650+ Computer Graphics Solved MCQs


An -------------test is used to check whether a point is inside or outside of the polygon.

A. inside
B. outside
C. fill
D. cover
Answer» A. inside

In an inside test if number of intersections are ---------------- then point is inside of the polygon. Note : intersection point is not a vertex.

A. even
B. odd
C. infinite
D. none of the above
Answer» B. odd

In an inside test if number of intersections is odd then point is ---------------- of the polygon. Note : intersection point is not a vertex

A. inside
B. outside
C. color
D. can\t say
Answer» A. inside

In an inside test if intersections point is a vertex and edges meeting at that vertex lies on same side of constructed horizontal line then the number of intersections are considered as ----------. Note : intersection point is a vertex

A. even number
B. odd number
C. infinite number
D. can\t say
Answer» A. even number

In an inside test if intersections point is a vertex and edges meeting at that vertex lies on ------------- side of constructed horizontal line then the number of intersections are considered as even number . Note : intersection point is a vertex

A. same
B. opposite
C. on the
D. none of the above
Answer» A. same

Two inside polygon test methods are __________ and ________

A. even odd method , winding number method
B. scan line and flood fill
C. even odd method, flood fill
D. winding number method, scan line
Answer» A. even odd method , winding number method

The 8-Fill Polygon technique will correctly fill the triangle shown below when seeded at the position shown with an X.

A. true
B. false
Answer» B. false

Following is the method for inside test of the polygon.

A. even-odd method
B. linear method
C. inside method
D. seed method
Answer» A. even-odd method

Every side in winding number method has given a number called

A. winding number
B. integer no.
C. direct number
D. side number
Answer» A. winding number

The total of the winding no. in winding number method of inside test is called as

A. winding.
B. collective winding.
C. net winding.
D. summation winding.
Answer» C. net winding.

Winding number method always gives correct answer for overlapping polygons

A. true
B. false
Answer» B. false

Inside tests of polygon are useful in --------

A. polygon filling
B. line coloring
C. shadowing
D. none of the above
Answer» A. polygon filling

Even-odd method of inside test counts ----- to decide the position of a point.

A. edges
B. vertices
C. intersections
D. pixels
Answer» C. intersections

In winding number method an ------------------ edges ------ considered

A. horizontal , not
B. vertical , not
C. slanted , not
D. horizontal , is
Answer» A. horizontal , not

Even-odd method of inside test is suitable for------

A. polygons
B. circles
C. lines
D. all of above
Answer» A. polygons

In winding number method an edge can have winding number as -----

A. zero
B. +1 or -1
C. only +1
D. only -1
Answer» B. +1 or -1

If the pixel is already filled with desired color then does nothing, otherwise fills it. This is called

A. flood fill algorithm
B. boundary fill algorithm
C. scan line polygon filling algorithm
D. none of these
Answer» B. boundary fill algorithm

The algorithm used for filling the interior of a polygon is called

A. flood fill algorithm
B. boundary fill algorithm
C. scan line polygon fill algorithm
D. none of these
Answer» A. flood fill algorithm

___________ procedure accepts the coordinates of an internal point.

A. area fill
B. boundary fill.
C. line fill.
D. scan fill.
Answer» B. boundary fill.

In 8 connected region by knowing one pixel we can get remaining ---------------- neighboring pixels.

A. 8
B. 4
C. 2
D. 16
Answer» A. 8

Following statement(s) is/are true about flood fill algorithm

A. it need a seed pixel
B. it works at pixel level
C. requires more memory
D. all of above
Answer» D. all of above

Following statement(s) is/are false about flood fill algorithm

A. it doesn’t need a seed pixel
B. it works at pixel level
C. requires more memory
D. all of above
Answer» A. it doesn’t need a seed pixel

Seed pixel in flood fill Algorithm is an

A. an interior pixel
B. exterior pixel
C. not a pixel
D. it is color of pixel
Answer» A. an interior pixel

In Boundary Fill method ____________ Data Structure is used.

A. stack
B. array
C. heap
D. none of above
Answer» A. stack

The 4-connected Polygon filling technique has disadvantage(s) as

A. requires more memory
B. may fill polygon partially
C. stack overflow
D. all of above
Answer» D. all of above

In --------------algorithm edges can be specified in different color.

A. flood fill
B. boundary fill
C. dda fill
D. bsa fill
Answer» A. flood fill

The process of coloring the area of a polygon is called

A. polygon filling
B. polygon flow
C. aliasing
D. none of these
Answer» A. polygon filling

Boundary fill algorithm uses -------- call to the fill function.

A. recursive
B. static
C. one
D. none of these
Answer» A. recursive

Boundary fill algorithm needs–

A. boundary color (bc) and (x,y) coordinates of seed point.
B. fill color (fc) and (x,y) coordinates of seed point.
C. boundary color (bc), fill color (fc) and (x,y) coordinates of seed point.
D. (x,y) coordinates of seed point.
Answer» C. boundary color (bc), fill color (fc) and (x,y) coordinates of seed point.

Which polygon fill algorithm needs following information - 1.Boundary Color (BC), 2. Fill Color (FC) and 3. (x,y) coordinates of seed point.

A. boundary fill
B. region fill
C. scan fill
D. dda fill
Answer» A. boundary fill

Which polygon fill algorithm needs following information - 1. Region Color (RC), 2. Fill Color (FC) and 3. (x,y) coordinates of seed point.

A. flood fill
B. region fill
C. scan fill
D. dda fill
Answer» A. flood fill

Horizontal lines are not considered in scan line fill algorithm.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true

Scan line fill algorithm is more efficient than flood fill algorithm.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true

Which statement is true about the 4 connected region.

A. it is faster than 8 connected region
B. sometimes it leaves region unfilled.
C. both a and b
D. neither a or b
Answer» C. both a and b

The function of scan line polygon fill algorithm are :

A. find intersection point of the boundary of polygon and scan line
B. find intersection point of the boundary of polygon and point
C. both a and b
D. neither a or b
Answer» A. find intersection point of the boundary of polygon and scan line

The edge table contains pointers back to the ______________ to identify vertices for each polygon edge.

A. vertex table.
B. polygon table.
C. edge table.
D. expanded vertex table.
Answer» A. vertex table.

Scan line polygon filling method uses

A. scan-line coherence
B. edge coherence
C. area coherence
D. both a and b
Answer» D. both a and b

Scan-line coherence property is used in

A. line drawing algorithm
B. scan line polygon filling algorithm
C. flood fill polygon filling algorithm
D. none of above
Answer» B. scan line polygon filling algorithm

Which of the following is true about scan line algorithm?

A. it need a seed pixel
B. it works at pixel level
C. it uses scan lines to fill the polygon
D. all of above
Answer» C. it uses scan lines to fill the polygon

In scan line algorithm the intersection points are

A. sorted in ascending order
B. sorted in descending order
C. not sorted
D. deleted
Answer» A. sorted in ascending order

Which of the following algorithms to fill polygons was the one used by real rasterizers?

A. flood-fill polygons
B. scan-line polygon
C. boundary fill polygons
D. none of above
Answer» B. scan-line polygon

Active edge table is used in following algorithm

A. boundary fill
B. region fill
C. scan line
D. edge fill
Answer» C. scan line

Scan line polygon filling algorithm uses series of ……………. To fill the polygon.

A. scan lines
B. points
C. layers
D. none of above
Answer» A. scan lines

In scan line algorithm, Scan lines are processed in increasing (upward) / decreasing (downward) --------------------------.

A. y order
B. x order
C. pixel order
D. color order
Answer» A. y order

When the current scan line in Scan line polygon fill algorithm moves above the upper / below the lower endpoint, the edge

A. becomes inactive
B. becomes active
C. is discarded
D. is added.
Answer» A. becomes inactive

The edges crossed by current scan line in Scan line polygon fill algorithm are called as

A. active edges
B. inactive edges
C. marked edges
D. none of these
Answer» A. active edges

Scan line Fill Approach works at the

A. color level
B. edge level
C. polygon level
D. pixel level
Answer» C. polygon level

Following are the data structures used in Scan line algorithm to increase the efficiency.

A. active edge list
B. active edge table
C. both a and b
D. neither a or b
Answer» C. both a and b

Scan line polygon filling algorithm starts from

A. either ymax or ymin
B. either xmax or xmin
C. only xmax
D. only xmin
Answer» A. either ymax or ymin

Scan line polygon filling algorithm can be used for filling Convex polygon.

A. true
B. false
C. cant say
D. none of these
Answer» A. true

Using Cohen-Sutherland line clipping, it is impossible for a vertex to be labeled 1111

A. true
B. false
C. cant say
D. none of these
Answer» A. true

Which one is not valid out code to perform trivial accept / reject test in line clipping

A. 1101
B. 11
C. 101
D. 10
Answer» A. 1101

Why the Cohen-Sutherland Line-Clipping Algorithm involves much more calculations than the other line clipping algorithms?

A. need to perform trivial accept / reject test on end points of the line.
B. need to perform trivial accept / reject test for every point on the line.
C. cannot say
D. none of these
Answer» B. need to perform trivial accept / reject test for every point on the line.

If the x coordinate boundaries of the clipping rectangle are Xmin and Xmax, and the y coordinate boundaries are Ymin and Ymax, then ___________ must be satisfied for a point at (X,Y) to be inside the clipping rectangle

A. xmin > x < xmax and ymin > y < ymax
B. xmin > x > xmax and ymin > y > ymax
C. xmin < x < xmax and ymin < y < ymax
D. xmin < x > xmax and ymin < y > ymax
Answer» C. xmin < x < xmax and ymin < y < ymax

determine whether points (P1, P2 and P3) are clipped away or visible after clipping by applying the rules

A. p1:clipped away, p2: clipped away, p3:clipped away
B. p1: visible, p2:visible, p3:clipped away
C. p1: visible, p2:visible, p3: visible
D. p1: clipped away, p2:visible, p3:clipped away
Answer» D. p1: clipped away, p2:visible, p3:clipped away

Outcode / Region Code used in Line Clipping is of size ____ bits.

A. 4
B. 3
C. 2
D. 1
Answer» A. 4

In Line Clipping algorithm, the two dimensional space is divided into ___ regions.

A. 6
B. 7
C. 9
D. 10
Answer» C. 9

Is 0011 valid region code / outcode used in Line Clipping algorithm?

A. yes
B. no
C. cannot say
D. none of these
Answer» B. no

Cohen – Sutherland line clipping algorithm was developed in ____

A. 1967
B. 1968
C. 1969
D. 1965
Answer» A. 1967

Primitive types of clipping algorithms are

A. point clipping
B. line clipping
C. polygon clipping
D. all of above
Answer» D. all of above

In ________ operation eliminates objects or portions of objects that are not visible through the window to ensure the proper construction of corresponding image

A. clipping
B. windowing
C. viewing
D. transformation
Answer» A. clipping

The region against which an object is clipped is called as ____________

A. clip window
B. clip rectangle
C. window
D. none of these
Answer» A. clip window

Cohen – Sutherland Line Clipping Algorithm is also called as ____________________

A. sutherland - hodgman algorithm
B. cohen - sutherland outcode algorithm
C. cyrus - beck algorithm
D. none of above
Answer» B. cohen - sutherland outcode algorithm

Following are coordinates of clipping window : Lower Left Corner (20,20) and Upper Right Corner (200,200). What is the outcode of point (150,50)?

A. 110
B. 1
C. 0
D. 10
Answer» C. 0

The selection and separation of a part of text or image for further operation are called

A. translation
B. shearing
C. reflection
D. clipping
Answer» D. clipping

The complex graphics operations are

A. selection
B. clipping
C. shear
D. none of these
Answer» B. clipping

The process of extracting a portion of a database or a picture inside or outside a specified region are called

A. translation
B. shearing
C. reflection
D. clipping
Answer» D. clipping

The rectangle space in which the world definition of region is displayed are called

A. screen coordinate system
B. clipping window or world window
C. world coordinate system
D. none of these
Answer» B. clipping window or world window

............. identifies the picture portions that are exterior to the clip window

A. interior clipping
B. exterior clipping
C. extraction
D. none of these
Answer» B. exterior clipping

The region code of a point within the window is ............

A. 1111
B. 0
C. 10
D. 11
Answer» B. 0

According to Cohen-Sutherland algorithm, a line is completely outside the window if ............

A. the region codes of line endpoints have a \1\ in same bit position.
B. the endpoints region code are nonzero values
C. if l bit and r bit are nonzero.
D. the region codes of line endpoints have a \0\ in same bit position.
Answer» A. the region codes of line endpoints have a \1\ in same bit position.

The region code of a point is 11. The point is in the ................. region of window.

A. top left
B. top right
C. bottom left
D. bottom right
Answer» A. top left

The result of logical AND operation with endpoint region codes is a nonzero value. Which of the following statement is true?

A. the line is completely inside the window
B. the line is completely outside the window
C. the line is partially inside the window
D. the line is already clipped
Answer» B. the line is completely outside the window

The left (L bit ) bit of the region code of a point (X,Y) is '1' if ......................

A. x > xwmin
B. x< xwmin
C. x< xwmax
D. x>xwmax
Answer» B. x< xwmin

The right bit (R bit)of the region code of a point (X,Y) is '1' if ......................

A. x > xwmin
B. x< xwmin
C. x< xwmax
D. x>xwmax
Answer» D. x>xwmax

The Most Significant Bit of the region code of a point (X,Y) is '1' if ......................

A. y >ywmin
B. y< ywmin
C. y< ywmax
D. y>ywmax
Answer» D. y>ywmax

The bottom bit of the region code of a point is '0' if .......................

A. y >ywmin
B. y< ywmin
C. y< ywmax
D. y>ywmax
Answer» D. y>ywmax

The ...................... algorithm divides a 2D space into 9 regions, of which only the middle part (viewport) is visible.

A. cohen-sutherland
B. liang barsky
C. sutherland hodegeman
D. none of these
Answer» A. cohen-sutherland

Sutherland Hodgeman algorithm works well for...........

A. concave polygons
B. convex polygons
C. smooth curves
D. line segments
Answer» B. convex polygons

A line with endpoints codes as 0000 and 01 is ?

A. partially invisible
B. completely visible
C. completely invisible
D. trivially invisible
Answer» A. partially invisible

In a clipping algorithm of Cohen & Sutherland using region codes, a line is already clipped if the ? 

A. codes of the end point are same
B. logical or of the end points code is 0000
C. logical and of the end point code is 0000
D. only a
Answer» D. only a

Sutherland – Hodgman algorithm is used for _______________.

A. line clipping
B. polygon clipping
C. point clipping
D. hybrid clipping
Answer» B. polygon clipping

Which polygon clipping algorithm executed by clipping all polygon edges against the viewing screen edges one viewing screen edge at a time?

A. cohen-sutherland
B. sutherland hodgman
C. both a and b
D. neither a or b
Answer» B. sutherland hodgman

In Sutherland – Hodgman algorithm for polygon clipping , assume P (present point ) lies inside the window and S ( Previous point) lies outside the window. Then while processing through that window boundary we should

A. store interaction point of line ps (s’) only
B. store point p and s’
C. store point p only
D. store points s and s’
Answer» B. store point p and s’

In Sutherland – Hodgman algorithm for polygon clipping , assume P (present point ) lies outside the window and S ( Previous point) lies outside the window. Then while processing through that window boundary we should

A. store interaction point of line ps (s’) only
B. store point p and s’
C. store point p only
D. store nothing
Answer» D. store nothing

In Sutherland – Hodgman algorithm for polygon clipping , assume P (present point ) lies outside the window and S ( Previous point) lies inside the window. Then while processing through that window boundary we should

A. store interaction point of line ps (s’) only
B. store point p and s’
C. store point p only
D. store points s and s’
Answer» A. store interaction point of line ps (s’) only

In Sutherland – Hodgman algorithm for polygon clipping , assume P (present point ) lies inside the window and S ( Previous point) lies inside the window. Then while processing through that window boundary we should

A. store interaction point of line ps (s’) only
B. store point p and s’
C. store point p only
D. store points s and s’
Answer» C. store point p only

In Sutherland – Hodgman algorithm for polygon clipping, clipping along boundaries sequence is used as

A. left -> right -> top -> bottom
B. left -> bottom -> right -> top
C. right -> top -> left -> bottom
D. left -> bottom -> top -> right
Answer» A. left -> right -> top -> bottom

Polygon-Clipping algorithms include the:

A. sutherland-hodgeman method
B. liang-barsky method
C. weiler-atherton method
D. all of above
Answer» D. all of above

_______ is a ordered list of vertices where each vertex connected with the next in the list.

A. line
B. polygon
C. parabola
D. none of the above
Answer» B. polygon

Types of polygon :

A. concave
B. convex
C. complex
D. all of above
Answer» D. all of above

Concave and Convex are types of _______

A. circle
B. rectangle
C. polygon
D. ellipse
Answer» C. polygon

In convex Polygon all interior angles are

A. less than 90
B. less than 180
C. greater than 180
D. greater than 90
Answer» B. less than 180

In concave Polygon atleast one interior angle is

A. less than 90
B. less than 180
C. greater than 180
D. greater than 90
Answer» C. greater than 180

A region S is ____ , iff for any x1 and x2 in S, the straight line segment connecting x1 and x2 is also contained in S.

A. concave
B. convex
C. self-intersecting
D. polygon with hole
Answer» B. convex

_____ may not always be Convex .

A. paralleogram
B. trapizoid
C. polygon
D. triangle
Answer» C. polygon

__________ is represented as a number of line segments connected end to end to form a closed figure.

A. circle
B. line
C. polygon
D. point
Answer» C. polygon

___________ is not a Type of polygon

A. concave
B. convex
C. linear
D. complex
Answer» C. linear

Right angled Triangle is an example of ____ Polygon

A. concave
B. convex
C. complex
D. linear
Answer» B. convex

Square is an example of ____ Polygon

A. convex
B. concave
C. complex
D. linear
Answer» A. convex
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