130+ Co-operative Management and Administration Solved MCQs


A ……………………. institution is a voluntary association of independent economic units, organized, capitalized and run by, and for its members, providing and/or marketing goods and services on cost-to-cost basis to their members.

A. cooperative
B. private
C. public
D. all of these
Answer» A. cooperative

…………………… movement can be an important instrument in furthering the socialist progress.

A. cooperative
B. privatization
C. both a & b
D. none of the above
Answer» A. cooperative

……………… is, “a form of organisation wherein persons voluntarily associate together as human beings on a basis of equality for the promotion of economic interest of themselves”.

A. cooperation
B. joint stock companies
C. cartels
D. trusts
Answer» A. cooperation

…………… is nothing but “self-help made effective by organisation.”

A. cooperation
B. joint stock companies
C. cartels
D. trusts
Answer» A. cooperation

A…………………… has been defined as an “economic and social organisation of the working people, serving not only interest of the members, but also social progress,” which promotes safeguards and realizes the interests and aspirations of the working people”.

A. cooperative organisation
B. private organisation
C. public organisation
D. all of these
Answer» A. cooperative organisation

In the words of …………………, cooperation is, “a form of organisation wherein persons voluntarily associate together as human beings on a basis of equality for the promotion of economic interest of themselves”

A. h. calvert
B. herrick
C. horrace plunkett
D. robert owen
Answer» A. h. calvert

According to …………….Herrick, it is “the act of poor persons voluntarily united for utilizing reciprocally their own forces, resources or both, under their mutual management to their common profit or loss”.

A. herrick
B. horrace plunkett
C. robert owen
D. h. calvert
Answer» A. herrick

In the words of Horrace Plunkett, it is nothing but “self-help made effective by organisation.”

A. horrace plunkett
B. robert owen
C. h. calvert
D. herrick
Answer» A. horrace plunkett

……………………..eliminates the employers and provides independence to the workers.

A. cooperation
B. joint stock companies
C. private firms
D. none of the above
Answer» A. cooperation

A …………………….society is a union of weak and needy individuals who have equal rights and has one vote irrespective of the number of shares held by him.

A. cooperative
B. charitable
C. both a & b
D. none of these
Answer» A. cooperative

…………….determines where the organization is going and how it will get there.

A. planning
B. organizing
C. directing/motivating
D. controlling
Answer» A. planning

………………….. sets organizational objectives and goals, forecasts the environment in which objectives must be accomplished, and determines the approach by which objectives and goals are to be accomplished.

A. planning
B. organizing
C. directing/motivating
D. controlling
Answer» A. planning

…………………is used to determine a policy and the procedures for putting it into effect.

A. planning
B. organizing
C. directing/motivating
D. controlling
Answer» A. planning

………………..helps a manager shape the future of the organization rather than being caught in an endless trap of reacting only to current crises or problems.

A. planning
B. organizing
C. directing/motivating
D. controlling
Answer» A. planning

………………is concerned with determining the specific activities needed to accomplish the planned objectives and goals.

A. planning
B. organizing
C. directing/motivating
D. controlling
Answer» B. organizing

………...........is concerned with grouping the activities into a logical pattern, framework, or structure.

A. planning
B. organizing
C. directing/motivating
D. controlling
Answer» B. organizing

……………..is concerned with assigning the activities to specific positions and people; and providing means for coordinating the efforts of individuals and groups.

A. planning
B. organizing
C. directing/motivating
D. controlling
Answer» B. organizing

Organizing is a bridge connecting the planned objectives to specific projects for accomplishing these objectives.

A. planning
B. organizing
C. directing/motivating
D. controlling
Answer» B. organizing

………………..through motivation concerns the people side of the organization.

A. planning
B. organizing
C. directing/motivating
D. controlling
Answer» C. directing/motivating

Managers must have leadership skills and be effective communicators for ………….function.

A. planning
B. organizing
C. directing/motivating
D. controlling
Answer» C. directing/motivating

In ……………………, management monitors the progress of plannedactivities. If progress is lagging, necessary adjustments are made.

A. planning
B. organizing
C. directing/motivating
D. controlling
Answer» D. controlling

………………..is the checkup part of a manager’s job.

A. planning
B. organizing
C. directing/motivating
D. controlling
Answer» D. controlling

In the ………………….the board of directors reports to membership, reviewing the past business year and the year’s financial statements.

A. annual general meeting
B. board of directors meeting
C. operational meetings
D. all meetings
Answer» A. annual general meeting

In the …………….the board seeks approval of its recommendations for surplus allocation.

A. annual general meeting
B. board of directors meeting
C. operational meetings
D. all meetings
Answer» A. annual general meeting

In the ……………………the Business plan and budgets for the coming year are presented for discussion and approval.

A. annual general meeting
B. board of directors meeting
C. operational meetings
D. all meetings
Answer» A. annual general meeting

In the ………………an auditor is appointed.

A. annual general meeting
B. board of directors meeting
C. operational meetings
D. all meetings
Answer» A. annual general meeting

In the ……………….membership elects a new board.

A. annual general meeting
B. board of directors meeting
C. operational meetings
D. all meetings
Answer» A. annual general meeting

In the …………………the manager(s) reports to the board, which in turn provides direction to the manager(s).

A. annual general meeting
B. board of directors meeting
C. operational meetings
D. all meetings
Answer» B. board of directors meeting

The key function of……………………..is for the board to hold those in charge of making decisions on behalf of the cooperative society accountable for the outcomes of those decisions.

A. annual general meeting
B. board of directors meeting
C. operational meetings
D. all meetings
Answer» B. board of directors meeting

The…………would also include evaluating the organizational structure used to take decisions by the managers.

A. annual general meeting
B. board of directors meeting
C. operational meetings
D. all meetings
Answer» B. board of directors meeting

In the ……………..the board evaluates the cooperative society’s financial position to determine whether or not the budgeted objectives are being met and what actions should be taken to improve the situation.

A. annual general meeting
B. board of directors meeting
C. operational meetings
D. all meetings
Answer» B. board of directors meeting

In the ……………the board makes or changes policies as required, or recommends a policy to the membership if only the membership has the authority in a particular area.

A. annual general meeting
B. board of directors meeting
C. operational meetings
D. all meetings
Answer» B. board of directors meeting

In the ……………….the Board members discuss long-term goals and strategy and ensure that a good planning process is in place to guide the cooperative society in the coming year(s).

A. annual general meeting
B. board of directors meeting
C. operational meetings
D. all meetings
Answer» B. board of directors meeting

In the ……………..the board approves new members or terminates a person’s membership.

A. annual general meeting
B. board of directors meeting
C. operational meetings
D. all meetings
Answer» B. board of directors meeting

In the …………..consultation and decision-making about daily activities takes place between members and management.

A. annual general meeting
B. board of directors meeting
C. operational meetings
D. all meetings
Answer» B. board of directors meeting

In ……………………who participates, will vary from co-operative to co-operative depending upon the organizational structures that have been approved by the membership and/or the board of directors.

A. annual general meeting
B. board of directors meeting
C. operational meetings
D. all meetings
Answer» B. board of directors meeting

An ……………………………convenes once a year on a date fixed by the bylaws of the cooperative but, not later than three months after the end of the financial year.

A. annual general meeting
B. board of directors meeting
C. operational meetings
D. all meetings
Answer» A. annual general meeting

The …………………. takes place only once.

A. annual general meeting
B. board of directors meeting
C. operational meetings
D. inaugural general meeting
Answer» D. inaugural general meeting

The …………….will approve the financial, social, and development plans for the following year.

A. annual general meeting
B. board of directors meeting
C. operational meetings
D. all meetings
Answer» A. annual general meeting

The……………..will elect the managerial units of the cooperative and the control committee for the following year.

A. annual general meeting
B. board of directors meeting
C. operational meetings
D. all meetings
Answer» A. annual general meeting

The ……………….will fix the authorized maximum amount of debts that the cooperative society may contract with any credit supply organization.

A. annual general meeting
B. board of directors meeting
C. operational meetings
D. all meetings
Answer» A. annual general meeting

The…………………..meeting will be called only when amendments to the bylaw is required.

A. annual general meeting
B. board of directors meeting
C. operational meetings
D. extraordinary general meeting
Answer» D. extraordinary general meeting

The………………….. meeting will be called only when the cooperative is to be dissolved.

A. annual general meeting
B. board of directors meeting
C. operational meetings
D. extraordinary general meeting
Answer» D. extraordinary general meeting

In the ……………………….,decisions thereof require a special majority of all the members present at the meeting.

A. annual general meeting
B. board of directors meeting
C. operational meetings
D. extraordinary general meeting
Answer» D. extraordinary general meeting

……………… may be called at any time during the year whenever necessary.

A. annual general meeting
B. board of directors meeting
C. operational meetings
D. special or ordinary general meetings
Answer» D. special or ordinary general meetings

………………………may be summoned at the insistence of the management committee, the audit or the control committee, the registrar of cooperatives, or at the request of at least ten percent (10%) of all the members of the cooperative.

A. special or ordinary general meetings
B. annual general meeting
C. board of directors meeting
D. operational meetings
Answer» A. special or ordinary general meetings

A quorum for a meeting should be one person more than …………….of all members of the cooperative.

A. 10%
B. 30%
C. 50%
D. 60%
Answer» C. 50%

If there is no quorum the meeting will be postponed to no earlier than …………. hour later, and no more than one month later.

A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four
Answer» A. one

Where it is possible written notice must be sent to all members at their official addresses at least ………………………prior to annual and extraordinary general meetings

A. one month
B. two months
C. three months
D. one week
Answer» A. one month

Arrange the following in proper order. 1. Step 4 Select the best alternative. 2. Identifying/clarifying the decision to be made. 3. Step 6 Evaluating the decision 4. Step 3 Gathering/processing information and Analyze the alternatives 5. Step 5 Making/implementing the decision 6. 2 Identifying possible decision options.

A. 6,2,4,1,5,3
B. 4,2,6,1,5,3
C. 1,2,3,4,5,6
D. 2,6,4,1,5,3
Answer» D. 2,6,4,1,5,3

While evaluating the alternative decisions, a Manager has to check whether it can be done? That is the ……………….

A. feasibility
B. effectiveness
C. consequences
D. all the above
Answer» A. feasibility

While evaluating the alternative decisions, a Manager has to check how well does it resolve the problem? That is the ……………….

A. feasibility
B. effectiveness
C. consequences
D. all the above
Answer» B. effectiveness

While evaluating the alternative decisions, a Manager has to check what will be its costs (financial and nonfinancial) to the organization? That is the ……………….

A. feasibility
B. effectiveness
C. consequences
D. all the above
Answer» C. consequences

A committee on cooperative education and training was formed in 1935 under the Chairmanship ……………………

A. sir malcom darling
B. sir frederick nicolson
C. edward maclagan
D. swaminathan committee
Answer» A. sir malcom darling

This Committee is considered as the first committee which recommended for a planned programme as a systematic approach on co-operative education and training.

A. sir malcom darling
B. sir frederick nicolson
C. edward maclagan
D. swaminathan committee
Answer» A. sir malcom darling

…………………………………………… was established as per the recommendations of Swaminathan Committee of 1973 on 1st July 1976 with its headquarters in New Delhi.

A. national council for cooperative training
B. national council for education,
C. university grants commission (ugc),
D. agricultural universities
Answer» A. national council for cooperative training

Anational level cooperative union The ………….was organized in 1949 by amalgamating the All India Cooperative Institutes Association of 1928 and Indian Provincial Banks Association of 1949.

A. national council for cooperative training
B. national council for education
C. national cooperative union of india
D. the nationalcentre for cooperative education
Answer» C. national cooperative union of india

NCCT stands for……………..

A. national centre for cooperative training
B. national council for co-operative training
C. national council for central trade
D. naital center for coopertive trade
Answer» B. national council for co-operative training

NCUI stands for………………

A. national cooperative union of india
B. national cooperation under india
C. national centre under india
D. national council under india
Answer» A. national cooperative union of india

………………………..has a 3 tier system of cooperative training consisting of, VAMNICOM at the apex level, Institute of Cooperative Management (ICM)/co-operative training colleges at the middle level and subordinate training centres or Junior Training Centres at lower level.

A. national council for cooperative training
B. national council for education
C. national cooperative union of india
D. the national centre for cooperative education
Answer» A. national council for cooperative training

The President of NCUI shall be the Chairman of ……………….

A. ncct
B. ncce
C. nce
D. all the above
Answer» A. ncct

The Chief Executive of NCUI shall be the Director General of …………..

A. ncce
B. nce
C. ncct
D. icm
Answer» C. ncct

The ……………..is in overall charge of planning and coordination in the entire training programme on cooperation in the country.

A. ncce
B. nce
C. ncct
D. icm
Answer» C. ncct

NCCT has ………………at the apex level.

A. vamnicom
B. institute of cooperative management (icm)/co-operative training colleges
C. junior training centres
D. none of these
Answer» A. vamnicom

NCCT has ………………at the middle level.

A. vamnicom
B. institute of cooperative management (icm)/co-operative training colleges
C. junior training centres
D. none of these
Answer» B. institute of cooperative management (icm)/co-operative training colleges

NCCT has ………………at the lower level.

A. institute of cooperative management (icm)/co-operative training colleges
B. junior training centres
C. vamnicom
D. none of these
Answer» B. junior training centres

…………….committee suggested that Education and training programme should be separated.

A. sir malcom darling
B. sir frederick nicolson
C. edward maclagan
D. swaminathan committee
Answer» D. swaminathan committee

In 1956 a centre was started in New Delhi as a subsidiary to NCUI for providing education and training to the trainers or teachers of cooperation known as ………………….

A. national council for cooperative training
B. national council for education
C. national cooperative union of india
D. the national centre for cooperative education
Answer» D. the national centre for cooperative education

………………is publishing two monthly magazines by name “The Cooperator” and “The Indian Cooperative Review”.

A. national council for cooperative training
B. national council for education
C. national cooperative union of india
D. the national centre for cooperative education
Answer» C. national cooperative union of india

………………..was a combination of three erstwhile cooperative institutes namely Cochin Cooperative Institute of 1930, North Malabar Cooperative Union of 1932 and Travancore Cooperative Institute of 1947.

A. kerala state cooperative union
B. national council for cooperative training
C. national council for education
D. national cooperative union of india
Answer» A. kerala state cooperative union

What is NCUI to India is the ……………………….. to Kerala.

A. kerala state cooperative union
B. national council for cooperative training
C. national council for education
D. national cooperative union of india
Answer» A. kerala state cooperative union

The name of the magazine published by Kerala State Cooperative Union is……………….

A. “the cooperative journal”
B. “the cooperator”
C. “the indian cooperative review”.
D. all the above.
Answer» A. “the cooperative journal”

National Cooperative Union of India is publishing two monthly magazines by name ………………………..

A. “the cooperator” and “the indian cooperative review”
B. “the indian cooperative review” and the cooperative journal”
C. “the cooperator” and the cooperative journal”
D. “the indian national cooperative review” and the national cooperative journal”
Answer» A. “the cooperator” and “the indian cooperative review”

The name of the magazine published by …………………is “The Cooperative Journal”

A. kerala state cooperative union
B. national council for cooperative training
C. national council for education
D. national cooperative union of india
Answer» D. national cooperative union of india

………………… is a Post Graduate Diploma Course in cooperation of 11 months duration including two months practical training.

A. h.d.c
B. j.d.c
C. c
D. c
Answer» A. h.d.c

The minimum qualification for education to the HDC course is a …………………

A. university degree.
B. post graduation
C. +2 pass
D. 10 pass.
Answer» A. university degree.

H.D.C is a ………………………….in cooperation of 11 months duration including two months practical training.

A. under graduate diploma course
B. post graduate diploma course
C. doctorate
D. none of the above
Answer» B. post graduate diploma course

The minimum qualification for education to the ………………..course is a University Degree.

A. h.d.c
B. j.d.c
C. p
D. c
Answer» A. h.d.c

……………………. is the art of recording all the business transactions in the books of account and is mainly related to books of original entry as well as the ledger.

A. bookkeeping
B. accountancy
C. auditing
D. all of the above
Answer» A. bookkeeping

………………… is mainly concerned with the summary and analysis of the record furnished by Bookkeeping.

A. accountancy
B. auditing
C. cost accounting
D. all of the above
Answer» A. accountancy

Every society shall maintain …………………for recording the proceedings of the general body.

A. minutes book
B. note book
C. file
D. record book
Answer» A. minutes book

Every society shall maintain …………………for recording the applications for membership containing the name and address of the applicant.

A. minutes book
B. share application register
C. admission register
D. note book
Answer» B. share application register

Every society shall maintain …………………for recording the applications for membership,the number of shares applied for and in case of refusal, the date of communication of the decision refusing admission to the applicant.

A. minutes book
B. share application register
C. admission register
D. note book
Answer» B. share application register

……………is a Register, showing the name and address of each member, the date of admission, the shares taken by him and the amount of share capital, if any refunded to him together with the date of each such payment and refund.

A. nomination register
B. share application register
C. admission register
D. minutes book
Answer» C. admission register

Every society shall maintain ……………….. , showing daily receipts and expenditure, and the balance at the end of each day.

A. day book
B. cash book
C. receipt book
D. general ledger
Answer» B. cash book

Every society shall maintain ……………….. , containing all vouchers for contingent expenditure incurred by the society, numbered serially and filed chronologically

A. voucher file
B. day book
C. cash book
D. receipt book
Answer» A. voucher file

Every society shall maintain………………..,showing deposits and other borrowings of all kinds.

A. general ledger
B. ledger of borrowing
C. register of monthly receipts and disbursement
D. none of the above
Answer» B. ledger of borrowing

In the case of a society, the working capital of which exceeds twenty thousand rupees, ……………………………..showing receipts and disbursements and the outstanding under various heads from day to dayis maintained.

A. general ledger
B. ledger of borrowing
C. register of monthly receipts and disbursement
D. none of the above
Answer» A. general ledger

In the case of issuing loans, …………………………., showing the number and date of disbursement of each loan issued to members the amount of loan, the purpose for which it is granted and the date or dates of repayment, distinguishing principal and interest

A. loan ledger
B. ledger of borrowing
C. register of monthly receipts and disbursement
D. suspense account register
Answer» A. loan ledger

Every society shall maintain ……………….. showing the indebtedness of each member to the society whether on account of loan taken directly by him or on account of loan which he stands as surety.

A. liability register
B. loan ledger
C. ledger of borrowing
D. suspense account register
Answer» A. liability register

In the case of a society with unlimited liability, property statement of members showing the assets and liabilities of each individual member on the date of his admission with full details of the property including the survey number of the lands, is kept in ………………………..

A. liability register
B. loan ledger
C. suspense account register
D. register of declaration
Answer» D. register of declaration

Every co-operative society shall maintain accounts and book for the purpose of recording business transactions by it and close them every year on …………………

A. 31st december, by the 31st january
B. 31st march, by the 30th april.
C. 30th june, by the 31st july
D. 30th september, by 31st october
Answer» B. 31st march, by the 30th april.

Every balance sheet of a co-operative society shall give …………………… view of the state of affairs of the society as at the end of the Co-operative year.

A. a true and fair
B. actual
C. fair
D. overall
Answer» A. a true and fair

Every Co-operative society shall submit to the …………………..annually within April each year a copy of each of the statements specified in the act.

A. auditor
B. directors
C. secretary
D. registrar
Answer» D. registrar

A statement which contains a classified summary or list of all closing balances of the General Ledger is known as the ………………….

A. profit and loss account
B. balance sheet
C. trial balance
D. receipts and payments
Answer» C. trial balance

If the totals of two sides of trial balances agree, normally it signifies the ………………. of the accounts.

A. correctness
B. accuracy
C. arithmetical accuracy
D. true and fair view
Answer» C. arithmetical accuracy

The odd one out in the following is…………………….

A. fuel, oil electricity and other power charges.
B. store and spare parts consumed.
C. direct or indirect labour.
D. cost of goods purchased
Answer» D. cost of goods purchased

The odd one out in the following is…………………….

A. direct or indirect labour.
B. maintenance of factory, plant, machinery, tools, stores, etc.
C. insurance of factory building, tools, machinery etc.
D. value of closing stock.
Answer» D. value of closing stock.

……………..is not shown in Manufacturing Account.

A. factory lighting, water charges etc.
B. interest paid and due
C. rent, rates and taxes of the factory premises.
D. salaries of the technical staff and officers including works manager, factory superintendent etc.
Answer» B. interest paid and due

Cost of goods purchased, Net sale proceeds, Value of closing stock are shown in……………….

A. profit and loss account
B. trading account
C. manufacturing account
D. balance sheet
Answer» B. trading account
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