650+ Computer Graphics Solved MCQs


the desired characteristic of line is/are…….

A. it should appear as a straight line
B. it should start and end accurately
C. it should be drawn rapidly
D. all of above
Answer» D. all of above

the desired characteristic of line is/are…….

A. it should start and end accurately
B. it should be displayed with constant brightness
C. it should be drawn rapidly
D. all of above
Answer» D. all of above

the horizontal and vertical lines drawn by line drawing algorithm are……

A. straight
B. curved
C. zig-zag
D. none of these
Answer» A. straight

A line drawn in the background color is

A. visible
B. invisible
C. visible or invisible
D. none
Answer» B. invisible

In Bresenham's algorithm, while generating a circle , it is easy to generate?

A. one octant first and other by successive reflection
B. one octant first and other by successive rotation
C. one octant first and other by successive translation
D. all octants
Answer» A. one octant first and other by successive reflection

Why a circle drawn on the screen appears to be elliptical  ?

A. it is due to the aspect ratio of monitor
B. screen has rectangular shape
C. our eyes are not at the same level on screen
D. crt is completely spherical
Answer» A. it is due to the aspect ratio of monitor

In bresenhan's algorithm error term is initialized to ?

A. 0
B. 1
C. -0.5
D. none of above
Answer» A. 0

The anti - aliasing technique which allows shift of 1/4,1/2 and 3/4 of a pixel diameter enabling a closer path of a line is ?

A. pixel phasing
B. filtering
C. intensity compensation
D. sampling technique
Answer» A. pixel phasing

A technique by which the vertical and /or horizontal scan frequency of video signal can be changed for different purpose and applications is called

A. scan conversion
B. polygon filling
C. two dimensional graphics
D. anti aliasing
Answer» A. scan conversion

A pixel may be defined as

A. ?? smallest size object
B. larger size object
C. medium size object
D. none of these
Answer» A. ?? smallest size object

A position in plane known as

A. line
B. point
C. graphics
D. none of these
Answer» B. point

A line can be represented by

A. one point
B. two points
C. three points
D. four points
Answer» B. two points

A vector can be defined as

A. intersection b/w two point position
B. difference b/w two point position
C. comparison b/w two point position
D. none of these
Answer» B. difference b/w two point position

Bresanham circle algorithm uses the approach of

A. midpoint
B. point
C. line
D. none of these
Answer» A. midpoint

The side effect of scan conversion are

A. aliasing
B. anti aliasing
C. both a & b
D. none of these
Answer» A. aliasing

The process of reducing aliasing is called

A. resolution
B. anti aliasing
C. sampling
D. none of these
Answer» B. anti aliasing

Two basic technique for anti aliasing in ray tracing algorithm are

A. pixel sampling and super sampling
B. adaptive sampling and super sampling
C. pixel sampling and super sampling
D. none of these
Answer» B. adaptive sampling and super sampling

Pixel mask means

A. a string containing only 1;s
B. a string containing only 0’s
C. a string containing 1 and 0
D. a string containing 0 and 0
Answer» C. a string containing 1 and 0

A heavy line on a video monitor could be displayed as

A. adjacent perpendicular lines
B. adjacent parallel lines
C. both a and b
D. neither a nor b
Answer» B. adjacent parallel lines

To set the line-width attribute the following command is used.

A. setlinewidthscalefactor (lw)
B. setlinewidth()
C. setlinewidthscalefacto (lw)
D. setlinewidthscalefactor (lw)
Answer» D. setlinewidthscalefactor (lw)

The parameter to “setLineWidthScaleFactor (lw) “function specifies?

A. standard width
B. relative width of the line
C. thickness of the line
D. all the above
Answer» B. relative width of the line

Higher persistence phosphorus needs _________ refresh rate

A. lower
B. higher
C. medium
D. none of these
Answer» A. lower

Higher persistence phosphorus is used in

A. animation
B. simple object
C. higher complex object
D. all of these
Answer» C. higher complex object

Phosphorus are of various types depending on

A. color
B. persistence
C. both a & b
D. none of these
Answer» C. both a & b

if one octant of the circle is generated, to complete the generation of full circle, how many reflections are required?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 4
D. 8
Answer» D. 8

the best line drawing algorithm among all possible line drawing algorithm is………….

A. dda
B. algorithm which uses direct equation of line
C. bresenham\s algorithm
D. none of them
Answer» C. bresenham\s algorithm

if any two point Pi(xi, yi) is considered, then it lies on the line on the line segment y = mx+b if………

A. yi.mxi + b
B. min (x1, x2) <= xi <= max (x1, x2)
C. min (y1, y2) <= y <= max (y1, y2)
D. all of above
Answer» D. all of above

if a line segment between (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) is represented in parametric form with a parameter u, then the expression for can be given as……..

A. x= x1-(x2-x1)u
B. x= x1+(x2-x1)u
C. x= x1+(x1-u)x2
D. x= x1+(u-x1)x2
Answer» B. x= x1+(x2-x1)u

a vector has ……….

A. a single direction
B. two direction
C. a length
D. a and c
Answer» D. a and c

The problem of aliasing are

A. staircase
B. unequal brightness
C. picket fence problem
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

The technique to minimizing aliasing are

A. increased no of resolution
B. modify pixel intensities
C. super sampling
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

Lower persistence phosphorus is used in

A. animation
B. simple object
C. complex object
D. all of these
Answer» A. animation

Lower persistence phosphorus needs_________ refresh rate

A. lower
B. higher
C. medium
D. none of these
Answer» B. higher

the equation of a line, y= mx+b, b is …….

A. slope of a line the height at which the line crosses the x-axis.
B. slope of a line the height at which the line crosses the y-axis.
C. constant
D. slope of a line
Answer» B. slope of a line the height at which the line crosses the y-axis.

the basic geometric structures provided by graphics primitive packages are refered to as

A. inputs
B. input primitives
C. outputs
D. output primitives
Answer» D. output primitives

when a line is represented by a equation, y=mx+b and rx+sy+t=0, m=…….

A. (-r/s)
B. r/s
C. s/r
D. (-s/r)
Answer» A. (-r/s)

when a line is represented by a equation, y=mx+b and rx+sy+t=0, b=…….

A. (-s/t)
B. (-t/s)
C. s/t
D. t/s
Answer» B. (-t/s)

if two lines are parallel, they have …….slope.

A. different
B. same
C. zero
D. none of these
Answer» B. same

if two lines are represented by equations y=m1x+b1 and y=m2x+b2, their point of intersection is given by………

A. [(m1-m2/b2-b1), (m1-m2)/(b2m1-b1m2)]
B. [(m2-m1/b2-b1), (m2-m1)/(b2m1-b1m2)]
C. [(m1m2/b2b1), (m1m2)/(b2m1-b1m2)]
D. [(b2-b1/m1-m2), (b2m1-b1m2)/(m1-m2)]
Answer» D. [(b2-b1/m1-m2), (b2m1-b1m2)/(m1-m2)]

when we say a line, it……

A. extends forward
B. extends backward
C. ends at two points
D. extends forever both forward and backward
Answer» D. extends forever both forward and backward

In computer graphics, pictures or graphics objects are presented as a collection of discrete picture element called______.

A. dots
B. pixels
C. co-ordinates
D. points
Answer» B. pixels

. _______is the smallest addressable screen element.

A. dots
B. point
C. pixels
D. spot
Answer» C. pixels

We can control ____of the pixels which compose the screen.

A. intensity
B. size
C. shape
D. none
Answer» A. intensity

We can control ____of the pixels which compose the screen.

A. colour
B. size
C. shape
D. none
Answer» A. colour

Each pixel on the graphics display represents______.

A. a single mathematical point
B. 2 mathematical point
C. 4 mathematical point
D. a region which theoretically can contain infinite points
Answer» D. a region which theoretically can contain infinite points

. A point (42,38) can be displayed on a screen by a pixel.

A. (4,3)
B. (3,4)
C. (5,4)
D. (4,4)
Answer» A. (4,3)

The process of determining the appropriate pixel for representing, picture or graphics objects is known as___

A. scan conversion
B. rasterization
C. scanning
D. graphical representation
Answer» B. rasterization

The process representing continuous picture or graphics objects as a collection of descrete pixels is called____.

A. scan conversion
B. rasterization
C. scanning
D. graphical representation
Answer» A. scan conversion

The computer graphics allows____ on pictures before displaying it.

A. rotation
B. translation
C. scaling and projections
D. all of above
Answer» D. all of above

Graphics devices include_____.

A. input devices
B. output devices
C. a and b
D. none
Answer» C. a and b

Computer graphics allows_____.

A. user interface
B. plotting of graphics and chart
C. office automation and desktop publishing
D. all of above
Answer» D. all of above

Computer graphics allows______.

A. copmuter-aided drafting and design
B. simulaion and animation
C. art and commerce
D. all of above
Answer» D. all of above

Computer graphics allows_____.

A. process control
B. cartography
C. art and commerce
D. all of above
Answer» D. all of above

The Hardware components of conceptual framework for interactive graphics is/are________.

A. input devices
B. output devices
C. a and b
D. none of these
Answer» C. a and b

The display devices are_____.

A. input
B. output
C. a and b
D. none of these
Answer» B. output

CRT stands for____.

A. cathode ray tube
B. colour ray tube
C. cathode radio tube
D. colour radio tube
Answer» A. cathode ray tube

A CRT is an evacuated _________ tube.

A. plastic
B. glass
C. steel
D. iron
Answer» B. glass

An____________ gun at the rear of the CRT produces a beam of electrons.

A. electronic
B. electron
C. element
D. emergency
Answer» B. electron

The deflection system of the CRT consistsof___________deflection plates.

A. vertical
B. horizontal
C. a and b
D. none of these
Answer» C. a and b

The techique(s) used for producing image on the CRT is/are__________ .

A. vector scan
B. raster scan
C. both a and b
D. none of these
Answer» C. both a and b

Vector scan technique is also called _________.

A. scalar scan
B. random scan
C. raster scan
D. beam scan
Answer» B. random scan

In vector scan display, buffer memory used is also called _________.

A. refresh memory
B. refresh buffer
C. buffer display
D. refresh circuit
Answer» B. refresh buffer

In vector scan display, the phosphor is to be refreshed at least ________ times per second to avoid flicker.

A. 10
B. 20
C. 30
D. 40
Answer» C. 30

The techique(s) used for producing image on the CRT is/are__________.

A. vector scan
B. raster scan
C. both a and b
D. none of these
Answer» C. both a and b

In raster scan display,the display image is stored in the form of _________ in the refresh buffer.

A. 1s
B. 0s
C. 1s and 0s
D. none of these
Answer» C. 1s and 0s

In raster scan CRT, the beam is swept back and forth from _______ across the screen.

A. left to right
B. right to left
C. up to down
D. down to up
Answer» A. left to right

In raster Scan CRT, when a beam is moved from the left to the right,it s ____ and it is _____ when it is moved from the right to the left.

A. on,off
B. off,on
C. on,on
D. off,off
Answer» A. on,off

In raster scan display, the screen image repeatedly scanned, this process is called _______.

A. buffering of screen
B. refreshig of screen
C. rendering of screen
D. heghlighting screen
Answer» B. refreshig of screen

On a black and white system with one bit per pixel , the frame buffer is called a__________.

A. bitmap
B. pixmap
C. bitpixmap
D. pixbitmap
Answer» A. bitmap

The cost of vector scan display is___________ cost of raster scan dispay.

A. equal to
B. less than
C. more than
D. none of these
Answer» C. more than

For ____________ display , scan conversion hardware is required.

A. vector scan
B. random scan
C. raster scan
D. none of these
Answer» C. raster scan

Aspect ratio is the ratio of ________ to prodce equal length lines in both direction on the screen

A. vertical points to horizontal points
B. horizontal points to vertical points
C. left to riht and right to left diagonal points
D. right to left and left to right diagonal points
Answer» A. vertical points to horizontal points

Display file can be implemented using __________ data structure.

A. array
B. linked list
C. paging
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

The process of digitizing a picture definition given in an application program into a set of pixel-intensity Values is called ____________.

A. animation
B. sampling
C. rasterization
D. scan-conversion
Answer» D. scan-conversion

The size of frame buffer(video memory )depends on_____________.

A. resolution only
B. number of different colors only
C. both (b) and(c)
D. computer byte
Answer» C. both (b) and(c)

A pixel of black_white image or graphics object takes _________ space in memory.

A. 1 bit
B. 2 bits
C. 1 nibble
D. 1 byte
Answer» C. 1 nibble

The resolution of an image is __________.

A. number of pixels per unit area
B. number of pixels per unit length inhorizontal
C. number of pixels per unit length in vertical
D. none of these
Answer» A. number of pixels per unit area

The path the electron beam takes at the end of each refresh cycle is called______.

A. horizontal retrace
B. vertical retrace
C. diagonal retrace
D. left to right retrace
Answer» B. vertical retrace

The path the electron beam takes when returning to the left side of the CRTscreen is called_____.

A. horizontal retrace
B. vertical retrace
C. diagonal retrace
D. top to bottom retrace
Answer» A. horizontal retrace

Frame buffer is used to store_____.

A. number if pixels in image
B. intencities of pixels
C. image definition
D. co-ordinate values of image
Answer» B. intencities of pixels

The clearity of a displayed image depends on the______.

A. resolution
B. floating point precision of system
C. associated software
D. aspect ratio
Answer» A. resolution

Random scan monitor can also referred to as______.

A. vector displays
B. stroke writing displays
C. calligraphic displays
D. none of the above
Answer» A. vector displays

Which facility is provided by computer graphics to change the shape colour or other properties of objects begin viewed.

A. motion dynamics
B. update dynamics
C. a & b
D. none of these
Answer» B. update dynamics

and start point is (20, 20), then slope m =?

A. 1.2
B. 0.8
C. -0.4
D. none of the above
Answer» B. 0.8

is a point on a circle that has center at the origin. Which of the following points are also on circle ?

A. (2,-4),(-2,4)
B. (4,-2)
C. (-4,2)
D. all of above
Answer» D. all of above

and (5,3) is to be drawn, using DDA algorithm. Find the value of x and y increments?

A. x-increments = 1; y-increments =1
B. x-increments = 0.5; y-increments =1
C. x-increments = 1; y-increments =0.5
D. none of above
Answer» C. x-increments = 1; y-increments =0.5

A closed polyline is called a _________.

A. polychain
B. polygon
C. polyclosed
D. closed chain
Answer» B. polygon

__________ is a method for testing a pixel inside of a polygon.

A. even-odd method
B. winding number method
C. a and b
D. none of these
Answer» C. a and b

The seed fill algorithm for filling polygon is classified as ________ fill algorithm and _______ fill algorithm.

A. flood, boundry
B. even, odd
C. edge, flood
D. boundry, scan
Answer» A. flood, boundry

The putpixel function draws the pixel specified_______.

A. intensity
B. colour
C. size
D. shape
Answer» B. colour

Mapping the world co-ordinates into physical device co-ordinates is called__________.

A. translation
B. homogeneous transformation
C. co-ordinate conversion
D. viewing transformation
Answer» D. viewing transformation

An area on a physical device to which a window is mapped is called a __________.

A. window
B. segment
C. clip
D. viewport
Answer» D. viewport

The line is said to be interior to the clipping window if ___________point(s) is/ are interior to the window.

A. any line
B. one end
C. both end
D. any two
Answer» C. both end

The transformation which maps the viewing co-ordinates to normalized device co-ordinte is called _______.

A. viewing transformation
B. translation
C. normalization transformation
D. homogeneous transformation
Answer» C. normalization transformation

If both end points of a line are exterior to the clipping window,__________.

A. the line is interior to the clipping window
B. the line is not necessarily completely exterior to the clipping window
C. the line is completely exterior to the clipping window
D. none of these
Answer» B. the line is not necessarily completely exterior to the clipping window

If both end points of a line are completely to the left of clipping window,________.

A. the line is interior to the clipping window
B. the line is not necessarily completely exterior to the clipping window
C. the line is completely exterior to the clipping window
D. none of these
Answer» C. the line is completely exterior to the clipping window

In Cohen-sutherland subdivision line clipping algorithm, bit 1 in region code is set if _____.

A. end point of line is to the left of the window
B. end point of line is to the right of the window
C. end point of line is to the below of the window
D. end point of line is to the above of the window
Answer» A. end point of line is to the left of the window

In Cohen-sutherland subdivision line clipping algorithm, bit 3 in region code is set if _____.

A. end point of line is to the left of the window
B. end point of line is to the right of the window
C. end point of line is to the below of the window
D. end point of line is to the above of the window
Answer» C. end point of line is to the below of the window

The complex graphics operations are_______.

A. selection
B. separation
C. clipping
D. none of these
Answer» C. clipping

The end point of polygon are called as__________.

A. edges
B. vertices
C. line
D. none of these
Answer» B. vertices
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