
90+ Counselling Psychology 1 Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Science in Counselling Psychology (BSc Counselling Psychology) .


The cognitive approach refers to

A. thoughts as an explanation of behaviour
B. chemicals as an explanation of behaviour
C. punishment and reinforcement as an explanation of behaviour
D. bodily changes and genetics as an
Answer» A. thoughts as an explanation of behaviour

The behaviourist approach refers to

A. thoughts as an explanation of behaviour
B. chemicals as an explanation of behaviour
C. punishment and reinforcement as an explanation of behaviour
D. bodily changes and genetics as an explanation of behaviour
Answer» C. punishment and reinforcement as an explanation of behaviour

Joelene is upset and has often felt stressed. She decides to visit a Psychologist, who refers her to a Psychiatrist. Which of the reasons below is not true of Psychiatrists?

A. a psychiatrist is a medically-trained doctor.
B. a psychiatrist prescribes medication
C. a psychiatrist must complete a four year degree in psychology
D. a psychiatrist performs medical procedures
Answer» C. a psychiatrist must complete a four year degree in psychology

Which of the following is not a behaviourist?

A. rogers
B. pavlov
C. watson
D. skinner
Answer» A. rogers

An explanation of behaviour that is not based on scientific methods is called a/an

A. experiment
B. pseudoscience
C. hypothesis
D. theory
Answer» B. pseudoscience

Freud was the founder of which approach to Psychology?

A. psychoanalytic
B. behaviouristic
C. humanistic
D. cognitive
Answer» A. psychoanalytic

Mark is visiting a counsellor to deal with anxiety issues. A Cognitive Psychologist would approach therapy of Mark in which way?

A. interview him about his thought processes and self-talk
B. provide him with medication
C. give him positive or negative feedback, depending on the desired environmental outcome
D. tell him he is only trying to reach his true potential, and counsel him in an effort to find this
Answer» A. interview him about his thought processes and self-talk

Anthony is having trouble with his colleagues. Lucky, his workplace has some psychologist on hand for any issues. Anthony decides to go and visit them. The most likely type of Psychologist the workplace has, is a/an:

A. clinical psychologist
B. behavioural psychologist
C. organisational psychologist
D. forensic psychologist
Answer» C. organisational psychologist

Your school has a goal of students being more prepared for class. For the first time all year, all of your students come to class prepared. How would you use positive reinforcement to try to increase the chance of this behavior happening again?

A. give the entire class a free ice cream pass to use in the cafeteria.
B. take away a homework assignment for that night.
C. drop each student\s lowest quiz grade for that marking peri
Answer» A. give the entire class a free ice cream pass to use in the cafeteria.

You are potty training your 3 year old daughter. She lets you know every time she needs to use the bathroom, however she is having accidents instead of actually using the toilet. Her pediatrician suggests that you should have her clean her underwear every time she has an accident. You start enforcing this rule, and she has fewer accidents. This is an example of…

A. positive reinforcement
B. negative reinforcement
C. positive punishment
D. negative punishment
Answer» C. positive punishment

You are trying to train your dog not to jump on guests when they walk into your home. You buy a zap collar at the store, which has a remote that will shock the dog when you push a button. Every time your dog jumps on a person, you push the button, and the dog gets an electric shock. Which scientist’s experiments are you most closely replicating?

A. pavlov
B. gagne
C. skinner
D. walters
Answer» C. skinner

Shyam is very orderly in the way he lives, and also very miserly with his money. According to Freud, these traits are associated with fixation at the _____________ stage of development.

A. oral
B. anal
C. phallic
D. genital
Answer» B. anal

Each of the following is part of the definition of psychotherapy except

A. trained professional
B. psychological methods
C. medical treatment methods
D. based on psychological theory
Answer» C. medical treatment methods

Which type of psychotherapy views the process of helping others as a form of teaching?

A. humanistic therapy
B. behaviour therapy
C. psychoanalytic therapy
D. client-centered therapy
Answer» B. behaviour therapy

According to the Association to the Association for Advancement of Behaviour Therapy, each of the following is an ethical consideration in the use of psychotherapy except

A. the goals of treatment
B. the fees (splitting the fees when necessary)
C. the choice of treatment methods
D. client confidentiality
Answer» B. the fees (splitting the fees when necessary)

Which of the following is a situation where it is appropriate for a therapist to breach confidentiality?

A. spouse inquiry
B. court order
C. insurance company order
D. relative asks a question
Answer» B. court order

Ann’s psychoanalytic therapist asks her to lie on a coach and talk about whatever comes to mind. The technique being used by her therapist is

A. catharsis
B. resistance
C. free association
D. transference
Answer» C. free association

According to Freud, when the patient reacts to the therapist in ways that resemble how he or she would react to other authority figures, the process is called

A. resistance
B. catharsis
C. free association
D. transference
Answer» D. transference

In psychoanalysis, the release of emotional energy related to unconscious conflicts is called

A. resistance
B. catharsis
C. free association
D. transference
Answer» B. catharsis

A contemporary Neo-Freudian form of psychotherapy that ignores unconscious motivation is called

A. social skills training
B. systematic desensitization
C. interpersonal psychotherapy
D. assertiveness training
Answer» C. interpersonal psychotherapy

According to Rogers, the ability of the therapist to share the client’s emotions is an important process called

A. reflection
B. empathy
C. catharsis
D. transference
Answer» B. empathy

The role of the client-centered therapist is to

A. interpret the client’s unconscious conflicts
B. create a safe atmosphere for clients to express feelings
C. confront and challenge the client and point out inconsistencies
D. help the client unlearn abnormal ways
Answer» B. create a safe atmosphere for clients to express feelings

Which of the following techniques is a client-centered therapist most likely to use?

A. analysis
B. giving advice
C. reflection
D. aversive conditioning
Answer» C. reflection

Systematic desensitization and graded exposure are two techniques used to treat

A. schizophrenia
B. phobias
C. bipolar disorder
D. depression
Answer» B. phobias

Behaviour therapy teaches skills based on methods derived from

A. classical conditioning
B. operant conditioning
C. information-processing theory
D. a and b above
Answer» D. a and b above

After Mike got to college, the first two people he called to ask for a trip forcefully told him ‘No!’ Mike has concluded he will never have a trip. Beck would say Mike is engaging in

A. selective abstraction
B. personalization
C. overgeneralization
D. none of the above
Answer» C. overgeneralization

With which disorders has cognitive therapy been shown to be effective?

A. anxiety disorders
B. bulimia
C. major depression
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Persuading clients to abandon their erroneous ways of thinking is a goal of

A. aversive conditioning
B. cognitive therapy
C. systematic desensitization
D. social skills training
Answer» B. cognitive therapy

A therapist who pays particular attention to transference during therapy is likely to have which approach?

A. psychodynamic approach
B. cognitive approach
C. humanistic approach
D. behavioural approach
Answer» A. psychodynamic approach

A therapist who tries to decrease incongruence in the client is likely to have which approach?

A. psychodynamic approach
B. cognitive approach
C. humanistic approach
D. behavioural approach
Answer» C. humanistic approach

A therapist who uses classical conditioning principles to treat a spider phobia is likely to have which approach?

A. psychodynamic approach
B. cognitive approach
C. humanistic approach
D. behavioural approach
Answer» D. behavioural approach

a therapist whose main task is to encourage clients to test their assumptions against reality is likely to have which approach?

A. psychodynamic approach
B. cognitive approach
C. humanistic approach
D. behavioural approach
Answer» B. cognitive approach

According to Freud, which part of the mind is composed mainly of life and death instincts

A. id
B. ego
C. superego
D. none of these
Answer» B. ego

According to Freud, primitive instinctual motives and repressed memories are stored in the

A. conscious mind
B. preconscious mind
C. unconscious mind
D. superego
Answer» C. unconscious mind

According to Freud, information that you are not currently aware of that can be easily recalled into awareness resides in which part of the mind?

A. preconscious
B. conscious
C. unconscious
D. subconscious
Answer» A. preconscious

The executive of the personality, which operates according to the reality principle, is the

A. id
B. ego
C. superego
D. none of the above
Answer» B. ego

According to Freud, which part of the mind is dominated by the pleasure principle?

A. the id
B. the ego
C. the super ego
D. the super id
Answer» A. the id

According to Freud, which part of the mind corresponds roughly to Conscience?

A. the id
B. the ego
C. the super ego
D. the super id
Answer» C. the super ego

All of the following are examples of sublimation except

A. competing in contact sports
B. robbing a bank
C. painting nude portraits
D. competing in business
Answer» B. robbing a bank

To prevent itself from being overwhelmed by excessive demands from the Id and Superego, the Ego relies on

A. the oedipus complex
B. defense mechanisms
C. the reality principle
D. the pleasure principle
Answer» B. defense mechanisms

The humanistic view states that

A. humans possess an inner-directedness
B. humans possess an objective view of reality
C. people should not frustrate themselves by continually trying to change and improve
D. personality is dominated by an active unconscious
Answer» A. humans possess an inner-directedness

Rogers believes that differences between the self and the ideal self

A. are uncomfortable
B. lead to incongruence
C. lead to unsymbolized feelings
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Which approach to psychology is referred to as the “third force”?

A. psychoanalysis
B. social learning theory
C. humanistic theory
D. trait theory
Answer» C. humanistic theory

Humanistic psychologists believe that people are born _________, whereas social learning theorists believe that people are born ___________.

A. good, selfish
B. selfish, good
C. neutral, good
D. good, neutral
Answer» D. good, neutral

Rogers is most properly associated with

A. non-directive counselling
B. client centered therapy
C. rational-emotive therapy
D. behaviour modification
Answer» B. client centered therapy

Rogers described the formative tendency as the tendency for

A. humans to form intimate interpersonal relationships
B. matter to evolve from simpler to more complex forms
C. people to strive toward self-actualization
D. people to return to an inorganic state
Answer» B. matter to evolve from simpler to more complex forms

Rogers believed that all behaviour relates to one’s

A. enhancement needs
B. perceived self
C. ideal self
D. actualizing tendency
Answer» D. actualizing tendency

Healthy people evaluate their experiences as good or bad according to which criterion?

A. perceived self
B. reflected appraisal of others
C. the actualizing tendency
D. the self concept
Answer» C. the actualizing tendency

In Rogerian theory, the actualizing tendency

A. is synonymous with the formative tendency
B. has the same or nearly the same meaning as self-actualization
C. refers to the person’s organismic experiences
D. refers to the tendency to actualize the
Answer» C. refers to the person’s organismic experiences

Inner tension arises, Rogers said, when a conflict exists between the

A. self-actualizing tendency and the organismic self
B. emotion and cognition
C. the values of others and one’s own values
D. the formative tendency and the actualization tendency
Answer» A. self-actualizing tendency and the organismic self

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