180+ Applied Cost Accounting Solved MCQs


In job costing each ………. Is a cost unit to which all costs are assigned

A. Jobb
B. profit
C. Batch
D. cost
Answer» A. Jobb

In a contract costing most of the items of cost are ……………..

A. Indirect
B. direct
C. normal
D. fixed
Answer» B. direct

……………. In a contract , provides that the contract price would be suitably enhanced on the happening of a specified contingency

A. Cost plus contract
B. estimated profit
C. Escalation\ clause
Answer» C. Escalation\ clause

The loss incurred on an incomplete contract is transferred to ……… account

A. Profit & loss a/c
B. work in progress
C. depreciation
D. Machinery
Answer» A. Profit & loss a/c

When the completion stage of the contract is more than half, the profit to be credited to P/L a/c will be equal to ………………..

A. 2/3 *notional profit *CR/WC
B. Estimated profit *W.C/contract price
C. 1/3 * N.P * CR/W.C
D. Total profit
Answer» A. 2/3 *notional profit *CR/WC

In …………….. contract the contractor will get cost plus stipulated profit

A. Sub contract
B. cost plus contract
C. job
D. direct
Answer» B. cost plus contract

Scope of specific order costing is very wide and includes ……. ,………, ………….

A. Job, Batch and contract costing
B. Process , Contract and unit costing
C. Batch , Job and process costing
D. Unit , service and transport costing
Answer» A. Job, Batch and contract costing

………… is an important point to be determined in industries where batch costing is employed

C. Re – order quantity
D. Batch
Answer» A. EBQ

When a contract is debited with the original cost of the plant , it should credited with ………… at the end of the year

A. Original cost of the plant
B. Depreciated value of the stock
C. Profit
D. Estimated cost
Answer» B. Depreciated value of the stock

When the competition stage of a contract is less than ¼ , the total expenditure on the contract is transferred to ………… account

A. Work in progres
B. P/L a/c
C. Estimated profit
D. Notional profit
Answer» A. Work in progres

If the contract is almost complete , the amount of profit generally transferred to profit and loss account is equal to

A. Estimated profit * work certified/ contract price
B. Estimated profit * contract price / work certified
C. Notional profit * C.R/ W.C
D. Notional profit W.C/ C.R
Answer» A. Estimated profit * work certified/ contract price

In a contract costing payment of cash to the contract is made on the basis of …………………………. Work

A. Certified
B. profit and loss a/c
C. contract price
D. cost
Answer» A. Certified

Job costing is applied only in …………………. Concern

A. Small
B. large
C. medium
D. None of these
Answer» A. Small

Contract costing is a basic method of …………….. costing

A. Specific order costing
B. batch costing
C. process costing
D. Unit costing
Answer» A. Specific order costing

In job costing the production is generally against customers …………………. but not for stock

A. Order
B. profit
C. cash in hand
D. none of these
Answer» A. Order

The method of costing applied in biscuit industries is …………………….

A. Jo
B. process
C. contract
D. unit
Answer» A. Jo

Average unit cost for each process is calculated by dividing ……………..by …………….

A. Total process cost / No.of units in process
B. Total process cost / Total cost
C. Total cost / Total profit
D. None of these
Answer» A. Total process cost / No.of units in process

Where raw material is to pass certain stages before it is converted into finished goods, the method of costing used is ……………………

A. Contract
B. Process
C. unit
D. Batch
Answer» B. Process

When the actual loss is more than the estimated loss, the difference between the two is considered to be ,………………….

A. Abnormal gain
B. Abnormal loss
C. Normal loss
D. Normal gain
Answer» B. Abnormal loss

……………….. process loss should be transferred to costing profit and loss account

A. Normal
B. abnormal
C. actual
D. none of these
Answer» B. abnormal

The cost of ……….. process loss is absorbed in the cost of production of good units

A. Normal
B. abnormal
C. actual
D. none of these
Answer» A. Normal

Where actual loss in a process is less than the anticipated loss , the difference b/w the two is considered to be …………..

A. Normal los
B. Abnormal gain
C. normal gain
D. None of
Answer» B. Abnormal gain

……… is the difference b/w the sales and marginal cost of sale

A. Profit
B. contribution
C. p/v ratio
D. none f these
Answer» B. contribution

Cost of producing an additional unit of output is ……………

A. Historical cost
B. marginal cost
C. fixed cost
D. total cost
Answer» B. marginal cost

A cost do not change with changes in the level of activity is ………….

A. Variable cost
B. fixed cost
C. sunk cost
D. total cost
Answer» B. fixed cost

A cost both containing both fixed and variable elements ………………..

A. Variable cost
B. fixed cost
C. total cost
D. semi variable cost
Answer» C. total cost

The excess of sales over variable cost is known as ………………

A. profit
B. loss
C. contribution
D. margin
Answer» C. contribution

Establishes the relationship between cost , volume of sales and profit is …..

A. Marginal costing
B. standard costing
C. budgeting
D. Cost volume profit analysis
Answer» D. Cost volume profit analysis

A point at which there is neither profit nor loss ………………

A. No profit no loss point
B. Break even point
C. Margin of safety
D. contribution
Answer» B. Break even point

Excess of sales over break even sales is known as …………………..

A. No profit no loss point
B. Breakeven point
C. Margin of safety
D. contribution
Answer» C. Margin of safety

The angle formed at the point of incidence of sales line to total cost…….

A. Angle of incidence
B. break even point
C. Fixed cost
D. total cost
Answer» A. Angle of incidence

A factor that restrict the activities of a concern ……………..

A. Contribution factor
B. break even point
C. Key factor
D. margin of safety
Answer» C. Key factor

…….. is method of cost volume profit analysis

A. Budgeting
B. budgetary control
C. Standard costing
D. break even analysis
Answer» D. break even analysis

The additional cost of producing an additional unit is called ……….

A. Fixed cost
B. marginal cost
C. Semi variable
D. none of these
Answer» B. marginal cost

Variable cost can also be called as …………………………

A. Semi variable
B. marginal cost
C. Standard costing
D. fixed cost
Answer» B. marginal cost

Break even units can also be called as ………………………

A. Break even output
B. break even sales
C. Margin of safety
D. contribution
Answer» A. Break even output

Sales – variable cost = ……………………………………..

A. Marginal cost
B. fixed cost
C. Budget cost
D. contribution
Answer» D. contribution

Excess of actual sales over break even sales is …………………

A. Break even unit
B. angle of incidence
C. Margin of safety
D. contribution
Answer» C. Margin of safety

The angle formed were the total cost line under sects the sale line is

A. Angle of incidence
B. margin of safety
C. Breakeven point
D. contribution
Answer» A. Angle of incidence

The cost which varies proportionate to increase in production is …….. cost

A. Fixed
B. variable cost
C. Semi variable cost
D. break even cost
Answer» B. variable cost

The cost which remains constant with change in level of activities is called

A. Variable cost
B. marginal cost
C. Standard cost
D. fixed cost
Answer» D. fixed cost

……………….. is an angle formed in break even chart

A. Margin of safety
B. angle of incidence
C. Contribution
D. Break even point
Answer» B. angle of incidence

…………… is a graphical representation of marginal costing

A. Break even chart
B. angle of incidence
C. Margin of safety
D. none of these
Answer» A. Break even chart

Contract price is fixed in advance

A. Cost plus contract
B. Target costing
C. Fixed price contract
D. Fluctuating contract
Answer» C. Fixed price contract

Contract price is the cost of work done plus a percentage

A. Cost plus contract
B. target costing
C. Fixed price contract
D. fluctuating contract
Answer» A. Cost plus contract

Value of work done to the satisfaction of contractee

A. Work certified
B. Work un certified
C. Fixed price contract
D. fluctuating contract
Answer» B. Work un certified

A portion of work certified retained by contractee is known

A. Retention money
B. advance
C. Fixed price contract
D. fluctuating contract
Answer» A. Retention money

Profit on incomplete contract is known as ,………..

A. P/L a/c
B. notional profit
C. Net profit
D. completed contract
Answer» B. notional profit

Work in the process of completion

A. Work in progres
B. notional profit
C. Net profit
D. completed contract
Answer» A. Work in progres

A portion of main contract entrusted to some one else

A. Extra work
B. Sub work
C. Work in progress
D. Sub contract
Answer» D. Sub contract

Provision for increase in the contract price to accommodate increase in material and labour cost

A. De escalation clause
B. fluctuating price
C. Fixed price
D. Escalation price
Answer» D. Escalation price

A contract in which the contractor is given the lost of work done plus a certain percentage for profit is called …………………….

A. Cost plus contract
B. Sub contract
C. Fixed price contract
D. none of these
Answer» A. Cost plus contract

The person who gives the work on contract is known as ……

A. Contractor
B. contractee
C. Sub contraction
D. sub contractee
Answer» B. contractee

……….. is the portion of work certified not paid by the contractee till completion of the work

A. Work certified
B. Uncertified
C. Retention money
D. notional profit
Answer» C. Retention money

The work in the process of completion is known as …………….

A. Work certified
B. work in progress
C. Work un certified
D. notional profit
Answer» B. work in progress

…………….. is the provision to increase the contract price increase in the Cost of construction over a particular level

A. Escalation clause
B. Desecration clause
C. Retention money
D. work certified
Answer» A. Escalation clause

Estimated profit on incomplete contract can also be called as ,……………..

A. Net profit
B. notional profit
C. Work in progress
D. net loss
Answer» B. notional profit

A contract in which the price is fixed in advance is a ………….. contract

A. Sub contract
B. fixed price contract
C. Cost plus contract
D. Fixed cost with Escalation clause
Answer» B. fixed price contract

A portion of the contact entrusted to somebody else is known as ……………..

A. Extra work
B. Sub contract
C. Cost plus contract
D. fixed price contract
Answer» B. Sub contract

A method of costing applied where costs are collected and accumulated for each work order is ………………….

A. Process a/c
B. contract costing
C. Operating costing
D. job costing
Answer» D. job costing

The method of costing applied when articles are manufactured in definite batches is ………………………….

A. Job costing
B. operation costing
C. Batch costing
D. service costing
Answer» C. Batch costing

The number of units to be manufactured in one batch

A. Economic order Quantity
B. Economic Quantity
C. Economic batch Quantity
D. ordering unit
Answer» C. Economic batch Quantity

The method of job costing is applied

A. Biscuit manufacturing
B. oil refining
C. Medicine manufacturing
D. Engineering work shop
Answer» D. Engineering work shop

The method of batch costing is used in …………………

A. Manufacture of agriculture product
B. construction of building
C. Manufacturing medicines
D. processing of oil
Answer» C. Manufacturing medicines

Job costing is ………………………….

A. Method of costing
B. technique of costing
C. Cost ascertainment
D. cost estimation
Answer» A. Method of costing

The method of costing applied in lathe is ………………….

A. Process costing
B. marginal costing
C. Absorption costing
D. job costing
Answer» D. job costing

The method of costing applied in cycle parts manufacturing is ………..

A. Job costing
B. process costing
C. Batch costing
D. contract costing
Answer» C. Batch costing

Job costing is applied when the product are of …………… nature

A. Similar
B. Dissimilar
C. Non separable
D. none of these
Answer» B. Dissimilar

Job costing can also be called as ……………….. costing

A. Specific order costing
B. batch costing
C. Transport costing
D. Farm costing
Answer» A. Specific order costing

For each job a …………………. Is given under job costing

A. Distinct number
B. Equal number
C. Coding
D. None of these
Answer» A. Distinct number

In ……………… costing production is always made for stock

A. Job costing
B. batch costing
C. Process costing
D. contract costing
Answer» B. batch costing

Cost of product in each stage is calculated in ………. Costing

A. Contract costing
B. marginal costing
C. Multiple costing
D. process costing
Answer» D. process costing

Un avoidable loss inherent in the material

A. Normal los
B. abnormal loss
C. Accidental loss
D. spoilage
Answer» A. Normal los

Incidental residue from manufacture with recoverable value

A. Scrap
B. spoilage
C. Defective
D. loss
Answer» A. Scrap

………….. product are produced incidental to the main product

A. Joint product
B. By product
C. Co – product
D. none of these
Answer» B. By product

Milk, butter cream, etc obtained in is example of

A. By product
B. joint product
C. Co- product
D. none
Answer» B. joint product

Abnormal gain =…………..

A. normal cost of normal output /Actual output*units of A.L
B. N.C of normal output / normal output * units of A. gain
C. Normal output /Actual output * A. gain
D. None of these
Answer» B. N.C of normal output / normal output * units of A. gain

In ………… costing separate account “ process A/C ” is kept for each process

A. Proces
B. Job
C. Batch
D. none of these
Answer» A. Proces

The finished product of last process is transferred to ……………… a/c

A. Abnormal gain
B. Abnormal loss
C. Normal loss
D. finished stock
Answer» D. finished stock

In ………… costing no distinction is made between direct and indirect materials

A. Job
B. Contract
C. Process
D. Service
Answer» C. Process

Cost of ………… is not included in the cost of the process

A. Abnormal los
B. Normal loss
C. Normal gain
D. Abnormal gain
Answer» A. Abnormal los

Cost of one process may be transferred to the next process at

A. Cost price
B. Market price
C. Cost or market price
D. Realizable price
Answer» C. Cost or market price

The most important criterion for distinguishing between scrap, byproduct and joint product is…………of the products

A. Cost price
B. Market price
C. Relative sales value
D. Realizable value
Answer» C. Relative sales value

………… costs relate to processes and incurred after split off points

A. Direct
B. Process
C. By product
D. Subsequent
Answer» D. Subsequent

The cost incurred up to the point of separation are called …………cost

A. Direct
B. Process
C. Byproduct
D. Common
Answer» C. Byproduct

………… is the point of production at which separate products are identified

A. Ordering point
B. Trade off point
C. Split off point
D. Matching point
Answer» C. Split off point

The product has generally…………over the relative quantities of byproducts and the main products

A. Control
B. No control
C. Value
D. Quantity
Answer» B. No control

The main product is usually produced in greater quantities than the

A. Scrap
B. Defectives
C. Byproduct
D. Joint product
Answer» C. Byproduct

Joint costs are allocated according to…………value of individual products under the market value method

A. Market
B. Sales
C. Cost
D. Cost or market
Answer» B. Sales

………… is based on the distinction between fixed and variable cost

A. Service costing
B. Unit costing
C. Process costing
D. Marginal costing
Answer» D. Marginal costing

Marginal costing is the aggregate of …………plus variable overheads

A. Work cost
B. Variable cost
C. Prime Cost
D. Cost of production
Answer» C. Prime Cost

Marginal costing is a…………of costing

A. Technique
B. Type
C. Method
D. Both (a)&(c)
Answer» A. Technique

………… is the aggregate of fixed cost and profit

A. Prime cost
B. Contribution
C. Work cost
D. Cost of sale
Answer» B. Contribution

In marginal costing stock of finished goods is valued at

A. Fixed cost
B. Market price
C. Cost price
D. Variable cost
Answer» D. Variable cost

In marginal costing only…………is charged to products

A. Fixed cost
B. Variable cost
C. Semi variable cost
D. Semi fixed cost
Answer» B. Variable cost

…………helps the management in cost control

A. Marginal costing
B. Operation costing
C. Unit costing
D. Absorption costing
Answer» A. Marginal costing

…………is the system most useful for making make or buy decision

A. Operation costing
B. Marginal costing
C. Unit costing
D. Service costing
Answer» B. Marginal costing

Profit planning is possible with…………costing

A. Marginal
B. Absorption
C. Operation
D. Unit
Answer» A. Marginal

Marginal costing and …………analysis helps in decision making

A. Service costing
B. Unit costing
C. Differential costing
D. Absorption costing
Answer» C. Differential costing

An increase in physical sales volume…………P/V ratio

A. Increase
B. Decreases
C. Either increase or decrease
D. Do not affect
Answer» D. Do not affect
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