120+ Co-operative Theory and Practice Solved MCQs


. The International Co-operative Alliance appointed a sub-committee in ……….. for the first reformulation of Principles of Co-operative Sector.

A. 1934
B. 1964
C. 1954
D. 1944
Answer» A. 1934

For the second reformulation of Principles of Co-operative Sector, The International Cooperative Alliance appointed a sub-committee in ……………

A. 1964
B. 1935
C. 1954
D. 1944
Answer» A. 1964

The International Co-operative Alliance revised the co-operative principles for the third time in its Manchester Congress in ………….

A. 1964
B. 1995
C. 1934
D. 1994
Answer» B. 1995

. …………………has been compared to a “State within A State”

A. state
B. cooperation
C. capitalism
D. socialism
Answer» B. cooperation

……………..plays an equalizing role as a welfare factor in a capitalistic economy.

A. socialism
B. trade unionism
C. joint stock companies
D. cooperation
Answer» D. cooperation

………….. is a voluntary and democratic association of human beings, based on equality of control, opportunity, distribution and mutuality for the promotion of their common interests as producers or consumers.

A. organization
B. company
C. co-operation
D. non-profit organization
Answer» C. co-operation

…………… serves as an organizational instrument for the economically weaker producers-farmers, artisans or workers and consumers for strengthening themselves and protecting themselves against the exploitation by the stronger.

A. organization
B. company
C. co-operation
D. non-profit organization
Answer» C. co-operation

. The word ………… literally means to work together or act together.

A. organization
B. company
C. co-operation
D. association
Answer» C. co-operation

. The I.C.A appointed a Commission in ………………….. to ascertain how far the principles of the Rochdale as defined by I.C.A in 1937 are observed today and the reasons for any non-observance.

A. october, 1964
B. october, 1984
C. november, 1964
D. november, 1984
Answer» A. october, 1964

. . ……………..is based on the principle of self interest, maximization of profits and exploitation.

A. co-operation
B. capitalism
C. socialism
D. trade unionism
Answer» B. capitalism

. …………is based on the principle of self-help through mutual help, abolition of profits and service above self help.

A. co-operation
B. capitalism
C. socialism
D. trade unionism
Answer» A. co-operation

. In ……………….form of business organization profit earning is the fundamental motive.

A. co-operation
B. capitalism
C. socialism
D. trade unionism
Answer» B. capitalism

. In…………….. each works for all and all work for each.

A. co-operation
B. capitalism
C. socialism
D. trade unionism
Answer» A. co-operation

. In …………. the state is supreme, while in …………… the individual freedom occupies the front position.

A. co-operation, capitalism
B. capitalism, co-operation
C. socialism, capitalism
D. socialism, co-operation
Answer» C. socialism, capitalism

. . …………….pre-supposes the dominance of the State, whereas the cooperative movement does not accept State interference.

A. co-operation
B. capitalism
C. socialism
D. trade unionism
Answer» C. socialism

. The principles of ‘Voluntary Association’ and Democratic Management’ are the guidelines for ……………….

A. co-operation
B. capitalism
C. socialism
D. trade unionism
Answer» A. co-operation

. International Cooperative Alliance was founded by the International Cooperative Congress held in London in ……………

A. 1895
B. 1875
C. 1865
D. 1995
Answer» A. 1895

. The …………is the Chief Executive Officer of the ICA.

A. director general
B. president
C. vice president
D. board
Answer» A. director general

. The …………… presides over the General assembly and Board of ICA.

A. director general
B. president
C. vice president
D. board
Answer» B. president

. The ICA has ………………..member organizations around the world from …………..different countries as on 26th March 2013.

A. 271, 96
B. 226, 82
C. 290, 101
D. 215, 71
Answer» A. 271, 96

. The main office of Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific of ICA is at……………

A. new delhi
B. singapore
C. jakarta
D. beijing
Answer» A. new delhi

. Expand CCW

A. consumer cooperative worldwide
B. consumer cooperative wild life
C. cooperatives of consumers worldwide
D. world consumers cooperatives
Answer» A. consumer cooperative worldwide

. Expand ICAO

A. international cooperative agricultural organisation
B. international cooperative aquaculture organisation
C. international cooperative artisan organisation
D. international cooperative arts organisation
Answer» A. international cooperative agricultural organisation

. The Cooperative Credit Societies Act was passed in………

A. 1901
B. 1902
C. 1903
D. 1904
Answer» D. 1904

. The Cooperative Societies Act was passed in …………….

A. 1911
B. 1912
C. 1913
D. 1914
Answer» B. 1912

. The Reserve Bank of India was established in ………..

A. 1921
B. 1922
C. 1933
D. 1935
Answer» D. 1935

. In the ……………..five year plan the Central Committee for Cooperative Training was established

A. first
B. second
C. third
D. fourth
Answer» B. second

. In …………….the National Cooperative Development Corporation(NCDC) was established for strengthening the cooperative activities.

A. 1961
B. 1962
C. 1963
D. 1964
Answer» C. 1963

. Expand NCDC

A. national cooperative development corporation
B. national cooperative dairy corporation
C. national consumers development corporation
D. national consumers dairy cooperative
Answer» A. national cooperative development corporation

. In the ……………….five year plan the All India Rural Credit Review Committee was set up.

A. first
B. second
C. third
D. fourth
Answer» D. fourth

. In 1970 the Reserve bank of India set up the ………………for the review of rural credit system.

A. all india rural credit review committee
B. national cooperative development corporation
C. committee of direction of the rural credit survey
D. all of the above
Answer» A. all india rural credit review committee

The …………….Committee constituted to Review the Arrangements for Institutional Credit for Agriculture and Rural Development in 1981, recommended the establishment of NABARD.

A. sivaraman
B. sir maclagan
C. khusro
D. brahm prakash
Answer» A. sivaraman

. The Sivaraman Committee constituted to Review the Arrangements for Institutional Credit for Agriculture and Rural Development in 1981, recommended the establishment of……………..

A. nabard
B. ncdc
C. ncui
D. all of the above
Answer» A. nabard

. The Sivaraman Committee was constituted in the …………..five year plan and it recommended the establishment of NABARD.

A. second
B. fourth
C. sixth
D. eighth
Answer» C. sixth

. The ………………….committee was appointed by the Planning Commission of India to prepare a Model Cooperative Bill.

A. sivaraman
B. sir maclagan
C. khusro
D. brahm prakash
Answer» D. brahm prakash

. In India cooperative legislation started in …………..

A. 1904
B. 1912
C. 1901
D. 1882
Answer» A. 1904

. The shortcomings in the Act of 1904 was removed by another legislation known as………….

A. cooperative societies act of 1912.
B. the model cooperative act
C. constitution amendment bill
D. none of these
Answer» A. cooperative societies act of 1912.

. The ……………committee,1945 observed that the Act of 1912 needed revision in certain respects and recommended that the provinces in which the cooperative societies act of 1912 was in force should pass special acts keeping in view their past experience and the future needs of the movement.

A. sivaraman
B. sir maclagan
C. khusro
D. saraiya
Answer» D. saraiya

. The report submitted by the ………………….. consisted of two volumes: the first contained Model Cooperative Societies Bill and Rules and the second volume contained model bye-laws for various types of societies.

A. committee on cooperative law in 1955
B. committee of direction of all india rural credit survey 1954
C. saraiya committee
D. none of the above
Answer» A. committee on cooperative law in 1955

. A novel form of cooperative organization known as Producer Company was introduced by amending the …………………..

A. companies act, 1956
B. companies act, 1913
C. cooperative societies act of 1904
D. cooperative societies act of 1912
Answer» A. companies act, 1956

. NCUI is…………

A. national cooperative union of india
B. natural coir union of india
C. national coir union of india
D. national commission for universities in india
Answer» A. national cooperative union of india

. PACS is

A. primary agricultural cooperative society
B. primary association of credit societies
C. primary agricultural credit society
D. primary assocation of credit societies
Answer» C. primary agricultural credit society

LAMPS stands for

A. large sized multipurpose cooperative societies
B. large sized adivasi multipurpose cooperative societies
C. large agricultural multipurpose cooperative societies
D. none of the above
Answer» B. large sized adivasi multipurpose cooperative societies

DCCBs stands for

A. district central cooperative banks
B. director of central cooperative bank
C. danish credit cooperative bank
D. dane creative cooperative band.
Answer» A. district central cooperative banks

SCARDBs stands for

A. state cooperative agriculture and rural development banks
B. state credit and rural development banks
C. state cooperative and rural development banks
D. state credit and rural data bank
Answer» A. state cooperative agriculture and rural development banks

. SCBs stand for

A. state cooperative banks
B. state credit banks
C. social cooperative board
D. society for cooperative business
Answer» A. state cooperative banks

NAFED stands for

A. national agricultural cooperative marketing federation
B. national agricultural and fisheries marketing federation
C. national association of fisheries marketing federation
D. national apex federation
Answer» A. national agricultural cooperative marketing federation

. The ………………. Established in 1958 has been playing an important role in the development of cooperative marketing in India.

A. national agricultural cooperative marketing federation
B. national agricultural and fisheries marketing federation
C. national association of fisheries marketing federation
D. national apex federation
Answer» A. national agricultural cooperative marketing federation

. The National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation established in …………. has been playing an important role in the development of cooperative marketing in India.

A. 1958
B. 1968
C. 1908
D. 1918
Answer» A. 1958

. The first marketing cooperative was organized at ………. In the former Bombay province in 1915

A. hubli
B. thane
C. pune
D. kalyan
Answer» A. hubli

. The first marketing cooperative was organized at Hubli in the former Bombay province in ………….

A. 1905
B. 1910
C. 1915
D. 1920
Answer» C. 1915

. The National Cooperative Consumers’ Federation was established during the ………Plan.

A. first five year
B. second five year
C. third five year
D. fourth five year
Answer» D. fourth five year

DCCWSs stands for

A. district consumer cooperative wholesale stores
B. district credit cooperative workers
C. district consumer credit workers
D. district consumer credit wholesalers
Answer» A. district consumer cooperative wholesale stores

NCHF stands for

A. national cooperative housing federation of india
B. national credit housing federation
C. national consumer housing federation
D. national cooperative housing finance
Answer» A. national cooperative housing federation of india

. The Urban cooperative banks, salary earners’ societies, thrift and credit societies are examples of

A. agricultural credit societies
B. non-agricultural credit societies
C. both (a) and (b)
D. none of the above
Answer» B. non-agricultural credit societies

. The …………………..implemented the “Operation Flood Programme”.

A. nddb
B. ncdc
C. nchf
D. hdfc
Answer» A. nddb

. LAMPS, TDCCFs, BISCOLAMF, TRIFED are cooperatives working for the upliftment of ………….

A. scheduled castes
B. scheduled tribes
C. rural areas
D. urban areas
Answer» B. scheduled tribes

. The Jute industry is one of the major industries in ……………

A. gujarat
B. tamil nadu
C. west bengal
D. haryana
Answer» C. west bengal

. The first Diary Cooperative Society was registered in 1913 at …………..

A. anand in gujarat
B. allahabad in up
C. aurangabad in maharashtra
D. ahmedabad in gujarat.
Answer» B. allahabad in up

The first Diary Cooperative Society was registered in 1913 at Allahabad in UP was called……………..

A. katra cooperative dairy society
B. kaira district cooperative milk producers union
C. district cooperative milk society
D. allahabad cooperative dairy society
Answer» A. katra cooperative dairy society

. The Kaira District Cooperative Milk Producers Union at Anand was formed in ……….

A. 1913
B. 1923
C. 1936
D. 1946
Answer» D. 1946

. The Kaira District Cooperative Milk Producers Union was formed in 1946 at……………….

A. ahmedabad
B. allahabad
C. anand
D. bombay
Answer» C. anand

. The products of …………………….. is popularly known by the brand name ‘Amul’.

A. katra cooperative dairy society
B. kaira district cooperative milk producers union
C. baroda dairy
D. all of the above
Answer» B. kaira district cooperative milk producers union

. Operation Flood Programme is related to organizing …………..throughout the country.

A. dairy cooperatives
B. agriculture cooperatives
C. sericulture cooperatives
D. fisheries cooperatives
Answer» A. dairy cooperatives

. The Operation Flood progamme was started on……………….

A. june 1, 1947
B. january 26, 1950
C. july 1, 1970
D. october 2, 1972
Answer» C. july 1, 1970

Robert Owen, Dr. William King, Lougi Luzzatti, Louis Blanc are examples of some of the

A. economists
B. cooperative leaders
C. business men
D. prime ministers
Answer» B. cooperative leaders

The process of concentration of cooperative activities at the primary level either by the amalgamation of two or more societies carrying out the same business or by the incorporation of several functions in one society is known as…………….

A. horizontal integration
B. link-up system
C. vertical integration
D. all of the above
Answer» A. horizontal integration

. Two or more single-purpose societies working closely together without losing their identity is called

A. horizontal integration
B. link-up system
C. vertical integration
D. all of the above
Answer» B. link-up system

. The Kerala State Handloom Weavers Co Operative Society Ltd is known by the sobriquet……………was formed in the beginning of 1961 for the Weavers in the CoOperative Sector of Kerala

A. silk weave
B. hand text
C. hantex
D. silky
Answer» B. hand text

The………………………………………, the Apex Federation of Co-operative Societies engaged in the manufacture of coir and coir products is entrusted with the task of marketing the product of the Co-operative Societies

A. kerala state co-operative coir marketing federation
B. kerala state co-operative coir federation
C. kerala state co-operative marketing federation
D. all of the above
Answer» A. kerala state co-operative coir marketing federation

. ………………. is instrumental in implementing the novel schemes of Govt. of Kerala like Distress purchase scheme, Fibre subsidy scheme, Price fluctuation fund, Purchase price stabilization scheme etc

A. milma
B. coirfed
C. urban cooperative banks
D. kschf
Answer» B. coirfed

. Cocofert, Cocoplus, Cocogeo fabric, Dustout and Deepsleepare the brand names of products of

A. milma
B. coirfed
C. urban cooperative banks
D. kschf
Answer» B. coirfed

. MATSYAFED refers to

A. kerala state cooperative federation for fisheries devlopment ltd
B. agency for development of aquaculture, kerala
C. kerala fishermen’s welfare fund
D. fish farmers development agency
Answer» A. kerala state cooperative federation for fisheries devlopment ltd

The ……………………..is the apex federation of the consumer cooperatives in India.

A. national cooperative consumers’ federation of india limited
B. cooperative consumers’ federation
C. national consumers’ federation of india limited
D. none of the above
Answer» A. national cooperative consumers’ federation of india limited

. NCCF was set up on …………………….. and is administered under the Multi State Cooperative Societies Act 2002

A. 16 october, 1965
B. 16 august, 1965
C. 15 august, 1965
D. 25 december, 1965
Answer» A. 16 october, 1965

. NCCF was set up on 16 October, 1965 and is administered under the …………..

A. multi state cooperative societies act 2002
B. multi state cooperative societies act 1965
C. multi state cooperative societies act 1964
D. multi state cooperative societies act 1960
Answer» A. multi state cooperative societies act 2002

. ……………….. is the apex institution for financing housing through the Primary Housing Co-operatives (PHCs) in Kerala State.

A. nddb
B. nccf
C. kschf
D. ncdc
Answer» C. kschf

. The KSCHF was registered on ………………

A. 23.9.1970
B. 23.9.1971
C. 23.9.1972
D. 23.9.1973
Answer» A. 23.9.1970

. The ………………………..was established in 1969 as an apex organization for coordinating, guiding and promoting cooperative housing activities in India.

A. national co-operative housing federation
B. national co-operative housing society
C. cooperative housing society
D. national housing federation
Answer» A. national co-operative housing federation

. The Kerala State Handloom Weavers Co Operative Society Ltd. “Hantex” was formed in the beginning of …………..for the Weavers in the Co-Operative Sector of Kerala.

A. 1961
B. 1962
C. 1963
D. 1964
Answer» A. 1961

The National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation (NAFED), established in ……

A. 1965
B. 1955
C. 1970
D. 1958
Answer» D. 1958

National Co- operative Development Corporation (NCDC) was setup in …………..

A. 1963
B. 1962
C. 1960
D. 1961
Answer» A. 1963

. National Co- operative Development Corporation (NCDC) was setup in 1963 by the Central Government by passing ………………..

A. ncdc act in 1961
B. ncdc act in 1962
C. ncdc act in 1963
D. ncdc act in 1964
Answer» B. ncdc act in 1962

. The …………………………… was setup in 1963 by the Central Government by passing NCDC Act in 1962

A. national federation of state cooperative banks ltd
B. national bank for agricultural and rural development
C. national federation of urban cooperative banks and credit societies ltd
D. national co- operative development corporation
Answer» D. national co- operative development corporation

. The creation of ……………………………. in 1965 was a major step towards the organisation of dairying on cooperative lines.

A. national dairy development board (nddb)
B. national bank for agricultural and rural development
C. national federation of urban cooperative banks and credit societies ltd
D. national co- operative development corporation
Answer» A. national dairy development board (nddb)

. The creation of National Dairy Development Board (NDDB)in ………..was a major step towards the organisation of dairying on cooperative lines.

A. 1962
B. 1963
C. 1965
D. 1966
Answer» C. 1965

. In 1969-70 NDDB introduced a scheme for the development of dairy cooperatives known as .. …

A. white revolution
B. operation flood
C. blue revolution
D. silver river
Answer» B. operation flood

. The first marketing cooperative was organized at ……….. in the former Bombay Province in 1915

A. hubli
B. pune
C. kolaba
D. lonavla
Answer» A. hubli

. The first marketing cooperative was organized at Hubli in the former Bombay Province in ……………….

A. 1915.
B. 1920
C. 1900
D. 1925
Answer» A. 1915.

. When Agro processing companies enter into contract with the farmers to provide the farmers with the inputs like fertilizers, seeds, pesticides and guidelines to grow crops and buy back the products with a rate specified in advance, it is known as………..

A. cooperative farming
B. collective farming
C. contract farming
D. all of the above
Answer» C. contract farming

. The well-known sobriquet ‘MILMA’ refers to ……………………

A. amul co-operative
B. anand dairy
C. kerala co-operative milk marketing federation
D. none of the above
Answer» C. kerala co-operative milk marketing federation

Kerala Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation (KCMMF), popularly called ‘MILMA’ was established in ………….

A. january, 1950
B. april, 1970
C. april, 1980
D. november, 1980
Answer» C. april, 1980

. The farmer-owned Co-operative Model with is integrated approach to production, procurement, Processing and Marketing of milk came to be known as……..

A. milma pattern
B. anand pattern
C. mother pattern
D. none of the above
Answer» B. anand pattern

. The Registered Office of NAFCUB is at ……………. and the area of operation is whole of the country.

A. mumbai
B. agra
C. kolkata
D. delhi
Answer» D. delhi

. The …………………………….was set up in 1960 & is administered under the Multi-State Cooperative Societies Act, 2002.

A. national federation of state cooperative banks ltd
B. national bank for agricultural and rural development
C. national federation of urban cooperative banks and credit societies ltd
D. national cooperative agriculture & rural development banks’ federation ltd
Answer» D. national cooperative agriculture & rural development banks’ federation ltd

. The number of SCARDBs in India as on 31st March 2013 is……………..

A. 17
B. 18
C. 19
D. 20
Answer» C. 19

. The number of PCARDBsin India as on 31st March 2013 is……………..

A. 714
B. 815
C. 987
D. 194
Answer» A. 714

. The number Branches of PCARDBs in India as on 31st March 2013 is……………..

A. 987
B. 714
C. 978
D. 999
Answer» A. 987

. The National Co-operative Agriculture & Rural Development Banks’ Federation was registered on ………………………..with the main objective of promoting the interests of the Long Term Co-operative Credit Structure (LTCCS) movement in the country

A. 6thoctober, 1960
B. 5th october,1960
C. 7th october, 1960
D. 8th october, 1960
Answer» A. 6thoctober, 1960

The term “cooperative farming” is ………………. collective farming.

A. synonymous with
B. not synonymous with
C. same as
D. none of the above
Answer» B. not synonymous with
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