Chapter: National Income accounting

The average income of a country is called

A. per capita income
B. disposable income
C. inflation rate
D. real national income
Answer» A. per capita income

The value of NNP at production point is called

A. nnp at factor cost
B. nnp at market price
C. gnp at market price
D. gnp at factor cost
Answer» A. nnp at factor cost

The value of NNP at consumer point is called the

A. nnp at factor cost
B. nnp at market price
C. gnp at market price
D. gnp at factor cost
Answer» B. nnp at market price

When depreciation is deducted from GNP, the net value is

A. net national product (nnp)
B. net domestic product
C. gross national product
D. disposable income
Answer» A. net national product (nnp)

What is the net value of GDP after deducting depreciation from GDP(Gross domestic product)?

A. net national product
B. net domestic product
C. gross national product
D. disposable income
Answer» B. net domestic product

Consider the following statements and identify the right ones.
i. National income is the monetary value of all final goods and services produced.
ii. Depreciation is deducted from gross value to get the net value

A. i only
B. ii only
C. both
D. none
Answer» C. both

Which of the following is considered as financial year in India?

A. april 1 to march 31
B. january 1 to december 31
C. march 1 to april 30
D. march 16 to march 15
Answer» A. april 1 to march 31

Which is not added in the calculation of national income of India?

A. the value of goods and services
B. the sold value of the old fridge
C. services rendered by the housewives
D. both [b] & [c]
Answer» D. both [b] & [c]

Which sector contributes the most to India's economy in terms of GDP?

A. service sector
B. manufacturing sector
C. agricultural sector
D. small scale industries
Answer» A. service sector

Which statement is true?

A. national expenditure = national income
B. national expenditure = national income + national savings
C. national expenditure = national income + taxes
D. national expenditure = national income – taxes
Answer» A. national expenditure = national income

There are methods of measuring national income:

A. 5
B. 2
C. 1
D. 3
Answer» D. 3

If we compare GDP and GNP, then:

A. gnp = gdp - net income from abroad
B. gnp = gdp + net income from abroad (r-p) ……. gdp+(r-p)
C. gnp = nnp - net income from abroad
D. gnp = nnp + net income from abroad
Answer» B. gnp = gdp + net income from abroad (r-p) ……. gdp+(r-p)

Select the correct statement:

A. transfer payment are included in national income
B. depreciation allowance is a part of gnp
C. taxes are not included in nnp
D. gdp means gross direct production
Answer» B. depreciation allowance is a part of gnp

Which is the largest figure:

A. nnp
B. gnp
C. pi (disposable personal income)
D. pi (personal income)
Answer» B. gnp

Which is a flow concept:

A. number of my shirts
B. my total wealth
C. my monthly income
D. money supply
Answer» C. my monthly income

To avoid double counting when GDP is estimated, economists:

A. use gdp deflator
B. calculate value added at each stage of production
C. use retail prices
D. use price of only intermediate goods
Answer» B. calculate value added at each stage of production

Personal income includes:

A. direct taxes
B. indirect taxes
C. depreciation
D. none of these
Answer» A. direct taxes

Personal income includes:

A. transfer payments
B. indirect taxes
C. depreciation
D. all of the above
Answer» A. transfer payments

If savings exceed investment then:

A. national income rises
B. national income falls
C. national income is not affected
D. none of the above
Answer» B. national income falls

This statement is true

A. ni = rent + interest + wages + profit
B. ni = rent + interest + wages + taxes
C. ni = govt. expenditure + interest + wages + profit
D. ni = rent + interest + wages + pensions
Answer» A. ni = rent + interest + wages + profit

Which Ministry is responsible for calculating GDP in India?

A. ministry of finance
B. ministry of commerce and industry
C. ministry of central statistical and program implementation
D. ministry of consumer affairs
Answer» C. ministry of central statistical and program implementation

Which state of India currently has the highest Per Capita Income?

A. goa
B. delhi
C. maharashtra
D. punjab
Answer» A. goa

How much does the primary sector contribute to India's GDP?

A. 26%
B. 20%
C. 53%
D. 14%
Answer» B. 20%

Which sector contributes the most to India's economy?

A. service sector
B. manufacturing sector
C. agricultural sector
D. small scale industries
Answer» A. service sector

If the contribution of the agricultural sector is decreasing in a country's economy, then what conclusion can be drawn?

A. the country is growing in the direction of being a developed nation
B. the country is moving towards becoming developing nation
C. the country is moving towards becoming less developed nation
D. the economic growth rate of the country has stopped
Answer» A. the country is growing in the direction of being a developed nation

Which is not added in the calculation of national income of India?

A. the value of goods and services
B. the sold value of the old fridge
C. services rendered by the housewives
D. both b & c
Answer» D. both b & c

Output means. ……………unless stated otherwise

A. gross output at mp (gdpmp)
B. net output at mp
C. gross output at fc
D. none
Answer» A. gross output at mp (gdpmp)

Which of the following is not a component of domestic income?

A. operating surplus
B. compensation of employees
C. net factor income from abroad
D. mixed income
Answer» C. net factor income from abroad

If factor cost is greater than marker price, it means that

A. indirect taxes < subsidies (subsidy> indirect taxes)
B. indirect taxes > subsidies
C. i.t = subsidies
D. none
Answer» A. indirect taxes < subsidies (subsidy> indirect taxes)

An Indian farmer produces wheat without incurring cost of inputs alll
sells for Rs. 1,000 to a miller who grinds wheat into flour and sells for Rs 1,200 to baker. The
baker sells bread to consumers for Rs. 1,600. Total added is Rs.

A. 1,600
B. 2,200
C. 1,000
D. 1,400
Answer» A. 1,600

Which of the following is not true about final goods ?

A. final gods satisfy wants of ultimate consumers and producers.
B. final goods have direct demand as they satisfy the wants directly.
C. final goods are subject to further transformation in the process of production.
D. final goods are neither used up as raw-material nor for resale in the same year.
Answer» C. final goods are subject to further transformation in the process of production.

Following is an example of final good:

A. flour used by a banker in making biscuits
B. unsold stock of goods lying with the sellers
C. tyres purchased by a transport company
D. mobile sets purchased by a mobile dealer
Answer» B. unsold stock of goods lying with the sellers

Which out of the following is not included in estimation of NI?

A. subsidized lunch
B. old-age pension
C. free medical facilities
D. construction of a house
Answer» B. old-age pension

Which of the following is a synonym of “Undistributed Profits”?

A. savings of private corporate sector
B. reserves and surplus
C. retained earnings
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

Piyush’s mother is a teacher. She also teaches Piyush. How would you treat this white calculating national income and domestic income ?

A. it will be included in the national income, but not in the domestic income.
B. it will be included in the domestic income, but not in the national income.
C. it will be included in domestic income as well as national income.
D. it will neither be included in the domestic income nor in the national income.
Answer» D. it will neither be included in the domestic income nor in the national income.

Goods which are not used in the production of other goods are called:

A. capital goods
B. consumption goods
C. producer goods
D. intermediate goods
Answer» B. consumption goods

Depreciation is the:

A. loss of vale of fixed assets in use due to normal wear and tear
B. loss of value of fixed assets in use due to normal rate of accidental damages
C. loss of value of fixed assets in the due to foreseen obsolescence
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

Which of following is not included in national income ?

A. factor income
B. rent
C. operating surplus
D. transfer income
Answer» D. transfer income

Which of following is not an intermediate goods?

A. wheat
B. gold
C. service of doctor
D. sand and bricks
Answer» C. service of doctor

Which of following is not a final good?

A. machinery purchased by dealer
B. machinery purchased by a factory
C. use of petrol
D. washing machine
Answer» A. machinery purchased by dealer

Which of following is not a part of national income?

A. depreciation
B. net factor income from abroad
C. operating surplus
D. mixed income
Answer» A. depreciation

Product method of calculating national income is also known as:

A. income method
B. value added method
C. expenditure method
D. distribution method
Answer» B. value added method

Transfer payments refer to payments, which are made:

A. without any exchange of goods and services
B. to workers on transfer from one job to another
C. as compensation to employees
D. none
Answer» A. without any exchange of goods and services

National Income differs from Net National Product at market price by the amount of:

A. current transfers from rest of the world
B. net indirect taxes (difference between indirect tax and subsidy)
C. national debt interest
D. it does not differ
Answer» B. net indirect taxes (difference between indirect tax and subsidy)

Net national product at factor cost is also known as:

A. net domestic product
B. gross national product
C. national income
D. personal income
Answer» C. national income

In GNP calculation which of the following should be excluded?

A. rental incomes
B. interest payments
C. dividends
D. government transfer payment
Answer» D. government transfer payment

National Income differs from Net National Product at market price by the amount of:

A. current transfers from rest of the world
B. net indirect taxes
C. national debt interest
D. it does not differ
Answer» B. net indirect taxes
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