80+ Basic Psychology Solved MCQs


The ability to identify previously encountered material is ________________

A. explicit memory
B. recall
C. recognition
D. relearning
Answer» C. recognition

The ability to retrieve and reproduce from memory previously encountered material is__________________

A. explicit memory
B. recall
C. recognition
D. relearning
Answer» B. recall

Memories of personally experienced events and the contexts in which they occurred is ____________________

A. declarative memories
B. semantic memories
C. episodic memories
D. procedural memories
Answer» C. episodic memories

Memories of general knowledge, including facts, rules, concepts, and propositions are referred as _______________________

A. procedural memories
B. declarative memories
C. semantic memories
D. episodic memories
Answer» C. semantic memories

Forgetting that occurs when previously stored material interferes with the ability to remember similar, more recently learned material is _____________

A. retroactive interference
B. proactive interference
C. replacement
D. amnesia
Answer» B. proactive interference

Any disorder in which the comprehension or the expression of language is impaired is___________________

A. apraxia
B. astropine
C. aphagia
D. aphasia
Answer» D. aphasia

_________________________ is condition in which there is no inclination to eat, even under conditions of severe food deprivation.

A. apraxia
B. astropine
C. aphasia
D. aphagia
Answer» D. aphagia

_________________ is a faint copy of the visual input which persists in the visual sensory register for a few seconds, before it gradually decays.

A. iconic image
B. short-term memory
C. long-term memory
D. episodic
Answer» A. iconic image

Mental pictures of objects or events are known as ________________

A. visual images
B. logical concepts
C. natural concepts
D. mental models
Answer» A. visual images

Need hierarchy theory was introduced by _______________

A. alder
B. maslow
C. mc clelland
D. jones and davis
Answer» B. maslow

Standard Progressive Matrices was developed by ___________________

A. binet
B. weschler
C. j.c.raven
D. simon
Answer» C. j.c.raven

‘Archetypes’ is the concept of__________________

A. freud
B. adler
C. horney
D. jung
Answer» D. jung

The variable which the experimenter manipulates is called ___________

A. independent variable
B. dependent variable
C. continuous variable
D. intervening variable
Answer» A. independent variable

Two-factor theory of intelligence was proposed by __________________

A. thurstone
B. spearman
C. guilford
D. sternberg
Answer» B. spearman

_______________ is the tendency to perceive a stationary point of light in a dark room as moving.

A. stroboscopic motion
B. phi-phenomenon
C. autokinetic effect
D. illusion
Answer» C. autokinetic effect

_______________ is the father of intelligence testing.

A. alfred binet
B. spearman
C. cattell
D. sternberg
Answer» A. alfred binet

______________ theory advocates that emotions spring from physiological reactions.

A. cannon-bard
B. james-lange
C. mcdougall
D. schachter and singer
Answer» B. james-lange

Which one of the pairs is not correct?

A. structure of intellect model- guilford
B. pass theory- j.p.das
C. triarchic theory- goleman
D. multiple intelligence- gardner
Answer» C. triarchic theory- goleman

According to Erickson, the crisis in adulthood is ___________________

A. initiative vs. guilt
B. industry vs. inferiority
C. intimacy vs. isolation
D. identity vs. role confusion
Answer» C. intimacy vs. isolation

A reluctant child forced to bring sugar from a shop, spills half on the way. This is an example of ______________________

A. hysteria
B. passive aggression
C. disobedience
D. active aggression
Answer» B. passive aggression

Which one of the pairs is not correct?

A. transactional analysis- eric berne
B. logo therapy- victor frankl
C. gestalt therapy- rollo may
D. rational emotive therapy- albert ellis
Answer» C. gestalt therapy- rollo may

_____________ is the one of the determinants of individual differences.

A. intelligence
B. hereditary
C. creativity
D. reactivity
Answer» B. hereditary

________________ is the cause of stress.

A. family
B. temperament
C. frustration
D. activity
Answer» C. frustration

Unconscious mind consists of _________________

A. biological drives
B. violent behaviors
C. conflict
D. empathy
Answer» C. conflict

_________________ is the cause of autism.

A. improper child rearing
B. neurological abnormality
C. emotional instability
D. abnormal personality
Answer» B. neurological abnormality

Disorder involving the inability to fall asleep or to maintain sleep at once it is attained is called __________________

A. amnesia
B. insomnia
C. apathy
D. narcolepsy
Answer» B. insomnia

Cognitive events, often vivid but disconnected that occur during sleep are ____________

A. dreams
B. hypnosis
C. consciousness
D. none of the above
Answer» A. dreams

Our ability to pay attention to only some aspects of the world around us while largely ignoring others is called___________

A. span of attention
B. division of attention
C. distraction of attention
D. selective attention
Answer» D. selective attention

The feeling that we can almost, but not quite, remember some information we wish to retrieve from memory is _________________

A. long-term memory
B. short-term memory
C. partial amnesia
D. tip-of-the-tongue phenomena
Answer» D. tip-of-the-tongue phenomena

The finding that the first and the last items in a series are more likely to be recalled than are intervening items is called_____________________

A. serial position effect
B. rote memorization
C. free recall
D. serial recall
Answer» A. serial position effect

The tendency to think of wing objects only as they have been used in the past is __________

A. mental set
B. algorithms
C. functional fixedness
D. analogy
Answer» C. functional fixedness

A theory of omissions suggesting that emotion provoking events simultaneously produce subjective reactions and physiological arousal is ________________

A. james lange theory
B. cannon-bard theory
C. activation theory
D. cognitive arousal theory
Answer» B. cannon-bard theory

The triarchic theory of intelligence is given by _______________

A. spearman
B. guilford
C. sternberg
D. gardner
Answer» C. sternberg

Consideration of what is practical and possible in gratifying instinctive needs characteristic of the ego is called__________________

A. defense mechanism
B. pleasure principle
C. reality principle
D. psychic structure
Answer» C. reality principle

Improved retention after an interval is called_______________

A. reminiscence
B. relearning
C. recognition
D. eidetic imagery
Answer» B. relearning

The process requiring time during which memory trace becomes more resistant to extinction is _________________

A. consolidation
B. organization
C. retention
D. reminiscence
Answer» A. consolidation

In Maslow’s hierarchy of motives, the most highly evolved motive is ____________

A. ambition
B. fear
C. self-actualization
D. the need to explore
Answer» C. self-actualization

The ability to reproduce unusually sharp and detailed imagery of something that has been previously seen is called_________________

A. flashbulb memory
B. mnemonics
C. eidetic memory
D. repression
Answer» C. eidetic memory

A mental category for classifying specific people, object, or experiences is a(n) _____________

A. image
B. concept
C. phoneme
D. algorithm
Answer» B. concept

The term Intelligent Quotient (IQ) was first introduced by_________________

A. binet
B. terman
C. simon
D. wechsler
Answer» A. binet

Freud believed that the Oedipal conflict took place during the ___________________

A. phallic stage
B. anal stage
C. genital stage
D. oral stage
Answer» A. phallic stage

The intelligence model consists of _______________ dimensions.

A. three
B. four
C. six
D. ten
Answer» A. three

Who proposed that “feeling of inferiority” is control to human behavior?

A. jung
B. sigmund freud
C. adler
D. william james
Answer» C. adler

Classifying people on the basis of body build is an example of __________ approach to personality.

A. trait
B. dynamic
C. type
D. behavioral
Answer» C. type

_______________ tests attempt to measure general mental abilities, rather than accumulated knowledge or aptitude for a specific subject or area.

A. attitude
B. personality
C. intelligence
D. creativity
Answer» C. intelligence

During World War 1 _________ test was developed which was administered orally to those who could not read, later adapted for civilian use.

A. aptitude
B. army alpha
C. army beta
D. intelligence
Answer» C. army beta

_______________ defined intelligence as the global capacity to think rationally, act purposefully, and deal effectively with the environment.

A. stanford binet
B. david wechsler
C. lewis terman
D. robert woodworth
Answer» B. david wechsler

If a test consistently produces similar scores on different occasions, it is said to be _______________.

A. valid
B. reliable
C. true
D. standardized
Answer» B. reliable

If a test measures what it is supposed to measure, it is said to be ____________.

A. valid
B. reliable
C. true
D. standardized
Answer» A. valid

Lewis Terman’s approach to measuring and defining intelligence as a single, overall IQ score was in the tradition of British psychologist ________________.

A. charles spearman
B. david wechsler
C. lazarus
D. robert woodworth
Answer» A. charles spearman

______________ is a Contemporary American psychologist whose triarchic theory of intelligence includes three forms of intelligence- componential, contextual, and experiential.

A. charles spearman
B. david wechsler
C. howard gardner
D. robert sternberg
Answer» D. robert sternberg

____________ is a group of cognitive processes used to generate useful, original, and novel ideas or solutions.

A. aptitude
B. creativity
C. attitude
D. decision making
Answer» B. creativity

____________ is a form of intelligence that involves the ability to deal with novel situations by drawing on existing skills and knowledge.

A. experiential
B. componential
C. contextual
D. practical
Answer» A. experiential

_____________ is a form of intelligence that involves the ability to adapt to the environment and is sometimes described as street smarts.

A. situational
B. componential
C. contextual
D. experiential
Answer» C. contextual

The principle of ________________ states that the body monitors and maintains relatively constant levels of internal states, such as temperature, fluid levels and energy supplies.

A. equilibrium
B. hedonism
C. homeostatic
D. self-actualization
Answer» C. homeostatic

____________ theories proposed that behavior is motivated by the “pull” of external goals such as rewards.

A. trait
B. instinct
C. incentive
D. drive
Answer» C. incentive

________________ theories propose that behavior is motivated by the desire to reduce internal tension caused by unmet biological needs, such as hunger or thirst.

A. trait
B. instinct
C. incentive
D. drive
Answer» D. drive

______________ is defined by Maslow as “the full use and exploitation of talent, capacities and potentials”

A. equilibrium
B. hedonism
C. homeostatic
D. self-actualization
Answer» D. self-actualization

________________ hormone seems to play a role in signaling satiation, or fullness.

A. estrogen
B. cholecystokinin
C. progesterone
D. testosterone
Answer» B. cholecystokinin

_____________ is weighing 20 percent or more above one’s optimal body weight.

A. anorexia nervosa
B. satiation
C. obese
D. bulimia nervosa
Answer» C. obese

A ______________ is sexually attracted to individuals of both sexes.

A. unisexual
B. homosexual
C. lesbian
D. bisexual
Answer» D. bisexual

______________ is the degree to which a person is subjectively convinced of his or her own capabilities, effectiveness, or efficiency in meeting the demands of a situation.

A. self-confidence
B. self-efficacy
C. achievement
D. competence
Answer» B. self-efficacy

______________ motivation is the drive to excel, succeed or out-perform others at some task.

A. self-confidence
B. self-efficacy
C. achievement
D. competence
Answer» C. achievement

_______________ is a distinct psychological state that involves subjective experience, physical arousal, and a behavioral expression or response.

A. emotion
B. motivation
C. internalization
D. competence
Answer» A. emotion

Tim buys a lottery ticket every Friday with the expectation that he is going to win some money. His behavior illustrates

A. instinct
B. incentive motivation
C. drive
D. self-actualization
Answer» B. incentive motivation

______________ is defined as an individual’s unique and relatively consistent patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving.

A. intelligence
B. creativity
C. aptitude
D. personality
Answer» D. personality

The psychological energy that each person possesses evolves to form the three basic _____________ of personality.

A. contents
B. forms
C. structures
D. methods
Answer» C. structures

The main drawback to any defense mechanism is that maintaining self-deceptions requires ______________, which is needed to cope effectively with the demands of daily life.

A. psychological energy
B. conscious content
C. anxiety-producing thoughts
D. unknown impulses
Answer» A. psychological energy

The most critical conflict that the child must successfully resolve for healthy personality and sexual development occurs during the _______________ stage.

A. oral
B. phallic
C. latency
D. anal
Answer» B. phallic

Freud’s views on female sexuality, particularly the concept of _______________ are among his most severely criticized ideas.

A. electra complex
B. oedipus complex
C. pen*s envy
D. fixation
Answer» C. pen*s envy

In Freud’s theory, the psychological and emotional energy associated with expressions of sexuality is _________________.

A. thanatos
B. libido
C. eros
D. id
Answer» B. libido

______________ is a term used to describe a level of awareness that contains information that is not currently in conscious awareness but is easily accessible.

A. unconscious
B. conscious
C. preconscious
D. catharsis
Answer» C. preconscious

_____________ is the first psychosexual stage of development, during which the infant derives pleasure through the activities of sucking, chewing and biting.

A. genital stage
B. phallic stage
C. oral stage
D. anal stage
Answer» C. oral stage

________________ is a psychoanalytical technique in which the patient spontaneously reports all thoughts, feelings and mental images as they come to mind.

A. repression
B. catharsis
C. free association
D. ego defense mechanism
Answer» C. free association

Freud’s belief that the primary motivation behind behavior is _________________ urges.

A. unconscious
B. pleasure
C. preconscious
D. sexual
Answer» D. sexual

_____________ is an important archetype that, according to Jung, represents the feminine side in every man.

A. womb envy
B. anima
C. animus
D. inferiority complex
Answer» B. anima

___________ in Jung’s theory, the basic personality type that focuses attention and energy toward the outside world.

A. anima
B. animus
C. extravert
D. introvert
Answer» C. extravert

_______________ is a fundamental emotion that Horney described as the feeling a child has of being isolated and helpless in a potentially hostile world.

A. womb envy
B. anima
C. basic anxiety
D. inferiority complex
Answer» C. basic anxiety

______________ in Adler’s theory is the desire to improve oneself, master challenges, and move toward self-perfection and self-realization, considered to be the most fundamental human motive.

A. inferiority complex
B. archetypes
C. basic anxiety
D. striving for superiority
Answer» D. striving for superiority

The ______________ is the archetype in Jung’s theory that represents the masculine side of every female.

A. womb envy
B. anima
C. animus
D. inferiority complex
Answer» C. animus

The cornerstone of Roger’s personality theory is the idea of the ______________.

A. positive regard
B. self-concept
C. self-efficacy
D. self-esteem
Answer» B. self-concept

People are said to be in a state of incongruence when their ___________________ conflicts with their actual experience.

A. unconditional positive regard
B. self-concept
C. self-efficacy
D. self-esteem
Answer» B. self-concept

_____________ are the beliefs that people have about their ability to meet the demands of a specific situation, feelings of self-confidence or self-doubt.

A. self-regulation
B. self-concept
C. self-efficacy
D. self-esteem
Answer» C. self-efficacy

______________ is a relatively stable, enduring predisposition to consistently behave in a certain way.

A. introversion
B. extraversion
C. trait
D. psychoticism
Answer» C. trait

_______________ is an interdisciplinary field that studies the effects of genes and hereditary on behavior.

A. genetics
B. behavioral genetics
C. neurology
D. neuroscience
Answer» B. behavioral genetics

In Eysenck’s theory, ____________ refers to a person’s predisposition to become emotionally upset.

A. introversion
B. extraversion
C. neuroticism
D. psychoticism
Answer» C. neuroticism

______________ is a self-report inventory that assesses personality characteristics in normal populations.

A. rorschach inkblot test
B. tat
C. cpi
D. wais
Answer» C. cpi

_______________ is a self-report inventory developed by Raymond Cattell that generates a personality profile with ratings on 16 trait dimensions.

A. mmpi
B. 16 pf
C. tat
D. cpi
Answer» B. 16 pf
Question and answers in Basic Psychology, Basic Psychology multiple choice questions and answers, Basic Psychology Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for Basic Psychology, Basic Psychology MCQs with answers PDF download