220+ Functional Areas of Business Solved MCQs


_______________ is responsible for assessing customer wants and needs.

A. Marketing
B. Operation
C. Finance
D. Human resource
Answer» A. Marketing

_____________is concerned with the design and delivery of advice and financial products.

A. Human resource planning
B. Financial services
C. Marketing mix
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Financial services

_______________ provides a conceptual and analytical framework for financial decision making.

A. Human resource management
B. Financial management
C. Marketing management
D. Nine of the above
Answer» B. Financial management

Which assets yield a return over a period of time in future

A. Short term assets
B. Long term assets
C. Fictitious assets
D. All of the above
Answer» B. Long term assets

Operation management provide desired utilities of

A. Form
B. Place
C. Possession
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

_______________ is the management of systems that creates goods and services.

A. Operations
B. Finance
C. Marketing
D. All of the above
Answer» A. Operations

Human resource management consist of

A. Collective bargaining
B. Contract negotiation
C. Grievance handling
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

_________________ is that part of management concerned with people at work.

A. Finance
B. Operation
C. Marketing
D. None of the above
Answer» D. None of the above

_____________ concerned with the main business activities which obtains and converts resources of the business into goods/services

A. Production management
B. Finance management
C. Marketing management
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Production management

Wealth maximization is the acceptable objective because it is

A. Value maximization
B. Based on cash flows
C. Maximizes the market price of shares
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Overseeing the provisions of services is a role of

A. Human resource management
B. Operations management
C. Marketing management
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Operations management

What function of business is responsible for ensuring that products and services meet high quality standards?

A. Finance
B. Marketing
C. Operations
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Operations

The main responsibilities of financial management function is

A. Obtaining capital and resources for expansion or to pay for resources such as equipment and materials.
B. Support for software applications, electronic communications and electronic transactions
C. Maintaining legal rights and responsibilities of employer and employees
D. All of the above
Answer» A. Obtaining capital and resources for expansion or to pay for resources such as equipment and materials.

Two businesses are not the same; the functions will vary because of-

A. The size and scale of business
B. The preferences of owner
C. The types of customers
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

__________________ concerned with developing new goods/services and updating old ones

A. Sales
B. Consumers Services
C. Research and development
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Research and development

The main functions of human resource management is-

A. To attain maximum individual development
B. To prepare and maintain statement of finance
C. Providing information to the customers
D. Identify links between functions
Answer» A. To attain maximum individual development

Which type of function may be performed by the finance manager for management of profitability?

A. Forecasting future profits
B. Pricing
C. Cost control
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which of the following are covered under the scope of Human Resource Management? (Choose the appropriate code given below)
(i) Forecasting Human Resource need
(ii) Replacement planning
(iii) Human Resource Dynamics
(iv) Human Resource Development Planning
(v) Human Resource Audit

A. (i) (iii) and (v)
B. (i) (ii) (iii) and (iv)
C. (iii) and (v)
D. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) and (v)
Answer» D. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) and (v)

Which of the following is not a function of management?

A. planning
B. staffing
C. co-operation
D. controlling
Answer» C. co-operation

Modern Marketing consists

A. Marketing Strategy and Research
B. Marketing effectiveness
C. Brand Management
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

“Marketing is a human activity directed at satisfying needs and wants through exchange processes” is the statement by

A. Philip Kotler
B. Hansi L.V.
C. Peter F. Drucker
D. D.S. Pauler
Answer» A. Philip Kotler

Which of the following activities is not a direct responsibility of operations management?

A. developing an operations strategy for the operation
B. planning and controlling the operations
C. determining the exact mix of products and services that customers will want
D. designing the operations products, services and process
Answer» C. determining the exact mix of products and services that customers will want

The major responsibility of production management is

A. Passing information and understanding from one process to another
B. Transformation of inputs into specified outputs
C. Determining the rates of materials and search for supplier
D. Receives demand of materials from different departments of the organisation
Answer» B. Transformation of inputs into specified outputs

One objectives of financial management is

A. Ensuring a fair rate of return to the suppliers of capital
B. Management of cash
C. Disposal of surplus
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Ensuring a fair rate of return to the suppliers of capital

The marketing department of an anorganisation

A. Ensures that there is proper utilisation of resources
B. Compensating the employees
C. Delivery of materials to the right person at the right time
D. Distribution of goods and services.
Answer» D. Distribution of goods and services.

Employment is one of the functions of

A. Human resource management
B. Marketing management
C. Materials management
D. Scientific management
Answer» A. Human resource management

The Personnel management is viewed as

A. l
B. Conflict container
C. Dispute settler
D. None of the above
Answer» A. l

The Art and Science of managing money is referred to as

A. Banking
B. Finance
C. Wealth maximization
D. Capital management
Answer» A. Banking

The traditional phase of financial management evolved during

A. 1920s and 1930s
B. 1930s and 1940s
C. 1900 and 1910s
D. 1950s and 1960s
Answer» A. 1920s and 1930s

The principal focus of traditional approach of financial management was

A. long term financial needs
B. short term financial needs
C. medium term financial needs
D. both short and medium term needs
Answer» B. short term financial needs

The process by which companies creates value for customers and build strong customer relationships in order to capture value from customers in return is known as

A. marketing mix
B. marketing
C. customer satisfaction
D. customer relationship
Answer» A. marketing mix

When backed by buying power, wants becomes

A. needs
B. demands
C. must
D. satisfaction of needs
Answer» D. satisfaction of needs

The marketing logic by which the business unit hopes to achieve its marketing objectives is known as

A. market segmentation
B. marketing strategy
C. marketing mix
D. marketing analysis
Answer» B. marketing strategy

______ are the most important asset of an organization

A. finances
B. human resources
C. outstanding workers
D. goodwill
Answer» A. finances

Providing working conditions that employees believe are necessary in order to maintain their commitment to the organization is

A. motivation function
B. acquisition function
C. development function
D. maintenance function
Answer» B. acquisition function

What function of business is responsible for ensuring that products and services met high quality standards?

A. Finance
B. Marketing
C. Operations
D. None of the Above
Answer» B. Marketing

Marketing management includes_________the product & services.

A. Advertising
B. Branding
C. placing
D. All of the Above
Answer» D. All of the Above

_________means the conversion of raw materials into finished products with the help of certain processes.

A. Marketing
B. Financial
C. Production
D. None of the Above
Answer» C. Production

HRM function does not include

A. HR planning
B. Budgeting
C. Selection
D. Training
Answer» B. Budgeting

Financial management deals with

A. Controlling
B. Organizing
C. Directing
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The first man who advocated the view that the management should and can be taught is:

A. Harold Koontz
B. Terry
C. Louis Allan
D. Henry Fayol
Answer» D. Henry Fayol

Management and administration are

A. Same
B. Different
C. partly same & partly different
D. Same & different
Answer» C. partly same & partly different

Henry Fayol laid down

A. 12 priniciples
B. 14 techniques
C. 14 principles
D. 15 principles
Answer» C. 14 principles

Financial management is mainly concerned with

A. All aspects of acquiring and utilising financial resources for firm’s activities
B. Arrangement of funds
C. Efficient management of every business
D. Profit maximisation
Answer» A. All aspects of acquiring and utilising financial resources for firm’s activities

The primary goal of the financial management is

A. To maximize the return
B. To minimize the risk
C. To maximize the wealth of owners
D. To maximize profit
Answer» C. To maximize the wealth of owners

Capital budgeting is related to

A. Long term assets
B. Short term assets
C. Long and short term assets
D. Fixed assets
Answer» A. Long term assets

Working capital management is managing

A. Short term assets and liabilities
B. Long term assets
C. Long term liabilities
D. Only short term assets
Answer» A. Short term assets and liabilities

__________ is a source of long term-finance

A. Venture funding
B. Hire-purchase finance
C. Lease financing
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

One of the sources of seasonal working capital is

A. Share capital
B. Debenture
C. Indigenous banker
D. Retained profits
Answer» C. Indigenous banker

Wealth maximisation is the acceptable objective because it is

A. Value maximization
B. Based on cash flows
C. Maximises the market price of shares
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The financial function for allocation of capital to long term assets is

A. Capital structure
B. Capital budgeting
C. Working capital management
D. Dividend policy
Answer» B. Capital budgeting

_____ is a source of long-term finance.

A. Venture funding
B. Hire-purchase finance
C. Lease finance
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

________________ calls for skillful planning, control and execution of a firm’s activities

A. capital structure
B. finance function
C. working capital function
D. dividend policy
Answer» B. finance function

One of the sources of seasonal working capital is

A. Share Capital
B. Debenture
C. Indigenous Bankers
D. Retained Profits
Answer» C. Indigenous Bankers

_______________ involves the decision of allocation of capital or commitment of funds to long-term assets that would yield benefits in the future

A. Working capital
B. Capital budgeting
C. Dividend policy
D. Capital structure
Answer» B. Capital budgeting

The objectives of financial management includes-

A. Procurement of funds
B. Optimum capital structure
C. Utilization of funds
D. All of the above
Answer» A. Procurement of funds

______________ management refers to current assets management which effects the firm’s liquidity and solvency

A. Working capital
B. Capital structure
C. Dividend policy
D. Capital budgeting
Answer» A. Working capital

The important factors that to be considered for dividend policy includes-

A. Government tax policy
B. Maintenance of reserves
C. Legal restrictions
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Short-term finance is required to meet the expenses for-

A. Payment of wages and salaries
B. Cost of fixed assets
C. Initial development expenditures
D. Operating losses
Answer» A. Payment of wages and salaries

The only viable goal of financial management is:

A. Profit maximization
B. Wealth maximization
C. Sales maximization
D. Assets maximization
Answer» B. Wealth maximization

The extent to which the firm has fixed financing costs arising from the use of debt is measured by

A. Combined leverage
B. Operating leverage
C. Financial leverage
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Financial leverage

Which of the following is not a component of current assets?

A. Cash
B. Debtors
C. Bills Payables
D. Inventories
Answer» C. Bills Payables

The modern approach to finance functions considers which of the following?

A. Investment decisions
B. Financing decisions
C. Dividend decisions
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

A firm should select a financing mix which maximizes its value and the shareholders’ wealth. Such is referred to as

A. Optimal Capital Ration
B. Optimal Capital Budget
C. Optimal Capital costs
D. Optimal Capital structure
Answer» D. Optimal Capital structure

________ varies with the volume of operations

A. Fixed/Permanent WC
B. Fluctuating/Temporary WC
C. Gross WC
D. Net WC
Answer» B. Fluctuating/Temporary WC

Projects are accepted under profitability method, if

A. PI > 1
B. PI = 1
C. PI < 1
D. PI = 0
Answer» A. PI > 1

A theory known as dividend irrelevance theory is:

A. Walter’s Model
B. Gordon’s Model
C. Modigliani & Miller’s Model
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Modigliani & Miller’s Model

“_______________ of a company refers to the make-up of its capitalization and it includes all long-term capital resources viz., loans, reserves, shares and bonds. - Gerstenberg.

A. Capital Ration
B. Capital Budget
C. Capital costs
D. Capital structure
Answer» D. Capital structure

Which of the following is not short-term source of capital/finance?

A. Bank overdraft
B. Trade credit
C. Debenture
D. Bills of exchange
Answer» C. Debenture

Trading on equity means

A. Taking advantage of equity share capital to borrow funds on reasonable basis
B. Taking advantage of the conditions prevailing in the capital market
C. Taking advantage of prevailing rate of interest
D. None of the above.
Answer» A. Taking advantage of equity share capital to borrow funds on reasonable basis

A good financial structure should be

A. Flexible enough to have scope for expansion or contraction
B. Flexible enough to convert working capital
C. Flexible enough to lay down policies
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Flexible enough to have scope for expansion or contraction

Financial planning is concerned with

A. Financial control
B. Investing in assets needed permanently for the business
C. Developing business
D. Laying down of policies in regard to cash control, etc.
Answer» D. Laying down of policies in regard to cash control, etc.

________ is traditionally considered as the main objective of the firm

A. Wealth maximization
B. Profit maximization
C. Customer satisfaction
D. Reduction in cost
Answer» B. Profit maximization

Funds needed for acquiring fixed assets are known as

A. short term finance
B. long term finance
C. medium term finance
D. public deposits
Answer» B. long term finance

Finance raised by ways of loans and credit from public, banks, and financial institutions is known as

A. public deposits
B. owned capital
C. permanent capital
D. borrowed capital
Answer» D. borrowed capital

Shares which are not only entitled to a fixed preferential dividend but also participate in the surplus profits are known as

A. cumulative preference shares
B. participating preference shares
C. convertible preference shares
D. non- participating preference shares
Answer» A. cumulative preference shares

The company is usually required to pledge assets of the company to the lender as collateral under

A. equity financing
B. debt financing
C. borrowed capital
D. retained earnings
Answer» B. debt financing

The process of allocating scarce resources of a business firm among the competing investment projects can be considered as

A. investment decision
B. financing decision
C. dividend decision
D. financial management
Answer» A. investment decision

According to MM approach, the total value of the firm remain

A. variant
B. decrease
C. increase
D. constant
Answer» D. constant

Working capital is the proportion of the total capital which is employed in

A. long term
B. short term or current operations
C. middle term
D. fixed term
Answer» B. short term or current operations

The manager who looks after the activities of the Finance Department is known as

A. Accountant
B. Financial Manager
C. Cashier
D. None of these
Answer» B. Financial Manager

_____________is the particular combination of debt & equity used by a company of finance its overall operations and growth.

A. Dividend decision
B. Capital budgeting
C. Capital structure
D. Investment decision.
Answer» C. Capital structure

______________involves raising money by selling interests in the company.

A. Equity
B. Debt
C. Bond
D. None of these
Answer» A. Equity

Financial management involves

A. Investment decisions
B. Financing decisions
C. Dividend decisions
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Financial management is mainly concerned with_________

A. All aspects of acquiring & utilizing financial resources for firms activities.
B. Arrangement of funds
C. Efficient management of every business.
D. Profit maximization.
Answer» A. All aspects of acquiring & utilizing financial resources for firms activities.

The primary goal of financial management is

A. To maximize the return
B. To minimize the risk
C. To maximize the wealth of owners
D. To maximize profit.
Answer» C. To maximize the wealth of owners

_____________are financial assets

A. Bonds
B. Machines
C. Stocks
D. B and C.
Answer» D. B and C.

Human resource management seeks to accomplish

A. Societal goals
B. Organisational goals
C. Individual goals
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

____________ is concerned with manpower planning, recruitment, selection, placement, induction, transfer.

A. The labour aspect
B. The welfare aspect
C. The industrial relation aspect
D. None of the above
Answer» A. The labour aspect

Which activity involves design of policies and procedures for fair recruitment and selection of human resource?

A. Human resource planning
B. Recruitment and selection
C. Training and development
D. Job design
Answer» B. Recruitment and selection

The process of HR planning includes

A. Business strategic plan
B. Resourcing strategy
C. Scenario planning
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Job description includes

A. Job title
B. Job analysis
C. Supply forecasting
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Job title

__________________is the process through which the organisation seeks applicants for potential employment

A. Selection
B. Employment interview
C. Recruitment
D. All of the above
Answer» C. Recruitment

Which one is not methods of training?

A. Classroom
B. Vestibule
C. Promotional
D. Apprenticeship
Answer» C. Promotional

Which of the following is/are types of training?

A. Orientation training
B. Promotional training
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Both (a) and (b)

The objectives of compensation includes-

A. Allure qualified personnel
B. Keep qualified human resource
C. Performance appraisal and provide for progression
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Human resource management functions does not include

A. HR planning
B. Budgeting
C. Selection
D. Training
Answer» B. Budgeting

The essential elements of employer-employee relationship includes

A. Mutual respect
B. Openness and communication
C. Mutual reliance
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

On-the-job training includes

A. Vestibule training
B. Under study
C. Position rotation
D. All of the above
Answer» C. Position rotation

The importance of human resource management includes

A. Optimum utilization of human resources
B. People centered function of management
C. Develops dynamic strategies for goal accomplishment
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above
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