1630+ Human Resource Management (HRM) big collection Solved MCQs


Who has introduced the ‘seven point plan’ for taking the best interview method?

A. Milton L. Blum
B. F.E. Burt
C. Prof. A. Rozars
D. Fillipo
Answer» C. Prof. A. Rozars

‘Rege Committee’ is related to

A. Working conditions in Indian Industry
B. Social security in Indian Industry
C. Individual differences in Indian Industry
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Working conditions in Indian Industry

Competitive edge comes from the of people.

A. Competency
B. Efforts
C. Quality
D. Hard work
Answer» C. Quality

Period in which people learn how to develop new roles is called

A. exploration stage
B. growth stage
C. midcareer crisis sub stage
D. decline stage
Answer» D. decline stage

Which of these is the purpose of recruitment?

A. Make sure that there is match between cost and benefit
B. Help increase the success rate of the selection process by reducing the number of visibly underqualified or over qualified job applicants.
C. Help the firm create more culturally diverse work - force
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Help increase the success rate of the selection process by reducing the number of visibly underqualified or over qualified job applicants.

A person who has ultimate control over the affairs of the factory under the Factories Act, 1948 is called

A. Occupier
B. Manager
C. Chairman
D. Managing Director
Answer» A. Occupier

In a career development focus, information about individual interests and preferences is a part of

A. training and development
B. performance appraisal
C. recruiting and placement
D. human resource planning
Answer» D. human resource planning

Ethical challenges may arise on account of

A. Failure of personal character, conflict of personal value& organisational goals and conflict of organisational goals and social values
B. Hazardous but popular products
C. Both (A) and (B)
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Both (A) and (B)

A process of making workers highly skilled, with help of on job training and formal learning is

A. job rotation
B. off the job training
C. job instruction training
D. apprenticeship training
Answer» D. apprenticeship training

In quantitative measure, employee’s turnover and training hours, called

A. human resource metrics
B. evidence based management
C. high performance work system
D. competitive advantage
Answer» A. human resource metrics

Which of the following is the area from which applicants can be recruited?

A. Employment Lines
B. Employees’ Association
C. Labour Market
D. Labour Schemes
Answer» C. Labour Market

Which one of the following is NOT the advantage of Workforce Diversity?

A. Increased creativity and flexibility
B. Decreased problem-solving skills
C. Multiple perspectives
D. Greater openness to new ideas
Answer» B. Decreased problem-solving skills

Which is a step of job description?

A. List of jobs to evaluated
B. Review of job description
C. Interview with supervisor
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Reporting relationships and working conditions related to a job is stated in

A. job descriptions
B. job analysis
C. job specifications
D. Both A and C
Answer» A. job descriptions

Formulating ‘SMART’ performance training objectives are a part of

A. human process intervention
B. techno structural interventions
C. strategic intervention
D. HRM interventions
Answer» A. human process intervention

Sabbatical leave, funeral leave, jury duty and vacations are examples of

A. optional pay benefits
B. unemployment pay benefits
C. compensation law benefits
D. supplemental pay benefits
Answer» D. supplemental pay benefits

The role of the organisation in career planning is to introduce& strengthen systems to ensure of employees

A. Career progression
B. Self development
C. Economical Development
D. Skill enhancement
Answer» A. Career progression

Diagrams and charts available to guide workers at job site, considered as

A. job rotation
B. job training
C. job aid
D. programmed learning
Answer» C. job aid

UNIDO preparatory meeting on the “Role of Women in Industrialisation in Developing Countries” held in February 1978. Identified constraints, which hinder women from participating in industrial activities. The meeting was held at

A. Vienna
B. New Delhi
C. Geneva
D. Mexico City
Answer» A. Vienna

Which one of the following is not a decision role identified by Henry Mintzberg

A. The spokesperson role
B. The Entrepreneurial role
C. The Disturbance handler role
D. The Resource allocator role
Answer» A. The spokesperson role

Kind of arbitration, which is also known as contract interpretation arbitration is

A. binding arbitration
B. non-binding arbitration
C. interest arbitration
D. rights arbitration
Answer» D. rights arbitration

The policy of introducing “New Blood” is

A. Stereotypic
B. Bureaucratic as well as redtapic
C. Innovative and challenging, making the corporate dynamic
D. Innovative, challenging, but often resisted
Answer» D. Innovative, challenging, but often resisted

Who has called the POSDCORB ‘folklore’?

A. Michael Poole
B. Henry Mirzberg
C. Rosemary Stewart
D. Michael Armstrong
Answer» B. Henry Mirzberg

First step in planning process is to

A. Set an objective
B. Evaluate alternatives
C. Determine strength and weaknesses
D. none of above
Answer» A. Set an objective

Stage in which a person develops a selfconcept is called

A. exploration stage
B. growth stage
C. establishment stage
D. maintenance stage
Answer» B. growth stage

What is the procedure in which an employer and a group of employees agree to the conditions of work?

A. Dispute settlement
B. Collective bargaining
C. Industrial democracy
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Collective bargaining

In ‘HRD’ scorecard scales, scale 1 represents

A. moderate maturity level
B. least maturity level
C. highest maturity level
D. all of above
Answer» B. least maturity level

Which metric indicates the cost of health care per employee by providing the per capita cost of employee benefits?

A. HR expense factor
B. human capital ROI
C. health care costs per employee
D. human capital value added
Answer» C. health care costs per employee

Which of the following is an outcome of collective bargaining?

A. Consent Award
B. Arbitration Award
C. Award of Tribunal
D. Award of Labour Court
Answer» A. Consent Award

The sixth step of the SHRM application tool is to evaluate the plan against success criteria. During this stage it is important to note:

A. the positive effects of the actions implemented
B. the negative effects of the actions implemented
C. the failures that resulted from the implementation of the plan
D. the positive& negative effect of the
Answer» D. the positive& negative effect of the

involves a one to one discussion between the participant and administrator.

A. Counselling
B. Training
C. Motivation
D. All of the above
Answer» A. Counselling

Process through a person comes to know about self-skills, interests and motivation is called

A. career
B. career management
C. career planning
D. career development
Answer» C. career planning

The critical role of the SHRM Application Tool is to’

A. Outline techniques, frameworks, and six steps that must be followed to effectively implement change in an organisation.
B. Develop a better strategic management process to deal with the dynamic changing environment today’s organisations face.
C. Identify and assess a narrow group of actions and plan how the organisation can overcome resistance to change.
D. identify if the organisation ’has enough staff, if the staff heed training, if the compensation practices are appropriate, and if jobs are designed correctly
Answer» B. Develop a better strategic management process to deal with the dynamic changing environment today’s organisations face.

Planning function of management process involves

A. Developing employees
B. Evaluating performance
C. Establishing departments
D. Establishing goals
Answer» D. Establishing goals

Sensitivity training method is a part of

A. Vestibule training method
B. Off-the-job training method
C. On-the-job training method
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Vestibule training method

HRM is amalgam of

A. Job analysis, recruitment and selection
B. Social behaviour and Business Ethics
C. Organisational behaviour, personal management and industrial relation
D. Employer and employes
Answer» C. Organisational behaviour, personal management and industrial relation

Which are not related to firm’s existing business in adding new product lines ?

A. related diversification
B. conglomerate diversification
C. diversification
D. all of above
Answer» B. conglomerate diversification

Which country uses the graphology test to select candidates?

A. United States
B. Germany
C. China
D. India
Answer» A. United States

Union leaders at different levels& at federations are elected on

A. democratic principle
B. political considerations
C. employer?s recommendation
D. seniority basis
Answer» A. democratic principle

The procedure for determining the duties and skill requirements of a job and the kind of person who should be hired for it is

A. Job analysis
B. Job design
C. Job recruitment
D. Job description
Answer» A. Job analysis

Comparison of on-the-job behavior before and after training programs can be classified as

A. measuring reaction
B. measuring learning
C. measuring behavior
D. measuring results
Answer» C. measuring behavior

Online career development workshops are one of method of

A. career management
B. appraisal management
C. performance management
D. employee development
Answer» A. career management

‘T-group’ suggests that participation should be

A. voluntary
B. involuntary
C. in-house development
D. lifelong learning
Answer» A. voluntary

Formal procedure, in which job terminated person is counseled and trained, to secure a job position by teaching selfappraising techniques is classified as

A. termination interview
B. outplacement counseling
C. exit interviews
D. subordination interviews
Answer» B. outplacement counseling

Which one of the following contains the phases of organizational development arranged in sequential order?

A. Entry into the organization, diagnosis, culture building and interventions
B. Entry into the organization, diagnosis, interventions and culture building
C. Entry into the organization, culture building, diagnosis and interventions
D. Entry into the organization, interventions, diagnosis and culture building
Answer» B. Entry into the organization, diagnosis, interventions and culture building

When constructing the ad, it is important to consider how to best

A. Attract attention to the advertisement
B. Get right candidate
C. How will be the profit
D. The candidate reach in profit
Answer» A. Attract attention to the advertisement

Why might there be some difficulty in identifying and applying the Best-practice approach to HRM in Organisations?

A. Because the best-practice approach tends to be resource- intensive
B. Because there is much variation in the literature and empirical research as to what constitutes best-practice
C. Because the best-practice approach would not fit the cost-reduction driven
D. Because the best-practice approach does not emphasize the individual business context
Answer» A. Because the best-practice approach tends to be resource- intensive

What does “TCN” stand for

A. host country national
B. expatriates
C. home country national
D. Third country national
Answer» D. Third country national

Compulsory collective bargaining was advocated by:

A. G.L. Nanda
B. Khandubhai Desai
C. V.V. Giri
D. Jagjivan Ram
Answer» C. V.V. Giri

‘coaching’ and ‘mentoring’ require

A. analytical skills
B. logical skills
C. interpersonal skills
D. Both A and C
Answer» D. Both A and C

Which one is not the technique of personality measurement?

A. Projective Technique
B. Word Association Technique
C. Raven’s Progressive Matrices
D. Sentence Completion Technique
Answer» C. Raven’s Progressive Matrices

Grapevine is a type of

A. Formal Communication
B. Informal Communication
C. Written Communication
D. Lateral Communication
Answer» B. Informal Communication

Who introduced the concept of quality circles in India?

A. P. V. Rao
B. S. R. Udpa
C. Udai Pareek
D. Dharani P. Sinha
Answer» B. S. R. Udpa

A method, executive’s strengths and weaknesses are being questioned by external consultant, known as

A. behavior modeling
B. role playing
C. in-house development center
D. executive coach
Answer» D. executive coach

The benefit of paraphrasing in Employee Appraisal is that it

A. Suggests interest and active listening.
B. Clarify and convey to the rater that you are listening actively.
C. Shows that you are trying to understand the emotional aspect of the work place.
D. All of the above.
Answer» B. Clarify and convey to the rater that you are listening actively.

Most people who are classified as nontraditional workers are

A. contingent workers
B. independent contractors
C. job sharing
D. working multiple jobs
Answer» B. independent contractors

The division of the total task to be performed into a manageable and efficient unit is

A. A job design
B. A job specification
C. A job analysis
D. A job description
Answer» A. A job design

Arrange the following steps in OB Mod in their right sequence:
I. Identification of behavioural contingencies
II. Measurement of the behaviours
III. Identification of performance related behaviours
IV. Evaluation of performance improvement
V. Development and implementation of intervention strategy

A. I, III, II, V, IV
B. III, I, II, IV, V
C. I, IV, III, II, V
D. III, II, I, V, IV
Answer» D. III, II, I, V, IV

Off the job training does not include:

A. Role playing
B. Lecture method
C. Coaching
D. Conference or discussion
Answer» C. Coaching

is the process of acquiring, training, appraising, and compensating employees, and attending to their labor relations, health and safety, and fairness concerns.

A. Human Resource Management
B. Labor Relations
C. Industrial Psychology
D. Organizational Behavior
Answer» A. Human Resource Management

‘Human Resource Management’ is process of

A. Acquiring Employees
B. Training Employees
C. Appraising and Compensating Employees
D. all of above
Answer» D. all of above

Identify the correct definition of Industrial Relation?

A. Relation between or among human being
B. Relation between employer and employees
C. Relation between parties in employment context
D. Collective relationship between management and trade union.
Answer» D. Collective relationship between management and trade union.

Process of establishing pay rates includes an ensuring is called

A. internal equity
B. external equity
C. procedural equity
D. all of above
Answer» D. all of above

In talent management end to end process, performance management leads

A. succession planning
B. compensation management
C. learning management systems
D. e-recruiting
Answer» C. learning management systems

A validity test that contains a fair sample of performed tasks in actual job is called

A. criterion validity
B. content validity
C. Score validity
D. Both A and B
Answer» B. content validity

People should be regarded as assets rather than variable costs was emphasised in

A. Public Administration
B. Personnel Administration
C. Personnel Management
D. Human Resource Management
Answer» D. Human Resource Management

Two basic issues to address in training evaluation are

A. design of evaluation
B. the things to measure
C. in-house development
D. Both A and B
Answer» D. Both A and B

Defining factors to be compared is included in

A. selection of compensable factors
B. selection of intuitive factors
C. selection of logical factors
D. selection of comprehensive factors
Answer» A. selection of compensable factors

Recruitment is widely viewed as a ?

A. positive process
B. negative process
C. positive as well as negative process
D. none of the above processes
Answer» A. positive process

HR managers are generally the managers:

A. Line
B. Middle
C. Staff
D. Top
Answer» C. Staff

When an interviewer asks the questions to the candidate according to the response received from him and the questions asked are not pre-determined in such an interview, it is called

A. Unprepared type of interview
B. Unstructured interview
C. Unconditional interview
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Unprepared type of interview

Level of trust reflects mentor’s

A. professional competence
B. consistency
C. ability to communicate
D. all of above
Answer» D. all of above

A person who is citizen of the country where MNC is headquartered, but working in another country with the same company is called

A. Host Country Nationals
B. Trans Country Nationals
C. Third Country Nationals
D. Parent Country Nationals
Answer» D. Parent Country Nationals

Which of these is the most important external factor governing recruitments?

A. Sons of soil
B. Labour market
C. Unemployment rate
D. Supply and demand
Answer» D. Supply and demand

Job Evaluation criterion comes from

A. Job manual
B. Job duration
C. Job description
D. Job specification
Answer» D. Job specification

Stage in which people develop new roles such as confidantes of younger people is called

A. exploration stage
B. growth stage
C. midcareer crisis sub stage
D. decline stage
Answer» D. decline stage

People who have an artistic personality often chose career of

A. advertising executives
B. school administrators
C. investment managers
D. credit managers
Answer» A. advertising executives

Which of the following is an invisible part but a powerful template that shapes, what happens at the workplace?

A. Organisational culture
B. Organisational climate
C. Organisational structure
D. Organisational dynamics
Answer» A. Organisational culture

Salary compression is a result of

A. monetary funds
B. interest rate
C. inflation
D. deflation
Answer» C. inflation

Which of the following is not a labour legislation?

A. Factories Act
B. Minimum Wages Act
C. Equal Remuneration Act
D. Untouchability Abolition Act
Answer» D. Untouchability Abolition Act

Evaluation of trainee’s reactions to a training program is classified as

A. measuring reaction
B. measuring learning
C. measuring behavior
D. measuring results
Answer» A. measuring reaction

An organized effort by union members to exert pressure on company by pressurizing customers, shareholders, directors and creditors is called

A. wildcat campaign
B. impasse campaign
C. corporate campaign
D. picket campaign
Answer» C. corporate campaign

Types of interventions to overcome effect of impasse, included

A. fact finder
B. arbitration
C. mediation
D. all of above
Answer» D. all of above

Which of the following refers to analysis of handwriting to determine writer’s basic personality traits?

A. Kinesics
B. Polygraphy
C. Graphology
D. None of these
Answer» C. Graphology

Job Evaluation is carried on by

A. Groups
B. Individuals
C. Both (A) and (B)
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Groups

The biggest problem facing e-HR is the ?

A. rarity of HR
B. diversity of HR
C. security of HR data
D. sustainability of HR
Answer» C. security of HR data

Kind of pension plan which follows a formula to determine retirement benefits is classified as

A. defined benefit pension plan
B. defined contribution pension plan
C. defined noncontributory pension plan
D. deferred contribution pension plan
Answer» A. defined benefit pension plan

Performance rating as good or bad on numerical rating scale is called

A. critical incident method
B. forced distribution method
C. behaviorally anchored rating scale
D. paired comparison method
Answer» C. behaviorally anchored rating scale

Retired officers of Indian Army are recruited by real estate firms is an example of

A. phased retirement
B. flexible work
C. honoring experience
D. modifying selection procedure
Answer» C. honoring experience

Persistent failure for performing duties to meet job standards is categorized as

A. unsatisfactory satisfaction
B. insubordination
C. misconduct
D. lack of qualifications
Answer» C. misconduct

Name the Author of Equity Theory of Motivation.

A. Blake& Mouton
B. Strube& Garcia
C. Stancy Adams
D. Albert Bandura
Answer» C. Stancy Adams

HRM is concerned with

A. Worker
B. Industrial relation
C. Field Staff
D. All employees
Answer» D. All employees

Category which is not included in ‘organizational development’ is

A. techno structural
B. strategic applications
C. human process
D. consolidation of gains
Answer» D. consolidation of gains

One who issues orders in chain of command outside their department is

A. staff managers
B. line managers
C. finance manager
D. both A and B
Answer» B. line managers

The following is (are) included in salary survey.

A. Average salary
B. Inflation indicators
C. Salary budget averages
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which of the following have/has proven to be a particularly good predictor for jobs that include cognitively complex tasks?

A. intelligence tests
B. integrity evaluations
C. work sampling
D. behavioral assessment
Answer» A. intelligence tests

One of the external sources of recruitment is

A. Retired managers and employees
B. Dependents of deceased employees
C. Gate hiring
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Dependents of deceased employees

In Lewin organizational change process, ‘communication of shared vision’ is

A. unfreezing stage
B. moving stage
C. refreezing stage
D. all of above
Answer» C. refreezing stage

Ranking of job, based on difficulty is

A. job description
B. job specification
C. job evaluation
D. ranking method
Answer» D. ranking method

Occasional incentives such as bonuses, sales prizes are mostly paid with the

A. salary plan
B. commission plan
C. combination plan
D. proportionate plan
Answer» B. commission plan
  • Question and answers in Human Resource Management (HRM) big collection,
  • Human Resource Management (HRM) big collection multiple choice questions and answers,
  • Human Resource Management (HRM) big collection Important MCQs,
  • Solved MCQs for Human Resource Management (HRM) big collection,
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