220+ Modern Indian Thought Solved MCQs


--------- is not a representative of Neo – Vedanta.

A. sree narayana guru
B. sankara
C. vivekananda
D. all these
Answer» B. sankara

Creation according to Aurobindo is a process of

A. involution
B. evolution
C. both (a) and (b)
D. none of these
Answer» C. both (a) and (b)

Generally Indian Philosophy is described as ------

A. spiritual
B. idealistic
C. scientific
D. none of these
Answer» A. spiritual

The author of ‘Life Divine’ is :

A. sree narayana guru
B. m k gandhi
C. aurobindo
D. tagore
Answer» C. aurobindo

Truth and Non Violence are the key concepts in --------

A. vivekanada
B. osho
C. ramana maharshi
D. gnadhiji
Answer» D. gnadhiji

Jnana Yoga is the work of ----------

A. ramana maharshi
B. osho
C. vivekanada
D. sree narayana guru
Answer» C. vivekanada

The crux of Neo Vedanta is ---

A. religion
B. immortality of the soul
C. human unity
D. yoga
Answer» C. human unity

------------- represents contemporary Indian philosophy

A. vivekanada
B. ramana maharshi
C. tagore
D. all these
Answer» D. all these

“ Truth is a pathless Land” is a teaching of ------------

A. vivekanada
B. ramana maharshi
C. j krishnamurty
D. none of these
Answer» C. j krishnamurty

‘Harijan’ is the work of ----------

A. mk gandhi
B. tagore
C. j krishnamurty
D. none of these
Answer» A. mk gandhi

According to Ramana Mharshi --------- is the core of his philosophy

A. epistemology
B. creation
C. self inquiry
D. yoga
Answer» C. self inquiry

Neo- vedanta is the ---------- application of Vedanta

A. contemporary
B. reformative
C. practical
D. all these
Answer» D. all these

In Aurobindo’s scheme - is involution

A. creatio
B. knowledge
C. descent
D. none of these
Answer» C. descent

----------- is the work of Chattambi Swamikal

A. gitanjali
B. vedadhikaranirupanam
C. jnana yoga
D. none of these
Answer» B. vedadhikaranirupanam

In the evolution from mind to super mind, --------- is the intermediary step

A. integral yoga
B. overmind
C. intelligence
D. matter
Answer» B. overmind

The Vedanta that Vivekananda had introduced to the West came to be known as ----

A. darsana
B. neo vedanta
C. advaita vedanta
D. visishta advaita
Answer» B. neo vedanta

-------- disagreed with Gandhiji on the question of social justice

A. tagore
B. ambedkar
C. vivekanada
D. none of these
Answer» B. ambedkar

---------- is not a Neo Vedantist

A. ramana maharshi
B. vivekanada
C. ramanuja
D. none of these
Answer» C. ramanuja

According to Vivekananda , universal religion is -----

A. does not exist
B. will never come into existence
C. already exist
D. none of these
Answer» C. already exist

--------- is a key concept in Gandhian philosophy

A. satyagraha
B. super mind
C. god
D. none of these
Answer» A. satyagraha

Neo Vedanta is a ------- interpretation of Vedanta

A. western
B. dogmatic
C. practical
D. none of these
Answer» C. practical

The author of Darsanamala

A. sree narayana guru
B. osho
C. vivekanada
D. tagore
Answer» A. sree narayana guru

Gandhiji is a -----------

A. rationalist
B. spiritualist
C. individualistic
D. none of these
Answer» B. spiritualist

The process of evolution goes up from matter to ------------

A. mind
B. super mind
C. over mind
D. ignorence
Answer» B. super mind

Universal Religion relates to ----------

A. ramana maharshi
B. osho
C. vivekanada
D. tagore
Answer» C. vivekanada

Gandhiji – Ambedkar debate focused on -----------

A. moksha
B. varna system
C. constitution
D. vedanta
Answer» B. varna system

Integral Yoga is associated with :

A. m k gandhi
B. tagore
C. aurobindo
D. none of these
Answer» C. aurobindo

‘Freedom from the Known’ is associated with

A. vivekananda
B. aurobinda
C. osho
D. j krishnamurthy
Answer» D. j krishnamurthy

‘One Caste , One Religion, One God,’ is the teaching of ------------

A. osho
B. vivekananda
C. sree narayana guru
D. all of these
Answer» C. sree narayana guru

Gandhiji identified truth with ----------

A. sat
B. nature
C. god
D. none of these
Answer» C. god

-------- is not a Neo Vedantist

A. mk gandhi
B. vivekanada
C. aurobindo
D. patanjali
Answer» D. patanjali

According to -------------meditation is not an equivalent of Dhyana

A. vivekanada
B. osho
C. gandhiji
D. sree narayana guru
Answer» B. osho

Self Enquiry is the key concept in the philosophy of -----------

A. sree narayana guru
B. osho
C. ramana maharshi
D. gandhiji
Answer» C. ramana maharshi

----------opposed caste system as the worst evil in Hindu society

A. gandhiji
B. aurobindo
C. sree narayana guru
D. tagore
Answer» C. sree narayana guru

Gitanjali is the work of ------------

A. gandhiji
B. tagore
C. sree narayana guru
D. ramana maharshi
Answer» B. tagore

Universal religion is associated with

A. Gandhi
B. Swami Vivekananda
C. Tagore
D. Gandhi
Answer» B. Swami Vivekananda

The watchword of universal religion is

A. Tolerance
B. Acceptance
C. Ritual
D. custom
Answer» B. Acceptance

The method of self enquiry is related with

A. SreeNarayanaguru
B. Vagbadanatha
C. Ramana Maharshi
D. Krishnamurthi
Answer» C. Ramana Maharshi

‘Freedom From the Known’ is written by

A. Gandhi
B. J. Krishnamurthi
C. S. Radhakrishnan
D. Aurobindo
Answer» B. J. Krishnamurthi

Involution and evolution is related with

A. Aurobindo
B. S. Radhakrishnan
C. Tagore
D. Ramana Maharshi
Answer» A. Aurobindo

The basic principle of Sreenarayana guru is

A. Dvaita
B. Advaita
C. Visishtaadvaita
D. None of these
Answer» B. Advaita

Integral Yoga is a kind of yoga proposed by

A. Vagbadananda guru
B. Ramana maharshi
C. Aurobindo
D. Swami Vivekananda
Answer» C. Aurobindo

According to Ramana Maharshi, attention to the inner self is called

A. Atmavichara
B. Brahma vichara
C. Ahamidam
D. None of these.
Answer» A. Atmavichara

Atmopadesasatakam is written by

A. Vagbadananda guru
B. Sreenarayanaguru
C. Aurobindo
D. ChattambiSamikal
Answer» B. Sreenarayanaguru

‘The Life Divine’ is the famous work of

A. Swami Vivekananda
B. Aurobindo
C. Krishnamurthi
D. Tagore
Answer» B. Aurobindo

Which one is not the three steps of integral yoga

A. Supramentalisation
B. Spiritualisation
C. Psychisation
D. Atmavichara
Answer» D. Atmavichara

Integral yoga is also known as

A. Inner yoga
B. Raja yoga
C. Bhakthi yoga
D. AstangaYoga
Answer» A. Inner yoga

S N D P yogam is founded by

A. Kumaranasan
B. Ayyankali
C. Dr. Palpu
D. Sree Narayana Guru
Answer» D. Sree Narayana Guru

‘VedadhikaraNirupanam’ is the magnum opus of

A. Sree Narayana Guru
B. Vagbadananda
C. Kumaranasan
D. ChattambiSwamikal.
Answer» D. ChattambiSwamikal.

‘Religion is not a creed or code, but an insight into reality’ is a statement by

A. Gandhi
B. Radhakrishnan
C. Ramana Maharshi
D. Aurobindo
Answer» B. Radhakrishnan

According to Aurobindo ‘creation’ is nothing but the expression of

A. Sorrow
B. Nothingness
C. Joy
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Joy

The delight of world-process in relation to the saccidananda is called

A. Maya
B. Adhyasa
C. Lila
D. Prakrti
Answer» C. Lila

According to Aurobindo, evolution is possible only because---has already taken place

A. Destruction
B. God
C. Involution
D. None
Answer» C. Involution

According to Aurobindo, the realm of reality has been divided into two hemispheres, ---and ---

A. Higher and lower
B. North and South
C. Positive and negative
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Higher and lower

According to Aurobindo, evolutionary growth is a

A. Four fold process
B. Triple process
C. Two fold process
D. Fivefold process
Answer» B. Triple process

Integration in the philosophy of Sri Aurobindo means

A. Enlargement
B. Ascent through descent
C. Expansion
D. None of these
Answer» B. Ascent through descent

According to Sri Aurobindo, yoga means union with the divine. This union is

A. Transcendental
B. cosmic
C. Individual
D. All three together
Answer» D. All three together

Gandhi favors

A. Dictatorship
B. Decentralization
C. Supremacy
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Decentralization

According to Gandhi, --- is supreme kindness and supreme self sacrifice

A. Ahimsa
B. Democracy
C. Decentralization
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Ahimsa

‘I believe in absolute oneness of God and therefore humanity’- who said this?

A. Krishna Murthi
B. Gandhi
C. Tagore
D. Ramana Maharshi
Answer» B. Gandhi

Gandhi took a vow of celibacy in the year

A. 1906
B. 1905
C. 1907
D. 1910
Answer» A. 1906

Where did Gandhi set up his first Indian ashram?

A. Wardha
B. Sevagram
C. Ahmedabad
D. Porbander
Answer» C. Ahmedabad

Where did Gandhi experiment with Satyagraha first?

A. South Africa
B. Champaran
C. Kheda
D. Vaikom
Answer» A. South Africa

Radhakrishnan says, mysticism is a defect of thought only when it is

A. Negative
B. Positive
C. Neutral
D. None of these.
Answer» A. Negative

Bread Labour means

A. To earn one’s livelihood by engaging in manual labour
B. Labour for making bread
C. Hard physical labour
D. None of the above
Answer» A. To earn one’s livelihood by engaging in manual labour

Aparigraha means

A. Non-possession
B. Poverty
C. Welfare of all
D. Holding fast to truth
Answer» A. Non-possession

The triple transformation ofpsychicisation, spiritualization, and supramentalizationbelonged to

A. Jnana yoga
B. Hatha Yoga
C. Laya yoga
D. Purna yoga
Answer» D. Purna yoga

Who is known as the prophet of Kerala?

A. Sree Narayana Guru
B. Swami Vivekanda
C. ChattampiSwamikal
Answer» A. Sree Narayana Guru

According to Aurobindo, Supramental man of knowledge is called

A. Gnostic being
B. Agnostic being
C. Illumined being
D. None of these
Answer» A. Gnostic being

Choose the famous work of Sree Narayana Guru?

A. Adi Basha
B. VedadikaraNirupanam
C. Veda Sasthra
D. Darasana Mala
Answer» D. Darasana Mala

Which social evil was in the zenith of Sree Narayana Guru’s period?

A. Alcholism
B. Caste Discrimination
C. Polygamy
D. Uneducation
Answer» B. Caste Discrimination

Which is the birth place of Sree Narayana Guru?

A. Kummapilli
B. Chempazhathy
C. Karunakapally
D. Sivagiri
Answer» B. Chempazhathy

According to Aurobindo, mind belongs to

A. Higher Hemisphere
B. Lower Hemisphere
C. Intermediary stage
D. None of these
Answer» A. Higher Hemisphere

Which is the work authored by Sree Narayana Guru against caste discrimination?

A. Darasana mala
B. Jati-nirnayam
C. Vedavicharam
D. Adi Basha
Answer» B. Jati-nirnayam

Birth year of Sree Narayana Guru?

A. 1953
B. 1954
C. 1856
D. 1957
Answer» C. 1856

What is the cause of the world in name and form according to Sree Narayana Guru?

A. Atman
B. Maya
C. Karma
D. Moksha
Answer» B. Maya

ChattampiSwamikal was born on

A. 1855
B. 1963
C. 1853
D. 1849
Answer» C. 1853

Sree Narayana Guru was a follower of ---principle?

A. Vedanta
B. Advita
C. Dvaita
D. None of these
Answer» B. Advita

Who wrote the famous book “Pracheena Malayalam”?

A. Sree Narayana Guru
B. Swami Vivekanda
C. ChattampiSwamikal
D. Ayyankalai
Answer» C. ChattampiSwamikal

What is the theme of “Pracheena Malayalam”?

A. Orgin of Kerala
B. Growth of Kerala
C. Famous Events of Kerala
D. Early Rules
Answer» A. Orgin of Kerala

Trusteeship according to Gandhi is

A. Labour
B. Honest duty
C. Ownership
D. None of these.
Answer» B. Honest duty

Swami Vivekananda participated in the ‘world parliament of religions’ held in

A. Culcutta
B. Chicago
C. Moscow
D. Rome
Answer» B. Chicago

Who is the author of ‘Unto this Last’?

A. Tolstoy
B. Gandhi
C. Locke
D. Ruskin
Answer» D. Ruskin

Gandhi interpreted Satyagraha as

A. Violence
B. Peace
C. Truth
D. Non-violent direct action
Answer» D. Non-violent direct action

Gandhi’s religion is called

A. Altruism
B. Zorastrianism
C. Ethical religion
D. Universal religion
Answer» B. Zorastrianism

Name the satyagraha that Gandhi directed to open the road leading to a temple for harijans

A. Champaran satyagraha
B. Vaikom Satyagraha
C. Kheda satyagraha
D. Ahmedabad Labour strike
Answer» D. Ahmedabad Labour strike

Mahatma Gandhi preferred the aphorism:

A. God is love
B. God is truth
C. God is absolute
D. Truth is God
Answer» D. Truth is God

“Truth is a Pathless Land” whose words are this?

A. M. K. Gandhi b.
B. R. Ambedkar
C. J. Krishnamurti
D. Osho
Answer» C. J. Krishnamurti

According to Radhakrishnan, “when anything is not accessible to us in the ways of reason or intellect, then it is called

A. Religious
B. Mystical
C. Irrational
D. Illogical
Answer» B. Mystical

Gandhian view of anarchism was inspired by

A. Henry David Thoreau
B. M.N. Roy
C. Marx
D. Gokhale
Answer» A. Henry David Thoreau

According to Aurobindo ,Self seeks peace, knowledge and bliss at the stage of

A. Spiritualisation
B. Psychisation
C. Supramentalisation
D. None of these.
Answer» A. Spiritualisation

The intellectual awaking of the India during the 19th century is known as the

A. Renaissance
B. Revolt
C. Revolution
D. Redemption.
Answer» A. Renaissance

According to Aurobindo, Consciousness is divinized at the stage of

A. Spiritualisation
B. Psychisation
C. Supramentalization
D. Higher mind
Answer» C. Supramentalization

Who is the father of Indian Nationalism?

A. Rajiv Gandhi
B. Bal gangadhar Tilak
C. Dayanadha Saraswathi
D. Motilal Nehru
Answer» B. Bal gangadhar Tilak

Does Aurobindo favour evolutionary theory?

A. Yes
B. No.
C. Partly
D. Not certain
Answer» A. Yes

“I heard the voice of Vivekananda” who said this?

A. Aurobindo
B. Ambedkar
C. Osho
D. Tagore.
Answer» A. Aurobindo

According to Swami Vivekananda, ---, mythology and ritual are the triple aspects of religion

A. Culture
B. Vedas
C. Advaitha
D. Philosophy
Answer» D. Philosophy

What is the aim of yoga according to the swami Vivekananda?

A. Truth seeking
B. Liberation
C. Concentration
D. Self realization
Answer» D. Self realization

Dr. S. Radhakrishnan was born in

A. Tamil Nadu
B. Kerala
C. Karnataka
D. Andra Pradesh.
Answer» A. Tamil Nadu

Which method was introduced by swami Vivekananda to attain self realization?

A. Yoga
B. Bhakthi
C. Satyagraha
D. Ahimsa
Answer» A. Yoga
Question and answers in Modern Indian Thought, Modern Indian Thought multiple choice questions and answers, Modern Indian Thought Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for Modern Indian Thought, Modern Indian Thought MCQs with answers PDF download