220+ Fundamentals of Computers Solved MCQs


........... is the key to close a selected drop -down list; cancel a command and close a dialog box.

A. tab
B. shift
C. esc
D. f10
Answer» C. esc

.......... is the key we use to run the selected command.

A. shift
B. tab
C. enter
D. ctrl
Answer» C. enter

............. Is the functional key to display save-as box.

A. f5
B. f6
C. f9
D. f12
Answer» D. f12

Data becomes ................ when it is presented in a format that people can understand and use

A. processed
B. graphs
C. information
D. presentation
Answer» C. information

The term ............. designates equipment that might be added to a computer system to enhance its functionality.

A. digital device
B. system add-on
C. disk pack
D. peripheral device
Answer» D. peripheral device

A ............ is a microprocessor -based computing device.

A. personal computer
B. mainframe
C. workstation
D. server
Answer» A. personal computer

RAM can be treated as the ......... for the computer's processor

A. factory
B. operating room
C. waiting room
D. planning room
Answer» C. waiting room

Which of the following are the functions of a operating system

A. allocates resources
B. monitors activities
C. manages disks and files
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

To move a copy of file from one computer to another over a communication channel is called?

A. file transfer
B. file encryption
C. file modification
D. file copying
Answer» A. file transfer

The primary function of the ............ is to set up the hardware and load and start an operating system

A. system programs
B. bios
C. cp
D. memory
Answer» B. bios

What kind of memory is both static and non -volatile?

A. ram
B. rom
C. bios
D. cache
Answer» B. rom

.......... is computer software designed to operate the computer hardware and to provide platform for running application software

A. application software
B. system software
C. software
D. operating system
Answer» B. system software

The ......... is the amount of data that a storage device can move from the storage medium to the Computer per second

A. data migration rate
B. data digitizing rate
C. data transfer rate
D. data access rate
Answer» C. data transfer rate

A device, which is not connected to CPU, is called as .......

A. land-line device
B. on-line device
C. off-line device
D. device
Answer» C. off-line device

What is the other name for programmed chip?

A. ram
B. rom
C. lsic
D. prom
Answer» C. lsic

On-line real time systems become popular in ........... generation

A. first generation
B. second generation
C. third generation
D. fourth generation
Answer» C. third generation

You use a(n) ....., such as a keyboard or mouse, to input information

A. output device
B. input device
C. storage device
D. processing device
Answer» B. input device

............. is the ability of a device to "jump" directly to the requested data

A. sequential access
B. random access
C. quick access
D. all of the above
Answer» B. random access

............. provides process and memory management services that allow two or more tasks, jobs, or programs to run simultaneously

A. multitasking
B. multithreading
C. multiprocessing
D. multicomputing
Answer» A. multitasking

The task of performing operations like arithmetic and logical operations is called......

A. processing
B. storing
C. editing
D. sorting
Answer» A. processing

ALU and Control Unit jointly known as

A. ram
B. rom
C. cpu
D. pc
Answer» C. cpu

RAM is an example of

A. secondary memory
B. primary memory
C. main memory
D. both (1) and (2)
Answer» B. primary memory

Magnetic disk is an example of

A. secondary memory
B. primary memory
C. main memory
D. both (1) and (2)
Answer» A. secondary memory

Which one of the following is NOT a computer language

A. ms-excel
B. basic
C. cobol
D. c++
Answer» A. ms-excel

RAM is also called as

A. read / write memory
B. long memory
C. permanent memory
D. primary memory
Answer» A. read / write memory

............ Store data or information temporarily and pass it on as directed by the control unit

A. address
B. register
C. number
D. memory
Answer» B. register

Select the Odd one

A. operating system
B. interpreter
C. compiler
D. assembler
Answer» A. operating system

A ............ is an additional set of commands that the computer displays after you make a selection from the main menu

A. dialog box
B. submenu
C. menu selection
D. all of the above
Answer» A. dialog box

COBOL is an acronym for.............

A. common business oriented language
B. computer business oriented language
C. common business operated language
D. common business organized language
Answer» A. common business oriented language

All of the following are examples of real security and privacy risks EXCEPT

A. hackers
B. spam
C. viruses
D. identity theft
Answer» B. spam

Which of the following is NOT one of the four major data processing functions of a computer?

A. gathering data
B. processing data into information
C. analyzing the data or information
D. storing the data or information
Answer» C. analyzing the data or information

All of the following are examples of storage devices EXCEPT :

A. hard disk drives
B. printers
C. floppy disk drives
D. cd drives
Answer» B. printers

The CPU and memory are located on the :

A. expansion board
B. motherboard
C. storage device
D. output device
Answer» B. motherboard

............... is the science that attempts to produce machines that display the same type of intelligence that humans do

A. nanoscience
B. nanotechnology
C. simulation
D. artificial intelligence (al)
Answer» D. artificial intelligence (al)

Servers are computers that provide resources to other computers connected to a :

A. networked
B. mainframe
C. supercomputer
D. client
Answer» B. mainframe

When creating a computer program, the ......... designs the structure of the program

A. end user
B. system analyst
C. programmer
D. all of the above
Answer» B. system analyst

A computer program that converts an entire program into machine language at one time is called a/ an

A. interpreter
B. simulator
C. characters
D. compiler
Answer» D. compiler

Computers process data into information by working exclusively with :

A. multimedia
B. word
C. numbers
D. characters
Answer» C. numbers

The difference between people with access to computers and the Internet and those without this access is known as the :

A. digital divide
B. internet divide
C. web divide
D. e-illiteracy
Answer» A. digital divide

Computers manipulate data in many ways, and this manipulation is called......

A. upgrading
B. processing
C. batching
D. utilizing
Answer» B. processing

The ability to recover and read deleted or damaged files from a criminal's computer is an example of a law enforcement speciality called:

A. robotics
B. simulation
C. computer forensics
D. animation
Answer» C. computer forensics

Where does most data go first with in a computer memory hierarchy ?

A. ram
B. rom
C. bios
D. cache
Answer» A. ram

The………….data mining technique derives rules from real-world case examples.

A. rule discover
B. signal processing
C. neural nets
D. case-based reasoning
Answer» C. neural nets

…………….are used to identify a user who returns to a Website

A. cookies
B. plug-ins
C. scripts
D. asps
Answer» A. cookies

Codes consisting of lines of varying widths or lengths that are computer-readable are known as-

A. an ascii code
B. a magnetic tape
C. an ocr scanner
D. a bar code
Answer» D. a bar code

Why is it unethical to share copyrighted files with your friends?

A. it is not unethical, because it is legal.
B. it is unethical because the files are being given for free.
C. sharing copyrighted files without permission breaks copyright laws.
D. it is not unethical because the files are being given for free.
Answer» C. sharing copyrighted files without permission breaks copyright laws.

Reusable optical storage will typically have the acronym-

A. cd
B. dvd
C. rom
D. rw
Answer» D. rw

The most common type of storage devices are-

A. steel
B. optical
C. magnetic
D. flash
Answer» B. optical

A device that connects to a network without the use of cables is said to be-

A. distributed
B. free
C. centralized
D. none of these
Answer» D. none of these

A person who used his or her expertise to gain access to other people's computers to get information illegally or do damage is a-

A. hacker
B. spammer
C. instant messenger
D. programmer
Answer» A. hacker

To access properties of an object, the mouse technique to use is-

A. dragging
B. dropping
C. right-clicking
D. shift-clicking
Answer» C. right-clicking

A DVD is an example of a (n)-

A. hard disk
B. optical disc
C. output device
D. solid-state storage device
Answer» B. optical disc

. The process of transferring files from a computer on the Internet to your computer is called

A. downloading
B. uploading
C. ftp
D. jpeg
Answer» A. downloading

. .......... is the process of dividing the disk into tracks and sectors.

A. tracking
B. formatting
C. crashing
D. allotting
Answer» B. formatting

. Help Menu is available at which button?

A. end
B. start
C. turnoff
D. restart
Answer» B. start

The technology that stores only the essential instructions on a microprocessor chip and thus enhances its speed is referred to as

A. cisc
B. risc
C. cd-rom
D. wi-fi
Answer» B. risc

Which is not a basic function of a computer?

A. store data
B. accept input
C. process data
D. copy text
Answer» D. copy text

ASCII is a coding system that provides

A. 256 different characters
B. 512 different characters
C. 1024 different characters
D. 128 different characters
Answer» C. 1024 different characters

Which part of the computer is directly involved in executing the instructions of the computer program?

A. the scanner
B. the main storage
C. the secondary storage
D. the processor
Answer» D. the processor

When a computer is switched on, the booting process performs

A. integrity test
B. power-on self-test
C. correct functioning test
D. reliability test
Answer» B. power-on self-test

A computer system that is old and perhaps not satisfactory is referred to as a(n)

A. ancient system
B. historical system
C. age old system
D. legacy system
Answer» D. legacy system

Which of the following is not a binary number?

A. 001
B. 101
C. 202
D. 110
Answer» C. 202

Which of the following does not store data permanently?

A. rom
B. ram
C. floppy disk
D. hard disk
Answer» B. ram

Which of the following is the smallest storage?

A. megabyte
B. gigabyte
C. terabyte
D. none of these
Answer» D. none of these

Which of the following contains permanent data and gets updated during the processing of transactions?

A. operating system file
B. transaction file
C. software file
D. master file
Answer» D. master file

Which of the following helps to protect floppy disks from data getting accidentally erased?

A. access notch
B. write-protect notch
C. entry notch
D. input notch
Answer» B. write-protect notch

A modem is connected to

A. a telephone line
B. a keyboard
C. a printer
D. a monitor
Answer» A. a telephone line

Large transaction processing systems in automated organisations use

A. online processing
B. batch processing
C. once-a-day processing
D. end-of-day processing
Answer» B. batch processing

In a computer, most processing takes place in

A. memory
B. ram
C. motherboard
D. cpu
Answer» D. cpu

. Which of the following is not a storage medium?

A. hard disk
B. flash drive
C. dvd
D. scanner
Answer» D. scanner

The computer abbreviation KB usually means

A. key block
B. kernel boot
C. kilo byte
D. kit bit
Answer» C. kilo byte

The typical computer criminal is a(n):

A. young hacker.
B. trusted employee with no criminal record.
C. trusted employee with a long, but unknown criminal reco
Answer» B. trusted employee with no criminal record.

The common name for the crime of stealing passwords is:

A. jacking.
B. identity theft.
C. spoofing.
D. hacking.
Answer» C. spoofing.

Collecting personal information and effectively posing as another individual is known as the crime of:

A. spooling.
B. identity theft.
C. spoofing.
D. hacking.
Answer» B. identity theft.

Malicious software is known as:

A. badware.
B. malware.
C. maliciousware.
D. illegalware.
Answer» B. malware.

A program that performs a useful task while simultaneously allowing destructive acts is

A. worm.
B. trojan horse.
C. virus.
D. macro virus.
Answer» B. trojan horse.

An intentionally disruptive program that spreads from program to program or from disk to disk is known as a:

A. trojan horse.
B. virus.
C. time bomb.
D. time-related bomb sequence.
Answer» B. virus.

In 1999, the Melissa virus was a widely publicised:

A. e-mail virus.
B. macro virus.
C. trojan horse.
D. time bomb.
Answer» A. e-mail virus.

What type of virus uses computer hosts to reproduce itself?

A. time bomb
B. worm
C. melissa virus
D. macro virus
Answer» B. worm

The thing that eventually terminates a worm virus is a lack of:

A. memory or disk space.
B. time.
C. cd drives space.
D. cd-rw.
Answer» A. memory or disk space.

When a logic bomb is activated by a time-related event, it is known as a:

A. time-related bomb sequence.
B. virus.
C. time bomb.
D. trojan horse.
Answer» C. time bomb.

A logic bomb that was created to erupt on Michelangelo‘s birthday is an example of a:

A. time-related bomb sequence.
B. virus.
C. time bomb.
D. trojan horse.
Answer» C. time bomb.

What is the name of an application program that gathers user information and sends it to someone through the Internet?

A. a virus
B. spybot
C. logic bomb
D. security patch
Answer» B. spybot

------ is the measurement of things such as fingerprints and retinal scans used for security access.

A. biometrics
B. bio measurement
C. computer security
D. smart weapon machinery
Answer» A. biometrics

What is the most common tool used to restrict access to a computer system?

A. user logins
B. passwords
C. computer keys
D. access-control software
Answer» B. passwords

Hardware or software designed to guard against unauthorized access to a computer network is known as a(n):

A. hacker-proof program.
B. firewall.
C. hacker-resistant server.
D. encryption safe wall.
Answer» B. firewall.

The scrambling of code is known as:

A. encryption.
B. a firewall.
C. scrambling.
D. password proofing.
Answer» A. encryption.

To prevent the loss of data during power failures, use a(n):

A. encryption program.
B. surge protector.
C. firewall.
D. ups.
Answer» D. ups.

------Is defined as any crime completed through the use of computer technology.

A. computer forensics
B. computer crime
C. hacking
D. cracking
Answer» B. computer crime

------ refers to electronic trespassing or criminal hacking.

A. cracking
B. jacking
C. spoofing
D. smarming
Answer» A. cracking

The first electronic computer was developed by

A. j.v. attansoff
B. bill gates
C. simur cray
D. winton serf
Answer» A. j.v. attansoff

Snowbol is an/a---------

A. operating system
B. hll
C. software
D. search engine
Answer» B. hll

Switching device of fifth generation computer is--------

A. vacuum tubes
B. transistors
C. ic
D. vlsi
Answer» D. vlsi

---------- computers operates essentially by counting

A. portable computer
B. hybrid computer
C. analog computer
D. digital computer
Answer» D. digital computer

---------- computer is small general purpose micro computer, but larger than portable computer

A. hybrid
B. digital
C. desktop
D. laptop
Answer» C. desktop

Cathode Ray Tube is a form of.......

A. keyboard
B. mouse
C. monitor
D. mother board
Answer» C. monitor

Trackball is a...........

A. input device
B. output device
C. programming language
D. software
Answer» A. input device

............. computer is a medium sized computer

A. micro
B. mainframe
C. super
D. mini
Answer» D. mini

........... computer are of large size

A. micro
B. mainframe
C. super
D. mini
Answer» B. mainframe

Note book, laptop,palm,hand-held computers are coming under the category of......... computer

A. digital computer
B. mainframe computer
C. portable computer
D. hybrid computer
Answer» C. portable computer
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