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Trade between two countries is called

A. Internal trade
B. Intra-Country trade
C. Intra-State Trade
D. International Trade
Answer» D. International Trade

According to Classical economists, _ is the reason for a country to specialie in the production of a commodity

A. Internalisation
B. Cost differences
C. International Division of labor
D. Special Commodities
Answer» C. International Division of labor

International trade is the result of an advantage country possesses in producing a particular commodity at a _         

A. Lower Cost
B. Equal cost
C. Higher cost
D. Constant Cost
Answer» A. Lower Cost

Absolute difference in Cost is explained by         

A. David Ricardo
B. Adam Smith
C. J.S.Mill
D. Alfred Marshall
Answer» B. Adam Smith

According to Adam Smith, international trade is advantageous for all participating countries only if they enjoy _ difference in cost of production

A. Comparative
B. Equal
C. Absolute
D. Unequal
Answer» C. Absolute

Who aid the following, " The esence of international trade is not the absolute difference in cost but a comparative difference in cost."

A. Adam Smith
B. David Ricardo
C. J.S.Mill
D. Alfred Marshall
Answer» B. David Ricardo

Ricardian theory has _ countries and           commodities

A. 32
B. 23
C. 24
D. 22
Answer» D. 22

Which of the following is NOT an assumption of Comparative Cost Advantage Theory?

A. Perfect Competition
B. Increasing return to scale
C. Perfect Mobility of labor within countries
D. Homogenoeus labor
Answer» B. Increasing return to scale

Comparative Advantage is expressed in _     

A. Absolute Cost
B. Variable cost
C. Cost ratios
D. Marginal Cost
Answer» C. Cost ratios

England 1 unit wine =1/2unit cloth, Portugal 1 unit wine = 1 unit cloth. This is an example of

A. Comparative Cost
B. Absolute Cost
C. Relative Cost
D. Unequal Cost
Answer» A. Comparative Cost

Comparative Advantage theory is based on _ value

A. Cost theory
B. Productivity theory
C. Quality theory
D. labor theory
Answer» D. labor theory

No change in technology, no transport cost, constant returns to scale - these assumptions make the Comparative Cost advantage theory     __

A. Dynamic
B. Redundant
C. Static
D. Unacceptable
Answer» C. Static

If a country enjoys an absolute advantage in the production of all commodities then also trade is possible”. Who said this?

A. Adam Smith
B. David Ricardo
C. J.S.Mill
D. Alfred Marshall
Answer» B. David Ricardo

According to H-O theory, International trade is, but a pecial case of _ _ trade.

A. Inter-state
B. Intra state
C. Intra-Country
D. Inter-regional
Answer» D. Inter-regional

H-o Theory s based on value theory.

A. Partial
B. Semi-partial
C. General
D. Semi-General
Answer» C. General

H-O Theory is a _ _ model

A. 1 X 1 X 1
B. 2 X 2 X 2
C. 3 X 3 X 3
D. 4 X 4 X 4
Answer» B. 2 X 2 X 2

Commodity Y is Capital intensive if _ _

A. Ky / Ly = Kx / Lx
B. Ky / Ly < Kx /Lx
C. Ky /Ly > Kx / Lx
D. Ky > Kx
Answer» C. Ky /Ly > Kx / Lx

If,England 1 wine = 1/2 cloth and if Portugal 1 wine = 1 cloth, this I an example of

A. Comparative advantage
B. Absolute Advantage
C. Similar Cost
D. Unequal Cost
Answer» A. Comparative advantage

If Commodity Y requres 2 units of capital and 2 units of labor and commodity X requires 1 unit of capital and 4 units of labor then Y is

A. Labor intenive
B. Labor specific
C. Capital Intensive
D. Capital Specific
Answer» C. Capital Intensive

Factor intensity is measured in _ terms

A. Absolute Cost
B. Factor ratios
C. Relative Cost
D. Frequency of capital labor
Answer» B. Factor ratios

Total amount of labor in Nation 1 is greater than labor in nation 2 if

A. TK1 /TL1 > TK2 /TL2
B. TK1 / TL1 < TK2 /TL2
C. TK1 /TL1 = TK2/TL2
D. TL1 > TL2
Answer» A. TK1 /TL1 > TK2 /TL2

Factor abundance can be explained using

A. Demand curve
B. Supply curve
C. Tangent
Answer» D. PPC

A nation is capital abundant if

A. PK1/PL1 < PK2/PL2
B. PK1/PL1 >PK2/PL2
C. PK1/PL1 = PK2/PL2
D. PK1 < PK2
Answer» B. PK1/PL1 >PK2/PL2

Abundance of a factor makes it

A. Easy
B. More
C. Expensive
D. Cheap
Answer» D. Cheap

r1 / w1 < r2 / w2 means

A. Nation 1 is capital abundant
B. Nation 1 is labor abundant
C. Nation 2 is capital abundant
D. Nation 2 has high wages
Answer» A. Nation 1 is capital abundant

The rate at which goods are exchangeed between two countries is called

A. Import price
B. Export rate
C. Foreign exchange
D. Terms of trade
Answer» D. Terms of trade

The ratio of price of export to price of import is called

A. Import price
B. Export rate
C. Foreign exchange
D. Terms of trade
Answer» D. Terms of trade

Px / Pm is

A. Gros barter terms of trade
B. Net Barter terms oftrade
C. Terms of trade
D. Commodity terms of trade
Answer» C. Terms of trade

When many commodities are traded terms of trade is expresed as _ of its export pricr to import price

A. sum
B. multiple
C. index ratio
D. index
Answer» C. index ratio

If import prices rse more than export prices, terms of trade have _

A. improved
B. deteriorated
C. increased
D. advanced
Answer» B. deteriorated

The limitations of Commodty terms of trade gave rise to _

A. Net barter terms of trade
B. gross barter term of trade
C. single factoral terms of trade
D. double fctoral terms of trade
Answer» B. gross barter term of trade

A favourable terms of trade indicates _ imports for given exports

A. more
B. less
C. lower
D. same
Answer» A. more

         is equally important as price of exports

A. Income from exports
B. Production level of exports
C. amount of labor fromexports
D. raw materials used for exports
Answer» A. Income from exports

A decline in price would increase exports if demand is__     

A. inelastic
B. elastic
C. constant
D. fluctuating
Answer» B. elastic

    _ _ introduced the concept of Gross barter terms of trade

A. Adam Smith
B. Alfred Marshall
C. F W Taussig
D. David Ricardo
Answer» C. F W Taussig

Single factoral terms of trade take in to account

A. Export and import prices
B. Changes in efficiency of factors producing export goods
C. Changes in demand for imports
D. Changes in demand for exports
Answer» B. Changes in efficiency of factors producing export goods

Two countries can gain from foreign trade if

A. Cost ratios are different
B. Price ratios are different
C. Both cost ratios and price ratios are different
D. Tarifs are different
Answer» C. Both cost ratios and price ratios are different

J.S.Mill brought in _ factor to explain termsof trade

A. cost
B. demand
C. supply
D. quality
Answer» B. demand

Reciprocal demand is

A. Mutual demand of two countries to each other’s goods
B. Mutual supply
C. price of export and import
D. Investment
Answer» A. Mutual demand of two countries to each other’s goods

The developing Countries it is argued usually

A. Enjoy Favourable terms of trade
B. Suffers from adverse terms of trade
C. have better income terms of trade
D. have better bargaining power
Answer» B. Suffers from adverse terms of trade

Comparative advantage occurs when ……..than other country .

A. A country has more population
B. A country can produce more goods
C. A country has a lower opportunity cost in the production of a good
D. A country has more product lines
Answer» C. A country has a lower opportunity cost in the production of a good

A tariff------

A. Increases the volume of trade
B. Reduces the volume of trade
C. Has no effect on the volume of trade
D. encourages foreign goods
Answer» B. Reduces the volume of trade

Terms of trade of less developed countries are generally unfavourable because

A. They export primary goods
B. They export capital goods
C. They export few goods
D. They import few goods
Answer» A. They export primary goods

According to J S Mill, equilibrium terms of trade is determined by __ demand

A. Market
B. Aggregate
C. Effective
D. Reciprocal
Answer» D. Reciprocal

Marshall and Edgeworth introduced a geometrical device to explain the gains from trade which is known as

A. Indifference cur
B. Offer curve
C. Isoquant
D. Demand curve
Answer» B. Offer curve

The concept of offer curves is associated with the names of

A. David Ricardo
B. J S Mill and Alfred
C. Alfred Marshall an
D. Edgeworth and Pareto
Answer» C. Alfred Marshall an

The offer curve of a country is based on

A. Relative prices
B. Price of exports
C. Price of imports
D. Volume of exports
Answer» A. Relative prices

Reciprocal demand is

A. Mutual supply
B. Ratio of volume of
C. Ratio of earnings f
D. Mutual demand of tw
Answer» D. Mutual demand of tw

In a free world in which no restrictions exist, international trade will lead to

A. Reduced real li
B. Reduced efficiency
C. Reduced real GDP
D. Increased efficiency
Answer» D. Increased efficiency

A commercial policy is a government policy related to _.

A. Commercial transactions of private companies
B. Economic transactions across international borders
C. Commercial transactions of developed countries
D. Taxes
Answer» B. Economic transactions across international borders

The classical economist Adam Smith was a champion of _ .

A. Protectionism
B. Free Trade
C. Trade Wars
D. Intra indstry trade
Answer» B. Free Trade

The origin of protectionist policy can be traced back to _ __.

A. Free trade era
B. Mercantilists days
C. Globalisation period
D. Brettonwoods system
Answer» B. Mercantilists days

Infant Industry Argument is justified for _ .

A. Protecting old industries
B. For enabling competitive efficiency of industries
C. For strengthening public sector
D. For allowing free trade
Answer» B. For enabling competitive efficiency of industries

Pick out the wrong statement.

A. Tariffs are primarily levied to earn revenue.
B. Tariffs are levied to protect domestic industries.
C. Tariffs reduce the prices of the commodity on which it is levied.
D. Tariffs affect the income and employment.
Answer» C. Tariffs reduce the prices of the commodity on which it is levied.

Pick out the wrong statement.

A. Tariffs restrict trade
B. Import quotas have a direct effect in reducing imports
C. Voluntary export restraint is an example of tariff barriers.
D. An export subsidy is a government grant given to an export firm.
Answer» C. Voluntary export restraint is an example of tariff barriers.

Economic integration means.

A. Application of tariffs
B. Removal of customs duties
C. Banning the movement of goods and services
D. banning trade
Answer» B. Removal of customs duties

    _ is the highest form of economic integration.

A. Preferential trading system
B. Free trade union
C. Customs union
D. Economic union
Answer» D. Economic union

The European Economic Community (EEC) was founded in 1957 under the treaty of _.

A. Paris
B. Rome
C. Washington
D. Veraiiles
Answer» B. Rome

Pick out the feature which does not describe European Union.

A. Common currency
B. Elimination of customs duties on the movement of goods.
C. Independent policies for agriculture among member nations.
D. Creation of a European Social Fund to improve employment opportunities of workers.
Answer» C. Independent policies for agriculture among member nations.

European union was initially formed with _ European countries.

A. 27
B. 28
C. 6
D. 5
Answer» C. 6

Prime Minister _ announced the government’s intention that U.K. will not seek permanent membership of the European single market or the EU customs union after leaving the EU.

A. David Cameroon
B. Trump
C. Narendra Modi
D. Theresa May
Answer» D. Theresa May

The referendum for Brexit was held on _ .

A. July 1st 2017
B. June 23rd 2016
C. September 1, 2017
D. July 23rd 2016
Answer» B. June 23rd 2016

The full form of ASEAN is _ .

A. Association of South East African Nations
B. Association of South Europe Allied Nations
C. Association of South East Asian Nations
D. Association oS Southern,eastern European Nations
Answer» C. Association of South East Asian Nations

ASEAN was formed with the signing of _.

A. European declaration
B. American declaration
C. Asean declaration
D. Bangkok declaration
Answer» D. Bangkok declaration

Pick out the wrong statement.

A. The objective of ASEAN is to achieve economic, political, social and cultural co- operation among its members.
B. U.K. is a member of ASEAN
C. There will be free movement of goods and services within ASEAN
D. ASEAN FTA will improve business competitiveness between the members.
Answer» B. U.K. is a member of ASEAN

The objective of commercial policy is / are     _ .

A. increase trade relation
B. endanger domestic market
C. allow import of goods
D. Restrict exports
Answer» D. Restrict exports

Under free trade _ benefit more.

A. consumer
B. agents
C. middlemen
D. traders
Answer» A. consumer

Under free trade __ will be higher.

A. wages
B. trade wars
C. civil wars
D. restrictions
Answer» A. wages

Free trade is based on the principle of _ _ .

A. Comparative cost advantage
B. Comparative disadvantage
C. Production possibility advantage
D. Equal cost
Answer» A. Comparative cost advantage

Which of the following is not an argument for protectionism .

A. to protect infant industries
B. to increase the level of imports
C. to protect small industries
D. to improve the balance of payments
Answer» B. to increase the level of imports

A tariff is a tax on _ _ .

A. domestic goods and services
B. foreign goods and service
C. quality of goods
D. None of the above
Answer» B. foreign goods and service


A. increase the quality of imports
B. decrease the government revenue
C. increase the government earnings from tax
D. decrease the government earnings from tax
Answer» C. increase the government earnings from tax

Which of the following is an argument far free trade _ .

A. prevents monopolies
B. unfavourable terms of trade
C. unfavourable balance of payments
D. allows monopolies
Answer» A. prevents monopolies

The main objective of trade barriers are     _ .

A. to discourage new industries domestically
B. to reduce unnecessary imports
C. to spend valuable foreign exchange
D. To allow free trade
Answer» D. To allow free trade

    _ is a type of tariff barriers.

A. Embargo
B. Ad–valorem duties
C. Product standard
D. Consular Formalities
Answer» B. Ad–valorem duties

    _ _ is a type of non – tariff barriers.

A. Import Quotas
B. Export duties
C. Import Duties
D. Specific Duties
Answer» A. Import Quotas

An international trading company of the Government of India _.

A. State Transport Corporation
B. State Service Corporation
C. State Trading Corporation
D. All of the above
Answer» C. State Trading Corporation

Consular documents include _ _.

A. Certificate of origin
B. Export certificates
C. Uncertified consular invoices
D. Bills of exchange
Answer» A. Certificate of origin

Trade barriers are often called _ _.

A. Free trade
B. Protection
C. Trade wars
D. Economic integration
Answer» B. Protection

Redistribution effect is called _ .

A. Revenues effect
B. Consumption effect
C. Productive effect
D. Transfer effect
Answer» D. Transfer effect

Imposing of tariff, raises domestic prices causing fall in consumption of domestic goods is     _ .

A. Protective effect
B. Revenue effect
C. Consumption effect
D. Terms of trade effect
Answer» C. Consumption effect

_ _ is the World’s largest single market area.

A. European Union
B. India
C. Pakisthan
D. Srilanka
Answer» A. European Union

At present, European Union consist of     _ member countries.

A. 26
B. 27
C. 28
D. None of these above
Answer» C. 28

When an economy union involves unifying currency it becomes _ .

A. Customs Union
B. Trade Union
C. Economic and Monetary Union
D. Trade area
Answer» C. Economic and Monetary Union

    _ _ is an official institution of the European Union.

A. European Council
B. European Parliament
C. European Commission
D. European Investment Bank
Answer» A. European Council

Euro is the official currency for _ _ member countries of European Union.

A. 16
B. 17
C. 18
D. 19
Answer» D. 19

The is the single currency of the European Union.

A. dollar
B. euro
C. yen
D. pound
Answer» B. euro

    _ _ is the second largest currency in the world.

A. Dollar
B. Euro
C. Yen
D. Pound
Answer» B. Euro

    _ _ became an ASEAN dialogue partner in 1995.

A. India
B. Pakisthan
C. Srilanka
Answer» A. India

Look East Policy has now transformed into a     _ _.

A. Act European Policy
B. Act East Policy
C. Act West Policy
D. East Asia Policy
Answer» B. Act East Policy

The referendum for Brexit was held on _ .

A. 2023-06-16 00:00:00
B. 2023-06-17 00:00:00
C. 2023-08-17 00:00:00
D. 2023-06-18 00:00:00
Answer» A. 2023-06-16 00:00:00

ASEAN was formed in .

A. 1947
B. 1967
C. 1977
D. 1987
Answer» A. 1947

    _ is a statement of a systematic record of all economic transactions between one country and the rest of the world.

A. Deficit
B. Surplus
C. Balance of payments
D. Budget
Answer» C. Balance of payments

Pick out the wrong statement.

A. Tariff restricts t
B. Import quotas have a direct effect in reducing imports
C. Voluntary export restraint is an example of tariff barriers.
D. An export subsidy is a government grant given to an export firm
Answer» C. Voluntary export restraint is an example of tariff barriers.

The consumption effect of tariffs forces consumers to _ _.

A. increase their consumption due to tariffs.
B. pay lower price due to tariffs.
C. reduce their consumption due to tariffs.
D. depend on imports for consumption
Answer» C. reduce their consumption due to tariffs.

Import embargo is an important retaiatory measure against_ _.

A. dumping
B. exports
C. domestic producer
D. domestic farmers
Answer» A. dumping

Which of the following Non – Tariff Barriers prevents free movement of capital between countries?

A. preferential government procurement
B. Exchange Controls
C. Domestic subsidie
D. Local content requirement
Answer» B. Exchange Controls

    _ is a measure under which a commodity of a specific volume or value is allowed to be imported in the country.

A. Voluntary Export Restraints
B. Combined duty
C. Import quota
D. Revenue tariff
Answer» C. Import quota

Which of these are objectives of import quotas?

A. Correcting disequilibrium in the balance of payment
B. To allow dumping
C. To allow speculative activities
D. To allow excess supply in the domestic economy
Answer» A. Correcting disequilibrium in the balance of payment

In the _ account, only transactions relating to goods are entered.

A. invisible account
B. Capital account
C. trade
D. Current account
Answer» C. trade
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