390+ Business Communication Solved MCQs


Communication is derived from a Latin word “Communis” which means

A. community
B. share
C. common
D. marxist
Answer» C. common

Communication starts with:

A. message
B. sender
C. channel
D. feedback
Answer» B. sender

The number of key elements in the communication process is :

A. five
B. six
C. seven
D. four
Answer» C. seven

The two broad areas of communication are:

A. oral and written communication
B. verbal and written communication
C. verbal and non-verbal communication
D. oral and non-verbal communication
Answer» C. verbal and non-verbal communication

Which of the following are examples of oral communication?

A. meetings, memos and presentations
B. meetings, memos and performance reviews
C. meetings, presentations and performance reviews
D. reports, presentations and performance reviews
Answer» C. meetings, presentations and performance reviews

Which of the following are examples of written communication?

A. letters and voicemail
B. reports and email
C. circulars and voicemail
D. presentations and email
Answer» B. reports and email

All the following are external stakeholders of an organization, except:

A. media
B. government
C. suppliers
D. shareholders
Answer» D. shareholders

Functional coordination is one important reason for communicating with:

A. superiors
B. peers
C. subordinates
D. employees’ unions
Answer» B. peers

Communication with superiors involves:

A. problem solving
B. disciplinary matters
C. welfare aspects
D. public relations
Answer» A. problem solving

Listening has been identified as one of the “seven habits of highly effective people” by :

A. lundsteen
B. stephen covey
C. lee iacocca
D. tom peters
Answer» B. stephen covey

The most basic type of listening is known as:

A. discriminative listening
B. comprehension listening
C. appreciative listening
D. evaluative listening
Answer» A. discriminative listening

Another name for dialogic listening is:

A. empathetic listening
B. therapeutic listening
C. relational listening
D. active listening
Answer» C. relational listening

Readability is determined mainly by:

A. punctuation
B. length of words
C. active and passive voice
D. spelling
Answer» B. length of words

One broad principle of general writing is :

A. write to express, not to impress
B. write to impress not to express
C. tone
D. emphasis and subordination
Answer» A. write to express, not to impress

Writing style can be improved through use of :

A. jargon
B. slang
C. simple words
D. metaphors
Answer» C. simple words

All the following are advantages of oral communication, except :

A. control over receiver’s attention
B. immediate feedback
C. personal quality
D. conveying complex information
Answer» D. conveying complex information

Teleconferencing is not suitable for :

A. meetings
B. interviews
C. problem solving
D. keeping in touch with country offices
Answer» C. problem solving

One advantage of telephone communication is :

A. good for problem solving
B. permits use of some non-verbal cues
C. conveying large amount of information
D. keeping a permanent record
Answer» B. permits use of some non-verbal cues

Reading refers to which element of the communication process?

A. encoding
B. decoding
C. message
D. channel
Answer» B. decoding

Reading for information about what is happening within your organization is called :

A. reading for pleasure
B. reading for personal interest
C. reading for internal information
D. professional reading
Answer» C. reading for internal information

Reading may be described by all the following, except:

A. a passive process
B. a skill
C. an active process
D. thinking under the stimulus of the printed page
Answer» A. a passive process

The most challenging type of meeting is :

A. task oriented meeting
B. information sharing meeting
C. progress meeting
D. problem solving meeting
Answer» D. problem solving meeting

All the following are characteristics of meetings, except:

A. focused
B. planned
C. highly formal
D. structured
Answer» C. highly formal

A meeting called to discuss arrangements for a specific event is called:

A. progress meeting
B. task oriented meeting
C. decision making meeting
D. information sharing meeting
Answer» B. task oriented meeting

The word “memo” is a short form for :

A. memory
B. memorizing
C. memorandum
D. members order
Answer» C. memorandum

Memo is derived from a Latin word which means :

A. a thing which must be remembered
B. a thing which must be memorized
C. a thing which must be written
D. a thing which must be communicated
Answer» A. a thing which must be remembered

One characteristic of a memo is :

A. formal
B. tool for external communication
C. concise
D. pretentious
Answer» C. concise

All the following types of information can be posted on the intranet, except:

A. employee benefits
B. declared holidays
C. company policies
D. performance appraisals
Answer» D. performance appraisals

One advantage of the intranet is :

A. easy to develop and maintain
B. easy to get started
C. avoids information overload
D. will be readily used by all employees
Answer» C. avoids information overload

One disadvantage of the intranet is :

A. large investment in time and money
B. encourages grapevine
C. is inferior to email
D. not suited for small organizations
Answer» A. large investment in time and money

All the following are principles of business letter writing, except:

A. consideration
B. directness
C. precision
D. ambiguity
Answer» D. ambiguity

Which of the following is not a compulsory part of a business letter?

A. salutation
B. close
C. attention line
D. body
Answer» C. attention line

A press release is better known today as :

A. public relations
B. publicity
C. news release
D. advertising
Answer» C. news release

One advantage of a news release is :

A. unpaid form of communication
B. highly credible
C. can appear in all media
D. reaches more number of people
Answer» B. highly credible

Which of the following does not describe a report?

A. orderly
B. subjective
C. helps decision making
D. helps in problem solving
Answer» B. subjective

The quality of a report is determined mainly by:

A. the language of the report
B. the visual aspects
C. the length of the report
D. the accuracy of the data
Answer» D. the accuracy of the data

A resume summarizes the following:

A. strengths and weaknesses
B. personality
C. education and experience
D. hobbies
Answer» C. education and experience

Which of the following is characteristic of a chronological resume?

A. appropriate for experienced candidates
B. mentions most recent job or qualification first
C. appropriate when education and experience are unrelated to the job applied for
D. not commonly used
Answer» B. mentions most recent job or qualification first

The main purpose of a group discussion is to measure :

A. knowledge
B. personality
C. group communication skills
D. leadership skills
Answer» C. group communication skills

The primary role of a moderator is to:

A. facilitate the smooth functioning of the gd
B. keep track of time
C. announce the gd topic
D. interfere during the gd
Answer» A. facilitate the smooth functioning of the gd

Arriving ahead of time for a meeting is an example of :

A. feedback
B. body language
C. non-verbal communication
D. verbal communication
Answer» C. non-verbal communication

The message sent is not always the same as the meaning attached to the message. This is because of the:

A. wrong sender
B. wrong medium
C. faulty message
D. inaccurate decoding
Answer» D. inaccurate decoding

The term “cardiac orifice” is an example of:

A. words with multiple meanings
B. jargon
C. highly specific language
D. biased language
Answer» B. jargon

Wrong decoding means:

A. badly worded message
B. message sent to wrong receiver
C. interpreted meaning is different from intended message
D. message sent by wrong sender
Answer» C. interpreted meaning is different from intended message

If you are the Advertising Manager of a company, your peers would include:

A. market research manager
B. vice president marketing
C. marketing executive
D. vice president sales
Answer» A. market research manager

The purpose of public relations is:

A. to sell the company’s products
B. to communicate with shareholders
C. to project a favourable image of the company among various publics
D. to communicate during a crisis
Answer» C. to project a favourable image of the company among various publics

Passive listening means:

A. hard work
B. hearing the sound of words
C. hearing the meaning of words
D. processing the information
Answer» B. hearing the sound of words

Which of the following is not an indication of active listening?

A. egocentrism
B. engaging in conversation with the speaker
C. taking notes
D. reconstructing the information
Answer» A. egocentrism

The words “cognizant” and “aware” m ean the same thing. Using “cognizant” instead of “aware” is an example of :

A. simple word
B. complex word
C. jargon
D. frequently misused word
Answer» B. complex word

Simple words should be used for all the following reasons, except:

A. need less time and space
B. allow reader to focus on the idea
C. allow reader to get the intended message
D. attract attention to the word itself
Answer» D. attract attention to the word itself

An impromptu speech means:

A. a prepared speech delivered without any supporting aids
B. a speech delivered without any preparation
C. a speech delivered while referring to notes
D. a speech delivered by reading from notes
Answer» B. a speech delivered without any preparation

Reading the lines of a written text means:

A. gaining in-depth understanding
B. superficial understanding of words
C. understanding the intended meaning
D. going beyond the intended meaning
Answer» B. superficial understanding of words

“ A meeting without an agenda is like a ship without a destination.” This means that the meeting :

A. has no goal
B. lacks leadership
C. is inconclusive
D. is disorganized
Answer» A. has no goal

A memo is known as an inter office memo because :

A. it is used to communicate with peers
B. it is used to communicate with superiors
C. it is used to communicate with subordinates
D. it is used to communicate between all levels in the organization
Answer» D. it is used to communicate between all levels in the organization

An intranet differs from an extranet in the following way :

A. intranet is a private website
B. intranet is meant only for internal stakeholders
C. intranet is more suitable for large organizations
D. intranet is expensive to maintain
Answer» B. intranet is meant only for internal stakeholders

Consideration in a business letter means:

A. stressing the “me” attitude
B. using first person pronouns
C. stressing the “you” attitude
D. appealing to the sender’s interest
Answer» C. stressing the “you” attitude

A news release is more credible than advertising because:

A. it is carried free by the medium
B. it announces a new development in the company
C. it is accepted by the medium
D. it is more interesting and newsworthy
Answer» C. it is accepted by the medium

Objectivity in a business report means the following:

A. use of active voice
B. use of passive voice
C. use of the first person pronoun
D. emphasizing the doer of the action
Answer» B. use of passive voice

The resume should be written before the job application letter because:

A. the resume is seen first
B. the resume helps to decide what to highlight in the letter
C. the resume is more important than the letter
D. most employers do not read application letters
Answer» B. the resume helps to decide what to highlight in the letter

A GD is highly structured because:

A. it is coordinated by a moderator
B. it measures group communication skills
C. members have to listen to the views of others
D. the topic, time and number of participants are all decided in advance
Answer» D. the topic, time and number of participants are all decided in advance

Which of the following indicates the correct sequence of the elements of communication in the communication process?

A. sender, receiver, channel, message, feedback
B. receiver, feedback, sender, message, channel
C. sender, channel, message, feedback, receiver
D. sender, message, channel, receiver, feedback
Answer» D. sender, message, channel, receiver, feedback

“Communication is a process involving the selection, production and transmission of signs in such a way as to help a receiver perceive a meaning similar to that in the mind of the communicator.” This definition of communication was given by:

A. newman and summer
B. bellows, gilson and odirone
C. berelson and steiner
D. fotheringha
Answer» D. fotheringha

The sender encodes the message which is decoded by the receiver according to the --------of what has been communicated.

A. perception
B. needs
C. idea
D. convenience
Answer» A. perception

Message must be designed keeping the .............. of the audience in mind.

A. perception
B. needs
C. idea
D. convenience
Answer» B. needs

................ must be encoded in message form, keeping the requirements of audience in mind.

A. perception
B. needs
C. idea
D. convenience
Answer» C. idea

................. of the message is referred to as the objectives of the sender underlying the words

A. object
B. intent
C. idea
D. data
Answer» B. intent

Inability to read the intent behind the message is..............

A. confusion
B. dilemma
C. bypassing
D. distortion
Answer» C. bypassing

Put concepts together before sending is------------

A. bypassing
B. preparing
C. encoding
D. defining
Answer» C. encoding

A set of logically and sequentially arranged utterances.

A. coherence
B. notion
C. distraction
D. message
Answer» A. coherence

............... refers to mental disturbances

A. coherence
B. notion
C. distraction
D. psychological noise
Answer» D. psychological noise

Mental turbulence refers to:

A. inability to understand
B. confusion in the mind of receiver
C. confusion in the mind of sender
D. inability to speak
Answer» B. confusion in the mind of receiver

A perceptual zone, on the basis of which inferences are made or thought structured, is called:

A. distraction
B. lack of language skill
C. frame of reference
D. bypassing
Answer» C. frame of reference

In empathetic communication, we can:

A. probe
B. respond to the feelings
C. interpret
D. advice
Answer» C. interpret

Conciseness of message refers to:

A. crispness
B. comprehensiveness
C. specificity
D. clarity
Answer» A. crispness

Errors in language, grammar or visual representation of facts take away:

A. clarity
B. correctness
C. crispness
D. conciseness
Answer» B. correctness

__________ is the process of exchanging messages between a sender and a receiver.

A. channelling
B. communication
C. feedback
D. listening
Answer» B. communication

Listening, reading, speaking and writing are all types of

A. communication skills.
B. emotional barriers.
C. evaluation techniques.
D. nonverbal communication.
Answer» A. communication skills.

Communication barriers are;

A. a receiver's response to a message.
B. avenues through which messages are delivered.
C. obstacles that interfere with the understanding of a message.
D. the circumstances under which communication takes place.
Answer» C. obstacles that interfere with the understanding of a message.

All of the following are examples of verbal communication EXCEPT:

A. email
B. listening
C. telephone calls
D. text messaging
Answer» B. listening

Email is a growing channel of communication. However, what percent of emails received are misunderstood?

A. 10%
B. 25%
C. 60%
D. 85%
Answer» C. 60%

Organizations hiring hundreds of new employees every year must adopt a more ------- towards the recruiting process.

A. systematic approach
B. organizational approach
C. direct approach
D. indirect approach
Answer» A. systematic approach

Screening stage, --- stage and final stage are the three stages of interview process.

A. collection
B. opportunity
C. selection
D. all of the above
Answer» C. selection

An effective oral presentation process follows _____ steps.

A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
Answer» A. 3

The keys to write a successful resume are:

A. too long, verbose descriptions and over confident tone
B. you” attitude, focus on your audience and think about prospective employer's need
C. none of the above
D. all of the above
Answer» B. you” attitude, focus on your audience and think about prospective employer's need

While giving an interview, be --- in your salary expectations.

A. modest
B. unrealistic
C. realistic
D. none of the above
Answer» C. realistic

Communication is a ___________

A. one way process
B. two way process
C. three way process.
D. four way process
Answer» B. two way process

The main objective of communication is

A. information and persuasion.
B. skill and personality development.
C. control and management.
D. need.
Answer» A. information and persuasion.

The downward communication flow from

A. a subordinate to a superior.
B. a subordinate to a subordinate.
C. a superior to a superior.
D. a superior to a subordinate.
Answer» D. a superior to a subordinate.

______ channel of communication called the grapevine.

A. formal.
B. informal.
C. horizontal.
D. vertical.
Answer» B. informal.

Examples of oral communication____

A. letter.
B. e-mail.
C. telephone.
D. fax
Answer» C. telephone.

How to make audio-visual communication effective?

A. the pictures are colourful.
B. clearly written.
C. speak politely
D. silent
Answer» A. the pictures are colourful.

Advantage of written communication

A. save time.
B. save money.
C. permanent reco
Answer» C. permanent reco

Written communication includes

A. reports & forms.
B. interviews.
C. film.
D. speaking.
Answer» A. reports & forms.

Communication saves time in

A. internal communication.
B. interview.
C. oral communication.
D. schedule.
Answer» C. oral communication.

The most important part of the letter is

A. the heading.
B. date
C. body of the letter.
D. post script.
Answer» C. body of the letter.

Advantage of oral communication

A. permanent record.
B. legal document.
C. save time.
D. reaches slowly.
Answer» C. save time.

Normal salutation in chairman's speech will be

A. ladies and gentlemen.
B. dear sir.
C. respected sir.
D. madame.
Answer» A. ladies and gentlemen.

Internal communication is a communication between

A. banker and customer
B. superiors and subordinate.
C. salesman and buyer.
D. insurance company and its customer.
Answer» B. superiors and subordinate.

Telephonic conversation is a

A. verbal communication.
B. non-verbal communication.
C. visual communication.
D. written.
Answer» A. verbal communication.

Envelopes containing transparent papers to show the address are called

A. window envelops.
B. easy envelop.
C. address envelops.
D. front envelop.
Answer» A. window envelops.
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