540+ E-Commerce Solved MCQs


……………allows a business application on the computer of one organization to communicate directly with the business application on the computer of another company.

A. edi
B. protocols
C. standards
D. business applications
Answer» A. edi

Electronic Exchange of business documents in a standard format is known as ………………

A. e-commerce
B. e-business
C. edi
D. none of these
Answer» C. edi

Which of the following is not a party of SCM ?

A. suppliers
B. manufacturers
C. distributors
D. customers
Answer» C. distributors

………………is a commercial process that includes production, distribution, sales or delivery of goods and services through electronic means

A. e-commerce
B. scm
C. edi
D. none of these
Answer» A. e-commerce

Among the alternate models of B2B e-commerce,……is the best means to obtain a competitive advantage in the Market place.

A. process based
B. strategic relationship based
C. transaction based
D. any of these
Answer» B. strategic relationship based

…………………is basically a concept of online marketing and distributing of products and services over the internet

A. b2g
B. b2e
C. b2c
D. b2b
Answer» C. b2c

……………………..e-commerce consists of the sale of products or services from a business to the general public

A. b2g
B. b2e
C. b2b
D. b2c
Answer» D. b2c

Which of the following is not suitable for a B2C transaction ?

A. clothes
B. flowers
C. airline reservation
D. none
Answer» D. none

……………..e-commerce transaction has the advantage of eliminating middlemen.

A. b2g
B. b2c
C. b2b
D. b2e
Answer» B. b2c

………………….e-commerce involves customers gathering information, purchasing and receiving products over an electronic network

A. b2g
B. b2e
C. b2b
D. b2c
Answer» D. b2c

Which among the following is not an user of B2C e-commerce ?

A. manufacturers
B. distributors
C. publishers
D. none
Answer» D. none

………………….e-commerce involves the electronic facilitation of transaction between customers through some third party.

A. c2c
B. b2e
C. b2b
D. b2g
Answer» A. c2c

Which among the following is not a B2E application

A. online insurance policy management
B. online supply requests
C. special employee offers
D. locate application and tax forms
Answer» D. locate application and tax forms

……………………..streamlines the flow of information and self service capabilities through automation

A. scc
B. crm
C. crp
D. scm
Answer» A. scc

…………………is an application layer protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems.

A. html
B. http
C. bothe of these
D. none of these
Answer» B. http

English physicist Tim Berner’s Lee was famous for the establishment of …………………..in 1990.

A. internet
B. www
C. intranet
D. none of these
Answer» B. www

………refers to a kind of e-commerce which refers to a company selling or buying from other company

A. b2g
B. b2e
C. b2b
D. p2p
Answer» C. b2b

A company that manufacturers bicycles may use the internet to purchase tyres from their suppliers. This is an example of-----------transaction

A. b2g
B. b2e
C. b2b
D. p2p
Answer» C. b2b

…………..sites act as an intermediary between someone wanting a product or service and potential providers

A. brokering sites
B. information sites
C. industry portals
D. none of these
Answer» A. brokering sites

A……………portal is a specialized entry point to a specific market place or industry niche.

A. vertical portal
B. horizontal portal
C. both of these
D. none of these
Answer» A. vertical portal

Which among the following is an example for vertical portal ?

A. i-village
B. yahoo
C. google
D. net scape
Answer» A. i-village

4. A portal that helps to establish relations and to conduct transactions between various organizations is termed as………………

A. b2b portals
B. c2c portals
C. both of these
D. none of these
Answer» A. b2b portals

A …………………….is a software that scours the internet collecting data about every website and every webpage within it

A. spiders
B. search engines
C. robots
D. none of these
Answer» B. search engines

Which among the following is not an example for Search engine ?

A. google
B. msn
C. alta vista
D. none of these
Answer» D. none of these

Web pages are prepared using their language as…………………

A. html
B. ftp
C. http
D. none of these
Answer» A. html

A web page is transferred to users computer through ……………………..

A. html
B. ftp
C. http
D. none of these
Answer» C. http

The user reaches this page when they specify the address of a website

A. home page
B. web page
C. summary page
D. none of these
Answer» A. home page

……………………..streamlines the flow of information and self service capabilities through automation

A. scc
B. crm
C. crp
D. scm
Answer» A. scc

………………is a global web in which millions of users are communicating with each other with the help of computers.

A. internet
B. www
C. both of these
D. none of these
Answer» A. internet

…………………….is an online auctioning site that facilitates the trade of privately owned items between individuals.

A. e-bay
B. amazon.com
C. rentalic.com
D. all of these
Answer» A. e-bay

Monster.com is an example of ……………………..website

A. c2c
B. b2e
C. b2b
D. b2c
Answer» A. c2c

This is a protocol which allows files to be transferred from one computer to another computer

A. tcp/ip
B. ftp
C. http
D. none of these
Answer» B. ftp

A ……………….is a document, typically written in plain text interspersed with formatting instructions of html

A. web page
B. home page
C. domain
D. none of these
Answer» A. web page

………………….is the first page of a web site.

A. web page
B. home page
C. domain
D. none of these
Answer» B. home page

…………………….is an online auctioning site that facilitates the trade of privately owned items between individuals.

A. e-bay
B. amazon.com
C. rentalic.com
D. all of these
Answer» A. e-bay

……………..is a card with a microchip that can be used instead of cash and coins for everything from vending machines to public transportation.

A. debit card
B. credit card
C. electronic purse
D. any of these
Answer» C. electronic purse

……………………encrypts payment card transaction data and verifies that both parties in the transaction are genuine.

A. ssl
B. set
C. both of these
D. none of these
Answer» B. set

SET means ………………

A. standard electronic technology
B. standard electronic transfer
C. secure electronic transaction
D. none of these
Answer» C. secure electronic transaction

The verification of credit card is done by using…………….. with a communications link to the merchants acquiring bank

A. credit card payment terminal
B. point of sale
C. all of these
D. none of these
Answer» C. all of these

……………….is a financial institution that establishes an account with a merchant and processes payment card authorization and payments

A. customer
B. issuer
C. merchant
D. acquirer
Answer» D. acquirer

………………type of payment system is highly useful to those customers who would like to control overspending,

A. prepaid
B. post paid
C. both of these
D. none of these
Answer» A. prepaid

……………………….credit card gives all the advantages of a normal credit card without worrying about the interest charges

A. prepaid
B. post paid
C. both of these
D. none of these
Answer» A. prepaid

……………………facility helps the customer to pay only a small amount of the total outstanding and revolve the rest of the payment to the next month.

A. cash advance
B. revolver
C. tele draft
D. none of these
Answer» B. revolver

………………….is a financial instrument which can be used more than once to borrow money or buy products and services on credit.

A. credit card
B. e-cheques
C. e-cash
D. none of these
Answer» A. credit card

To accept a credit card for payment, we have to open a …………………account with our bank

A. savings bank
B. current account
C. merchant account
D. any of these
Answer» C. merchant account

………………..is a kind of payment card that transfers fund directly from the consumer’s bank account to the merchants account

A. debit card
B. electronic purse
C. credit card
D. any of these
Answer» A. debit card

A ………………is an electronic file that uniquely identifies individuals and websites on the internet and enables secure confidential communications

A. digital signature
B. digital certificates
C. ssl
D. none of these
Answer» B. digital certificates

The information Technology Act [IT ACT] came into effect on

A. 16th november 2000
B. 15th december 2000
C. 17th october 2000
D. none of these
Answer» C. 17th october 2000

Information sent over the Internet commonly uses the set of rules called……………………

A. tcp/ip
B. ftp
C. http
D. gopher
Answer» A. tcp/ip

……………………….is a person who breaks in or trespasses a computer system

A. hacker
B. snooper
C. operator
D. spoofer
Answer» A. hacker

E-mail which contains useless material is termed as……………

A. spam
B. useless mail
C. trunk mail
D. junk mail
Answer» D. junk mail

India has enacted the first IT Act in the year……………………

A. 2001
B. 2002
C. 2009
D. 2000
Answer» D. 2000

Which of the following crimes were not covered under IT (Amendment) Act, 2008 ?

A. cyber terrorism
B. child pornography
C. video voyeurism
D. none of these
Answer» D. none of these

Trade mark, copyright, patent law etc comes under the purview of……………………

A. data protection
B. telecommunication laws
C. intellectual property laws
D. none
Answer» C. intellectual property laws

Which one of the following is not a principle of e-commerce ?

A. privacy
B. integrity
C. authentication
D. none of these
Answer» D. none of these

………………is basically a secure gate between our organization data and internet.

A. network firewall
B. antivirus
C. both of these
D. none of these
Answer» A. network firewall

………………is automated methods of recognizing a person based on a physiological or behavioral characteristic.

A. biometrics
B. pin
C. both of these
D. none of these
Answer» A. biometrics

……………….is a financial institution that establishes an account with a merchant and processes payment card authorization and payments.

A. customer
B. issuer
C. merchant
D. acquirer
Answer» D. acquirer

In …………………..type of payment system customer is allowed to spend only up to the amount that have pre deposited into account.

A. prepaid
B. post paid
C. both of these
D. none of these
Answer» A. prepaid

.……………….is the exchange of goods or items or commodities and services or applications used for money and deals the money matters

A. e-commerce
B. commerce
C. both of these
D. none
Answer» B. commerce

……………….always operate on intranet

A. e--commerce
B. e-business
C. edi
D. none of these
Answer» B. e-business

Which among the following is not an example for E-commerce

A. amazon.com
B. baazar.com
C. e-trade.com
D. none of these
Answer» C. e-trade.com

………………were the first to establish prominent E-commerce Brands

A. baazar.com
B. e-bay and amazon
C. e-trade.com
D. none of these
Answer» B. e-bay and amazon

…………….is a form of supply chain where a series of assembly operations are carried out to obtain the final product

A. converging supply chain
B. diverging supply chain
C. any of these
D. none
Answer» A. converging supply chain

.…………………is a form of supply chain where a wide variety of finished goods are produced with limited number of raw material or components.

A. converging structure
B. diverging structure
C. any of these
D. none
Answer» B. diverging structure

……………………is the exchange of services, information or product from one business to a government agency

A. b2g
B. b2e
C. b2b
D. p2p
Answer» A. b2g

………………….is an internet network that allows users with the same network in software to connect to each other’s hard disks and exchange files

A. b2c
B. b2e
C. b2b
D. p2p
Answer» D. p2p

”Google” is one of the most popular………………..

A. portal
B. browser
C. search engine
D. none of these
Answer» C. search engine

A ………………….. Presents information from diverse sources in a unified way in a web site.

A. web portal
B. link page
C. both of these
D. none of these
Answer» C. both of these

……………………….is a person who breaks in or trespasses a computer system

A. hacker
B. snooper
C. operator
D. spoofer
Answer» A. hacker

Peer to Peer [P2P] is also used to describe ………………………

A. c2c
B. b2e
C. b2b
D. b2c
Answer» A. c2c

……………..allows the person to type ion just the main word or words and the site will come in

A. web page
B. home page
C. domain
D. none of these
Answer» C. domain

A ………………….. presents information from diverse sources in a unified way in a web site

A. web portal
B. link page
C. both of these
D. none of these
Answer» C. both of these

In Biometrics,…………………………ID system is designed to prevent one person from using more than one identity

A. positive id system
B. negative id system
C. both of these
D. none of these
Answer» B. negative id system

…………………..are program developed by some dishonest people to destroy the computer system and the valuable information in it.

A. network firewall
B. computer virus
C. both of these
D. none of these
Answer» B. computer virus

he dimension of e-commerce that enables commerce across national boundaries is called ______________.

A. interactivity
B. global reach
C. richness
D. ubiquity
Answer» B. global reach

The primary source of financing during the early years of e-commerce was ______________.

A. bank loans
B. large retail firms
C. venture capital funds
D. initial public offerings
Answer» C. venture capital funds

The source of revenue in a subscription revenue model is ______________.

A. fees from advertisers in exchange for advertisements
B. fees for business referrals
C. fees from subscribers in exchange for access to content or services
D. fees for enabling or execution a transaction
Answer» C. fees from subscribers in exchange for access to content or services

Industry structure is defined as ______________.

A. the nature of the players in an industry and their relative bargaining power
B. a set of plans for achieving long term returns on the capital invested in a business firm
C. set of planned activities designed to result in a profit in a marketplace
D. how a company\s product or service fulfills the needs of customers
Answer» A. the nature of the players in an industry and their relative bargaining power

The component of TCP/IP that provides the Internet's addressing scheme and is responsible for the actual delivery of packets is ______________.

A. tcp
B. ip
C. the network layer
D. the application layer
Answer» B. ip

Which of the following is not a limitation of the current Internet?

A. insufficient capacity throughout the backbone
B. network architecture limitations
C. insufficient reach
D. best-efforts qos
Answer» C. insufficient reach

Internet users account for about ______________ of the world's population.

A. 7%
B. 17%
C. 27%
D. 47%
Answer» B. 17%

The most common type of Internet crime according to the IC3 is ______________.

A. credit card fraud
B. check fraud
C. non-delivery
D. auction fraud
Answer» D. auction fraud

When hackers flood a Web site with useless traffic to overwhelm the network, it is called ______________.

A. phishing
B. pharming
C. a denial of service (dos) attack
D. spoofing
Answer» C. a denial of service (dos) attack

______________ influence the behavior of others through their personality, skills, or other factors.

A. opinion leaders
B. direct reference groups
C. indirect reference groups
D. lifestyle groups
Answer» A. opinion leaders

A(n) ______________ represents data as two-dimensional tables with records organized in rows and attributes in columns.

A. database management system
B. data warehouse
C. sql query
D. relational database
Answer» D. relational database

Creating multiple versions of information goods and selling essentially the same product to different market segments at different prices is called______________.

A. versioning
B. bundling.
C. transactive content
D. price discrimination
Answer» A. versioning

Which of the following is a measure of the percentage of purchasers who return to a Web site within a year?

A. loyalty
B. reach
C. recency
D. unique visitors
Answer» A. loyalty

Which of the following statements about privacy is true?

A. it is a moral right to be left alone
B. only corporations and government need to be concerned about it
C. it has only just recently become a concern
D. it is most easily obtained on the internet
Answer» A. it is a moral right to be left alone

The redirection of traffic from a legitimate site to an infringing site is called ______________.

A. cybersquatting
B. cyber piracy
C. met tagging
D. key wording
Answer» B. cyber piracy

A security plan begins with a(n) is ______________.

A. security policy
B. risk assessment
C. implementation plan
D. security organization
Answer» B. risk assessment

______________ influence the behavior of others through their personality, skills, or other factors.

A. opinion leaders
B. direct reference groups
C. indirect reference groups
D. lifestyle groups
Answer» A. opinion leaders

Creating multiple versions of information goods and selling essentially the same product to different market segments at different prices is called______________.

A. versioning
B. bundling.
C. transitive content
D. price discrimination
Answer» A. versioning

Which of the following is a measure of the percentage of purchasers who return to a Web site within a year?

A. loyalty
B. reach
C. regency
D. unique visitors
Answer» A. loyalty

______________ are networks that connect people within a company to each other and to the company network.

A. bitstreams
B. extranets
C. internets
D. intranets
Answer» D. intranets

A website offering content created by third party transparently to customers is an example of ______________.

A. reinter mediation
B. syndication
C. virtual manufacturing
D. build-to-order
Answer» B. syndication

E-commerce technologies have improved upon traditional commerce technologies in ______________.

A. richness
B. reach
C. both richness and reach
D. neither richness nor reach
Answer» C. both richness and reach

All of the following are technologies used to gather information about you online except ______________.

A. spy ware
B. cookies
C. gmail
D. anonymizers
Answer» D. anonymizers

______________ is a program that you can run from the DOS prompt in the Windows operating system in order to check the connection between your client and the server.

A. ping
B. telnet
C. tracert
D. ssl
Answer» A. ping

Which of the following is a new and disruptive Web feature or service?

A. xml
B. diffserv
C. blogs
D. cdma
Answer» C. blogs
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