beneficiary
C. principal a
D. agent
Answer» B. trustee and beneficiary

A right of appropriation first lies with the

A. debtor
B. creditor
C. court
D. none of the above
Answer» A. debtor

The period of limitation in case of deposits with bankers from the date on which

A. deposit was made
B. deposit matures
C. date of dema
D. for payment by the customer
Answer» C. date of dema

Pay order is issued by the banks for

A. local payments
B. inter-state payments
C. foreign payments
D. none of the above
Answer» A. local payments

Certificate of Deposit cannot be issued by

A. scheduled commercial banks
B. regional rural banks
C. all india financial institution
D. none of the above
Answer» B. regional rural banks

The recurring deposit account combine the characteristics of ……….and fixed deposit account.

A. savings account
B. current account
C. loan account
D. none of the above
Answer» A. savings account

The drawee banker of a demand draft has received intimation of the loss of the draft from the purchaser. The banker should

A. stop the payment
B. exercise caution
C. refuse to accept the notice a
D. d. issue a duplicate draft
Answer» B. exercise caution

…………..is always drawn on a specified banker.

A. bill of exchange
B. promissory note
C. investment receipt.
D. cheque
Answer» D. cheque

A customer requests for issue of a bearer demand draft. The banker should

A. strike off the word 'order' and should put the word 'bearer' on the draft
B. request the customer to go to the head office
C. refuse to issue the draft
D. none of the above
Answer» C. refuse to issue the draft

A and B have jointly hired a locker under "Either or Survivor" caluse. A dies. The bank should

A. permit b to operate the locker
B. seal the locker and open it only in the presence of b and a is legal representative
C. permit operation by b a
D. legal representative of a jointly
Answer» A. permit b to operate the locker

Pay order is issued by the banks for

A. local payments
B. inter state payments
C. foreign payments
D. none of the above
Answer» A. local payments

When a banker collects a cheque for which he has already given cash,his position is that of a…………

A. collecting bank
B. dealer
C. agent
D. holder for value
Answer» D. holder for value

Merchant banking includes

A. managing issue of shares
B. opening branches in mandis or bazaars
C. financing intermediary businessmen
D. none of the above
Answer» A. managing issue of shares

In case of ………….days of grace are allowed

A. withdrawal receipt
B. bill of exchange
C. cheque
D. money order
Answer» B. bill of exchange

A minor can open and operate an account in his own name if he has atleast attained the age of

A. 12 years
B. 16 years
C. 15 years
D. none of the above
Answer» A. 12 years

.The person appointed to operate the account after his death by the deceased himself before his I death is called

A. executor
B. administrator
C. attorney
D. none of the above
Answer» B. administrator

A joint account can be opened by the banker on receipt of application signed by

A. majority of the joint account holders
B. all joint account holders
C. any joint account holder
D. none of the above
Answer» B. all joint account holders

A minor cannot

A. accept a bill
B. draw a bill
C. endorse a cheque
D. none of the above
Answer» A. accept a bill

.The interest and principle amount of a loan not repaid by a customer in a bank ,the bank consider such loan as……..

A. rd
B. fd
C. npa
D. tod
Answer» C. npa

Banks create money by

A. liberal credit
B. differential instrument
C. accepting deposit
D. all or some of the above.
Answer» D. all or some of the above.

The Apex Co-operative Bank is known as

A. central co-operative bank
B. state co-operative bank
C. rrb
D. nabrd
Answer» B. state co-operative bank
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