
300+ Electronic Devices and Circuits Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Electronics and Communication Engineering .


A transistor has how many pn junctions?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer» B. 2

In an npn transistor, the majority carriers in the emitter are

A. free electrons
B. holes
C. neither
D. both
Answer» A. free electrons

The barrier potential across each silicon depletion layer is

A. 0v
B. 0.3v
C. 0.7v
D. 1v
Answer» C. 0.7v

The base of an npn transistor is thin and

A. heavily doped
B. lightly doped
C. metallic
D. doped by a pentavalent material
Answer» B. lightly doped

The emitter of a transistor is generally doped the heaviest because it

A. has to dissipate maximum power
B. has to supply the charge carriers
C. is the first region of the transistor
D. must possess low resistance
Answer» A. has to dissipate maximum power

When a transistor is fully switched ON, it is said to be

A. shorted
B. saturated
C. open
D. cut-off
Answer» B. saturated

A FET consists of a

A. source
B. drain
C. gate
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

The extremely high input impedance of a MOSFET is primarily due to the

A. absence of its channel
B. negative gate- source voltage
C. depletion of current carriers
D. extremely small leakage current of its gate capacitor
Answer» D. extremely small leakage current of its gate capacitor

When a transistor is used as a switch, it is stable in which two distinct regions?

A. saturation and active
B. active and cutoff
C. saturation and cutoff
D. none of the above
Answer» C. saturation and cutoff

The term BJT is short for

A. base junction transistor
B. binary junction transistor
C. both junction transistor
D. bipolar junction transistor
Answer» D. bipolar junction transistor

What are the two types of bipolar junction transistors?

A. npn and pnp
B. pnn and nnp
C. ppn and nnp
D. pts and stp
Answer» A. npn and pnp

The magnitude of dark current in a phototransistor usually falls in what range?

A. ma
B. ma
C. na
D. pa
Answer» C. na

Junction Field Effect Transistors (JFET) contain how many diodes?

A. 4
B. 3
C. 2
D. 1
Answer» D. 1

When not in use, MOSFET pins are kept at the same potential through the use of:

A. shipping foil
B. nonconductive foam
C. conductive foam
D. a wrist strap
Answer» C. conductive foam

A MOSFET has how many terminals?

A. 2 or 3
B. 3
C. 4
D. 3 or 4
Answer» D. 3 or 4

A very simple bias for a D-MOSFET is called:

A. self biasing
B. gate biasing
C. zero biasing
D. voltage- divider biasing
Answer» C. zero biasing

Hybrid means

A. mixed
B. single
C. biunique
D. none of the above
Answer» A. mixed

There are h- parameters of a transistor.

A. two
B. four
C. three
D. none of the above
Answer» B. four

The h- parameter approach gives correct results for

A. large signals only
B. small signals only
C. both small and large signals
D. none of the above
Answer» B. small signals only

If the operating point changes, the h-parameters of transistor

A. also change
B. do not change
C. may or may not change
D. none of above
Answer» A. also change

The dc load line on a family of collector characteristic curves of a transistor shows the

A. saturation region.
B. cutoff region.
C. active region.
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

When a transistor is used as a switch, it is stable in which two distinct regions?

A. saturation and active
B. active and cutoff
C. saturation and cutoff
D. none of the above
Answer» C. saturation and cutoff

The value of βDC

A. is fixed for any particular transistor.
B. varies with temperature.
C. varies with ic.
D. varies with temperature and ic.
Answer» D. varies with temperature and ic.

A BJT has an IB of 50 µA and a βDC of 75; IC is:

A. 375 ma
B. 37.5 ma
C. 3.75 ma
D. 0.375 ma
Answer» C. 3.75 ma

A certain transistor has IC = 15 mA and IB = 167 µA; βDC is:

A. 15
B. 167
C. 0.011
D. 90
Answer» D. 90

For normal operation of a pnp BJT, the base must be with respect to the emitter and with respect to the collector.

A. positive, negative
B. positive, positive
C. negative, positive
D. negative, negative
Answer» C. negative, positive

A transistor amplifier has a voltage gain of 100. If the input voltage is 75 mV, the output voltage is:

A. 1.33 v
B. 7.5 v
C. 13.3 v
D. 15 v
Answer» B. 7.5 v

A 35 mV signal is applied to the base of a properly biased transistor with an r'e = 8 Ω and RC = 1 kΩ. The output signal voltage at the collector is:

A. 3.5 v
B. 28.57 v
C. 4.375 v
D. 4.375 mv
Answer» C. 4.375 v

What is the order of doping, from heavily to lightly doped, for each region?

A. base, collector, emitter
B. emitter, collector, base
C. emitter, base, collector
D. collector, emitter, base
Answer» B. emitter, collector, base

Which of the following is true for an npn or pnp transistor?

A. ie = ib + ic
B. ib = ic+ ie
C. ic = ib + ie
D. none of the above
Answer» A. ie = ib + ic

In what range of voltages is the transistor in the linear region of its operation?

A. 0 < vce
B. 0.7 < vce < vce(max)
C. vce(max) > vce
D. none of the above
Answer» B. 0.7 < vce < vce(max)

What does DC vary with?

A. ic
B. ºc
C. both ic and ºc
D. ic’, but not ºc
Answer» C. both ic and ºc

What is (are) common fault(s) in a BJT-based circuit?

A. pens or shorts internal to the transistor
B. open bias resistor(s)
C. external opens and shorts on the circuit board
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

What is (are) general-purpose/small-signal transistors case type(s)?

A. to-18
B. to-92
C. to-39
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

The magnitude of dark current in a phototransistor usually falls in what range?

A. ma
B. μa
C. na
D. pa
Answer» C. na

Which of the following devices has the highest input resistance?

A. diode
B. jfet
C. mosfet
D. bipolar junction transistor
Answer» C. mosfet

A self-biased n-channel JFET has a VD = 6 V. VGS = –3 V. Find the value of VDS.

A. –3 v
B. –6 v
C. 3 v
D. 6 v
Answer» B. –6 v

A JFET data sheet specifies VGS(off) = –6 V and IDSS = 8 mA. Find the value of ID when VGS = –3 V.

A. 2 ma
B. 4 ma
C. 8 ma
D. none of the above
Answer» A. 2 ma

A JFET data sheet specifies VGS(off) = –10 V and IDSS = 8 mA. Find the value of ID when VGS = –3 V.

A. 2 ma
B. 1.4 ma
C. 4.8 ma
D. 3.92 ma
Answer» D. 3.92 ma

The JFET is always operated with the gate-source pn junction             -biased.

A. forward
B. reverse
C. all of the above
D. none of the above
Answer» B. reverse

What type(s) of gate-to-source voltage(s) can a depletion MOSFET (D-MOSFET) operate with?

A. zero
B. positive
C. negative
D. any of the above
Answer» D. any of the above

The has a physical channel between the drain and source.

A. d-mosfet
B. e-mosfet
C. v-mosfet
D. none of the above
Answer» A. d-mosfet

All MOSFETs are subject to damage from electrostatic discharge (ESD).

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true

Midpoint bias for a D-MOSFET is ID = , obtained by setting VGS = 0.

A. idss / 2
B. idss / 3.4
C. idss
Answer» C. idss

If VD is less than expected (normal) for a self-biased JFET circuit, then it could be caused by a(n)

A. open rg.
B. open gate lead.
C. fet internally open at gate.
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

A coupling capacitor is

A. a dc short
B. an ac open
C. a dc open and an ac short
D. a dc short and an ac open
Answer» C. a dc open and an ac short

In a bypass circuit, the top of a capacitor is

A. an open
B. a short
C. an ac ground
D. a mechanical ground
Answer» C. an ac ground

The capacitor that produces an ac ground is called a

A. bypass capacitor
B. coupling capacitor
C. dc open
D. ac open
Answer» A. bypass capacitor

The output voltage of a CE amplifier is

A. amplified
B. inverted
C. 180° out of phase with the input
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

A common-gate amplifier is similar in configuration to which BJT amplifier?

A. common-emitter
B. common- collector
C. common-base
D. emitter- follower
Answer» C. common-base

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