90+ Organizational Behavior Solved MCQs


Individual who achieve the goal through other people is/are

A. Individual
B. Group
C. Manager
D. All of these
Answer» C. Manager

Which one gave management skill?

A. Robert Katz
B. Joe Gracie
C. Berne
D. All of these
Answer» A. Robert Katz

Management skill is associated with

A. Technical Skill
B. Human Skill
C. Conceptual Skill
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

A field of study investigates the impact that individual, group and structure have on behavior within organizations is known as

A. Organization Change
B. Organization behavior
C. Organization Stress
D. All of these
Answer» B. Organization behavior

This model focuses better employee satisfaction and security. Under this model Organizations satisfy the security and welfare needs of employee

A. Custodial Model
B. Social Psychology
C. Anthropology
D. All of these
Answer» A. Custodial Model

The theory of classical conditioning was given by

A. Ivan Pavlov
B. Ellon Mayo
C. R. P Quion
D. None of these
Answer» A. Ivan Pavlov

The theory of classical conditioning grow out of experiment conducted by

A. Cats
B. Dogs
C. Rats
D. None of these
Answer» B. Dogs

A type of conditioning in which an individual response to some stimulus that would not ordinarily produce such a response is known as

A. Operand Conditioning
B. Classical Conditioning
C. Both a and b
D. None of these
Answer» A. Operand Conditioning

A type of conditioning in which desired voluntary behavior leads to a rewards or prevents punishment.

A. Operand Conditioning
B. Classical Conditioning
C. Both a and b
D. None of these
Answer» A. Operand Conditioning

Managerial grid was given by

A. Reusis Likert
B. Blake and Mouton
C. Curt Lewin
D. All of these
Answer» B. Blake and Mouton

Summation of the attitude of employees is called

A. Motivation
B. Morale
C. Both a and b
D. None of these
Answer» A. Motivation

OB focuses mainly on how to?

A. Improve productivity
B. Reduced turn over
C. Both a and b
D. None of these
Answer» C. Both a and b

Operand conditioning is given by

A. B.F Skinner
B. Elton Mayo
C. R.P Quion
D. None of these
Answer» A. B.F Skinner

“People can learn through observation direct experience” it comes under

A. Operand Conditioning
B. Classical Conditioning
C. Social learning
D. None of these
Answer» C. Social learning

Evaluate statements concerning objects people or events

A. Attitude
B. Moral
C. Both a and b
D. None of these
Answer» A. Attitude

Who proposed the theory of Cognitive dissonance?

A. Leon Festinger
B. Edwin Lake
C. Taylor
D. None of these
Answer» A. Leon Festinger

Need hierarchy theory was given by

A. William Ouchy
B. Abraham Maslow
C. Herbert Simon
D. Elton Mayo
Answer» B. Abraham Maslow

Abraham Maslow lower need include

A. Physiological & safety
B. Security
C. social and need
D. Ego need
Answer» A. Physiological & safety

Which is/ are the highest need of the Maslow hierarchy

A. Physiological
B. Social
C. Ego need
D. Self actualization need
Answer» D. Self actualization need

Douglar Mc Gregor propounded the

A. Theories X and Y
B. Theory Z
C. E R G Theory
D. None of these
Answer» A. Theories X and Y

Need that are satisfied externally, physiological and safety needs is

A. Lower level need
B. Higher order need
C. Both a and b
D. None of these
Answer» A. Lower level need

Two factor theory was given by

A. Abraham Maslow
B. Fredrick Herzberg
C. Chester Bernard
D. All of these
Answer» B. Fredrick Herzberg

Working conditions, status and salary are

A. Maintenance
B. Hygiene factors
C. Job Context
D. All of these
Answer» B. Hygiene factors

Theory Z is related to

A. India
B. America
C. Japanese
D. None of these
Answer» C. Japanese

Theory Z was developed by

A. William Ouchy
B. Herbert Simon
C. Chester Bernard
D. All of these
Answer» A. William Ouchy

Who gave Expectancy theory of motivation

A. Victor H Vrooh
B. Herbert Simon
C. Chester Bernard
D. All of these
Answer» A. Victor H Vrooh

There are three groups of cone needs: existence, relatedness and growth. These are in

A. Theories X and Y
B. Theory Z
C. E R G
D. None of these
Answer» C. E R G

Achievement, power affiliation is three important needs that explain motivation is given by:

A. Mc Celland’s
B. Herbert Simon
C. Chester Bernard
D. All of these
Answer» A. Mc Celland’s

Transaction analysis is given by

A. Eric Berne
B. Herbert Simon
C. Chester Bernard
D. All of these
Answer» A. Eric Berne

Which ego state is “Taught ego” state?

A. Parent ego
B. Adult
C. Child
D. All of these
Answer» B. Adult

Which state is “Thinking ego” state?

A. Parents
B. Adults
C. Child
D. All of these
Answer» A. Parents

Which state is “Felt ego” state?

A. Parents
B. Adults
C. Child
D. All of these
Answer» C. Child

Johari Window is given by

A. Joseph Luft & Harry Inghram
B. Herbert Simon
C. Chester Bernard
D. All of these
Answer» A. Joseph Luft & Harry Inghram

Context Theories of motivation are

A. Theory X and Y
B. Two factor theory
C. E R G & need hierarchy theory
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

Which is the function of super ego?

A. The formulation of rules
B. The choice of values
C. The evolution of self concept
D. The process of self judgment
Answer» D. The process of self judgment

Who is the developed of “Two Factors Theory” of motivation?

A. Heszberg
B. M C Gregor
C. Taylor
D. Fayol and V.Gerald
Answer» A. Heszberg

Human motives are developed by

A. A.H Maslow
B. M C Gregor
C. Taylor
D. Fayol and V.Gerald
Answer» A. A.H Maslow

Which is hygiene factor of Herzberg Two Factor Theory

A. Salary
B. Company Policy and administration
C. Supervision
D. Working Condition
Answer» D. Working Condition

In Vrooms expectancy theory, expectancy indicates

A. Probability of achieving that outcome
B. Accounting
C. Award
D. Advancement
Answer» A. Probability of achieving that outcome

Theory X is a Theory of?

A. Planning
B. Financial Planning
C. Motivation
D. Controlling
Answer» C. Motivation

Theory Z was developed by:

A. Mc Gregor
B. William Ouchy
C. Vroom Victor
D. Maslow
Answer» B. William Ouchy

Johari Window was propounded by:

A. Joe Luft and Harry Ingham
B. Sgmond Froud
C. Abraham Maslow
D. Henry Fayol
Answer» A. Joe Luft and Harry Ingham

Grid organization development developed by

A. Maslow
B. Vroom
C. Adams
D. Blake and Mounton
Answer» D. Blake and Mounton

Who developed a three stage model of Planned change

A. Kust Lewin
B. Vicor Vroom
C. Alfred Marshal
D. Henry Herzberg
Answer» A. Kust Lewin

Which is the first stage of Conflict

A. Perceived conflict
B. Latent conflict
C. Felt conflict
D. Manifest conflict
Answer» A. Perceived conflict

A situation that causes after the conflict is eliminated

A. Perceived conflict
B. Latent conflict
C. Felt conflict
D. Manifest conflict
Answer» D. Manifest conflict

The propounder of “Logical Incrementalism” was developed by

A. Kurt Lewin
B. Brain Quinn
C. Alfred Marshall
D. Doglas Mc Gregor
Answer» B. Brain Quinn

Force field analysis was proposed by:

A. Brain Quinn
B. Alfred Marshall
C. Kurt Lewin
D. Maslow
Answer» C. Kurt Lewin

Human relation theory was developed by

A. Maslow
B. Frederic Herzberg
C. Elton Mayo
D. Kurt Lewin
Answer» C. Elton Mayo

Process management was propounded by

A. Alfred Marshal
B. Henry Fayol
C. Abraham Maslow
D. Frederic Herzberg
Answer» B. Henry Fayol

“General and Industrial management” the famous work of

A. Henry Fayol
B. Elton Mayo
C. Maslow
D. Marshal
Answer» A. Henry Fayol

Scientific management theory was propounded by

A. Maslow
B. Henry Herzberg
C. F W Taylor
D. Fredric Herzberg
Answer» C. F W Taylor

Bureaucracy was developed by

A. Henry Fayol
B. Marx Webber
C. F.W Taylor
D. Fedric Herzberg
Answer» D. Fedric Herzberg

Five forms of organizational structure developed by:

A. Henry Minzberg
B. Maslow
C. Elton Mayo
D. Fedric Herzberg
Answer» A. Henry Minzberg

“In search of excellence” the famous work of

A. Abraham Maslow
B. Peters and Waterman
C. Federic Herzberg
D. Porter-Lawer
Answer» B. Peters and Waterman

The technique of “sociometry” to measure social relationship developed by

A. Maslow
B. James Victor
C. Jacob L Moreno
D. Feredic Herzberg
Answer» C. Jacob L Moreno

Life Cycle theory of leadership was developed by

A. House and Mitchel
B. Paul Herzby and Kenneth Blenhad
C. Abraham Maslow
D. Federic Herzberg
Answer» B. Paul Herzby and Kenneth Blenhad

The word MBO stands for

A. Management by Organization
B. Management by Operation
C. Management by Objectives
D. None of these
Answer» C. Management by Objectives

MBO gives emphasis on

A. Top Management
B. Middle Management
C. Objectives
D. Lower Management
Answer» C. Objectives

Two factor theory is also known as

A. Theory X and Y
B. Motivation Hygiene Theory
C. Achievement Theory
D. None of these
Answer» B. Motivation Hygiene Theory

------------------communication is also known as Grape Wine

A. Formal
B. Informal
C. Lateral
D. None of these
Answer» B. Informal

------------------vested with negative motivation

A. Achievement Theory
B. Theory X
C. Theory Y
D. All of these
Answer» B. Theory X

Achievement Theory is concerned with

A. Affiliation
B. Power
C. Achievement
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

The desire to reach the peak of ones potential is called as:

A. Self-actualization need
B. Safety need
C. Esteem need
D. Social need
Answer» A. Self-actualization need

--------------------is the need for love and affection

A. Safety
B. Esteem
C. Social
D. Physiological
Answer» C. Social

According to Need Hierarchy Theory, the human needs are:

A. Limited
B. Unpredictable
C. Unlimited
D. All of these
Answer» C. Unlimited

------------leadership is also referred as fatherly leadership

A. Automatic
B. Participative
C. Free rein
D. Paternalistic
Answer» D. Paternalistic

---------------------is vested with democratic style of leadership

A. Negative motivation
B. Centralization of Authority
C. Decentralization of Authority
D. One way Communication
Answer» C. Decentralization of Authority

Transactional analysis was developed by

A. Abraham Maslow
B. Federic Herzberg
C. Eric Berne
D. James Oven
Answer» C. Eric Berne

The sequence o group development is

A. Forming, Storing, Norming, Performing, Adjourning
B. Strorming, Norming, Forming, Performing, Adjourning
C. Norming, Strorming, Forming, performing, Adjourning
D. Forming, Norming, Storming, Performing, Adjourning
Answer» A. Forming, Storing, Norming, Performing, Adjourning

Subordinates of moderate maturity who have high willingness but lack of ability

A. Telling
B. Selling
C. Participating
D. Delegating
Answer» B. Selling

If the workers have both ability and willingness to work, the suitable leadership style is:

A. Telling
B. Selling
C. Participating
D. Delegating
Answer» C. Participating

Path goal model of leadership was developed by:

A. Henry – Blenchard
B. Robert House
C. Maslow
D. Federic Herzberg
Answer» A. Henry – Blenchard

The authoritarian leadership style goes with

A. Theory X
B. Theory Y
C. Theory Z
D. None of these
Answer» A. Theory X

The Democratic leadership style goes with

A. Theory X
B. Theory Y
C. Theory Z
D. None of these
Answer» B. Theory Y

Likert believed the following types of types of leaders to be more effective

A. Job – Centered
B. Production – Oriented
C. Task – oriented
D. People – Oriented
Answer» D. People – Oriented

Managerial Grid suggest the following as the best leader – behavior

A. Low structure and low consideration
B. High concern both for production and people
C. Low concern both for production and people
D. High structure and low consideration
Answer» B. High concern both for production and people

Environment is synonymous with

A. Task
B. Relations
C. People
D. Situational variables
Answer» B. Relations

The Great man theory of leadership led to the raise of

A. Behavioral theory of leadership
B. Trail theory of leadership
C. Situational theory of leadership
D. None of these
Answer» B. Trail theory of leadership

According to Herzberg motivation hygiene theory which one of the following is a motivating factor

A. Job security
B. Work itself
C. company policy
D. Interpersonal relations characters
Answer» D. Interpersonal relations characters

Which of the following is a characteristics of automatic leader

A. Strict
B. Incompetent
C. Benevolent
D. Free rein
Answer» A. Strict

Hot stove rule was developed by:

A. Herzberg
B. Maslow
C. Porter - Lower
D. Mc Gregor
Answer» D. Mc Gregor

Theory “Y” approximates to

A. employee orientation
B. Employment orientation
C. Production orientation
D. Input orientation
Answer» A. employee orientation

“It incorporates the relationship between perception, effort, expected reward and satisfaction.” The reference is to the -----------------------of motivation.

A. Porter – Lawer expectancy model
B. Fielders contingency model
C. Vrooms contingency model
D. None of these
Answer» A. Porter – Lawer expectancy model

The managerial function of guiding overseeing and leading people is:

A. Planning
B. Motivating
C. Directing
D. Coordinating
Answer» C. Directing

Total quality management is a --------------- oriented function

A. People
B. Quality
C. Production
D. None of these
Answer» A. People

Fiduciaries are also known as:

A. Pension trustees
B. Entrepreneurs
C. Career sponsor
D. Counselors
Answer» A. Pension trustees

CIRO approach to training and development stands for

A. Content, initiative, response, and output
B. Content, input, response, and operation
C. Content, input, reliable and output
D. Content, input, relation and output
Answer» D. Content, input, relation and output

Which of the following is not a way to calculate wage differentials?

A. Job evaluation
B. Recruitment
C. Employee appraisal
D. Wage survey
Answer» D. Wage survey

Effort reward relationship is considered in

A. Vrooms theory of motivation
B. Mc Cellands theory of motivation
C. Equity theory of motivation
D. None of these
Answer» C. Equity theory of motivation

Which of the following is an important dynamic variable?

A. Superiors style and behavior
B. Organizational nature
C. The task structure
D. Cultural variables
Answer» B. Organizational nature

Mc Gregor Theory X approximates to:

A. Employee orientation
B. Employment orientation
C. Production orientation
D. Input orientation
Answer» C. Production orientation

In equity theory the employee are not motivated when:

A. The reward is proportionate to the work
B. The reward is not proportionate to the work
C. Reward is more than the exception
D. Anyone of the above
Answer» B. The reward is not proportionate to the work

The total number of protected workman to be in an organization is--------------

A. Minimum 10 Maximum 120
B. Minimum 5 Maximum 100
C. Minimum 15 Maximum 125
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Minimum 5 Maximum 100

Theory Y approximates to:

A. Employee orientation
B. Employment orientation
C. Production orientation
D. Input orientation
Answer» A. Employee orientation

The “carrot and stick “ theory of motivation is related to

A. Theory of X
B. Theory of Y
C. Maslows Need Hierarch
D. None of these
Answer» A. Theory of X

Michigan Leadership studies are based on the following approach to the study of leadership

A. Trait Approach
B. Attitude criterion
C. Behavior Approach
D. Situational Approach
Answer» D. Situational Approach

Who is the father of Quality control circles ?

A. Lewin
B. Ishikawa
C. Udpa
D. None of these
Answer» A. Lewin
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