
220+ Business Regulations Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) .


Chapter: Business Laws and Special Contracts

The Indian contract act come into force

A. from 1 september 1972
B. before 1 september 1882
C. from 1 september 1872
D. after 1 september 1872
Answer» C. from 1 september 1872

Contract with minor is

A. illegal
B. valid
C. void
D. voidable
Answer» C. void

Agreement caused by a bilateral mistake of fact is-

A. void
B. voidable
C. illegal
D. valid
Answer» A. void

Which of these is a wagering contract?

A. insurance contract
B. teji mandi contract
C. lottery
D. all of these
Answer» C. lottery

Consideration must move at the desire of-

A. third party
B. the promisee
C. the promisor
D. none of these
Answer» C. the promisor

A contract entered into between the parties by words is called-

A. express contract
B. implied contract
C. quasi contract
D. specific contract
Answer» A. express contract

When an offer can be accepted only by the person to whom it is made, it is called-

A. express offer
B. general offer
C. specific offer
D. implied offer
Answer» C. specific offer

A promise to subscribe to a charity is a

A. void agreement
B. void contract
C. voidable contract
D. valid contract
Answer» A. void agreement

A contract for the benefit of a minor entered into by his manager is

A. illegal
B. voidable
C. void
D. valid
Answer» D. valid

Two or more persons are said to consent when they agree upon

A. the same thing in the same sense
B. the same thing in any sense
C. the same thing in a specific sense
D. none of these
Answer» C. the same thing in a specific sense

The term “Quid pro quo” means:

A. something in return
B. something important
C. something of value
D. something relevant
Answer» A. something in return

Which of the following is not an essential element of a valid contract:

A. adequacy of consideration
B. capacity to contract
C. free consent
D. none of the above
Answer» A. adequacy of consideration

If a contract provides for the payment of a certain amount on breach of a contract, such payment is termed as:

A. special damages
B. nominal damages
C. liquidated damages
D. compensatory damages
Answer» C. liquidated damages

Which of the following case is not covered by the concept of supervening impossibility?

A. destruction of subject matter
B. death or incapacity of the promisor
C. outbreak of war
D. difficulty of performance
Answer» D. difficulty of performance

Under the Contract Act, 1872 a person is said to be of sound mind for the purpose of making a contract if:

A. he is not illiterate and can read and understand the terms of the contract.
B. he is capable of understanding the contract and forming a rational judgement as to its effect upon his interests.
C. he is of the age of majority and is not disqualified from contracting by any law to which he is subject.
D. he is not suffering from any mental disease or distress.
Answer» B. he is capable of understanding the contract and forming a rational judgement as to its effect upon his interests.

A positive assertion, in a manner not warranted by the information of the person making it, of that which is not true, though he believes it to be true is said to be a:

A. fraud
B. misrepresentation
C. mistake
D. misinterpretation
Answer» B. misrepresentation

A minor can:

A. be an agent
B. be a principal
C. both
D. none of these
Answer» A. be an agent

Choose the incorrect statement: To constitute a wager, following elements should be present in the agreement:

A. uncertain event
B. each party must pay in a win or lose situation
C. neither party should have any contract over the event
D. there should be a promise to pay money only
Answer» D. there should be a promise to pay money only

The Indian Contract Act, 1872 applies to the

A. whole of india including jammu & kashmir
B. whole of india excluding jammu & kashmir
C. states notified by the government every year
D. northern and eastern indian states
Answer» B. whole of india excluding jammu & kashmir

A jus in personam means a right against

A. a specific person
B. the public at large
C. a specific thing
D. none of these
Answer» A. a specific person

Which of the following statement is true

A. an agreement enforceable by law is a contract
B. an agreement is an accepted proposal
C. both (a) and (b)
D. none of these
Answer» C. both (a) and (b)

A contract is made where

A. x agrees with y to discover a treasure by magic
B. x bids at a public auction
C. x takes a sit in a public omni bus
D. x promises in writing to give rs. 500 to y
Answer» C. x takes a sit in a public omni bus

A void agreement is one which is

A. valid but not enforceable
B. enforceable at the option of both the parties
C. enforceable at the option of one party
D. not enforceable in a court of law
Answer» D. not enforceable in a court of law

In case of void agreements, collateral transactions are

A. also void
B. unenforceable
C. not affected
D. illegal
Answer» C. not affected

General offer can be accepted by

A. any person
B. specific person
C. any person having notice of it
D. none of these
Answer» A. any person

Which of the following does not constitute valid acceptance

A. it has been communicated
B. it is absolute and unqualified
C. it has been presumed from silence of offeree
D. the offer has been accepted by the proper person
Answer» C. it has been presumed from silence of offeree

Which of the following is not the legal requirements of a valid offer

A. it must be communicated to the offeree
B. it must be made with a view to obtain offeree's assent
C. it must express offeree's final willingness
D. it must be made to a specific person and not to public at large
Answer» D. it must be made to a specific person and not to public at large

As a general rule, an agreement made without consideration is

A. void
B. valid
C. voidable
D. unlawful
Answer» A. void

An agreement made with free consent to which the consideration is lawful but inadequate, is

A. void
B. valid
C. voidable
D. unlawful
Answer» B. valid

For the enforcement of a promise to pay a time-barred debt without consideration, which of the following condition is not required?

A. it must be in writing
B. it must be definite and express
C. it must be signed by the promisor
D. it must be registered in court of law
Answer» D. it must be registered in court of law

A contract is discharged by the breach when a party to a contract

A. refuses to perform his promise
B. fails to perform his promise
C. disables himself from performing his part of the promise
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Which of the following is incorrect?

A. the impossibility to perform a promise discharges the contract
B. a merger discharges the contract
C. an initial impossibility discharges the contract
D. all of the above
Answer» C. an initial impossibility discharges the contract

The doctrine of impossibility of performance, rendering a contract void, is based on

A. a commercial impossibility
B. a supervening impossibility
C. just and reasonable ground
D. an unjust enrichment
Answer» B. a supervening impossibility

Because of supervening event, the promisor is excused from the performance of the contract. This is known as

A. a doctrine of frustration
B. an initial impossibility
C. a doctrine of ultra-vires
D. an operation of law
Answer» A. a doctrine of frustration

Which of the following is correct?

A. a novation means making a new contract in the place of an old contract
B. an alteration means making a new contract in the place of an existing one
C. the performance of a contract is not a method of discharge of contract
D. all of the above
Answer» A. a novation means making a new contract in the place of an old contract

_________ indicates that the parties are not further bound under the contract

A. waiver of a contract
B. breach of a contract
C. rescission of a contract
D. discharge of a contract
Answer» D. discharge of a contract

X contracts to sell his scooter to Y for Rs. 50,000 and Y agrees to pay on delivery. Both the parties perform their promises. This is called

A. a waiver
B. breach of a contract
C. an attempted performance of contract
D. an actual performance of a contract
Answer» D. an actual performance of a contract

Assignment by the operation of law takes place

A. by the mutual consent of the parties
B. by the will of either party
C. when the subject matter of a contract ceases to exist
D. by the death of a party to a contract
Answer» D. by the death of a party to a contract

The original contract needs not to be performed, if there is

A. rescission of contract
B. novation of contract
C. alteration of contract
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Rescission of a contract means

A. the termination of the contract
B. the renewal of the contract
C. the alteration of the contract
D. the substitution of the new contract in the place of the earlier one
Answer» A. the termination of the contract

When the parties mutually agree to change certain terms of the contract. This is called

A. a rescission of the contract
B. the novation of a contract
C. an alteration of a contract
D. a remission of a contract
Answer» C. an alteration of a contract

If a person accepts a lesser sum of money than what was contracted for, in the discharge of the whole debt, it is known as

A. a waiver
B. a remission
C. an alteration
D. a rescission
Answer» B. a remission

Intentional relinquishment of a right under the contract is called

A. a waiver
B. a breach
C. a rescission
D. an alteration
Answer» A. a waiver

Where a party to contract transfers his rights under the contract to another person, it is legally known as

A. novation of a contract
B. rescission of a contract
C. waiver of a contract
D. assignment of a contract
Answer» D. assignment of a contract

Performance of a contract means

A. fulfilling all the obligations by the promisee
B. fulfilling all the obligations by the promisor
C. performing all the promises, and fulfilling all the obligations by all the parties
D. both (a) & (b)
Answer» C. performing all the promises, and fulfilling all the obligations by all the parties

Offer to perform is called

A. attempted performance
B. caveat emptor jus in rem
C. jus in personam
D. jus in rem caveat emptor
Answer» A. attempted performance

Which is not the essential of a valid tender?

A. tender must be conditional
B. tender must be made at a proper place
C. tender must be for obligation
D. tender must be made at proper time
Answer» A. tender must be conditional

An offer of performance is known as a/an

A. offer
B. proposal
C. tender
D. acceptance
Answer» C. tender

The offer to perform the contract must be

A. unconditional
B. conditional
C. rational
D. provisional
Answer» A. unconditional

The promises forming consideration for each other are called

A. reciprocal promises
B. mutual promises
C. independent promises
D. none of the above
Answer» A. reciprocal promises

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