These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) .
1. |
Who defined management as “the art of knowing exactly what you want men to do and then see that they do it in the best and cheapest way”? |
A. | Henry Fayol |
B. | F.W. Taylor |
C. | Mary Parker Follet |
D. | Likert |
Answer» B. F.W. Taylor |
2. |
The management tool undertaken to find out the one best way of doing the thing is termed as: |
A. | Job Analysis |
B. | Merit Rating |
C. | Job Enrichment |
D. | Job Evaluation |
Answer» A. Job Analysis |
3. |
Which school of thought had been developed on the idea that there is no single best method to find solutions to Managerial problems |
A. | System approach |
B. | Empirical approach |
C. | Contingency approach |
D. | Operational approach |
Answer» C. Contingency approach |
4. |
Koontz and O’Donnel are the advocates of which approach to management? |
A. | System approach |
B. | Empirical approach |
C. | Contingency approach |
D. | Operational approach |
Answer» D. Operational approach |
5. |
According to which approach, management is a logical process and it can be expressed in terms of mathematical symbols and relationships? |
A. | Empirical approach |
B. | Management Science approach |
C. | Contingency approach |
D. | Operational approach |
Answer» B. Management Science approach |
6. |
Which of the following studyhelps to determine a fair days work and rest period to complete it |
A. | Work study |
B. | Time study |
C. | Motion study |
D. | All of these |
Answer» A. Work study |
7. |
Which of the following study is aimed to determine and eliminate unnecessary and wasteful movements |
A. | Work study |
B. | Time study |
C. | Motion study |
D. | All of these |
Answer» C. Motion study |
8. |
Who authored the famous book “General and Industrial Management”? |
A. | Henry Fayol |
B. | F.W. Taylor |
C. | Henry Gantt |
D. | Peter Drucker |
Answer» A. Henry Fayol |
9. |
Authority and responsibility are …………….to each other |
A. | Supplementary |
B. | Complementary |
C. | Contradictory |
D. | Inconsistent |
Answer» B. Complementary |
10. |
Who developed the concept of Management by Objectives? |
A. | Maslow |
B. | Herbert Simon |
C. | Herzberg |
D. | Peter F. Drucker |
Answer» D. Peter F. Drucker |
11. |
Which of the following thinkers believed that leaders are not born but also developed through proper training in human behaviour? |
A. | Mary Parker Follet |
B. | F.W.Taylor |
C. | C.K. Prahlad |
D. | Peter F. Drucker |
Answer» A. Mary Parker Follet |
12. |
The concept of Job enrichment is a contribution by: |
A. | Frederick Herzberg |
B. | F.W.Taylor |
C. | C.K. Prahlad |
D. | Peter F. Drucker |
Answer» A. Frederick Herzberg |
13. |
A statement showing the minimum acceptable qualities of the persons to be placed on a Job is termed as: |
A. | Job analysis |
B. | Job description |
C. | Job specifications |
D. | Staffing |
Answer» C. Job specifications |
14. |
The process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for the Job is called: |
A. | Selection |
B. | Training |
C. | Recruitment |
D. | Induction |
Answer» C. Recruitment |
15. |
Which of the following is considered as a negative function of traditional management? |
A. | Selection |
B. | Recruitment |
C. | Training |
D. | Placement |
Answer» A. Selection |
16. |
All levels of management between the supervisory level and the top level of the organization are termed as: |
A. | Middle managers |
B. | First-line managers |
C. | Supervisors |
D. | Foremen |
Answer» A. Middle managers |
17. |
Which is the process of getting activities completed efficiently and effectively with and through other people? |
A. | Leading |
B. | Management |
C. | Supervision |
D. | Controlling |
Answer» B. Management |
18. |
Wasting resources is considered to be an example of: |
A. | Efficiency |
B. | Effectiveness |
C. | Inefficiency |
D. | Ineffectiveness |
Answer» C. Inefficiency |
19. |
Effectiveness is synonymous with: |
A. | Cost minimization |
B. | Resource control |
C. | Goal attainment |
D. | Efficiency |
Answer» C. Goal attainment |
20. |
Efficiency refers to: |
A. | The relationship between inputs and outputs |
B. | The additive relationship between costs and benefits |
C. | The exponential nature of costs and outputs |
D. | Increasing outputs regardless of cost |
Answer» A. The relationship between inputs and outputs |
21. |
The French industrialist who first identified the basic management functions is: |
A. | Weber |
B. | Taylor |
C. | Herzberg |
D. | Fayol |
Answer» D. Fayol |
22. |
Which of the following management functions from the mid-1950s is no longer included in the basic functions of management? |
A. | Planning |
B. | Staffing |
C. | Leading |
D. | Controlling |
Answer» B. Staffing |
23. |
Organizing includes: |
A. | Defining organizational goals |
B. | Hiring organizational members |
C. | Motivating organizational members |
D. | Determining who does what tasks |
Answer» D. Determining who does what tasks |
24. |
A manager resolving conflict among organizational members is performing what function? |
A. | Controlling |
B. | Commanding |
C. | Directing |
D. | Leading |
Answer» D. Leading |
25. |
Who developed a categorization scheme for defining what managers do, consisting of 10 different but highly interrelated roles? |
A. | Henri Fayol |
B. | Henry Ford |
C. | Henry Mintzberg |
D. | Henry Morris |
Answer» C. Henry Mintzberg |
26. |
According to Mintzberg's management roles, which roles are those that involve people and other duties that are ceremonial and symbolic in nature? |
A. | Informational |
B. | Interpersonal |
C. | Technical |
D. | Decisional |
Answer» B. Interpersonal |
27. |
All of the following are examples of informational roles according to Mintzberg except: |
A. | Liaison |
B. | Monitor |
C. | Disseminator |
D. | Spokesperson |
Answer» A. Liaison |
28. |
Which of the following individuals identified the three essential managerial skills? |
A. | Katz |
B. | Lewisberg |
C. | Raines |
D. | Chambers |
Answer» A. Katz |
29. |
The three essential managerial skills include: |
A. | technical, human, and empirical |
B. | human, empirical, and conceptual |
C. | technical, interpersonal, and controlling |
D. | technical, human, and conceptual |
Answer» B. human, empirical, and conceptual |
30. |
Managers with good ________ are able to communicate, motivate and lead to get the best out of their people. |
A. | human skills |
B. | conceptual skills |
C. | technical skills |
D. | visual skills |
Answer» A. human skills |
31. |
In the Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith described the breakdown of jobs into narrow and repetitive tasks and called this as: |
A. | assembly lines |
B. | work denomination |
C. | division of labor |
D. | greatest common factor of work |
Answer» C. division of labor |
32. |
Which of the following phrases is most associated with scientific management? |
A. | Management relations |
B. | One best way |
C. | Supply and demand |
D. | Quality control |
Answer» B. One best way |
33. |
Which was the best-known example of Taylor's scientific management? |
A. | horseshoe |
B. | pig iron |
C. | blue collar |
D. | fish tank |
Answer» B. pig iron |
34. |
Fayol was interested in studying________, whereas Taylor was interested in studying __________. |
A. | senior managers; effective managers |
B. | all managers; first-line managers |
C. | bureaucratic structures; chains of command |
D. | administrative theory; macroeconomics |
Answer» B. all managers; first-line managers |
35. |
According to Weber's ideal bureaucracy, what occurs when employees are placed in jobs based on technical qualifications? |
A. | Career orientation |
B. | Authority hierarchy |
C. | Impersonality |
D. | Formal selection |
Answer» D. Formal selection |
36. |
Based on his scientific management principles, Taylor suggested which of the following pay principles? |
A. | Monthly salary |
B. | Monthly salary with bonus |
C. | Seniority pay |
D. | Incentive pay |
Answer» D. Incentive pay |
37. |
The quantitative approach to management has also been referred to by which of the following names? |
A. | Sales optimization |
B. | Management science |
C. | Managerial theory |
D. | Statistical reformulation |
Answer» B. Management science |
38. |
Which of the following early advocates of organizational behavior created the field of industrial psychology, the scientific study of people at work? |
A. | Robert Owens |
B. | Hugo Munsterberg |
C. | Mary Parker Follett |
D. | Chester Barnard |
Answer» B. Hugo Munsterberg |
39. |
Who was one of the first to recognize that organizations could be viewed from the perspective of individual and group behaviour? |
A. | Robert Owens |
B. | Hugo Munsterberg |
C. | Mary Parker Follett |
D. | Chester Barnard |
Answer» C. Mary Parker Follett |
40. |
Which of the following early advocates of organizational behavior was the first to argue that organizations were open systems? |
A. | Robert Owens |
B. | Hugo Munsterberg |
C. | Mary Parker Follett |
D. | Chester Barnard |
Answer» D. Chester Barnard |
41. |
Which four theorists are associated with the early organizational behaviour approach? |
A. | Barnard, Follett, Munsterberg, and Owen |
B. | Munsterberg, Taylor, Fayol, and Follett |
C. | Taylor, Fayol, Weber, and Barnard |
D. | Follett, Barnard, Munsterberg, and Weber |
Answer» A. Barnard, Follett, Munsterberg, and Owen |
42. |
Without question, the most important contribution to the developing field of organizational behaviour came out of : |
A. | Taylor Studies |
B. | Porter Studies |
C. | Parker Studies |
D. | Hawthorne Studies |
Answer» D. Hawthorne Studies |
43. |
The Hawthorne Studies were initially devised to study: |
A. | Productivity levels of groups versus individuals |
B. | The effect of noise on employee productivity |
C. | The effect of illumination levels on employee productivity |
D. | Impact of cooperative versus competitive organisational environments on productivity |
Answer» C. The effect of illumination levels on employee productivity |
44. |
Which scientist is most closely associated with the Hawthorne Studies? |
A. | Adams |
B. | Mayo |
C. | Lawler |
D. | Barnard |
Answer» B. Mayo |
45. |
A system can best be defined as a(n): |
A. | grouping of separate and independent parts |
B. | set of interrelated and interdependent parts |
C. | ordering of distinct and unrelated parts |
D. | set of connected but non-functional parts |
Answer» B. set of interrelated and interdependent parts |
46. |
Which of the following types of systems does not interact with its environment? |
A. | fluid |
B. | diagrammatic |
C. | closed |
D. | resource-driven |
Answer» C. closed |
47. |
Who were two of the pioneers in the area of Total Quality Management? |
A. | Fayol; Weber |
B. | Taylor; Gilbreth |
C. | Owen; Munsterberg |
D. | Deming; Juran |
Answer» D. Deming; Juran |
48. |
Quality management is driven by a focus on: |
A. | workplace diversity |
B. | workplace spirituality |
C. | continual improvement |
D. | knowledge management |
Answer» C. continual improvement |
49. |
When an organization assigns specialists to groups according to the projects they are working on, it’s termed as: |
A. | Divisional structure |
B. | Functional structure |
C. | Product structure |
D. | Matrix structure |
Answer» D. Matrix structure |
50. |
A matrix structure violates which key element of organizational design? |
A. | Unity of command |
B. | Chain of command |
C. | Span of management |
D. | Decentralization |
Answer» A. Unity of command |
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