390+ Entrepreneurship Solved MCQs


An entrepreneur who starts business with the help of natural talent is called

A. )Pure entrepreneur
B. Included entrepreneur
C. Spontaneous entrepreneur
D. Motivated entrepreneur .
Answer» C. Spontaneous entrepreneur

A training program which is instrumental in making a person successful entrepreneur is known as

A. Technical consultancy
B. Entrepreneurial development program
C. Self employment training
D. Achievement motivation training.
Answer» B. Entrepreneurial development program

D I C stands for

A. District industrial centre
B. district industries centre
C. District industrial council
D. district industrial committee.
Answer» B. district industries centre

The govt. of India has defined woman entrepreneur s on the basis of

A. their participation in the equity and employment of business enterprise.
B. Their participation in employment
C. .Their personal assets and savings
D. Their job satisfaction and achievement.
Answer» A. their participation in the equity and employment of business enterprise.

An entrepreneur who introduces new goods technology and better combination of an enterprise is an --------------------- entrepreneur.

A. Fabian
B. Innovative
C. Drone
D. Cognitive
Answer» B. Innovative

The ---------------- entrepreneur draws up the advise and services of experts and introduces changes that reflects a complete break up from the existing of things.

A. Cognitive
B. Empirical
C. Retail
D. Rational.
Answer» A. Cognitive

An entrepreneur who is a dynamic person and is interested in establishing a business enterprise is called --------------------- entrepreneur.

A. Technical
B. Trading
C. Professional
D. First generation.
Answer» C. Professional

A------------------------- entrepreneur is a “Craftsman” .

A. Motivate
B. Spontaneous
C. Classical
D. Technical
Answer» D. Technical

--------------------- entrepreneur is an individual who plans, develops and manages a corporate enterprise.

A. Busines
B. Corporate
C. Service
D. Induced.
Answer» B. Corporate

A person who owns , operate and takes risk of a business venture.

A. Manager
B. Employee
C. Entrepreneur
D. Entrepreneurship.
Answer» C. Entrepreneur

The primary motivating force behind entrepreneur is.

A. Fame
B. Money
C. Achievement
D. Recognition.
Answer» B. Money

Who can become an entrepreneur?

A. Only a graduate
B. Only a rich man
C. People above 30 years
D. Anyone.
Answer» D. Anyone.

People who work for someone else.

A. Director
B. Employee
C. Entrepreneur
D. Owner.
Answer» B. Employee

---------------------- is the most important function of an entrepreneur according to Schumpeter.

A. Innovation
B. Organizing
C. managing
D. Exploring the market opportunities.
Answer» A. Innovation

------------------------ has a vital role in the economic growth of a country.

A. Manager
B. Employee
C. Entrepreneur
D. Entrepreneur.
Answer» D. Entrepreneur.

------------------------Urges a person to move or behave.

A. Risk bearing capacity
B. Motivation
C. Training
D. Objectives.
Answer» B. Motivation

An ------------------ is his own boss.

A. Entrepreneur
B. Entrepreneur
C. Manager
D. Director.
Answer» B. Entrepreneur

who introduces the “Theory of need achievent”.

A. M.C. Dell and
B. Maslow
C. A.H.Cole
D. Schumpeter.
Answer» A. M.C. Dell and

Who introduces the need hierarchy theory?

A. Hagen
B. Schumpeter
C. Maslow
D. Dan hot.
Answer» C. Maslow

Innovation means --------------------.

A. Invention
B. Creating something new
C. Imagination
D. None of these.
Answer» B. Creating something new

There are ------------------------ basic elements in the process of motivation.

A. 5
B. 2
C. 6
D. 3.
Answer» D. 3.

The word entrepreneur is derived from the --------------- word.

A. Latin
B. French
C. Greek
D. None of these .
Answer» B. French

----------------- is a situation where the individuals do not get any jobs.

A. Unemployment
B. Under employment
C. Employment
D. none of these.
Answer» A. Unemployment

Which of the following is not a characteristic of a project?

A. Capital investment is an inevitable part
B. It is a scientifically evolved plan to achieves an oblective.
C. Project identification
D. project preparation.
Answer» C. Project identification

The 1st stage in a project cycle is.

A. project evaluation
B. project appraisal
C. project identification
D. project preparation.
Answer» C. project identification

project appraisal involves analysis of

A. Market variables ,technical variables, financial variables and economic variables.
B. Commercial, technical, social and political variables.
C. Technical, economic, social and financial variables.
D. Market, economic, social and financial variables.
Answer» A. Market variables ,technical variables, financial variables and economic variables.

The non physical recourses required for a project are .

A. .Finance, personal inventories and infrastructural facilities.
B. Patents, unique experiences and skill.
C. Nature, location, size and of the project.
D. Policies, social taboos ,people and things.
Answer» B. Patents, unique experiences and skill.

The collection and use of information from published sources is called ---------------.

A. Desk research
B. Techno economic survey
C. Primary data
D. None of these.
Answer» A. Desk research

----------------------- is the process of evaluating the project idea with the limitations and constraints of entrepreneur.

A. Pre-feasibility study
B. Economic analysis
C. Feasibility analysis
D. Techno economic analysis.
Answer» C. Feasibility analysis

---------------- is the 1st phase in the life cycle of a project.

A. Construction
B. Normalization
C. The pre-investment
D. Development stage.
Answer» C. The pre-investment

P E R T stands for.

A. program evaluation and review technique.
B. Project evaluation and review technique.
C. Preparation and evaluation of review technique.
D. None of these.
Answer» A. program evaluation and review technique.

C P M stands for

A. Critical path method
B. Criteria for profit making
C. Critical program method
D. None of these.
Answer» A. Critical path method

--------------------- is the combination of activities and of a project.

A. Network
B. Design
C. Techniques
D. None of these.
Answer» A. Network

------------- is the third stage of project formulation.

A. Techno economic analysi
B. Input analysis
C. Project design and network analysis
D. Financial analysis.
Answer» C. Project design and network analysis

------------------- involves a step by step investigation and development of a project idea.

A. project identification
B. project evaluation
C. project appraisal
D. project formulation.
Answer» D. project formulation.

------------------ means the assessment of a project .

A. project identification
B. project management
C. project planning
D. project appraisal.
Answer» D. project appraisal.

project in which a reasonable quantitative assessment of the benefits can be made known as --------.

A. Disaster project
B. Crash project
C. Quantifiable project
D. Sectoral projects.
Answer» C. Quantifiable project

-------------------- is an approval of a capital investment to develop facilities to provide goods and services.

A. Project
B. Additive opportunities
C. Complementary opportunities
D. None of these.
Answer» A. Project

Which one of the following is the prescribed investment limit for micro manufacturing enterprise as per the micro small and medium enterprise development act 2006?

A. More than Rs.25lakhs but does not exceed Rs5crore
B. Does not exceed Rs25lakhs
C. More than Rs5crores but does not exceed RS10crores
D. More than 10crores.
Answer» B. Does not exceed Rs25lakhs

The main objectives of national micro small and medium enterprises is to provide.

A. Fiancé to need working c p t l requirement
B. Adequate training to small entrepreneurs.
C. Machinery and equipment to small industrial units.
D. sanction loans to small industrial units.
Answer» C. Machinery and equipment to small industrial units.

The initial capital used to start a business is called.

A. A bridge capital
B. Seed capital
C. Margin money
D. Redundant capital.
Answer» B. Seed capital

N I E S B U D was established in.

A. 1980
B. 1982
C. 1983
D. 1985.
Answer» C. 1983

------------------------ intended to cover the time tag between the sanctioning and disbursement of a term loan or to cover the time tag in receiving the proceeds of a public issue.

A. Bridge loan
B. Seed capital
C. Margin money
D. Redundant capital.
Answer» A. Bridge loan

-------------------- is the advance gives to cover the finance requirement during the time tag between sanctioning and disbursement of term loan by financial institutions.

A. Incentive
B. Bridge capital
C. Subsidy
D. Venture capital.
Answer» B. Bridge capital

-------------- is the work of scientist.

A. Invention
B. Innovation
C. Both
D. None.
Answer» A. Invention

Which of these is not a environmental barrier to entrepreneurship .

A. Lack of skilled labor
B. Custom of people
C. Lack of fund
D. Lack of infrastructure.
Answer» B. Custom of people

Which of these is a social barrier to entrepreneurship.

A. low stales’
B. Custom of people
C. Both
D. None.
Answer» C. Both

An inner urge in an individual to do sometimes is called ----------------.

A. Persistence
B. Initiative
C. Competency
D. Creativity.
Answer» B. Initiative

Project for industrial development is an --------------------- project.

A. Quantifiable
B. Non- Quantifiable
C. Sect oral
D. Crash.
Answer» A. Quantifiable

------------------ is the work of entrepreneurs.

A. Invention
B. Innovation
C. Both
D. None.
Answer» B. Innovation

Additional capital cost are incurred -------- project to same time.

A. Quantifiable
B. Non- Quantifiable
C. Sect oral
D. Crash.
Answer» D. Crash.

Large scale projects are an example of ------------- project.

A. Quantifiable
B. Magnitude
C. Sect oral
D. Crash.
Answer» B. Magnitude

---------------- is the final report.

A. Feasibility report
B. Interim report
C. Project report
D. Progress report.
Answer» C. Project report

Which of the following is not inciuded in utilities.

A. Raw material
B. Water
C. Power
D. Efficient disposal.
Answer» A. Raw material

-------------------- skill helps an entrepreneur to establish an enterprise.

A. Communication
B. Decision making
C. project development
D. Management.
Answer» C. project development

---------------- skills are necessary for an entrepreneur to deal with many people.

A. Communication
B. Decision making
C. project management
D. management.
Answer» A. Communication

---------------- refers to manner in which a company’s inputs are transferred into output process.

A. Proces
B. Method
C. Technology
D. Method.
Answer» C. Technology

---------------- is the huge investment in plant and machinery.

A. Labor intensive
B. Capital intensive
C. large scale
D. Medium scale
Answer» B. Capital intensive

the discount rate must be determined in advance for the

A. Payback period
B. Time adjusted rate of return method
C. A R R
D. N P V Method.
Answer» D. N P V Method.

Which one of the following is not a discounted cash flow technique.

A. A R R
C. N P V
D. P I .
Answer» A. A R R

The difference between the total preset value of a discount and the initial capital outlay is known as the.

A. I R R
B. A R R
C. N P V
D. Net profit.
Answer» C. N P V

--------------------- report is a document where all the detailes obtained from technical analysis , financial analysis , profitability analysis etc. are put together.

A. Feasibility
B. Project
C. Both
D. None.
Answer» B. Project

--------------- Analysis is concerned with identification of project demand potential and selection of optimal technology.

A. Techno economic
B. Social cost benefit
C. Network
D. Financial.
Answer» A. Techno economic

-------- analysis concerned with the development of detailed work plan of the project and its time profile.

A. Techno-economic
B. Network
C. financial
D. Social cost benefit.
Answer» B. Network

-------------------- analysis involves estimation of project costs and revenues and funds required for the project.

A. Techno-economic
B. Network
C. Financial
D. Social cost benefit.
Answer» C. Financial

---------------- analysis aims at analyzing the real contribution of an investment project towards welfare of country as a whole.

A. Techno-economic
B. Network
C. Financial
D. Social cost benefit
Answer» D. Social cost benefit

------------------ helps to take investment decision.

A. Techno-economic
B. Technical
C. financial
D. pre-investment appraisal.
Answer» D. pre-investment appraisal.

------------------- analysis is carried out to ascertain technical soundness of the project.

A. ) Techno-economic
B. Technical
C. financial
D. pre-investment appraisal.
Answer» B. Technical

Project appraisal is the process of estimating the costs and benefits of a project to arrive at the -------- -- decision.

A. Investment
B. Profitability
C. Liquidity
D. None of these.
Answer» A. Investment

project appraised is usually done by a ------------------- institution.

A. Marketing
B. Financial
C. Production
D. None of these.
Answer» B. Financial

Pay back period and APR methods are ------------------.

A. Traditional
B. Discounting
C. Modern
D. None.
Answer» A. Traditional

N P V ,P I and ---------------- are the three discounted cash flow techniques.

A. A R R
B. I R R
C. N T V
D. Urgency.
Answer» B. I R R

The discount rate at which present value of cash inflows equals to the present value of cash outflows is called.

A. A R R
B. I R R
C. N T V
D. Urgency.
Answer» B. I R R

------------------- is the done after the project is implemented .

A. management
B. Appraisal
C. Evaluation
D. N one.
Answer» C. Evaluation

The main object of project appraised is .

A. To find whether the project is technically feasible
B. To ascertain whether the project is financially feasible
C. To decide whether to accept or reject a project.
D. To know whether the project is echo-friendly.
Answer» C. To decide whether to accept or reject a project.

Project appraisal is done by.

A. Government
B. Financial institution only
C. Entrepreneurs only
D. Both financial institution and entrepreneur.
Answer» D. Both financial institution and entrepreneur.

Which one is not an element of project appraisal.

A. Technical feasibility
B. Network analysis
C. Economic viability
D. Commercial.
Answer» B. Network analysis

Which of the following is a technique of project identification.

A. Desk research
B. Sensitivity analysis
C. C P V analysis
D. None of these.
Answer» A. Desk research

Whjch of the following is not a phase in the project life cycle.

A. Pre-investment phase
B. Construction phase
C. Normalization phase
D. Growth phase.
Answer» D. Growth phase.

Which of the following is not a network technique.

A. C P M
B. P E R T
C. S W O T
D. L O B.
Answer» C. S W O T

Shortest possible time to complete an activity is -----------------------.

A. Pessimistic time
B. Optimistic time
C. Most likely time
D. None of these.
Answer» B. Optimistic time

Maximum possible time to complete an activity is ---------.

A. Pessimistic time
B. Optimistic time
C. Most likely time
D. None of these.
Answer» A. Pessimistic time

Estimated time required in normal conditions complete an activity is -----------------.

A. Pessimistic time
B. Optimistic time
C. Most likely time
D. None of these.
Answer» C. Most likely time

---------------------- is an equilibrium point.

A. Cash flow
B. Fund flow
C. Ratio
D. Break even.
Answer» D. Break even.

-------------------- analysis is a technique commonly used to assess expected product profitability.

A. P E R T
B. C P M
C. B E
D. S W O T .
Answer» D. S W O T .

------------- represents the activities and events of a project in a logical sequence.

A. Network diagram
B. project graph
C. Arrow diagram
D. All of these.
Answer» C. Arrow diagram

------------------------ represents the start and end of an activity.

A. Event
B. Activity
C. Network
D. Slack.
Answer» A. Event

Critical path in the longest ----- in the network.

A. Slack
B. Activity
C. Event
D. Path.
Answer» D. Path.

A single lump sum which is given by a govt. to an entrepreneur to cover the cost is known as ----------- --.

A. Subsidy
B. Concession
C. Bounties
D. None of these.
Answer» A. Subsidy

------------------- entrepreneurs neither introduce new changes nor adopt new methods innovated by others.

A. Technical
B. Fabian
C. Induced
D. Business.
Answer» B. Fabian

According to Schumpeter, is the most important function of a modern entrepreneur.

A. Innovation
B. Invention
C. Skill
D. Creativity.
Answer» A. Innovation

Which of the following is a psychological factor affecting entrepreneurial growth.

A. Legitimacy of entrepreneurship
B. Social status
C. Need for achievement
D. None of these.
Answer» C. Need for achievement

The capacity to develop new ideas, concepts and process is known as

A. Innovation
B. Invention
C. Skill
D. Creativity.
Answer» C. Skill

A person who works within an organization and having entrepreneurial capabilities.

A. entrepreneur
B. Intrapreneure
C. Manager
D. Chief executive.
Answer» B. Intrapreneure

A small scale industries is one in which the investment in plant and machinery is extended to ----------- --------.

A. 60lakh
B. 3crores
C. 25lakhs
D. 10lakhs
Answer» B. 3crores

------------------- is the process of collection, compilation and analysis of economic data for the purpose of finding out opportunities for investment.

A. Project screening
B. Project appraisal
C. Project identification
D. None of these.
Answer» C. Project identification

The process of evaluating the project ideas with a view to select the best and premising idea after eliminating the unprofitable idea is called----------------- of the project ideas.

A. Screening
B. Appraisal
C. Identification
D. None.
Answer» A. Screening

------------------ analysis is done to ascertain financial viability of a project.

A. Network
B. Financial
C. Techno-economic
D. Input.
Answer» B. Financial

---------- is an economic leader.

A. Manager
B. Entrepreneur
C. Intrapreneu
D. Executives.
Answer» B. Entrepreneur

---------------- is a catalytic agent of change.

A. Organizer
B. Entrepreneur
C. Top executive
D. Visionary.
Answer» B. Entrepreneur
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