650+ Computer Graphics Solved MCQs


_________ is repositioning of an object along a circular path.

A. rotation
B. reflection
C. translation
D. scaling
Answer» A. rotation

To perform Rotation we require __________ and _____________.

A. translation distance
B. scaling factor
C. pivot point. rotation angle
D. all of above
Answer» C. pivot point. rotation angle

__________ rotation denotes positive value of rotation angle.

A. clockwise
B. counterclockwise
C. composite
D. none of above
Answer» B. counterclockwise

__________ values of rotation angle represents clockwise rotation.

A. 0
B. 180
C. negative
D. positive
Answer» C. negative

________ is point about which rotation takes place.

A. pixel
B. origin
C. pivot point
D. all of above
Answer» C. pivot point

. ___________ is an angle through which rotation takes place.

A. rotation angle
B. reflection angle
C. composite angle
D. none of above
Answer» A. rotation angle

Rotation about origin is ________ in nature.

A. reflexive
B. transtive
C. commutative
D. none of above
Answer» C. commutative

Rotation other than origin is called as rotation about ___________.

A. pivot point
B. x axis
C. y axis
D. all of above
Answer» A. pivot point

__________ steps are required to perform rotation about arbitary point.

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer» C. 3

__________ is transformation carried out one after another

A. reflection
B. shear
C. composite
D. none of above
Answer» C. composite

_______ transformation changes size of an object.

A. translation
B. reflection
C. rotation
D. scaling
Answer» D. scaling

Scaling factor_____ scales object in X direction.

A. 0
B. sx
C. sy
D. all of above
Answer» B. sx

Scaling factor_____ scales object in Y direction.

A. sy
B. tx
C. ty
D. sx
Answer» A. sy

Values less than of scaling factor _________ size of object.

A. enlarge
B. elongate
C. expand
D. reduce
Answer» D. reduce

Values greater than one ______ object.

A. enlarge
B. elongate
C. expand
D. reduce
Answer» A. enlarge

In ________ scaling values of sx and sy are same.

A. differential
B. uniform
C. normal
D. none of above
Answer» B. uniform

In differential scaling values of sx and sy are ________.

A. same
B. different
C. any
D. all of above
Answer» B. different

For scaling factors we can use _____________ values.

A. positive
B. negative
C. float
D. any
Answer» D. any

Scaling is __________ in nature.

A. commutative
B. sequential
C. transitive
D. all of these
Answer» A. commutative

Two successive rotations are ______ in nature.

A. commutative
B. additive
C. flexible
D. all of above
Answer» A. commutative

_________Coordinate system allows us to express all transformation as matrix multiplication

A. homogeneous
B. polar
C. cartesian
D. all of above
Answer» A. homogeneous

The Homogeneous Coordinate is represented by _____________.

A. pair
B. triplet
C. quad
D. all of these
Answer» B. triplet

The Homogeneous Coordinate of point (X,Y) is represented by _____________.

A. (x,y)
B. (xw,yw)
C. (xw,yw,w)
D. (x,y,z)
Answer» C. (xw,yw,w)

Homogeneous coordinate allows you to ___________.

A. combine transformation
B. eliminate need of intermediate calculations
C. saves time and memory
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

Reflection transformation produce ______ image of an object.

A. mirror
B. inverse
C. sharp
D. noisy
Answer» A. mirror

Shear___________ shape of an object

A. slants
B. reduces
C. enlarges
D. changes
Answer» A. slants

There are_____ types of shear transformation

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer» B. 2

________ preserves Y coordinate.

A. z-shear
B. y-shear
C. x-shar
D. all of these
Answer» C. x-shar

Y-shear Preserves ________ coordinate.

A. x
B. y
C. z
D. none of these
Answer» A. x

In X-shear _________ line tilts to right or left.

A. horizontal
B. parallel
C. vertical
D. arbitary
Answer» C. vertical

In Y shear for horizontal line __________ changes.

A. length
B. thickness
C. intensity
D. slope
Answer» D. slope

Shear Transformation may be expresses in terms of ___________ and _____________.

A. translation , rotation
B. rotation, scaling
C. reflection, translation
D. none of these
Answer» B. rotation, scaling

In 3D geometry we Require _________ axis

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer» C. 3

Z axis corresponds to _________.

A. length
B. height
C. depth
D. slope
Answer» C. depth

In parallel Projection __________ Coordinate is discarded

A. z
B. y
C. x
D. all of above
Answer» A. z

Parallel projections ________ relative proportions of object

A. does not preserve
B. preerves
C. increases
D. decreases
Answer» B. preerves

Parallel projections does not produce _________ views.

A. elastic
B. same
C. realistic
D. none of above
Answer» C. realistic

In perspective projections lines of projections are ______________.

A. parallel
B. tangent
C. normal
D. not parallel
Answer» D. not parallel

Perspective projections produce _________ views

A. elastic
B. realistic
C. same
D. shift vector
Answer» B. realistic

In perspective projections all projections are converge at a single point called as _____________________.

A. origin
B. center
C. mean
D. center of projections
Answer» D. center of projections

In Depth Cuing parts of objects closest to viewing position are displayed with _________ intensities.

A. heighest
B. heigher
C. lower
D. lowest
Answer» A. heighest

In projections non visible lines are represented as __________lines

A. dotted
B. thick
C. dash
D. center
Answer» C. dash

stereoscopic devices present ________ views of scene

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Answer» A. 2

There are ________ Types of parallel projections

A. 5
B. 3
C. 2
D. 6
Answer» C. 2

_____________ is a type of Parallel projection

A. orthographic
B. perspective
C. one-point
D. two-point
Answer» A. orthographic

Oblique is a type of ________ projections

A. one-point
B. two-point
C. parallel
D. perspective
Answer» C. parallel

In orthographic projections projection plane is _________ to a principle axis

A. perpendicular
B. parallel
C. not related
D. none of above
Answer» A. perpendicular

The oblique projections are classified as ___________ and _____________.

A. parallel, perspective
B. orthographic, isometric
C. cavalier ,cabinet
D. none of these
Answer» C. cavalier ,cabinet

3D clipping uses _________ region code.

A. 2-bit
B. 6-bit
C. 4-bit
D. 1-bit
Answer» B. 6-bit

In 3D clipping bit s of region code has value _________ if end point is in front of volume

A. 0
B. 1
C. -1
D. 10
Answer» B. 1

In 3D clipping bit 6 of region code has value _________ if end point is in behind of volume

A. 1
B. 0
C. -1
D. 0.5
Answer» A. 1

Concept of window in 2D can be extended to ________________ a in 3D Clipping.

A. mirror
B. surface
C. projection
D. view volume
Answer» D. view volume

Values less than of scaling factor _________ size of object

A. enlarge
B. elongate
C. expand
D. reduce
Answer» D. reduce

In 3D clipping we perform logical ______ operation.

A. nor
B. xor
C. or
D. and
Answer» D. and

Basic geometric transformation include _________.

A. translation
B. rotation
C. scaling
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

Some additional transformation are __________

A. shear
B. reflection
C. both a & b
D. none of these
Answer» C. both a & b

The transformation in which an object is moved in a minimum distance path from one position to another is called

A. translation
B. scaling
C. rotation
D. reflection
Answer» C. rotation

The transformation in which an object is moved from one position to another in circular path around a specified pivot point is called _____________

A. translation
B. scaling
C. rotation
D. reflection
Answer» C. rotation

The transformation in which the dimension of an object are changed relative to a specified fixed point is called

A. translation
B. scaling
C. rotation
D. reflection
Answer» B. scaling

The selection and separation of a part of text or image for further operation are called ___________.

A. translation
B. shear
C. reflection
D. clipping
Answer» D. clipping

The complex graphics operations are _____________

A. selection
B. separation
C. clipping
D. none of these
Answer» C. clipping

The transformation that produces a parallel mirror image of an object are called __________.

A. reflection
B. shear
C. rotation
D. scaling
Answer» A. reflection

The transformation that disturbs the shape of an object are called __________

A. reflection
B. shear
C. rotation
D. scaling
Answer» B. shear

The process of mapping a world window in world coordinate system to viewport are called __________

A. transformation viewing
B. view port
C. clipping window
D. screen coordinate system
Answer» A. transformation viewing

In which transformation the shape of an object can be modified in x-direction ,y-direction as well as in both the direction depending upon the value assigned to shearing variables ___________

A. reflection
B. shearing
C. rotation
D. scaling
Answer» B. shearing

The process of extracting a portion of a database or a picture inside or outside a specified region are called

A. translation
B. shear
C. reflection
D. clipping
Answer» D. clipping

The rectangle portion of the interface window that defines where the image will actually appear are called

A. transformation viewing
B. view port
C. clipping window
D. screen coordinate system
Answer» B. view port

The space in which the image is displayed are called __________________

A. screen coordinate system
B. clipping window
C. world coordinate system
D. none of these
Answer» A. screen coordinate system

The rectangle space in which the world definition of region is displayed are called ________________

A. screen coordinate system
B. clipping window or world window
C. world coordinate system
D. none of these
Answer» B. clipping window or world window

The object space in which the application model is defined _____________

A. screen coordinate system
B. clipping window or world window
C. world coordinate system
D. none of these
Answer» C. world coordinate system

The process of cutting off the line which are outside the window are called _____________

A. shear
B. reflection
C. clipping
D. clipping window
Answer» C. clipping

Some common form of clipping include ___________

A. curve clipping
B. point clipping
C. polygon clipping
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

Each successive transformation matrix _________ the product of the preceding transformation

A. pre-multiples
B. post-multiples
C. both a & b
D. none of these
Answer» A. pre-multiples

Forming products of transformation matrices is often referred as __________.

A. composition of matrix
B. concatenation of matrix
C. both a & b are same
D. none of these
Answer» C. both a & b are same

The alteration of the original shape of an object, image, sound, waveform or other form
of information are called ___________.

A. reflection
B. distortion
C. rotation
D. none of these
Answer» B. distortion

Two consecutive translation transformation t1 and t2 are _____________

A. additive
B. subtractive
C. multiplicative
D. none of these
Answer» A. additive

Two consecutive rotation transformation R1 and R2 are _______________

A. additive
B. subtractive
C. multiplicative
D. none of these
Answer» A. additive

Two consecutive scaling transformation S1 andSt2 are _______________

A. additive
B. subtractive
C. multiplicative
D. none of these
Answer» C. multiplicative

The most basic transformation that are applied in three-dimensional planes are _____________

A. translation
B. scaling
C. rotation
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

The transformation in which an object can be shifted to any coordinate position
in three dimensional plane are called _____________.

A. translation
B. scaling
C. rotation
D. all of these
Answer» C. rotation

The transformation in which an object can be rotated about origin as well as
any arbitrary pivot point are called __________________.

A. translation
B. scaling
C. rotation
D. all of these
Answer» C. rotation

The transformation in which the size of an object can be modified in x-direction ,y-direction and z-direction _____________

A. translation
B. scaling
C. rotation
D. all of these
Answer» B. scaling

Apart from the basic transformation ,________are also used

A. shearing
B. reflection
C. both a & b
D. none of these
Answer» C. both a & b

In which transformation ,the shape of an object can be modified in any of direction depending upon the value assigned to them ______________

A. reflection
B. shearing
C. scaling
D. none of these
Answer» B. shearing

In which transformation ,the mirror image of an object can be seen with respect to x-axis, y-axis ,z-axis as well as with respect to an arbitrary line ______________.

A. reflection
B. shearing
C. translation
D. none of these
Answer» A. reflection

How many types of projection are ______.

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer» B. 2

The types of projection are _______________.

A. parallel projection and perspective projection
B. perpendicular and perspective projection
C. parallel projection and perpendicular projection
D. none of these
Answer» A. parallel projection and perspective projection

How many types of parallel projection are ______________.

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer» B. 2

The types of parallel projection are _______________.

A. orthographic projection and quadric projection
B. orthographic projection and oblique projection
C. oblique projection and quadric projection
D. none of these
Answer» B. orthographic projection and oblique projection

By __________ more complex objects can be constructed.

A. quadric surfaces
B. wire frame model
C. composite transformation
D. none of these
Answer» B. wire frame model

_______refers to the common elements of graphics scenes ,often used in graphics

A. quadric surfaces
B. wire frame model
C. composite transformation
D. none of these
Answer» A. quadric surfaces

________refers to the result obtained by multiplying the matrix of the individual
transformation representation sequences.

A. wire frame model
B. constructive solid geometry methods
C. composite transformation
D. none of these
Answer» C. composite transformation

The projection in which the projection plane is allowed to intersect the
x, y and z-axes at equal distances ___________________.

A. wire frame model
B. constructive solid geometry methods
C. isometric projection
D. back face removal
Answer» C. isometric projection

In which projection , the plane normal to the projection has equal angles
with these three axes ____________________.

A. wire frame model
B. constructive solid geometry methods
C. isometric projection
D. back face removal
Answer» C. isometric projection

By which ,we can take a view of an object from different directions and
different distances ______________.

A. projection
B. rotation
C. translation
D. scaling
Answer» A. projection

Parallel projection shows the ______________.

A. true image of an object
B. true size of an object
C. true shape of an object
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

Projection rays(projectors) emanate from a _______________.

A. cop(centre of projection )
B. intersect projection plane
C. both a and b
D. none of these
Answer» C. both a and b

The centre of projection for parallel projectors is at _____________.

A. zero
B. infinity
C. one
D. none of these
Answer» B. infinity

In orthographic projection, engineering use ___________.

A. top view of an object
B. front view of an object
C. side view of an object
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

The orthographic projection that show more than one side of an object
are called _______________.

A. axonometric projection
B. isometric projection
C. both a & b
D. none of these
Answer» C. both a & b
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