140+ Basic Numerical Skills Solved MCQs


George cantor is the

A. Father of Mathematics
B. Father of statistics
C. Father of Set Theory
D. None
Answer» C. Father of Set Theory

Which method is also known as tabular method

A. Roster method
B. Set builder form
C. Both a and b
D. None
Answer» A. Roster method

Which is also known as property method

A. Roster method
B. Set builder method
C. Both a and b
D. None
Answer» B. Set builder method

A set with no elements is a

A. Null set
B. Finite set
C. Infinite set
D. None
Answer» A. Null set

A set which is empty (or) consists of a definite number of elements is called

A. Null set
B. Finite set
C. Infinite set
D. None
Answer» B. Finite set

Two set A and B are said to be equal if they have exactly the same elements and we write it

A. A ≠ B
B. A = B
C. A € B
D. None
Answer» B. A = B

Two finite sets A and B are said to be equivalent set if cardinality of both sets are

A. Equal
B. Not equal
C. Similar
D. none
Answer» A. Equal

Which of the following are examples of null set

A. Set of even prime numbers
B. Set of letters in English alphabets
C. Set of odd natural numbers divisible by 2
D. All the above
Answer» C. Set of odd natural numbers divisible by 2

In the following state whether A=B

A. A= {4,8,12,16} B = {8,4,16,18}
B. A= {x : x is a multiple of 10 } B= {10, 15, 20, 25 ….}
C. A= {a, b, c, d} B = {d, c, b, a}
D. None
Answer» C. A= {a, b, c, d} B = {d, c, b, a}

A set ‘A’ is said to be a subset of a set B if every element of A is

A. Also an element of A
B. Also an element of B
C. Not an element of B
D. Not an element of A
Answer» B. Also an element of B

The Value of determinant a b c d is

A. ad – bc
B. ab – cd
C. bd – ac
D. bc - ad
Answer» A. ad – bc

a 0 b −a is =

A. ab
B. 0
C. a2
D. b
Answer» C. a2

The Value of the determinant 5 6 3 4 is ______

A. 2
B. - 2
C. 38
D. - 38
Answer» A. 2

if the rows and columns of determinant are interchanged, the determinate value ………………….

A. Remains the same
B. The sign of the value is changed
C. Becomes zero
D. None
Answer» A. Remains the same

A matrix with equal number of rows and colume is called

A. Square matrix
B. Column
C. Row
D. none
Answer» A. Square matrix

A matrix in which every element is Zero

A. Unit
B. Diagonal
C. Scalar
D. Null
Answer» D. Null

A square matrix in which all the laments except those in leading diagonal are zero is called ……………. Matrix

A. Zero
B. Null
C. Diagonal
D. None
Answer» C. Diagonal

A………… is matrix which has only one column

A. Column
B. Row
C. Diagonal
D. Square
Answer» A. Column

A square matrix in which elements in the diagonal are1 and rest is all zero is called

A. Diagonal matrix
B. Zero matrix
C. Identity matrix
D. none
Answer» C. Identity matrix

If all elements in the matrix are zero then it is

A. Diagonal matrix
B. Square matrix
C. Identity matrix
D. Zero matrix
Answer» D. Zero matrix

The sum of two matrices is a matrix obtained by adding ………………... elements of the given matrices

A. Corresponding
B. Opposite
C. Same
D. none
Answer» A. Corresponding

A (B+C) = AB + AC is a

A. Associative law
B. Cumulative law
C. Distributive law
D. Corresponding law
Answer» C. Distributive law

The transpose of a matrix A is denoted by

A. At
B. A
C. A(x)
D. None
Answer» A. At

A rectangular matrix does not possess

A. Inverse matrix
B. Square matrix
C. Zero matrix
D. None
Answer» A. Inverse matrix

The solution of the equation 4 =2/3 x is …………..

A. 6
B. 12
C. 8
D. 16
Answer» A. 6

The equations x2 + 4 =0 is a …………

A. Quadratic equation
B. Cubic equation
C. Simple equation
D. None
Answer» A. Quadratic equation

Equation ax2 + b = 0

A. Pure quadratic equation
B. General quadratic equation
C. Not a quadratic equation
D. None
Answer» A. Pure quadratic equation

The root of the eqn 3x2 -1 = 0 are ………

A. Irrational
B. Imaginary
C. Rational
D. integer
Answer» A. Irrational

x2 - 4 = 0 implies x =………..

A. 2
B. -2
C. ± 2
D. None
Answer» C. ± 2

………….. is one of the solutions to the equation 3x2 - 4x+1 =0

A. x = -1
B. x = 1
C. x = 2
D. x = 0
Answer» B. x = 1

The expression b2 - 4ac is called ………… of the quadratic eqn.

A. Discriminant
B. Roots
C. Characteristics
D. solution
Answer» A. Discriminant

If the discriminant of a quadratic eqn is zero, the roots are

A. Real and equal
B. Real and unequal
C. Complex
D. Nothing
Answer» A. Real and equal

Quadratic eqn ax 2+ bx + c = 0 has equal roots if

A. b - 4ac < 0
B. b - 4ac > 0
C. b - 4ac = 0
D. b - 4ac = 1
Answer» C. b - 4ac = 0

Eqn y = 2x+5 has

A. No solution
B. One solution
C. 3 solutions
D. Infinite solutions
Answer» D. Infinite solutions

X = 4 + 8y is

A. Quadratic
B. Linear
C. Exponential
D. none
Answer» B. Linear

………………. satisfies the eqn x +y +1 = 0

A. (x = 0 , y = 0 )
B. ( x = 1, y = - 2 )
C. ( x= 0 , y = 1)
D. (x = -2, y = 2)
Answer» B. ( x = 1, y = - 2 )

Simultaneous eqns means a set of eqn in …….. unknowns

A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Any number
Answer» D. Any number

…………….. are mathematical statements that contains one or more derivatives

A. Sets
B. Linear eqn
C. Equation
D. None
Answer» C. Equation

It is an eqn is one or more variables where each terms degrees is not more than I is

A. Simultaneous eqn
B. Linear eqn
C. Eqn
D. none
Answer» B. Linear eqn

…………… are a set of eqn containing multiple variables

A. Simultaneous eqn
B. Linear eqn
C. Eqn
D. none
Answer» A. Simultaneous eqn

Elimination by judicious multiplication is the other commonly used method to solve

A. Simultaneous eqn
B. Linear eqn
C. Simultaneous linear eqn
D. none
Answer» C. Simultaneous linear eqn

The term “Quadratic” comes from

A. Quadratis
B. Quadratice
C. Quadratus
D. None
Answer» C. Quadratus

Quadratics eqn is an eqn in which the highest power of the variables is

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. None
Answer» B. 2

………… means to rewrite the quadratic eqn into multiplication form

A. Graphing
B. Completing the square
C. Factoring
D. None
Answer» C. Factoring

The formula used for finding the roots of a quadratics eqn is known as

A. Completing the square
B. Factoring
C. Quadratic formula
D. none
Answer» C. Quadratic formula

A quadratic eqn with real (or) complex coefficients has 2 solutions called

A. Roots
B. Eqn
C. Formula
D. None
Answer» A. Roots

Break even point is

A. No sales no production
B. No profit no loss
C. Above targeted profit
D. None
Answer» B. No profit no loss

At market equilibrium

A. Demand = Supply
B. Profit = Loss
C. Sales = forecast
D. None
Answer» A. Demand = Supply

R(x) ==C(x) denotes

A. Profit function
B. Market equilibrium
D. None
Answer» C. BEP

A series obtained by adding a constant number to its preceding terms is

C. GP or AP
D. None
Answer» B. AP

A sequence is called infinite if it is not a

A. Finite sequence
C. Progressions
D. None
Answer» A. Finite sequence

Sequences following specific patterns are called

A. Progressions
B. finite sequence
C. Infinite sequence
D. None
Answer» A. Progressions

The various numbers occurring in a sequence are called

A. Progressions
B. Elements
C. Terms
D. None
Answer» C. Terms

A sequence containing finite number of terms is called

A. Finite sequence
B. Infinite
C. Terms
D. none
Answer» A. Finite sequence

tn in AP is

A. a + (n -1 ) 2d
B. a +(n -1 ) d
C. a + (d -1 ) n
D. none
Answer» B. a +(n -1 ) d

to find sum of A.P. Sn =

A. n/2 [2a + (n -1)d]
B. n/2 [2a + d]
C. n/2 [2a +(n-1)]
D. None
Answer» A. n/2 [2a + (n -1)d]

Find the 7th term of series 1,4,7………………

A. 22
B. 19
C. 16
D. 25
Answer» B. 19

Find the 10th term of the series 4, 2, 0, -2………..

A. -12
B. -10
C. -8
D. -14
Answer» D. -14

If 2, 5, 8……….. is A.P the t 20 is

A. 60
B. 59
C. 58
D. None
Answer» B. 59

d of the A.P. 4, -8, -20……..

A. -4
B. 12
C. -12
D. -8
Answer» C. -12

d of the A.P. 1,-1,-3,-5,…………….. is

A. 1
B. -1
C. -2
D. 2
Answer» C. -2

If the Nth term of an A.P. is 4n-1 then the d is

A. 3
B. 4
C. 1
D. 0
Answer» B. 4

Given the term in the sequence 1,3,7,15,31 next is …………….

A. 62
B. 63
C. 46
D. 66
Answer» B. 63

Find x if the number x ,7,28 from a GP

A. 4
B. 0
C. 7/4
D. 4/7
Answer» C. 7/4

The sum of an in finite G.P. is , where ‘r’ is

A. Numerically less than 1
B. Equal to 1
C. ± 1
D. Any value
Answer» A. Numerically less than 1

Sum of n terms of a G.P is given by where r is

A. Greater than 1
B. Equal to 1
C. Less than 1
D. Numerically greater than 1
Answer» D. Numerically greater than 1

If a is the first term and r is the common ratio then the nth term of the GP is

A. a(1-r)
B. a (1 –rn)
C. arn-1
D. − 1 − 1
Answer» C. arn-1

Find the common ratio of the following 9,6,4

A. 3
B. 2
C. 2/3
D. none
Answer» C. 2/3

If a b c are in G P then b is

A. ac
B. +2
C. a+ c
Answer» D. √

9, 6, 4……………….. is a ……….

A. A.P
B. G.P
C. A.P or G.P
D. None
Answer» B. G.P

If 2, x , 8 are the successive terms of a GP.the value of x is

A. 5
B. 4
C. -4
D. ± 4
Answer» D. ± 4

Common ratio of the G.P. 1, 1/3,1/9,1/27 …………….is

A. 3
B. 1/3
C. 1/6
D. 6
Answer» B. 1/3

The A M of a and b is ……..

A. +2
B. ab
D. a + b
Answer» A. +2

The sum of the value of 1,2,………………20 is

A. 500
B. 210
C. 420
D. 520
Answer» B. 210

The sum n term of an A P with first term a and common difference d is

A. Na
B. n/2 [2a +(n-1)d]
C. A + (n-1)d
D. − 1 − 1
Answer» B. n/2 [2a +(n-1)d]

The sum of n terms of an A.P. whose first term and last term are knows as …

A. n/2 (a +1 )
B. n/2 ( a +nd)
C. n/2 ( 2a +1n )
D. None
Answer» A. n/2 (a +1 )

The sum at the end of 2 years for 1000 at 10% p.a. compounded yearly

A. 100
B. 210
C. 1100
D. 1210
Answer» D. 1210

Simple interest for a sum of Rs 500 for 2 year at the rate of 8% p a is

A. 580
B. 420
C. 80
D. 16
Answer» C. 80

Compound interest for Rs 25,000/-at the rate of 12% p a for 5years is

A. 17623
B. 44058
C. 19058
D. 15000
Answer» C. 19058

The formula p (1+r/100)n gives ……….

A. The sum at the end of n year
B. CI at the end of n years
C. Present value
D. None
Answer» A. The sum at the end of n year

The sum at the end of 4 years for Rs 100 at 10% p a C I payable quarterly is

A. 100(1.1)3
B. 100(1.025)4
C. 100(1.025)16
D. 100(1.1)4
Answer» C. 100(1.025)16

If is the population at the beginning of an years and the increase is r% p a then the population at the end of nth years is

A. P ( 1+ r/100)n
B. P + ( n +1 ) pr / 100
C. P + (n -1) pr / 100
D. Pnr / 100
Answer» A. P ( 1+ r/100)n

The time period after which the interest is added each time to form a new principle is called

A. Normal period
B. Semi annual period
C. Conversion period
D. None
Answer» C. Conversion period

CI is equal to

A. A + P
B. A – P
C. A X P
D. None
Answer» B. A – P

Statistics is applied in

A. Economics
B. Business management
C. Commerce and Industry
D. All these
Answer» D. All these

Statistic deals with

A. Qualitative information
B. Quantitative information
C. Both
D. None
Answer» B. Quantitative information

The primary data are collected by

A. Interview
B. Observation
C. Questionnaire
D. All these
Answer» D. All these

………………….. is not dimensional diagram

A. Cubes
B. Rectangles
C. Pictograms
D. Circles
Answer» C. Pictograms

Ogives can be used to locate

A. Median
B. Quartiles
C. Deciles
D. All
Answer» D. All

A frequency distribution can be

A. Dicrete
B. Continuous
C. Neither
D. Either
Answer» D. Either

……………. Is filled by the enumerator

A. Questionnaire
B. Schedule
C. Questionnaire or Schedule
D. All
Answer» B. Schedule

Statistics are

A. Aggregate of facts
B. Numerically expressed
C. Systematically collected
D. All these
Answer» D. All these

Frequency distribution is

A. A table
B. A variable
C. Total Frequency
D. Class Intervals
Answer» A. A table

Length of a class is

A. The difference between the UCB and LCB of that class
B. The difference between the UCL and LCL of that class
C. a) or b)
D. Both a) & d)
Answer» A. The difference between the UCB and LCB of that class

Tabulation is the presentation of data in

A. Groups
B. Rows
C. Columns
D. Rows and columns
Answer» D. Rows and columns

Statistical results are

A. Absolutely correct
B. Not true
C. True on an average
D. Universally true
Answer» C. True on an average

The process of arranging data in groups according to similarities in character is called

A. Tabulation
B. Classification
C. Tabulation or classifaction
D. None
Answer» B. Classification

Tally marks determine

A. Class width
B. Class boundary
C. Class Limit
D. Class frequency
Answer» D. Class frequency

Histogram is useful to determine

A. Mean
B. Median
C. Mode
D. All these
Answer» C. Mode

The graphical representation of a cumulative frequency distribution is called

A. Histogram
B. Ogive
C. Both
D. None
Answer» B. Ogive
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