90+ Learning and Behaviour Solved MCQs


Learning may be defined as a ______ change in behavior that occurs as the result of experience.

A. relatively permanent
B. sensitization
C. fixed
D. continuous
Answer» A. relatively permanent

Habituation involves learning about a _____.

A. multiple stimuli
B. single response
C. single stimulus
D. multiple response
Answer» C. single stimulus

If the UCS is subsequently omitted, the CR will experience

A. reinforcement
B. extinction
C. learning
D. association
Answer» B. extinction

It reflects the preservation of the original CS-UCS association after extinction training.

A. reinforcement
B. spontaneous recovery
C. generalization
D. discrimination
Answer» B. spontaneous recovery

The best description for UCS is..

A. a stimulus that automatically elicits a response
B. a previously neutral stimulus that comes to elicit a conditioned response
C. produced by association
D. influenced by the intensity of learned response
Answer» A. a stimulus that automatically elicits a response

In Pavlov’s experiment, ___ is considered an unconditioned response.

A. meat powder
B. sleeping
C. food
D. salivation
Answer» D. salivation

It is a change in the electrical activity of the skin that occurs during emotional stress.

A. gsr
B. ucr
C. ucs
D. crt
Answer» A. gsr

Excitatory conditioning is..

A. it is an ability of a cs to decrease the probability or magnitude of a given behavior.
B. it is an inability of a cs to increase the probability or magnitude of a given behavior.
C. it is an ability of a cs to increase the probability or magnitude of a given behavior.
D. it is an inability of a cs to decrease the probability or magnitude of a given behavior.
Answer» C. it is an ability of a cs to increase the probability or magnitude of a given behavior.

The child may expect playfulness only from dogs that look like hers. This refers to..

A. association
B. discrimination
C. generalization
D. extinction
Answer» B. discrimination

If the doctor always tells a child that “it won’t hurt, when in fact it sometimes does, the child has no danger or safety signals and may become terribly anxious whenever in the doctor’s office. This implies..

A. learning can be fearful
B. children do not respond to motivation
C. doctors are ineffective motivators
D. predictability is also important for emotional reactions
Answer» D. predictability is also important for emotional reactions

Punishment is the _____ of reinforcement.

A. opposite
B. principle
C. basis
D. equivalent
Answer» A. opposite

Skinner box is also known as..

A. simple latch
B. operant chamber
C. omission training
D. black box
Answer» B. operant chamber

The likelihood that you bring your date chocolate on Valentine’s Day will decrease if he or she gets mad at you for offering the caloric gift. This shows..

A. baseline level
B. omission training
C. restructuring
D. change stimulus
Answer» B. omission training

If leaving your apartment removes you from an unpleasant environment, then the time you spend away from your apartment will increase referring to..

A. positive reinforcement
B. negative reinforcement
C. positive punishment
D. negative punishment
Answer» B. negative reinforcement

When the dog is trained to catch a ball, you can give the animal a food reinforcer each time it approaches the ball until finally the dog mouths and grabs the ball referring to..

A. sensitization
B. omission training
C. shaping
D. extinction
Answer» C. shaping

Reinforcement is provided after a fixed number of responses.

A. fixed ratio
B. variable ratio
C. fixed interval
D. variable interval
Answer» A. fixed ratio

Non-reflexive, voluntary behaviors are associated with _______________ conditioning.

A. operant
B. classical
C. insight
D. social
Answer» A. operant

Responding decreases with the elimination of reinforcing consequences during the extinction process of _________________ conditioning.

A. operant
B. classical
C. insight
D. social
Answer» A. operant

In __________ conditioning, the conditioned responses are active behaviors that operate on the environment.

A. operant
B. classical
C. insight
D. social
Answer» A. operant

In _____________ conditioning, the basis of learning is the association of two stimuli, the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus.

A. operant
B. classical
C. insight
D. social
Answer» B. classical

The expectation that the conditioned response reliably predicts the unconditioned stimulus characterizes the cognitive aspect of _______________ conditioning.

A. operant
B. classical
C. insight
D. social
Answer» B. classical

The behavior is emitted by the organism in ____________ conditioning.

A. operant
B. classical
C. insight
D. social
Answer» A. operant

Conditions physiological and emotional responses.

A. operant
B. classical
C. insight
D. social
Answer» B. classical

In ___________________ conditioning, the performance of the behavior is influenced by the expectation of reinforcement or punishment.

A. operant
B. classical
C. insight
D. social
Answer» A. operant

In ________________ conditioning, the basis of learning is the process of associating a response and the consequence that follows it.

A. operant
B. classical
C. insight
D. social
Answer» A. operant

Reflexive, involuntary behaviors are associated with ___________ conditioning.

A. operant
B. classical
C. insight
D. social
Answer» B. classical

In ___________ conditioning, the extinction process is the decreasing of the conditioned response when the conditioned stimulus is repeatedly presented alone

A. operant
B. classical
C. insight
D. social
Answer» B. classical

The evolutionary influence of _______________ conditioning is that innate predispositions influence how easily an association is formed between a particular stimulus and response.

A. operant
B. classical
C. insight
D. social
Answer» B. classical

The evolutionary influence in ____________ conditioning is that behaviors similar to natural or instinctive behaviors are more readily conditioned.

A. operant
B. classical
C. insight
D. social
Answer» A. operant

Behavior is elicited by a stimulus in _____________ conditioning.

A. operant
B. classical
C. insight
D. social
Answer» B. classical

Who was classical conditioning developed by?

A. hull
B. thorndike
C. skinner
D. pavlov
Answer» D. pavlov

Operant conditioning...

A. uses \paired stimuli\ to make products and/or services more desirable
B. uses positive and negative reinforcement to change attitudes and behaviour
C. measures attitudes towards a certain subject
D. changes beliefs
Answer» B. uses positive and negative reinforcement to change attitudes and behaviour

Operant conditioning forms an association between a behavior and a consequence. The consequences are:

A. something good can start or be presented; something good can end or be taken away
B. something bad can start or be presented; something bad can end or be taken away.
C. constant reinforcement
D. both a & b
Answer» D. both a & b

In Pavlov's Dog's, which of these is the conditioned stimuli?

A. bell
B. food
C. saliva
D. attendant
Answer» A. bell

Classical conditioning can be applied within marketing. For example Coke’s polar bear ad campaign. The bears (US) generate positive feelings (UR), and Coke (CS) is associated with the positive feelings that have then become the __

A. cr
B. us
C. ur
D. cs
Answer» A. cr

Businesses can use operant conditioning to continuously reward consumers for patronage via:

A. reward cards
B. constant low prices
C. special competitions
D. both a & b
Answer» D. both a & b

Which one is not an intermittentreinforcement?

A. one off\s
B. sales promotions
C. special competitions
D. constant low prices
Answer» D. constant low prices

Operant conditioning:

A. reinforcement
B. drive
C. cue
D. response
Answer» A. reinforcement

Which theorists originated the Insight learning theory and Social learning theory

A. bandura and hull
B. kohler and bandura
C. hull and guthrie
D. thorndike and kohler
Answer» B. kohler and bandura

Which theory advocates mentoring, apprenticeship, or on the job training, and internships?

A. conditions of learning theory
B. theory of social cognitive development
C. social learning theory
D. insight learning
Answer» C. social learning theory

Which of the following assumptions are incorrect, according to Social-Cognitive theorists?

A. people can learn through observing others.
B. learning doesn\t always result in an immediate change.
C. people set goals for themselves and strive to achieve their goals.
D. people will learn something only if reinforcing or punishing consequences follow their behavior.
Answer» D. people will learn something only if reinforcing or punishing consequences follow their behavior.

What kind of reinforcement should you use if you want to a response to last without reinforcement long after it’s been learned through operant conditioning?

A. continuous
B. intermittent
C. either a and b
D. neither a nor b
Answer» B. intermittent

What is the tendency to respond to a new stimulus as if it’s the original conditioned stimulus?

A. stimulus discrimination
B. stimulus generalization
C. higher-order conditioning
D. spontaneous recovery
Answer» B. stimulus generalization

A student sometimes got A’s on his midterm exams last year when he used his green pen to write the exams. Now he always takes his lucky green pens to exams. How did the student’s superstitious behavior arise?

A. observational learning
B. classical conditioning
C. operant conditioning
D. none of the above
Answer» C. operant conditioning

A scalloped response pattern, in which responses are slow at the beginning of a time period and then faster just before reinforcement happens, is typical of which type of reinforcement schedule?

A. fixed ratio
B. variable ratio
C. fixed interval
D. variable interval
Answer» C. fixed interval

What is the procedure called in which reinforcement is used to guide a response closer and closer to a desired response?

A. stimulus discrimination
B. stimulus generalization
C. spontaneous recovery
D. shaping
Answer» D. shaping

Classical conditioning usually works best if which of the following occurs?

A. the conditioned stimulus (cs) is presented just after the unconditioned stimulus (ucs)
B. the cs is presented just before the ucs
C. the cs is presented many hours after the ucs
D. all of the above are equally effective
Answer» B. the cs is presented just before the ucs

Which of the following terms means the tendency for conditioning to be limited by natural instincts?

A. instinctive drift
B. innate conditioning
C. natural learning
D. classical conditioning
Answer» A. instinctive drift

In operant conditioning, what is the tendency for a response to happen only when a particular stimulus is present?

A. stimulus generalization
B. shaping
C. response acquisition
D. stimulus discrimination
Answer» D. stimulus discrimination

Students get a grade for a quiz that’s given once a week. What is this an example of?

A. fixed-ratio reinforcement schedule
B. variable-ratio reinforcement schedule
C. fixed-interval reinforcement schedule
D. variable-interval reinforcement schedule
Answer» C. fixed-interval reinforcement schedule

Which learning theory says that a set stimulus, over a period of time, will produce the same response every time?

A. classical conditioning
B. insight learning
C. drive motive
D. operant conditioning
Answer» A. classical conditioning

What are the three laws of Thorndike's law?

A. law of exercise
B. law of effect
C. law of readiness
D. a, b & c
Answer» D. a, b & c

Which of the following is/are part of the definition of learning?

A. change in behaviour
B. relatively permanent
C. brought about by experience
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Pavlov's initial interest in classical conditioning was stimulated when he observed his research dogs salivating at the sight of

A. food
B. the attendants
C. the saliva
D. the food dish
Answer» B. the attendants

In classical conditioning, an unlearned, inborn reaction to an unconditioned stimulus is a(n)

A. unconditioned stimulus
B. unconditioned response
C. conditioned stimulus
D. conditioned response
Answer» B. unconditioned response

In Pavlov's classic experiment, meat powder was the

A. unconditioned stimulus
B. unconditioned response
C. conditioned stimulus
D. conditioned response
Answer» A. unconditioned stimulus

Classical conditioning apparently plays a role in the development of

A. resistance to disease
B. allergic reactions
C. sexual arousal
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Irrational fears that are thought to be caused by classical conditioning are called

A. psychosomatic illness
B. avoidance behaviour
C. phobias
D. stimulus discrimination
Answer» C. phobias

Learning that results from the consequences of behaviours called

A. extinguished conditioning
B. operant conditioning
C. classical conditioning
D. positive conditioning
Answer» B. operant conditioning

If positive reinforcement is not given within a short time following the response, learning will proceed slowly. This phenomenon is called

A. delay of reinforcement
B. extinction
C. conditioned response
D. consistency
Answer» A. delay of reinforcement

Jill was trying to operantly condition her dog to roll over. Each time her dog rolled over she immediately said "good dog." However, the dog did not roll over on command. Which of the following may best explain why?

A. jill used inconsistent reinforcement
B. the cs did not match the cr
C. jill should have delayed reinforcement
D. saying "good dog" was not reinforcing
Answer» D. saying "good dog" was not reinforcing

Reinforcers that are innately reinforcing, such as food, water, and warmth are called

A. primary reinforcers
B. secondary reinforcers
C. extinguished reinforcers
D. superstitious reinforcers
Answer» A. primary reinforcers

If a child is rewarded for appropriate behavior every 15 minutes, what type of schedule is being used?

A. fixed ratio
B. variable ratio
C. fixed interval
D. variable interval
Answer» C. fixed interval

Salespeople who are paid exclusively by commission are reinforced on which type of schedule?

A. fixed ratio
B. fixed interval
C. variable ratio
D. variable interval
Answer» C. variable ratio

If you wanted to teach a chicken to "play" the piano, you should

A. wait for a musically inclined chicken to show up
B. extinguish piano-playing behavior
C. use shaping
D. use negative reinforcement
Answer» C. use shaping

Behavior that is reinforced because it causes a negative event to stop is called

A. shaping
B. punishment
C. escape conditioning
D. avoidance conditioning
Answer» C. escape conditioning

Both escape conditioning and avoidance conditioning are forms of

A. superstitious behavior
B. positive reinforcement
C. negative reinforcement
D. secondary reinforcement
Answer» C. negative reinforcement

Which of the following is suggested as a guideline for the use of punishment?

A. do not use physical punishment
B. do not give punishment mixed with rewards
C. make it clear to the individual which behavior is being punished
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

If the consequence of a behavior is negative and the frequency of that behavior decreases, the behavior has been

A. positively reinforced
B. negatively reinforced
C. disinhibited
D. punished
Answer» D. punished

Which of the following is correct?

A. classical conditioning usually involves reflexive behavior, while operant conditioning usually involves more complicated, spontaneous behavior.
B. classical conditioning usually involves more complicated, spontaneous behavior, while operant conditioning involves reflexive behavior.
C. in classical conditioning, the reinforcement is contingent on the behavior of the learner.
D. in operant conditioning the ucs and cs occur independently of the learner\s behavior.
Answer» A. classical conditioning usually involves reflexive behavior, while operant conditioning usually involves more complicated, spontaneous behavior.

John loves to receive mail. Over the years, he has learned to tell the difference between the sound of the mail truck and the other cars and trucks that pass his house. What process is at work here?

A. stimulus discrimination
B. stimulus generalization
C. extinction
D. negative reinforcement
Answer» A. stimulus discrimination

After Little Albert was conditioned to fear a white rat, he also displayed fear responses to a white rabbit and a white coat. This is an example of

A. stimulus generalization
B. stimulus discrimination
C. variable interval reinforcement
D. superstitious behavior
Answer» A. stimulus generalization

An intense internal force that motivates behavior is known as a(n)

A. incentive
B. drive
C. reinforcement
D. reward
Answer» B. drive

What, according to Hull, is reinforcing?

A. drive reduction
B. drive induction
C. incentive reduction
D. incentive deduction
Answer» A. drive reduction

If drive motivation is based on deprivation, incentive motivation is based on

A. drive reduction
B. habit strength
C. inhibition
D. reward value
Answer» D. reward value

Environmental stimuli can acquire the ability to produce an internal drive state. Hull called these

A. environmental drives
B. acquired drives
C. conditioned drives
D. unconditioned drives
Answer» B. acquired drives

Habit strength increases based on

A. incentive induction
B. drive reduction
C. inhibition induction
D. behavioral induction
Answer» B. drive reduction

When a response continues to fail to produce drive reduction, it is permanently suppressed via

A. reactive inhibition
B. latent inhibition
C. conditioned inhibition
D. higher order inhibition
Answer» C. conditioned inhibition

Crespi's findings regarding the effect of reward magnitude on running speed forced Hull to propose that

A. reward magnitude directly influences motivation
B. reward magnitude has no effect on motivation
C. shifts in reward result in forgetting
D. learning is reduced with large reward
Answer» A. reward magnitude directly influences motivation

According to Amsel, the extinction of an instrumental response is due to

A. anger
B. frustration
C. repression
D. anxiety
Answer» B. frustration

In Mowrer's two-factor theory of avoidance learning, the two factors are

A. vicarious learning and classical conditioning
B. instrumental conditioning and operant conditioning
C. classical conditioning and pavlovian conditioning
D. classical conditioning and instrumental (or operant) conditioning
Answer» D. classical conditioning and instrumental (or operant) conditioning

Guthrie believed that all learning is

A. s-r associations reinforced by drive reduction
B. s-r associations based on contiguity
C. s-s associations based on reinforcement
D. s-s associations based on contiguity
Answer» B. s-r associations based on contiguity

Which traditional theorist believed that behavior involves purpose, goals, and expectations?

A. tolman
B. hull
C. thorndike
D. skinner
Answer» A. tolman

Spence's anticipatory goal concept is comparable to Tolman's

A. cathexis
B. cognitive map
C. equivalence belief principle
D. law of effect
Answer» C. equivalence belief principle

Which traditional learning theorist believed that the use of hypothetical constructs does not contribute to our understanding of behavior?

A. hull
B. skinner
C. tolman
D. rotter
Answer» B. skinner

Guthrie rejected Thorndike's

A. law of exercise
B. law of readiness
C. law of equivalence
D. law of effect
Answer» D. law of effect

According to Tolman, reward is not required for learning but is required for

A. extinction
B. performance
C. memory
D. direction
Answer» B. performance

Instrumental aversive conditioning involves

A. escape training
B. punishment training
C. avoidance training
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Once exposed to an aversive situation, learning a response that removes the aversive situation involves

A. avoidance learning
B. escape learning
C. stimulus discrimination
D. response generalization
Answer» B. escape learning

According to Skinner, a reinforcer is any event that

A. increases a behavior
B. decreases a behavior
C. makes a person happy
D. is satisfying
Answer» A. increases a behavior

Skinner defines an operant behavior as that which is

A. elicited by environmental stimuli
B. a result of s-r associations
C. emitted by the organism
D. unlearned
Answer» C. emitted by the organism

Whenever Kendra's dog whines at the door to go out she says "good dog" and pets the dog. The word "good" becomes a secondary reinforcer through the process of

A. classical conditioning
B. operant conditioning
C. instrumental conditioning
D. vicarious conditioning
Answer» A. classical conditioning

To teach a complex behavior, one should use

A. shaping
B. classical conditioning
C. punishment
D. contingency management
Answer» A. shaping

Kohler's research with Sultan supports which theoretical view of learning?

A. insight learning
B. latent learning
C. place learning
D. modeling
Answer» A. insight learning
Question and answers in Learning and Behaviour, Learning and Behaviour multiple choice questions and answers, Learning and Behaviour Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for Learning and Behaviour, Learning and Behaviour MCQs with answers PDF download