220+ Functional Areas of Business Solved MCQs


Steps in human resource planning does not include

A. Current manpower inventory
B. Manpower forecasting
C. Personnel policies
D. Employment program
Answer» C. Personnel policies

Employment interview is one of the important steps in-

A. Hiring
B. Selection
C. Recruitment
D. Training
Answer» B. Selection

The preventive machinery for handling industrial disputes includes-

A. National tribunal
B. Voluntary Arbitration
C. Labour Court
D. Collective bargaining
Answer» D. Collective bargaining

Which one the following is not the operative function of HRM?

A. Development
B. Controlling
C. Compensation
D. Procurement
Answer» B. Controlling

Human Resource Planning (HRP) includes:

A. analyzing the corporate and unit level strategies
B. demand forecasting of the overall human requirements
C. supply forecasting
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Recruitment is concerned with the process of:

A. selection of right candidate
B. developing a pool of potential employees
C. inviting application for jobs
D. none of the above
Answer» B. developing a pool of potential employees

Which of the following is not necessary for promotion from within?

A. job posting
B. advertisements
C. personal record
D. performance appraisal form
Answer» B. advertisements

Which of the following is not the part of the scope of industrial relations?

A. Labor relation
B. Employees-employer relation
C. Group relation
D. None of these
Answer» D. None of these

The Industrial Disputes Act was enacted and came into force in the year

A. 1947
B. 1957
C. 1943
D. 1953
Answer» A. 1947

Identify the correct definition of Industrial Relation

A. relation between or among human being
B. relation between employer and employees
C. relation between parties in employment context
D. collective relationship between management and trade unions
Answer» D. collective relationship between management and trade unions

Which of the following is the employer-employee authority relationship that follows the chain of command?

A. Staff authority
B. Line authority
C. Referent power
D. Functional authority
Answer» B. Line authority

Aptitude test is used to judge

A. The mental capacity of the applicant
B. The potential for learning skill
C. The skills already acquired by individuals
D. The interest patterns of applicant
Answer» A. The mental capacity of the applicant

One of the factors that govern the wage level is

A. Bargaining power of Trade Union
B. The absence of Trade Union
C. The economy of the country
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Bargaining power of Trade Union

A committee consisting of equal number of representatives of employer and workmen for settlement of dispute is called

A. Board of Conciliation
B. Labour Court
C. Works Committee
D. Court of Enquiry
Answer» C. Works Committee

The relation between the number of persons joining the organisation and leaving due to resignation, retirement or retrenchment is called

A. Work load analysis
B. Work force analysis
C. Labour turnover
D. Absenteesm
Answer» C. Labour turnover

When employees are taken through a short course under working conditions that approximate actual office conditions it is known as

A. Under study
B. On the job training
C. Coaching
D. Vestibule
Answer» D. Vestibule

The process of forecasting, developing and controlling by which a firm ensures it has the right number of people at the right place and time is

A. Human resource planning
B. Human resource management
C. Human resource development
D. Human resource information system
Answer» A. Human resource planning

Human resource planning which helps to plan for educational facilities, health care facilities, agricultural and industrial development etc is

A. HRP at national level
B. HRP at sectoral level
C. HRP at industry level
D. HRP at the unit level
Answer» A. HRP at national level

______ training program tends more towards education than merely on the vocational training

A. refresher 19
B. apprenticeship
C. induction or orientation
D. internship
Answer» B. apprenticeship

The factories Act 1948 came into force on

A. 1st April 1949
B. 1st April 1948
C. 3rd May 1949
D. 2nd October 1949
Answer» A. 1st April 1949

A plan originated to encourage efficiency amongst workers as well as to guarantee them wages according to time basis is

A. Rowan plan
B. Taylors differential piece wage plan
C. Bedeaux Point premium plan
D. Halsey plan
Answer» D. Halsey plan

If the employee feels aggrieved, the employee should file a written complaint within

A. 10 days of occurrence
B. 20 days of occurrence
C. 15 days of occurrence
D. 30 days of occurrence
Answer» B. 20 days of occurrence

The President shall appoint the staff Grievance Committee which shall consist of

A. 20 staff members
B. 10 staff members
C. 30 staff members
D. 5 staff members
Answer» A. 20 staff members

Both the employee and the supervisor have the right to appeal to the

A. Chairman
B. President
C. HR Manager
D. Director
Answer» B. President

___________are used to judge the mental capacity of the appolicant.

A. Aptitude tests
B. Interest test
C. Intelligence tests
D. Proficiency test.
Answer» C. Intelligence tests

On-the-job training includes

A. Coaching
B. Under study
C. Position rotation
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Human Resource Development (HRO) can be used in_____level.

A. Macro
B. Micro
C. Both a and b
D. None of these
Answer» C. Both a and b

_________is an important link between the employers and the leaders of the workers.

A. Personnel manager
B. Sales manager
C. Production manager
D. None of the Above
Answer» A. Personnel manager

Which training programme tends more towards education than merely on the vocational training?

A. Internship training
B. Refresher training
C. Apprenticeship training
D. Orientation training
Answer» C. Apprenticeship training

Human Resource Management is

A. A staff functions
B. A line function
C. Both a and b
D. None of the Above.
Answer» A. A staff functions

The ______and control systems should be altered to support the strategic HR function.

A. Appointment
B. Reward
C. Job allotment
D. None of the Above.
Answer» B. Reward

Human Resource professionals has to be skilled in the art of

A. Clarifying
B. Handling people
C. Both a and b
D. None of the Above
Answer» A. Clarifying

The pricing strategy which sets a very high initial price for the new product so as to make maximum profit is

A. Discriminating pricing
B. Penetration pricing
C. Psychological pricing
D. Skimming the cream pricing
Answer» D. Skimming the cream pricing

The placing element of the marketing mix refers to

A. The distribution
B. The marketing channels
C. The middlemen/The intermediaries
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Marketing management includes

A. Advertising
B. Branding
C. Placing
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which of the following is not considered a type of reseller?

A. Wholesaler
B. Retailer
C. Manufacturer
D. Distributor
Answer» C. Manufacturer

The promotion “P” of marketing is also known as

A. Product differentiation
B. Distribution
C. Cost
D. Marketing communication
Answer» D. Marketing communication

The skimming , penetration, bargaining, and bundling are decided in the __________________ of marketing mix.

A. Price decisions
B. Place decisions
C. Product decision
D. Promotion decision
Answer» A. Price decisions

Which of the following is not part of marketing communication mix?

A. Telemarketing
B. Public relation
C. Sales promotion
D. Advertising
Answer» A. Telemarketing

Which of the following is not included in product decisions?

A. Styling
B. Brand name
C. Warehousing
D. Packaging
Answer» C. Warehousing

Marketing management includes _____ the products and services.

A. Advertising
B. Scheduling
C. Loading
D. All of the above
Answer» A. Advertising

A set of attributes and conditions buyers normally expect when they purchase a product is knows as

A. Core benefit
B. Basic product
C. Expected product
D. Augmented product
Answer» C. Expected product

The pricing strategy which sets a very high initial price for the new product so as to make maximum profits is

A. Discriminating pricing
B. Penetration pricing
C. Psychological pricing
D. Skimming the cream pricing
Answer» D. Skimming the cream pricing

The mercantile agent that keeps the goods of others for sale is

A. Commission agent
B. Factor
C. Auctioneer
D. Broker
Answer» B. Factor

The promotion technique which is not a planned element of a promotion mix is-

A. Advertising
B. Sales Promotion
C. Personal Selling
D. Publicity
Answer» D. Publicity

The basic steps for product planning and control does not include

A. Plant location
B. Generation of new ideas
C. Screening of ideas
D. Test marketing
Answer» A. Plant location

The middlemen who link between the manufacturer or producer and retailer

A. Agent
B. Commissioner
C. Wholesaler
D. Auctioneer
Answer» C. Wholesaler

Who developed the 4Ps of marketing?

A. J.R. Betty
B. Hanson
C. Mc Carthy
D. Peter F. Drucker
Answer» C. Mc Carthy

A __________ is a name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of these, that identifies the maker or seller of a product or service

A. brand
B. labeling
C. packaging
D. none of the above
Answer» A. brand

Which of the following is the stage of new product development in which the product and marketing program are tested in more realistic market testing?

A. Idea generation
B. Concept development and testing
C. Test marketing
D. Commercialization
Answer» D. Commercialization

A strategy of setting a high price for a new product in the market so that the company makes fewer but more profitable sales is

A. Market-skimming pricing
B. Market-penetration pricing
C. Captive-product pricing
D. Inflation
Answer» A. Market-skimming pricing

Using _________________, sellers often combine several of their products and offer the bundle at a reduced price.

A. Discount and allowance pricing
B. Product bundle pricing
C. Promotional pricing
D. Psychological pricing
Answer» B. Product bundle pricing

In the marketing mix, the process of moving products from the producers to the intended users is called

A. placing
B. retailing
C. wholesaling
D. positioning
Answer» A. placing

During each stage in the development of a retail strategy, retail managers should:

A. consider only controllable variables
B. refrain from “fine tuning” the strategy
C. look for both positive and negative feedback
D. consider no problems with the government to be a form of negative feedback
Answer» C. look for both positive and negative feedback

The promotion mix involves

A. advertising
B. sales promotion
C. personal selling
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

The process of marketing communication involving information, persuasion and influence is called

A. Marketing
B. Marketing Mix
C. Branding
D. Promotion
Answer» D. Promotion

When a firm introduces new product to a market in which it is well established it is called

A. Diversification
B. Product development
C. Market penetration
D. Test marketing
Answer» B. Product development

When a present product is introduced to a new market it is called

A. Market development
B. Market penetration
C. Development strategy
D. Product innovation
Answer» B. Market penetration

Trade links connecting the manufacturers or producers and the intended consumers is called

A. Wholesalers
B. Retailers
C. Channels of distribution
D. Middlemen
Answer» C. Channels of distribution

Middlemen who do not handle the goods in the capacity of owners but render services and get paid in the form of commission are called

A. Wholesalers
B. Mercantile agents
C. Merchant middlemen
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Mercantile agents

Consumer reaction and response is a yardstick use in

A. Pricing of a product
B. Psychological pricing
C. Price leadership
D. Tariff
Answer» A. Pricing of a product

The concept of marketing mix as the combination of the major tools of marketing was first developed by

A. Borden
B. Mc Carthy
C. Mark & Spencer
D. HaagenDaz
Answer» A. Borden

An Extended marketing mix, the 7 Ps was proposed by Booms and Bitner in the year

A. 1982
B. 1981
C. 1980
D. 1983
Answer» B. 1981

For consumer goods, the most visible player in the channel of distribution is the

A. retailer
B. wholesaler
C. producer
D. consumer
Answer» A. retailer

_____ do not normally deal with the end consumer but with other intermediaries

A. wholesalers
B. retailers
C. distributors
D. franchisees
Answer» A. wholesalers

Marketing involves ______activities regarding goods

A. selling
B. advertising
C. sales promotiom
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Marketing mix is the market mechanism consisting of elements like

A. production
B. price
C. place and promotion
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

________ is the costliest form of marketing

A. personal selling
B. advertising
C. sales promotion
D. all of the above
Answer» A. personal selling

Marketing means

A. transfer of ownership
B. formulation of marketing policies
C. salesmanship and sale promotion
D. all of the above
Answer» A. transfer of ownership

The characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied customer needs

A. Product feature
B. Product quality
C. Branding
D. Product design
Answer» B. Product quality

Setting prices across an entire product line

A. Optional-product pricing
B. By-product pricing
C. Product –line pricing
D. Product bundle pricing
Answer» C. Product –line pricing

The elements of the marketing mix includes

A. Product
B. price
C. Promotion
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

____________means a mark made on commodities to indicate the quality and the manufacturer.

A. Design
B. Brand
C. Style
D. All of the above
Answer» B. Brand

A ___________is a person who acts as a link in the channel of distribution.

A. Producer
B. Consumer
C. Middleman
D. None of these
Answer» C. Middleman

_________implies face to face contact between a seller and a buyer.

A. Sales promotion
B. Personal selling
C. Publicity
D. Advertising
Answer» B. Personal selling

The solution to price competition is to develop a differentiated:

A. Product, price and promotion
B. Offer, delivery and image
C. Package and label
D. International web site
Answer» B. Offer, delivery and image

Which one of the following is a key to build lasting relationships with consumers?

A. Price of the product
B. Need recognition
C. Customer satisfaction
D. Quality of product
Answer» C. Customer satisfaction

Which of the following are listed under Production and operation Management functions:

A. Location of facilities
B. Plant layouts and material handling
C. Product design
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Product planning and control is needed to achieve :

A. Effective utilisation of firms’ resources
B. Helps the company to supply good quality products to consumers.
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of (a)and (b)
Answer» C. Both (a) and (b)

Which production planning function means working out the time that should be required to perform each operation :

A. Scheduling
B. Routing
C. Planning
D. Loading
Answer» A. Scheduling

_____________ involves issue of production orders for starting the operations.

A. Follow-up
B. Dispatching
C. Inspection
D. Corrective measures
Answer» B. Dispatching

Product design and development is associated with :

A. Place
B. Form
C. Possession
D. State
Answer» B. Form

Product development phases begins with

A. Process specification
B. Product specification
C. Feasibility analysis
D. Idea generation
Answer» D. Idea generation

Plant Location decisions is affected by:

A. School
B. Tax abatement
C. Zoning restrictions
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which Plant layout types deals with machines and equipments arranged in one line depending upon the sequence of operation required for the product:

A. Product layout
B. Process layout
C. Fixed position layout
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Product layout

Production process begins with input which does not include

A. Goods and services
B. Raw material
C. Labour
D. Capital
Answer» A. Goods and services

Controllable location factors for plant include

A. Proximity to the markets
B. Supply of raw materials
C. Labour supply
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Setting the productive activities in motion through release of orders and instructions is

A. Dispatching
B. Scheduling
C. Loading
D. Routing
Answer» A. Dispatching

The fixation of appropriate size, shape, quality, process, weight and other characteristics as to manufacture a product of desired variety and utility is

A. Multiplication
B. Standardization
C. Simplification
D. Diversification
Answer» B. Standardization

The conversion of knowledge and requirement into a form, for use or manufacture is

A. Product control
B. Product development
C. Product design
D. Product cycle
Answer» C. Product design

Grouping of similar machines and equipment into departments where only certain kinds of work are done is

A. Process or functional layout
B. Product or line layout
C. Fixed position layout
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Process or functional layout

The objective of product development is-

A. Provide the goods the market demands with changes in time and style
B. Provide with the variation in quantity required
C. Charge the prices which the consumer is willing to pay
D. All of the above
Answer» A. Provide the goods the market demands with changes in time and style

The formulation, coordination and determination of activities in the manufacturing system is

A. Product planning and control
B. Product development
C. Product design
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Product planning and control

The duties and responsibilities of production managers witnessed in manufacturing organizations include:

A. Planning the geographical location of the factory
B. Purchasing production equipment
C. Production design
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Operations management is applicable:

A. mostly to the service sector
B. mostly to the manufacturing sector
C. to manufacturing and service sector
D. to services exclusively
Answer» C. to manufacturing and service sector

________ is used to determine the time needed for the process, resources and machines to complete a certain step, activity or task.

A. Routing
B. Scheduling
C. Loading
D. Dispatching
Answer» B. Scheduling

Which one of the following phases (of the Product Planning and Control) tries to analyze the expedition of work-in-progress?

A. Pre-planning
B. Planning
C. Control
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Control

An inter-disciplinary activity requiring contributions from nearly all the functions of a firm such as marketing, design, manufacturing is

A. Product development
B. Product control
C. Product design
D. Product cycle
Answer» A. Product development

___________ refers to less variety in the design of products, that is, new products are designed such that there is no major variation from the existing products.

A. Multiplication
B. Simplification
C. Diversification
D. Standardization
Answer» D. Standardization

Which one of the following is not a factor affecting facility location planning?

A. Good transportation facilities
B. Proximity to raw materials
C. Proximity to markets
D. Proximity to government offices
Answer» D. Proximity to government offices
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