240+ Computer Graphics and Multimedia Solved MCQs


Expansion of CRT is ___________.

A. Cathode Ray Tube.
B. Computer Related Tube.
C. Component Related Tools.
D. Common Reflection Tube.
Answer» A. Cathode Ray Tube.

The operations of most _________________ is based on the Standard Cathode ray tubes.

A. scanners.
B. video monitors.
C. printers.
D. card readers.
Answer» B. video monitors.

A beam of electrons emitted by an electron gun is also called as ______________.

A. electric rays
B. magnetic rays.
C. cathode rays.
D. infra-red rays.
Answer» C. cathode rays.

Expansion of DDA is ________________.

A. Device Display Analyzer.
B. Digital Differential Analyzer.
C. Digital Device Analyzer
D. Digital Display Analyzer.
Answer» B. Digital Differential Analyzer.

Random scan displays are designed to draw all component lines at of a picture ______________ times each second.

A. 20 to 40.
B. 30 to 60.
C. 40 to 70.
D. 20 to 50.
Answer» B. 30 to 60.

In beam penetration method, ________________ layers of phosphor are usually used.

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer» B. 2

In beam penetration method, ______________and____________ layers of phosphor are usually used.

A. red and green.
B. blue and green.
C. yellow and green
D. orange and green.
Answer» A. red and green.

VDU is a ____________ device

A. processing.
B. input.
C. peripheral.
D. hardware.
Answer» C. peripheral.

The operation of the most video monitors is based on the____________ CRT.

A. static.
B. dynamic.
C. standard.
D. pervasive.
Answer» C. standard.

In cathode ray tube, a beam of electrons is emitted ________________.

A. from the base.
B. by a focusing system.
C. by an electron gun.
D. by deflection plates
Answer» C. by an electron gun.

The negatively charged electrons inside the CRT are then accelerated towards the__________.

A. phosphor coating
B. electron gun.
C. Base
D. Electron beam object
Answer» A. phosphor coating

The magnetic field produced by each pair of coils results in____________ deflection force.

A. transverse.
B. magnetic.
C. slopping.
D. repulsive.
Answer» A. transverse.

A major difference between phosphors is their _________________.

A. permanent state.
B. persistence.
C. feebleness.
D. magnetic deflection.
Answer» B. persistence.

The diagonal screen dimension of a personal computer system is given as the sizes varying from about _____________ inches or more.

A. 12 to 21.
B. 27 to 12.
C. 0 to 27.
D. 4 to 12.
Answer» A. 12 to 21.

Picture definition is stored in ___________ buffer area in memory.

A. frame.
B. outer.
C. refresh.
D. restore.
Answer» A. frame.

The rate at which the picture is redrawn on the screen is called ___________ rate.

A. buffer.
B. refresh.
C. drawn.
D. delete.
Answer» B. refresh.

A system with 24 bites per pixel & a screen resolution of 1024 by 1024 requires____________________ mega byte of storage for frame buffer

A. 9.
B. 7.
C. 3.
D. 2.
Answer» C. 3.

In a black and white system ________________ per pixel is needed to control the intensity of screen positions.

A. 0 bit.
B. 1 bit.
C. 2 bits.
D. 3 bits.
Answer» B. 1 bit.

In a high quality system ________________ bits per pixel is needed to control the intensity of screen positions.

A. 8.
B. 12.
C. 16.
D. 24.
Answer» D. 24.

On a black and white system with one bit per pixel, the frame buffer is commonly called as ______________.

A. pixmap.
B. pelmap
C. bitsmap.
D. bitmap.
Answer» D. bitmap.

For systems with multiple bits per pixel, the frame buffer is commonly called as ______________.

A. pixmap.
B. pelmap
C. bitsmap.
D. bitmap
Answer» A. pixmap.

Refresh rate near to ___________ frames per second is an effective technique for avoiding flicker.

A. 60.
B. 45.
C. 30
D. 15.
Answer» A. 60.

Random scan monitors draw a picture ______________ at a time.

A. one pixel.
B. two pixel.
C. one line.
D. two line.
Answer» C. one line.

In raster scan system the ____________beam is swept across screen.

A. electron.
B. magnetic
C. electro
D. electrothermal
Answer» A. electron.

In raster scan system the electron beam is swept across screen from _____________.

A. right to left.
B. top to bottom.
C. bottom to top.
D. side to side.
Answer» B. top to bottom.

A CRT monitor displays color picture by using a combination of phosphor that emits light of __________ color

A. same.
B. different.
C. many.
D. Only one.
Answer» B. different.

Shadow mask methods are commonly used in raster scan system including _____.

A. monitor.
B. beam penetration method.
C. random scan system.
D. color tv
Answer» D. color tv

In flat panel display the emissive displays are devices that converts electric energy into_____________.

A. obscurity
B. stimulating energy.
C. light energy.
D. non emitting energy.
Answer» C. light energy.

In liquid crystal display the flat panel device is referred to as a _____________LCD.

A. matrix.
B. passive.
C. active.
D. submissive.
Answer» B. passive.

The refresh buffer also called a _______________ buffer.

A. frame.
B. element.
C. resolution.
D. bitmap.
Answer» A. frame.

Each screen point is referred to as a _______________.

A. point.
B. pixel.
C. position.
D. element.
Answer» B. pixel.

Refreshing on raster-scan displays is carried out at the rate of 60 to 80 _____________ per second.

A. points.
B. pixels
C. positions
D. frames.
Answer» D. frames.

The raster-scan systems, each frame is displayed in two passes using an____________ procedure.

A. interlaced refresh.
B. refresh.
C. providing.
D. vector-displays.
Answer» A. interlaced refresh.

The magnetic field produced by each pair of coils results in a _______________. a. transverse deflection force.

A. transverse deflection force.
B. generic field
C. electron beam.
D. horizontal deflection.
Answer» A. transverse deflection force.

A property of video monitors is_________________.

A. length.
B. centimeter
C. direction
D. aspect ratio.
Answer» D. aspect ratio.

Intensity of the electron beam is controlled by setting voltage levels on the________.

A. control panel.
B. electron gun.
C. connector pins.
D. control grid.
Answer» D. control grid.

The__________________ emits a small spot of light at each position contacted by the electron beam.

A. electron gun.
B. control grid.
C. phosphor
D. cathode.
Answer» C. phosphor

The maximum number of points that can be displayed without overlap on a CRT is referred to as its_____________.

A. persistence.
B. non persistence.
C. resolution
D. distribution.
Answer» C. resolution

Sterio scopic viewing is also a part in ________________.

A. virtual reality system.
B. essential system
C. Actual reality system.
D. Implicit system.
Answer» A. virtual reality system.

The primary output devices in a graphics system is a __________________.

A. video monitor.
B. video display devices.
C. cathode ray tube.
D. deflection CRT.
Answer» A. video monitor.

The focusing system in a CRT is needed to force the electron beam to converge into a _____________ as it strikes the phosphor.

A. large spot.
B. small spot.
C. double spot
D. spot.
Answer» B. small spot.

A shadow-mask CRT has______________ phosphor color dots at each pixel position.

A. five.
B. four
C. three
D. two.
Answer» C. three

The______________ shadow-mask method, is commonly used in color CRT systems.

A. delta-delta.
B. beta-beta.
C. delta-beta.
D. alpha-alpha.
Answer» A. delta-delta.

Color CRTs in graphics systems are designed as____________.

A. CRT monitors.
B. RGB monitors.
C. DVST monitors.
D. color monitors.
Answer» B. RGB monitors.

DVST stands for ________________.

A. Device View Storage Tube.
B. Direct View Space Tube.
C. Direct View Storage Tube.
D. Device View Space Tube.
Answer» C. Direct View Storage Tube.

The emissive displays are device that convert electrical energy into_____________.

A. light.
B. image
C. pixel
D. colors
Answer» A. light.

The plasma is also called as ____________ displays.

A. image.
B. glass
C. gas-discharge.
D. glass-discharge
Answer» C. gas-discharge.

A beam of slow electrons excites only the outer____________ layer.

A. blue.
B. green
C. white
D. red
Answer» D. red

A beam of very fast electrons penetrates through the red layer and excites the inner_____________ layer.

A. blue.
B. green
C. white
D. red
Answer» B. green

LED stands for_______________.

A. Light Emitted Display.
B. Light Emitting Display.
C. Light Emitting Diode.
D. Light Emit Diode.
Answer» C. Light Emitting Diode.

BSP Stands for________________.

A. Bit Space-Partitioning.
B. Binary Space- Partitioning.
C. Bit Space- positioning.
D. Binary Space- Positioning.
Answer» B. Binary Space- Partitioning.

The simplest model for a light emitter is _______________.

A. light source.
B. open source.
C. data source.
D. point source.
Answer» D. point source.

_______________algorithm are broadly classified according to whether they deal with object definitions directly or with their projected images.

A. Line clipping.
B. Simple DDA.
C. Visible surface detection.
D. Midpoint algorithm.
Answer» C. Visible surface detection.

________________is applied in an object by pre positioning along a straight line.

A. Translation.
B. Rotation
C. Scaling
D. Shearing
Answer» A. Translation.

A________ is a transformation that produces a mirror image of an object.

A. reflection.
B. shear
C. translation
D. rotation
Answer» A. reflection.

____________ generally refers to any time sequence of visual changes in a scene.

A. Computer animation.
B. Graphics
C. Visualization.
D. Frame work.
Answer» A. Computer animation.

A world coordinate area selected for display is called as_____________.

A. window.
B. Viewport
C. window-to-viewport.
D. Viewing transformation.
Answer» A. window.

One of the oldest and most popular line clipping procedure is___________.

A. Liang-Barsky Line Clipping.
B. Nicholl-Lee-Nicholl Line Clipping.
C. Cohen-Sutherland Line Clipping.
D. Line Clipping using Nonrectangular Clip window.
Answer» C. Cohen-Sutherland Line Clipping.

A commonly used image space approach to detect visible surface is___________.

A. buffer depth method.
B. surface rendering method.
C. polygon surface method.
D. depth buffer method.
Answer» D. depth buffer method.

An illumination model is also called as_______________.

A. lighting model.
B. surface model.
C. shading model.
D. rendering model.
Answer» A. lighting model.

The scattered light is called as____________.

A. specular reflection.
B. source light.
C. ambient light.
D. defuse reflection.
Answer» D. defuse reflection.

The area subdivision method takes advantage of area coherence in a scene by location of those view areas that represent the part of a ______________.

A. double surface.
B. single surface.
C. triple surface.
D. area surface.
Answer» B. single surface.

Orthographic projection that display more than one face of an object is called __________________.

A. axonometric orthographic projection
B. orthographic axonometric projection
C. projection axonometric orthographic.
D. projection orthographic axonometric.
Answer» A. axonometric orthographic projection

Spotlights are used to control the amount of light emitted within a cone with apex at ______________ source position.

A. line.
B. object
C. point
D. out
Answer» C. point

An area on a display device to which a window is mapped is called as___________.

A. view map. .
B. path map.
C. view port.
D. path graph.
Answer» C. view port.

The scaling transformation alters the size of an_________.

A. vector.
B. edge
C. side
D. object
Answer» D. object

The set of unit vectors is called __________.

A. vector basis.
B. normal basis.
C. orthogonal basis.
D. base vectors.
Answer» B. normal basis.

A matrix with a single row or a single column represents a__________.

A. vector.
B. square
C. row vector.
D. column vector.
Answer» A. vector.

The matrix with same number of rows and columns is called as____________.

A. square matrix.
B. row matrix.
C. column matrix.
D. row, column matrix.
Answer» A. square matrix.

Vector V is called the_____________.

A. world coordinate.
B. view up vector.
C. fixed-size.
D. direction
Answer» B. view up vector.

The region against which an object is to be clipped is called as___________.

A. world coordinate.
B. view port
C. clip window
D. boundaries
Answer» C. clip window

The two-dimensional viewing transformation is simply referred to as the window-to-viewport transformation or the_______________.

A. viewing pipeline.
B. transformation.
C. windowing transformation.
D. world coordinate.
Answer» C. windowing transformation.

A standard method for fitting a function to a set of data points is called as____________ algorithm.

A. Fitting.
B. straight-line
C. least-squares
Answer» C. least-squares

The three color parameters in HLS color model are _______________.

A. hue, lightness and saturation.
B. height, lightness and saturation.
C. hue, light and saturation.
D. hue, lightness and scaling.
Answer» A. hue, lightness and saturation.

The depth-buffer method is also called as______________.

A. A-buffer.
B. C-buffer
C. Z-buffer
D. W-buffer.
Answer» C. Z-buffer

CSG stands for

A. Constructed Solid Geometry.
B. Concatenate Solid Geometry.
C. Construct Solid Geometry.
D. Constructive Solid Geometry.
Answer» D. Constructive Solid Geometry.

The most straight forward method for defining a motion square is____________ specification.

A. higher.
B. complete
C. indirect
D. direct
Answer» D. direct

One of the most popular methods for finding roots of nonlinear equations is the____________ algorithm.

A. raphson.
B. Newton
C. root
D. newton-raphson.
Answer» D. newton-raphson.

curve-fitting techniques are often used to specify the animation paths between___________.

A. two elements.
B. key frames.
C. two positions.
D. key elements.
Answer» B. key frames.

_______________ description is a typical task in an animation specification.

A. Vector.
B. Scene
C. Frame
D. Action
Answer» B. Scene

_____________ system allows object motion characteristics to be specified as part of the object definitions.

A. Parametric.
B. Specialized
C. Adjustable
D. Parameterized
Answer» D. Parameterized

We can also animate object along 2D motion paths using the_______________ transformations.

A. table-color.
B. color-table
C. coordinate origin.
D. fixed point
Answer» B. color-table

Constant-intensity shading is also called as____________ shading.

A. intensity.
B. constant
C. flat
D. polygon
Answer» C. flat

A fast and simple method for rendering an object with polygon surfaces is called as _______________shading.

A. intensity.
B. constant
C. constant-intensity.
D. polygon
Answer» C. constant-intensity.

Procedure for determining visibility of object edges are referred to as____________ visibility methods.

A. surface.
B. window
C. wireframe
D. background
Answer» C. wireframe

A drawback of the depth-buffer method is that it can only find one visible surface at each ____________ position.

A. depth.
B. visible
C. display
D. pixel
Answer» D. pixel

The A-buffer has two fields, the depth field and _________field.

A. surface.
B. accumulate
C. intensity
D. pixel
Answer» C. intensity

The A-buffer has two fields, the ____________field and intensity field.

A. surface.
B. accumulate
C. depth
D. pixel
Answer» C. depth

The parallelepiped is mapped into the unit cube in a normalized view volume called the______________ system.

A. normalized coordinate projection.
B. normalized coordinate.
C. coordinate projection.
D. normalized projection coordinate.
Answer» D. normalized projection coordinate.

The emissive displays are devices that convert __________ energy to light

A. electrical.
B. magnetic
C. mechanical
D. wind
Answer» A. electrical.

The emissive displays are devices that convert electrical energy to _________.

A. light.
B. magnetic
C. mechanical
D. wind
Answer» A. light.

The non-emissive displays are devices that convert __________ to graphics pattern.

A. sunlight.
B. magnetic
C. mechanical
D. wind
Answer» A. sunlight.

The non-emissive displays are devices that convert sunlight or light from other sources to _________.

A. graphics pattern.
B. magnetic
C. mechanical
D. wind
Answer» A. graphics pattern.

___________ is also called as gas-discharge displays.

B. Plasma panel.
Answer» B. Plasma panel.

RGB color system with 24 bits of storage is also called as ______ color system.

A. false.
B. full
C. half
D. finite
Answer» B. full

A three dimensional reflection can be performed relative to a selected reflection axis or with respect to a selected_____________.

A. rotations.
B. reflection plane
C. matrix form
D. edges
Answer» B. reflection plane

_______________ modeling packages often provide a number of construction techniques.

A. scale.
B. solid
C. view
D. coordinate
Answer» B. solid

____________________representations are useful for constructing 3D objects that possess translational, rotations or other symmetries.

A. buffer.
B. periodic
C. sweep
D. spline
Answer» C. sweep

The primary output device in a graphics system is _____________.

A. joy stick.
B. light pen
C. key board.
D. Monitor
Answer» D. Monitor

The operation of most video monitors is based on the standard ________.

A. cathode ray device.
B. cathode device
C. cathode ray tube.
D. cathode rode.
Answer» C. cathode ray tube.
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