140+ Construction Project Management Solved MCQs


In which of the following stages contract documents are prepared?

A. Planning stage
B. Briefing stage
C. Construction stage
D. None of the above
Answer» D. None of the above

In which of the following stages specifications are prepared?

A. Planning stage
B. Briefing stage
C. Construction stage
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Planning stage

In which of the following stages practicability of project is ensured?

A. Planning stage
B. Briefing stage
C. Construction stage
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Briefing stage

Which of the following is not role of contractor

A. To arrange land
B. To provide resources as per condition of contract
C. To work as per plans and specifications
D. To put RA and final bill and bill for extra item
Answer» A. To arrange land

Which of the following is not role of owner

A. To arrange fund
B. To arrange land
C. To ensure quality of construction
D. To arrange necessary approvals
Answer» C. To ensure quality of construction

Which of the following organization is widely used in PWD

A. Matrix organization
B. Line or military organization
C. Line and staff organization
D. Functional organization
Answer» C. Line and staff organization

Which of the following is/are disadvantage/s of Line and Staff organization?

A. Experts may not have authority to work properly.
B. Conflict between line and staff persons
C. Increase in overhead cost due to high salary of staff
D. All of the Above
Answer» D. All of the Above

In which of the following organization expert advice is available?

A. Matrix organization
B. Line or military organization
C. Line and staff organization
D. Functional organization
Answer» C. Line and staff organization

Which organization permits quick decision?

A. Matrix organization
B. Line or military organization
C. Line and staff organization
D. none
Answer» B. Line or military organization

Which of the following is not a characteristics of a Good organization?

A. It must have an organization goal
B. It should have proper structure
C. It should be as big as possible
D. It should include all the activities without repeation
Answer» C. It should be as big as possible

Road is the example of

A. Building constructions.
B. Infrastructure construction.
C. Industrial construction.
D. Special purpose projects
Answer» B. Infrastructure construction.

What is the simplest and oldest type of organization?

A. Matrix organization
B. Line or military organization
C. Line and staff organization
D. Functional organization
Answer» B. Line or military organization

What is Span of management?

A. It is the number of persons to be supervised by a manager
B. It is the number of years for management to remain active
C. It is the average age of manager in a business
D. It is the number of achievements of management
Answer» A. It is the number of persons to be supervised by a manager

What is organization?

A. Arrangement of persons in business
B. Arrangement of machines on site
C. Arrangement of money for business
D. Arrangement of materials at site
Answer» A. Arrangement of persons in business

What is 4M of construction?

A. 4 types of organizations
B. 4 resources for construction
C. 4 types of construction managers
D. 4 types of construction managers
Answer» B. 4 resources for construction

In which type of tender advantage of keen bidding competition can be availed.

A. Open tender or public tender
B. Selected tender
C. Negotiated tender
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Open tender or public tender

What SMB stands for?

A. Short measurement book
B. Salient measurement book
C. Standard measurement book
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Standard measurement book

SD, mobilization advance and cost of materials given to contractor will be deducted from

A. RA bill
B. Final bill
D. None of the above
Answer» A. RA bill

What EMD stands for?

A. Exact money deposit
B. Earnest money deposit
C. Exact money deduction
D. Exact monthly deduction
Answer» B. Earnest money deposit

Which of the following contract is most suitable for road and bridges?

A. BOT contract
B. Cost plus fixed fee contract
C. All in one contract
D. Labour contract
Answer» A. BOT contract

In which of the following contract; contractor tries to complete job quickly?

A. Item rate contract
B. Cost plus fixed fee contract
C. All in one contract
D. Labour contract
Answer» B. Cost plus fixed fee contract

In which of the following contract; contractor is quickly be agreed and work on job?

A. Cost plus percentage rate contract
B. Lump sum contract
C. Piece work agreement
D. Labour contract
Answer» A. Cost plus percentage rate contract

In which of the following contract; contractor is not required to deposit SD?

A. Item rate contract
B. Lump sum contract
C. Piece work agreement
D. Labour contract
Answer» C. Piece work agreement

In which of the following contract; contractor is required to offer a fixed sum for job in all respect as per given drawings and details?

A. Item rate contract
B. Lump-sum contract
C. All in one contract
D. Labor contract
Answer» B. Lump-sum contract

Extra items will cause headache in item rate contract

A. Right
B. Wrong
C. none
D. all
Answer» A. Right

Which of the following is/are advantages of item rate contract

A. Elasticity and fair to both the parties
B. Economical
C. Absence of uncertainties
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Specialized work needs departmental execution

A. Right
B. Wrong
C. none
D. all
Answer» B. Wrong

Contract system is suitable for big projects

A. Right
B. Wrong
C. none
D. all
Answer» A. Right

Departmental execution is suitable for small jobs

A. Right
B. Wrong
C. none
D. all
Answer» A. Right

Which of the following is not essential requirement for contract

A. Parties must be competent
B. Should be made by free consent
C. There shall be definite and legal proposal and its acceptance.
D. Both Parties must be citizens of same country
Answer» D. Both Parties must be citizens of same country

PERT requires

A. Single time estimate
B. Probable time estimate
C. Triple time estimate
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Triple time estimate

CPM requires

A. Single time estimate
B. Probable time estimate
C. Triple time estimate
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Single time estimate

CPM stands for

A. Combined process method
B. Critical path method
C. Construction planning method
D. Continuous progress method
Answer» B. Critical path method

CPM is

A. Event oriented
B. Activity oriented
C. Mostly event oriented
D. Mostly activity oriented
Answer» B. Activity oriented


A. Event oriented
B. Activity oriented
C. Mostly event oriented
D. Mostly activity oriented
Answer» A. Event oriented

An activity is represented by

A. An arrow
B. Circle
C. Triangle
D. None of the above
Answer» A. An arrow

An activity requires

A. Events
B. Time and resources
C. Resources
D. Energy
Answer» B. Time and resources

Actual performance of a task is known as

A. An event
B. An activity
C. A duration
D. None of the above
Answer» B. An activity

PERT stands for

A. Programme estimation and reporting techniques
B. Process estimation and review techniques
C. Programme evaluation and review techniques
D. Planning estimating and result techniques
Answer» C. Programme evaluation and review techniques

The earliest method of project planning was

C. Bar chart
D. Mile stone chart
Answer» C. Bar chart

A drawback of bar chart is that

A. All the activities are independent
B. It is difficult to know whether activity is completed or not
C. The sequence of activity is not clearly defined
D. All of the above
Answer» C. The sequence of activity is not clearly defined

A bar chart is drawn for

A. Time versus activity
B. Activity versus resources
C. Resources versus progress
D. Progress versus time
Answer» A. Time versus activity

Bar chart is also known as

A. Flow chart
B. Time chart
C. Travel chart
D. Gantt chart
Answer» D. Gantt chart

Bar chart is very popular because

A. It is very simple
B. Each activity is shown separately
C. Modification is easy
D. All of the above
Answer» A. It is very simple

Bar chart is suitable for

A. Large project
B. Major work
C. Minor work
D. All of these
Answer» C. Minor work

Economic cost is the only reason for which a contractor should be conscious of construction safety.

C. none
D. all
Answer» B. FALSE

The construction industry has accounted for about .........% of all occupational injuries

A. 20
B. 25
C. 11
D. 5
Answer» C. 11

Carelessness is the cause of an accident that can be attributed to

A. Planning, organization
B. Execution of work
C. Management
D. None of the above
Answer» D. None of the above

Which of the following cause of an accident can be attributed to organization?

A. Use of unsuitable material
B. Defective supervision of work
C. Unsuitable equipment
D. Unskilled operators
Answer» B. Defective supervision of work

There are as many possible causes of accidents as there are occasions

C. none
D. all
Answer» A. TRUE

Who should be allowed to go below slab when centering is in position and concreting of slab is going on

A. Only head carpenter
B. Every worker
C. Nobody
D. Only safety officer
Answer» C. Nobody

In case of cantilever beam, reinforcement must be placed at the ....... of the member.

A. Top
B. Bottom
C. Sides
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Top

Full width of road should be taken for bituminous work at a time so that job is completed in time.

A. Agree
B. Disagree
C. none
D. all
Answer» B. Disagree

Pile drivers should be kept near electricity line to get electricity

A. Agree
B. Disagree
C. none
D. all
Answer» B. Disagree

Before starting piling work, a complete knowledge of underground structures (such as sewers, water pipeline, gas mains etc.) is essential.

A. Agree
B. Disagree
C. none
D. all
Answer» A. Agree

If work of piling is to be carried out at night, minimum........... 'lux luminance lights should be used.

A. 60
B. 200
C. 150
D. 100
Answer» D. 100

Moving parts of all equipment should be

A. Removed
B. Provided with safety guards.
C. Replaced with stationary parts
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Provided with safety guards.

Heavy equipment, such as excavating machinery, trucks, dumpers, etc. should be kept away from the excavated sides at a distance not less than the depth of trench

A. Agree
B. Disagree
C. none
D. all
Answer» A. Agree

Excavated material should be kept nearby from the edge of the trench

A. Agree
B. Disagree
C. none
D. all
Answer» B. Disagree

Whenever workmen have to excavate in trenches in soil, soft rock or hard soil exceeding ............. m in depth, the trenches should be securely shored and timbered.

A. 2
B. 1.5
C. 3
D. 2.1
Answer» A. 2

Outputs of management control level is

A. Goals and policies
B. Actions
C. Decisions and personal leadership
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Decisions and personal leadership

Special one time reports are information system used by

A. Head of department
B. Top management
C. Supervisor,foreman,clerk
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Top management

Formal reports are information system used by

A. Head of department
B. Top management
C. Supervisor,foreman,clerk
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Supervisor,foreman,clerk

Operational control is responsibility of

A. Head of department
B. Top management
C. Supervisor,foreman,clerk
Answer» C. Supervisor,foreman,clerk

Strategic Planning is responsibility of

A. Head of department
B. Top management
C. Supervisor
Answer» B. Top management

Which of the following is not a components of the system.

A. Inputs
B. Outputs
C. Processing devices
D. Decision making
Answer» D. Decision making

System means

A. Group of various units
B. Team of clever people
C. Method of construction
D. Goal of organization
Answer» A. Group of various units

Management consists of .................................. levels.

A. Top and bottom level
B. Higher and lower level
C. Three levels-top level, middle level and lower level.
D. Six
Answer» C. Three levels-top level, middle level and lower level.

....................... is an important element of group activities.

A. Management
B. Construction team
C. Team effort
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Management

The main function of MIS is to deal with government

A. Right
B. Wrong
C. none
D. all
Answer» B. Wrong

Negative attitude can be controlled by

A. Religion
B. Values
C. Introduction of strict disciplined environment
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Values

Care for male employees and justice for female and child worker can create positive attitude

A. Right
B. Wrong
C. none
D. all
Answer» B. Wrong

Positive, warm and committed attitude enhances

A. Project duration
B. Team effort
C. Attitude
D. Nature
Answer» B. Team effort

..................... is a function of values and perception of a person

A. Success
B. Relation
C. Attitude
D. Nature
Answer» C. Attitude

Person selects information that suits his

A. Religion
B. Values
C. Embitions
D. Environment
Answer» B. Values

Employees having their age more than..............years can become the members of the union.

A. 18
B. 15
C. 21
D. 25
Answer» B. 15

The first Trade union Act in India was passed in

A. 1926
B. 1942
C. 1920
D. 1914
Answer» A. 1926

CITU stands for

A. Centre of Industrial Trade Union
B. Centre of Innovative Trade Union
C. Centre of Indian Trade Union
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Centre of Indian Trade Union

Trade unions are voluntary organisations formed by laborers to protect their interest

A. Agree
B. Disagree
C. none
D. all
Answer» A. Agree

Economical aspects of labour welfare includes

A. High wages, bonus, medical aid,
B. Educational facilities, training, reading room, club
C. Transportation
D. None of the above
Answer» A. High wages, bonus, medical aid,

Better working conditions

A. Direct financial incentive
B. Non financial incentive
C. Indirect financial incentive
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Non financial incentive

Attendance bonus

A. Direct financial incentive
B. Non financial incentive
C. Indirect financial incentive
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Direct financial incentive

Meritorious service awards is

A. Direct financial incentive
B. Non financial incentive
C. Indirect financial incentive
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Non financial incentive

Gratuity is

A. Direct financial incentive
B. Non financial incentive
C. Indirect financial incentive
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Indirect financial incentive

Profit sharing bonus

A. Direct financial incentive
B. Non financial incentive
C. Indirect financial incentive
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Direct financial incentive

Leave encashment is

A. Direct financial incentive
B. Non financial incentive
C. Indirect financial incentive
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Indirect financial incentive

Wages of worker is liability of

A. Engineer
B. Government
C. Employer
Answer» C. Employer

Labor is perishable resource

A. Agree
B. Disagree
C. none
D. all
Answer» A. Agree

The stack height for flooring tiles should not be more than........ m.

A. 1.5
B. 2.0
C. 1.0
D. 1.75
Answer» C. 1.0

The stack height for bricks should not be more than .......... m.

A. 1.2
B. 1.5
C. 1.75
D. 2.0
Answer» B. 1.5

Tests for performance of construction is done in

A. Planning stage
B. Briefing stage
C. Construction stage
D. Commissioning stage
Answer» D. Commissioning stage

Which of the following are the qualities of good construction manager?

A. Good character.
B. Integrity to enhance teamwork.
C. Devotion to duty.
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The main function of the construction management is

A. Organizing
B. Directing
C. Planning
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The construction of residential building are treated as

A. light construction
B. heavy construction
C. industrial construction
D. none of these
Answer» A. light construction

The construction of airports are treated as

A. light construction
B. heavy construction
C. industrial construction
D. none of these
Answer» B. heavy construction

A construction team includes

A. owner
B. engineer
C. architect
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

The field of activities of an engineer includes

A. estimation
B. approval of construction plans by the local authority
C. inspection and payment of work done by contractor
D. all of above
Answer» D. all of above

F.W. Taylor introduced a system of organization known as

A. line and staff organization
B. line organization
C. functional organization
D. none of these
Answer» C. functional organization

In a functional organization

A. quality of work is better
B. specialized knowledge and guidance to individual worker is provided
C. wastage of material is minimum
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

The major principle of an organization is

A. span of management
B. unity of command
C. delegation of authority
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these
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