430+ Concrete Technology Solved MCQs


What are plasticizers?

A. Which adds water for workability
B. Which reduces water for workability
C. Which decreases workability at the same water content
D. Which oxidizes water for workability
Answer» B. Which reduces water for workability

What is the amount used of plasticizers in cement by weight?

A. 0
B. 1-.4%
C. 1%
D. 1-2%
Answer» B. 1-.4%

What is the allowed reduction of water with super plasticizers without reducing workability?

A. 10%
B. 20%
C. 30%
D. 40%
Answer» C. 30%

What is accelerator?

A. Which speed up the initial set of concrete
B. Which delays the initial set of concrete
C. Which speed up the final set of concrete
D. Which delays the final set of concrete
Answer» A. Which speed up the initial set of concrete

What is retender?

A. Which speed up the initial set of concrete
B. Which delays the initial set of concrete
C. Which speed up the final set of concrete
D. Which delays the final set of concrete
Answer» B. Which delays the initial set of concrete

NaOH is the example of retenders.

A. True
B. False
C. none
D. all
Answer» B. False

Pick up the correct statement from the following.

A. Calcium fluosilicates act as a retarders
B. CaCl2 acts as a retarders
C. Gypsum acts as a retarders
D. Gypsum acts as an accelerators
Answer» C. Gypsum acts as a retarders

Retarders used at grouting oil wells, where temperature is about _____________ oC.

A. 100
B. 150
C. 200
D. 250
Answer» C. 200

Silica fume is ______________

A. Less reactive
B. Neutral
C. More reactive
D. Absent in concrete
Answer» C. More reactive

What is the content of SiO2 in fly ash?

A. 30-60%
B. 15-30%
C. Up to 30%
D. 1-7%
Answer» A. 30-60%

Air entrainment in concrete increases ___________

A. Strength
B. Workability
C. The effect of temp variations
D. The unit weight
Answer» B. Workability

What is curing?

A. Dehydration
B. Hydration
C. Drying
D. Dipping
Answer» B. Hydration

What is the gel/space ratio?

A. Volume of water to the volume of cement
B. Volume of the hydrated cement paste to the sum of volumes of the hydrated cement
C. Volume of the hydrated cement paste to the sum of volumes of the hydrated cement and of the capillary pores
D. Volume of gel to the volume of space present in the concrete
Answer» C. Volume of the hydrated cement paste to the sum of volumes of the hydrated cement and of the capillary pores

Gel/Space ratio = x = Volume of gel / Space available = 0.657 C / 0.319 C+ Wo. Here Wo stands for?

A. Weight of cement in kg
B. Weight of cement in g
C. Volume of gel
D. Volume of mixing water in ml
Answer» D. Volume of mixing water in ml

This strain increases over time due to _________

A. Creep
B. Elastic modulus
C. Short term modulus of elasticity
D. Long term modulus of elasticity
Answer» A. Creep

If the stress is removed, the specimen shows an instantaneous recovery strain ___ the elastic strain on loading.

A. Higher than
B. Lower than
C. Equal to
D. Much greater than
Answer» B. Lower than

Creep ___ as the age of application of load _____

A. Increase, increase
B. Increase, decrease
C. Decrease, decrease
D. Decrease, increase
Answer» D. Decrease, increase

Shrinkage is the reduction in the volume of a fresh hardened concrete exposed to ambient temp and humidity.

A. True
B. False
C. none
D. all
Answer» A. True

Durability of concrete is proportional to _________

A. Sand content
B. Water cement ratio
C. Aggregate ratio
D. Cement aggregate ratio
Answer» D. Cement aggregate ratio

For concrete exposed to a very aggressive environment the w/c should be lower than __________

A. 1
B. .5
C. 4
D. .8
Answer» C. 4

The quality of concrete, specifically a ____________ w/c ratio, is the best protection against sulphate attack.

A. High
B. Medium
C. Low
D. Very low
Answer» C. Low

The continuous strain, which the concrete undergoes due to application of external loads, is called __________

A. Workability
B. Segregation
C. Bleeding
D. Creep
Answer» D. Creep

Harshness in concrete is due to the excess of _____________

A. Water
B. Finer particles
C. Middle sized particle
D. Coarser particle
Answer» C. Middle sized particle

__________ has designated the concrete mixes into a number of grades as M10, M15.

A. IS 456-2000
B. IS 456-2010
C. IS 513-1999
D. IS 465-2000
Answer» A. IS 456-2000

What is the approx. mix proportion for M10?

A. 1:3:6
B. 1:2:4
C. 1:1.5:3
D. 1:1:2
Answer» A. 1:3:6

Quality control helps to ___________ the risks of overdesign that ___________ the overall cost.

A. Maximize, Increase
B. Minimize, Increase
C. Maximize, Decrease
D. Minimize, Decrease
Answer» D. Minimize, Decrease

The cement concrete, from which entrained air and excess water are removed after placing it in position, is called ________

A. Vacuum concrete
C. Prestressed concrete
D. Sawdust concrete
Answer» A. Vacuum concrete

The light-weight concrete is prepared by ____________

A. Mixing Portland cement with sawdust in specified proportion in the concrete
B. Using coke-breeze, slag as aggregate in the concrete
C. Mixing Al in the concrete
D. Mixing Fe in the concrete
Answer» B. Using coke-breeze, slag as aggregate in the concrete

Aerated Concrete is ______________

A. Very heavy weight
B. Heavy weight
C. Medium weight
D. Light weight
Answer» D. Light weight

No fines concrete is manufactured by _____________

A. By adding no fines materials from normal concrete
B. By eliminating no fines materials from normal concrete
C. By reducing its strength
D. By increasing its strength
Answer» B. By eliminating no fines materials from normal concrete

Density of no fines concrete with light weight aggregate vary from ________ kg/m3.

A. 1600-1900
B. <300
C. >2500
D. >300
Answer» B. <300

Diameter of Round Steel Fiber lies in the range of ________ mm.

A. .3-.5
B. .25-.75
C. .155-.41
D. .25-.90
Answer» B. .25-.75

Air contents should be _________ % by volume.

A. 1-2
B. 2-3
C. 3-4
D. 4-5
Answer» C. 3-4

Which one is not used as air entraining agents?

A. Alumina
B. Natural resins
C. Fats
D. Oil
Answer» A. Alumina

What is wet process?

A. Grinding and mixing of the raw materials in their dry state
B. Grinding and mixing of the raw materials in their medium state
C. Grinding and mixing of the raw materials in their wet state
D. Grinding and mixing of the raw materials in their overheated state
Answer» C. Grinding and mixing of the raw materials in their wet state

Excess in lime causes _______

A. The cement to shrink and integrate
B. The cement to shrink and disintegrate
C. The cement to expand and integrate
D. The cement to expand and disintegrate
Answer» D. The cement to expand and disintegrate

Silica in excess causes ________

A. The cement to set slowly
B. The cement to set quickly
C. The cement to expand
D. The cement to disintegrate
Answer» A. The cement to set slowly

Alumina in excess causes _________

A. Reduces the strength of the cement
B. Increases the strength of the cement
C. none
D. all
Answer» A. Reduces the strength of the cement

Which compound gives the colour to the cement?

A. Lime
B. Silica
C. Iron Oxide
D. Alumina
Answer» C. Iron Oxide

Which cement contains high percentage of C3S and less percentage of C2S?

A. Rapid Hardening Cement
B. Ordinary Portland Cement
C. Quick Setting Cement
D. Low Heat Cement
Answer» A. Rapid Hardening Cement

When concrete is to be laid under water ___________ is to used.

A. Rapid Hardening Cement
B. Ordinary Portland Cement
C. Quick Setting Cement
D. Low Heat Cement
Answer» C. Quick Setting Cement

Which of the following is correct for Low Heat Cement?

A. Suitable for use in cold weather areas
B. Heat of hydration is reduced by tri calcium aluminate content
C. This cement requires longer period of curing
D. This cement contains high aluminate %age usually between 35-55%.
Answer» B. Heat of hydration is reduced by tri calcium aluminate content

Which cement is used in sewage and water treatment plants?

A. Rapid Hardening Cement
B. Low Heat Cement
C. Sulphate Resisting Cement
D. Quick Setting Cement
Answer» C. Sulphate Resisting Cement

Which cement is used for mainly building construction where strength required with age?

A. Rapid Hardening Cement
B. Low Heat Cement
C. Portland Pozzolana Cement
D. Quick Setting Cement
Answer» C. Portland Pozzolana Cement

Which cement is used for artificial marble?

A. Rapid Hardening Cement
B. Sulphate Resisting Cement
C. Coloured Cement
D. Quick Setting Cement
Answer» C. Coloured Cement

Which cement is used to create bond with old concrete surface?

A. Rapid Hardening Cement
B. Expansive Cement
C. Sulphate Resisting Cement
D. Low Heat Cement
Answer» B. Expansive Cement

Which cement is used to store for longer duration in wet climatic conditions?

A. Expansive Cement
B. Ordinary Portland cement
C. Hydrophobic Cement
D. Quick Setting Cement
Answer» C. Hydrophobic Cement

Which cement is used for the construction of water-retaining structure like tanks, reservoirs, retaining walls, swimming pools, dams, bridges, piers etc?

A. Waterproof Portland cement
B. Colored Cement
C. High Alumina Cement
D. Low Heat Cement
Answer» A. Waterproof Portland cement

____ Cement is used for formwork that can be removed earlier and reused in other areas which save the cost of formwork.

A. Rapid Hardening Cement
B. Colored Cement
C. High Alumina Cement
D. Low Heat Cement
Answer» A. Rapid Hardening Cement

Which cement is mainly used for interior and exterior decorative works?

A. Rapid Hardening Cement
B. Colored Cement
C. High Alumina Cement
D. Low Heat Cement
Answer» B. Colored Cement

Which cement is used for works economic where considerations is predominant? Reservoirs, retaining walls, swimming pools, dams, bridges, piers etc.

A. Waterproof Portland Cement
B. Colored Cement
C. High Alumina Cement
D. Blast Furnace Slag Cement
Answer» D. Blast Furnace Slag Cement

How many times in each layer of concrete rodded in a slump cone?

A. 75
B. 25
C. 12 to 15
D. 35 to 65
Answer» B. 25

If L1=Measurement taken after 24 hours of immersion in water at a temp. of 27 ± 20oC and L2=Measurement taken after 3 hours of immersion in water at boiling temperature. Then what is soundness of cement?

A. L1+L2
B. L1/L2
C. L1-L2
D. L1*L2
Answer» C. L1-L2

Which of the following option is correct?

A. Standard consistency (%) = (wt of water added/ wt of cement) *100
B. Standard consistency (%) = (wt of water added- wt of cement) *100
C. Standard consistency = (wt of water added/ wt of cement) *100
D. Standard consistency (%) = (wt cement/ wt of water) *100
Answer» A. Standard consistency (%) = (wt of water added/ wt of cement) *100

According to geological origin, aggregates is/are classified into __________ types.

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer» B. 2

Crushed stone, gravel and ordinary sand are examples of ___________

A. Lightweight aggregate
B. Normal-weight aggregate
C. Heavy-weight aggregate
D. Both Normal-weight aggregate and Heavy-weight aggregate
Answer» B. Normal-weight aggregate

Which type of aggregate is shown below?

A. Angular aggregate
B. Rounded aggregate
C. Flaky aggregate
D. Irregular or partially aggregate
Answer» C. Flaky aggregate

The rock which is not calcareous, is :

A. lime stone
B. Macl
C. Chalk
D. Laterite
Answer» D. Laterite

The main object of compaction of concrete, is:

A. to eliminate air holes
B. to achieve maximum density
C. to provide initimate contact between the concrete and embedded materials
D. all the above.
Answer» D. all the above.

Grading of aggregates should be continuous for

A. lean
B. rich
Answer» A. lean

The aggregates of

A. irregular
B. angular
C. rounded
D. flaky
Answer» B. angular

Which of the following ingredient of cement when added in excess quantity, causes the cement to set slowly?

A. Lime
B. silica
C. alumina
D. iron oxide
Answer» B. silica

An aggregate having all the pores filled with water but having dry surface is called

A. very dry aggregate
B. dry aggregate
C. saturated surface dry aggregate
D. moist aggregate
Answer» C. saturated surface dry aggregate

The internal friction between the ingredients of concrete is minimised by

A. adopting coarse aggregates
B. using more water
C. reducing the surface area
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

The light-weight concrete is prepared by

A. mixing Portland cement with sawdust in specified proportion in the concrete
B. using coke-breeze, cinder or slag as aggregate in the concrete
C. mixing aluminium in the concrete
D. none of tha above
Answer» B. using coke-breeze, cinder or slag as aggregate in the concrete

For compacting plain concrete or one-way reinforced concrete floors, the vibrator used is

A. internal vibrator
B. screed vibrator
C. form vibrator
D. all of these
Answer» B. screed vibrator

The surface moisture of aggregates increases the water-cement ratio in the mix and thus

A. increases
B. decreases
Answer» B. decreases

For compacting large sections of mass concrete in structures, the type of vibrator used is

A. internal vibrator
B. screed vibrator
C. both (a) and (b)
D. either (a) or (b)
Answer» A. internal vibrator

The presence of

A. sodium carbonate and bicarbonate
B. calcium chloride
C. sodium chloride
D. sodium sulphate
Answer» A. sodium carbonate and bicarbonate

The tetra calcium alumino ferrite in cement has

A. good
B. poor
Answer» B. poor

For reinforced concrete, the aggregate used is

A. sand
B. gravel
C. crushed rock
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

The lime concrete has

A. less
B. more
C. same
Answer» A. less

The steel mould used for slump test is in the form of a

A. cube
B. cylinder
C. frustrum of a cone
D. none of these
Answer» C. frustrum of a cone

In order to avoid segregation, the concrete should not be thrown from a height.

A. Agree
B. Disagree
Answer» A. Agree

Water cement ratio may be defined as the ratio of

A. volume of water to that of cement in a concrete mix
B. weight of water to that of cement in a concrete mix
C. volume of water to that of concrete in a concrete mix
D. weight of water to that of concrete in a concrete mix
Answer» B. weight of water to that of cement in a concrete mix

Low heat cement contains more lime than ordinary Portland cement.

A. True
B. False
Answer» B. False

For concreting of tunnel lining, the concrete is transported by

A. pumps
B. pans
C. wheel barrows
D. containers
Answer» A. pumps

For the improvement of workability of concrete, the shape of aggregate recommended is

A. irregular
B. angular
C. round
D. flaky
Answer» C. round

Which of the following statement is correct?

A. Larger the size of coarse aggregate, lesser is the quantity of fine aggregate and of cement required.
B. If very dry aggregates are used, the workability of the mix is likely to be reduced
C. Bulking is caused due to the formation of thin film of surface moisture around the sand particles.
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

For a structure subjected to the action of sea water, the cement used is

A. rapid hardening cement
B. low heat cement
C. high alumina cement
D. sulphate resisting cement
Answer» C. high alumina cement

For high degree of workability, the slump value should vary between

A. 0 to 25 mm
B. 25 to 50 mm
C. 50 to 80 mm
D. 80 to 100 mm
Answer» D. 80 to 100 mm

The term 'ware-hourse pack' means

A. the total capacity of ware-house
B. packing of ware-house
C. pressure compaction of bags on lower layers
D. pressure exertion of bags on upper layers
Answer» C. pressure compaction of bags on lower layers

The length of Vicat plunger in Vicat's apparatus varies from

A. 20 to 30 mm
B. 30 to 40 mm
C. 40 to 50 mm
D. 50 to 60 mm
Answer» C. 40 to 50 mm

The cement concrete prepared by mixing aluminium in it, is called

A. air-entrained concrete
B. cellular concrete
C. aerated concrete
D. any one of the above
Answer» D. any one of the above

Plain cement concrete is strong in taking

A. tensile stress
B. compressive stress
C. shear stress
D. all of these
Answer» B. compressive stress

As per IS : 459-1978, the concrete mixes are designated into

A. 4 grades
B. 5 grades
C. 6 grades
D. 7 grades
Answer» D. 7 grades

The factor which effect the quality of compaction, is

A. density of concrete
B. strength of concrete
C. durability of concrete
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

The top diameter, bottom diameter and height of the mould used for slump test are respectively

A. 100 mm, 200 mm, 300 mm
B. 200 mm, 100 mm, 300 mm
C. 200 mm, 300 mm, 100 mm
D. 100 mm, 300 mm, 200 mm
Answer» A. 100 mm, 200 mm, 300 mm

The aggregate which pass through 75 mm IS sieve and entirely retain on 4.75 mm IS sieve is known as

A. cyclopean aggregate
B. coarse aggregate
C. fine aggregate
D. all-in-aggregate
Answer» B. coarse aggregate

The rate of hydration is

A. directly
B. inversely
Answer» A. directly

Weight batching is done by

A. spring dial scale
B. platform weighing machine
C. portable weigh batchers
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

The first compound which reacts with water when mixed with cement is tricalcium aluminate.

A. Correct
B. Incorrect
Answer» A. Correct

An aggregate which may contain some moisture in the pores but having dry surface is known as

A. very dry aggregate
B. dry aggregate
C. saturated surface dry aggregate
D. moist aggregate
Answer» B. dry aggregate

Proper curing of cement concrete, is good for its

A. volume stability
B. strength
C. wear resistance
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

Hydration of cement is due to the chemical action of water with

A. dicalcium silicate
B. tricalcium silicate
C. tricalcium aluminate
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

The cement concrete in which high compressive stresses are artificially induced before its actual use, is called

A. plain cement concrete
B. reinforced cement concrete
C. prestressed cement concrete
D. lime concrete
Answer» C. prestressed cement concrete

The fineness modulus of an aggregate is roughly proportional to

A. specific gravity of the aggregate
B. shape of the aggregate
C. average size of particles in the aggregate
D. grading of the aggregate
Answer» C. average size of particles in the aggregate

The water used for ordinary concrete is equal to 5% by weight of aggregate plus

A. 10%
B. 20%
C. 30%
D. 40%
Answer» C. 30%

Which of the following statement is wrong?

A. The concrete can not be pumped.
B. The concrete should have maximum creep.
C. The concrete structures can be put to use immediately ater their construction.
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

The sound absorption coefficient of light weight concrete is nearly

A. twice
B. three times
C. four times
D. six times
Answer» A. twice
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