
370+ Fundamentals of Ethics Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy (BA Philosophy) , Cost Accounting .


Who is the advocate of qualitative utilitarianism

A. J.S.Mill
B. Jermey Bentham
C. Immanual Kant
D. F. H. Bradley
Answer» A. J.S.Mill

Who is the advocate of Utilitarianism:

A. Jermey Bentham
B. J.S. Mill
C. Immanual Kant
D. both a and b
Answer» D. both a and b

Bentham holds that the only standard of valuation of pleasures in:

A. Quanlitative
B. Quantitative
C. both a and b
D. neither a nor b
Answer» B. Quantitative

Who wrote Utilitarianism

A. Immanuel Kant
B. Jeremy Bentham
C. J.S.Mill
D. F. H. Bradley
Answer» C. J.S.Mill

According to Mill pleasures differ from one another in ____

A. Quantity
B. Quality
C. Utility
D. time
Answer» B. Quality

According to Bentham a pleasure is pure when:

A. It is free from pain
B. It is mixed with pain
C. It gives rise to a number of other pleasures
D. It is preferable to barren pleasure
Answer» A. It is free from pain

Bentham by introducing ----- as a dimension of pleasure introduced altruism into his doctrine.

A. Intensity
B. proximity
C. Extent
D. Fecundity
Answer» C. Extent

The higher quality pleasure according to Mill

A. Bodily pleasure
B. Intellectual pleasure
C. Sensual pleasure
D. Animal pleasure
Answer» B. Intellectual pleasure

Mill’s utilitarianism is known as:

A. Gross Utilitarianism
B. Quantitative Utilitarianism
C. Refined Utilitarianism
D. Psychological Hedonism
Answer» C. Refined Utilitarianism

Mill’s Internal sanction of consciousness is

A. Sympathy
B. Fellow-feeling
C. Social feeling of mankind
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

Bentham recognizes moral obligation to pursue general happiness by

A. The external sanctions only
B. The internal sanction only
C. Both the external sanctions and internal sanctions of consciousness
D. Neither external nor internal sanctions
Answer» A. The external sanctions only

The only thing that is good without qualification or restriction is a _________

A. Good will
B. Imperative
C. Categorical Imperative
D. Hypothetical Imperative
Answer» A. Good will

Who’s work is Critique of Practical Reason:

A. Immanuel Kant
B. Jeremy Bentham
C. J.S. Mill
D. F. H. Bradley
Answer» A. Immanuel Kant

Kant’s ethical theory is:

A. Ontological
B. Deontological
C. Utilitarian
D. Hedonic
Answer» B. Deontological

Which among the following is NOT Kant’s work

A. Critique of Pure Reason
B. Critique of Practical Reason
C. Ground work of the Metaphysics of Morals
D. OnLiberty
Answer» D. OnLiberty

It is wrong to break a promise because as a moral law it cannot be universalized. This illustrates the ethical position of _____________.

A. Kant
B. J. S. Mill
C. Bentham
D. Spencer
Answer» A. Kant

According to Kant, moral imperative is ___________.

A. evolutionary
B. hypothetical
C. categorical
D. all these
Answer» C. categorical

Kant accepted ________ as the final authority in moral life.

A. pleasure
B. reason
C. freedom
D. pain
Answer» B. reason

In which book Kant established the dignity of the moral law and makes the ethical life fundamental in Philosophy

A. Critique of Pure Reason
B. Critique of Practical Reason
C. Critique of Judgment
D. Both a and c
Answer» B. Critique of Practical Reason

Kant says “The only thing that is good in itself without qualification or restriction is a:

A. Good will
B. Categorical Imperative
C. Hypothetical Imperative
D. Moral law
Answer» A. Good will

A ------ imperative is always unconditional

A. Categorical
B. Hypothetical
C. both a and b
D. Neither A nor B
Answer» A. Categorical

Kant is an advocate of

A. Teleological ethics
B. ontological ethics
C. Jural ethics
D. Utilitarian Ethics
Answer» C. Jural ethics

The moral law is:

A. Categorical Imperative
B. Hypothetical Imperative
C. Disjunctive
D. All of these
Answer» A. Categorical Imperative

The laws which are means to other ends are of the nature of ______ imperative

A. Moral
B. Categorical
C. Hypothetical
D. Good
Answer» C. Hypothetical

Which among the following is NOT a Hypothetical Imperative:

A. Laws of Hygiene
B. Economic Laws
C. Moral Laws
D. Legal Laws
Answer» C. Moral Laws

Kant says: “ There is nothing in the world, or even out of it, that can be called good without qualification, except a -------

A. GoodWill
B. Categorical Imperative
C. Hypothetical Imperative
D. Law
Answer» A. GoodWill

Pick up the wrong answer. The Good will is:

A. the only good
B. Unconditional good
C. Good in itself
D. actuated by inclination
Answer» D. actuated by inclination

According to Kant, the will is ------------ when it acts solely from a sense of duty.

A. Autonomous
B. Heteronomous
C. Actuated by inclination
D. Teleological
Answer» A. Autonomous

According to Kant, it is wrong to break a promise, because

A. This act cannot be universalized
B. Because you will go to jail
C. Cheating is not acceptable
D. It adverselyaffects on trust
Answer» A. This act cannot be universalized

Kant’s which maxim shows that ‘None should enslave himself or others’

A. First
B. Second
C. Third
D. Fourth
Answer» B. Second

Kant’s second maxim shows:

A. Treat personality as of absolute worth
B. A person is an end in himself, and not a means
C. The rational nature which constitutes humanity should be respected.
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

According to Kant to commit suicide is wrong, because:

A. It will lead to the annihilation of human life if it is universalized.
B. The person treating himself as a means to the removal of the disgust of life
C. He is not regarding himself as an end
D. All of these.
Answer» D. All of these.

Kant’s third maxim says:

A. Act as a member of a kingdom of ends
B. Respect for the dignity of persons
C. What is right is universal
D. Treat personality as of absolute worth
Answer» A. Act as a member of a kingdom of ends

Which among the following is NOT a Postulates of Morality

A. Freedom of the Will
B. Immortality of the Soul
C. Mortality of the Soul
D. Existence of God
Answer» C. Mortality of the Soul

Kant says, we are autonomous when we act according to

A. Duty
B. Feeling
C. Pleasure
D. inclination
Answer» A. Duty

In the opinion of Kant, a right action should satisfy

A. It should conform to the moral law revealed by reason
B. The agent should perform it out of pure respect for the moral law.
C. The moral law has reference to any external ends.
D. Both a and b
Answer» D. Both a and b

According to perfectionism the highest good is:

A. Self-realization
B. Self –control
C. Self –knowledge
D. Self-sacrifice
Answer» A. Self-realization

Who holds that each person has a place and function in the human society in accordance with his talents?

A. F. H. Bradley
B. Immanual Kant
C. J.S. Mill
D. Bentham
Answer» A. F. H. Bradley

Self –realization means:

A. Realization of the relational self
B. Realization of the sentient self
C. Realization of good self as well as realization of bad self
D. Both a and b
Answer» A. Realization of the relational self

Self –realization means:

A. The development of personality
B. Actualization of immense potentialities of the self
C. Both a and b
D. Self-gratification
Answer» C. Both a and b

Who’s concept is “ My Station and its Duties”

A. Aristolte
B. Bradley
C. Immanual Kant
D. Buddha
Answer» B. Bradley

The duty to the self includes

A. Intellectualduty
B. Duties to the Family
C. Duty to pray to God
D. Duty to take care of domestic animals
Answer» A. Intellectualduty

According to Bradley the Supreme Duty is:

A. Duties to Self
B. Duties to Others
C. Duties to God
D. Self- realization
Answer» D. Self- realization

Who wrote EthicalStudies:

A. Aristotle
B. Immanuel Kant
C. F.H. Bradley
D. J.S. Mill
Answer» C. F.H. Bradley

Who authored Appearance and Reality

A. Bradley
B. Kant
C. Buddha
D. Mill
Answer» A. Bradley

F.H. Bradley is a ---------- philosopher

A. Materialist
B. Idealist
C. Spiritualist
D. Naturalist
Answer» B. Idealist

Who authored Republic

A. Plato
B. Aristotle
C. Kant
D. Mill
Answer» A. Plato

“Virtue is Knowledge” related with:

A. Kant
B. Socrates
C. Plato
D. Aristotle
Answer» B. Socrates

The Greeks used the term Eudaemonia in the sense of

A. Pleasure
B. Happiness
C. Prosperity
D. None of these
Answer» B. Happiness

--------- is the special virtue of the ruling class.

A. Justice
B. Courage
C. Wisdom
D. Temperance
Answer» C. Wisdom

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