120+ Informatics and Philosophy Solved MCQs


-------------- is a specific feature of a computer

A. mechanical
B. accuracy
C. compactness
D. none of these
Answer» B. accuracy

Which one is called a storage device?

A. monitor
B. cpu
C. mother board
D. cd-rom
Answer» D. cd-rom

An -------------------enables you to enter data and instructions into the computer

A. input device
B. output device
C. printer
D. cd-rom
Answer» A. input device

Which of the following is the leading keyboard?

A. cursor control keyboard
B. qwerty key board
C. dvorak keyboard
D. gaming key board
Answer» C. dvorak keyboard

There are two primary categories of printers, which are they?

A. impact and nonimpact
B. laser and inkjet
C. colour and black
D. none of these
Answer» A. impact and nonimpact

LCD monitors using ---------------------------technology

A. cathode-ray tube
B. digital
C. crystal
D. liquid crystal display
Answer» D. liquid crystal display

The term network architecture means.

A. the design of a network
B. peer - to- peer network
C. locally administered network
D. net work group
Answer» A. the design of a network

The first Web domain was hosted on the Web on

A. september 1990,
B. november 1990,
C. december 1990,
D. december 1991,
Answer» C. december 1990,

---------------------------------------, are generally acknowledge as the “fathers” of the Internet.

A. babbage and cerf
B. vinton cerf and robert kahn
C. robert kahn and michel
D. vinton cerf and michel
Answer» B. vinton cerf and robert kahn

LAN means

A. long area networks
B. listed area networks
C. local area networks
D. land area networks
Answer» C. local area networks

WAN means

A. wild area networks
B. western area networks
C. wide area networks
D. none of these
Answer» C. wide area networks

---------------------technology provides a cost-effective means for electronic communication

A. atm
B. mobile
C. wireless
D. none of these
Answer» C. wireless

The largest and fastest pathway is the main artery of the Internet is called

A. internet backbone,
B. internet artery
C. internet nerve
D. none of these
Answer» A. internet backbone,

LSN means

A. local space networking,
B. large size networking
C. long scale networking
D. large scale networking
Answer» D. large scale networking

--------------------------networks are true multi-service networks with the potential to offer broadband services

A. atm
B. lsn
C. wan
D. none of these
Answer» A. atm

---------------------------are a result of the combination of features of various portable devices

A. portable media players
B. smart phones
C. personal digital assistants
D. cellular phones
Answer» B. smart phones

Which is considered as an expensive and powerful tool for carrying electronic information?

A. notebook computers
B. smart phones
C. cellular phones
D. portable media players
Answer» A. notebook computers

Which of the following is a software programs that help us to run the computer and coordinates instructions between application software and the computer’s hardware devices?

A. operative software.
B. system software
C. application software
D. none of these
Answer» B. system software

------------------------------is a group of programs that controls how your computer system functions.

A. system software
B. application software
C. operating software
D. the operating system
Answer» D. the operating system

The software we use to do everyday tasks at home and at work is called

A. system software
B. application software
C. the operating system
D. none of these
Answer» B. application software

Which are called two basic types of software?

A. application software and system software
B. application software and program software
C. program software and system software
D. none of these
Answer» B. application software and program software

Which of the following is an example for system software.

A. excel
B. microsoft word
C. windows
D. power point
Answer» C. windows

Which of the following is an example for application software.

A. microsoft word
B. windows
C. linux
D. none of the above
Answer» A. microsoft word

A computer cannot operate without ----------------------------------

A. operating system
B. application software
C. ms. windows
D. none of these
Answer» A. operating system

Which of the following is an open-source operating system?

A. windows
B. linux
C. mac os
D. none of these
Answer» B. linux

Which one of the following is an example for Spreadsheet software?

A. microsoft word
B. mac os
C. microsoft excel
D. ms paint
Answer» C. microsoft excel

-------------------------------enables the computer to translates your spoken words into typed text.

A. speech-recognition software
B. speech software
C. voice software
D. none of these
Answer» A. speech-recognition software

Microsoft has incorporated speech recognition software into its latest operating system called

A. windows xp
B. microsoft excel
C. windows vista
D. none of these
Answer» C. windows vista

Who developed Linux?

A. linus torvalds
B. linus edwin
C. linus tom
D. linus trogen
Answer» A. linus torvalds

Which of the following is a personal information manager software

A. microsoft access
B. oracle
C. corel paradox
D. microsoft outlook
Answer» D. microsoft outlook

In a computer the letter K is represented as

A. 00110011
B. 01010101
C. 01001011
D. 00001111
Answer» C. 01001011

In computer terms, data means

A. information
B. idea
C. representation of name
D. representation of an idea
Answer» D. representation of an idea

The data which has been organized or presented in a meaningful fashion is called

A. idea
B. information
C. concept
D. none of these
Answer» B. information

A computers work exclusively with

A. data
B. idea
C. numbers
D. information
Answer» C. numbers

The language which consists of just two digits is called

A. system language
B. binary language
C. number language
D. mathematical language
Answer» B. binary language

A binary digit contains

A. one zero and two ones
B. two zero and one one
C. two zero and two ones
D. one zero and one one
Answer» D. one zero and one one

One byte is equal to

A. 6 bits
B. 8 bits
C. 4 bits
D. 5 bits
Answer» B. 8 bits

In binary language, the letter K is represented as

A. 01010101
B. 00110011
C. 00001111
D. 01001011.
Answer» D. 01001011.

Kilobytes, megabytes, and gigabytes are

A. name of bytes
B. amounts of bytes
C. group of bytes
D. none of these
Answer» B. amounts of bytes

A kilobyte (KB) is approximately

A. 1,000 bytes
B. 100 bytes
C. 10000
D. 10
Answer» A. 1,000 bytes

A megabyte (MB) is

A. major byte
B. minor byte
C. a million bytes
D. none of these
Answer» C. a million bytes

A gigabyte (GB) is equal to

A. billion bytes
B. great byte
C. one quadrillion bytes
D. none of these
Answer» A. billion bytes

A peta byte of data-that’s more than------------------------------bytes

A. one billion
B. one million
C. ten thousand
D. one quadrillion
Answer» D. one quadrillion

---------------------------------feature helps the user to return to a specific Web page without always having to remember to type the address.

A. tick mark
B. dial up
C. bookmark
D. search engine
Answer» C. bookmark

A Search engine has ------------parts

A. three
B. four
C. five
D. two
Answer» A. three

Which of the following is not a part of search engine?

A. indexer program
B. spider
C. engine software
D. bookmark
Answer» D. bookmark

Which of the following is a search engine?

A. google
B. alltheweb
C. yahoo
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

-----------------------------------is a guide to the internet organized by topics and subtopics.

A. a search engine
B. a blog
C. a subject directory
D. podcast
Answer» C. a subject directory

Among the following which one is not a subject dictionary?

A. google
B. yahoo!
C. triton
D. none of these
Answer» C. triton

What is the name of the program that enables us to communicate in real time with others who also are online?

A. instant messaging
B. e. mail
C. electronic messaging
D. none of these
Answer» A. instant messaging

Weblogs or blogs are

A. a written message that is sent and received over electronic communication systems
B. audio or video content over the internet
C. personal logs or journal entries that are posted on the web.
D. all of these
Answer» C. personal logs or journal entries that are posted on the web.

Which of the following is a blog site that devotes itself to discussing techno gadgets?

A. www.rottentomatoes.com
B. www.gizmodo.com
C. www.tech. com
D. www.itec.com
Answer» B. www.gizmodo.com

A written message that is sent and received over electronic communication systems is called

A. e .mail
B. weblogs
C. podcast
D. none of these
Answer» A. e .mail

-------------------------is the broadcast of audio or video content over the Internet.

A. a. podcast
B. a webcast
C. weblogs
D. e .mail
Answer» B. a webcast

Name of the educational initiative backed by government of India for information technology is called

A. sakshat
B. rakshat
C. prathyashat
D. none of these
Answer» A. sakshat

E.-books and e-journals are

A. a written message
B. audio or video content
C. the content of open access publishing
D. a subject directory
Answer» C. the content of open access publishing

Claiming another person’s words as your own- this action is known as

A. copyright
B. plagiarism
C. patent
D. none of these
Answer» B. plagiarism

WebCT and Enspire are the tools for

A. e .mail
B. electronic messaging
C. e-learning
D. instant messaging
Answer» C. e-learning

Through ----------------------students can get online education from remote places.

A. virtual classrooms
B. subject directory
C. nicnet
D. inflibnet
Answer» A. virtual classrooms

-------------------------------is a virtual network of libraries

A. nicnet
B. inflibnet
C. brnet
D. none of these
Answer» B. inflibnet

Name the networking infrastructure built by NIC for the e-governance applications.

A. nicnet
B. inflibnet
C. brnet
D. none of these
Answer» A. nicnet

BRNET is related with

A. library information resources
B. geological information resources
C. biological information resources
D. all of these
Answer» C. biological information resources

WBT is an example for

A. a library information resources
B. a geological information resources
C. a biological information resources
D. a computer-based training
Answer» D. a computer-based training

Which of the following is true?

A. podcast content includes radio shows
B. podcast content includes audio books
C. podcast content includes magazines
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

Which of the following statement is not true to e-mail

A. it is not the most secure form of transmission
B. it is not a safe way to send personal or sensitive information
C. it is not a popular means of communication
D. none of these
Answer» C. it is not a popular means of communication

Broadband connections includes

A. cable
B. satellite
C. dsl
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

ICQ is related with

A. weblogs
B. instant messaging
C. search engines
D. podcasts
Answer» B. instant messaging

----- refers to the gap between people who possess regular access to Information technology and those who do not have this access.

A. cyber crime
B. digital divide
C. hacker
D. virus attack
Answer» B. digital divide

Who started Free software foundation

A. linus torvald
B. richard m stallman
C. gnu
D. none of the above
Answer» B. richard m stallman

Linux is a.

A. database programs
B. application programme
C. operating system
D. none of the above
Answer» C. operating system

This unlawful acts wherein the computer is either a tool or target or both

A. cyber ethics
B. cyber crime
C. cyber literacy
D. cyber abuse
Answer» B. cyber crime

Editing software

A. edusat
B. style writer
C. gliffy
D. cryosat
Answer» B. style writer

A path-breaking effort in the concept of tele-education is

A. satallite
B. cryosat
C. edusat
D. none of these
Answer» C. edusat

Telemedicine is launched by

A. isro
B. nrcs
C. iisc
D. ugc
Answer» A. isro


A. closed circuit television
B. crime detection software
C. communication software
D. all the above
Answer» A. closed circuit television

Academic website end with

A. .ac
B. .ca
C. .org
D. .com
Answer» A. .ac

Britannica is a

A. free online educational software
B. class room aid
C. edutainment
D. none of these
Answer» A. free online educational software


A. sharing of library and information resources
B. free online education software
C. software for sharing information
D. online bio-resource in centre
Answer» A. sharing of library and information resources

An autonomous Inter university Centre of UGC is

A. inflibnet
B. lms
C. arpanet
D. brnet
Answer» A. inflibnet

Google earth is --------

A. entertainment software
B. educational software
C. anti- virus software
D. hardware
Answer» B. educational software

----- is free online software for creating flowcharts, floor plans or other similar diagrams.

A. google earth
B. ktouch
C. inflibnet
D. gliffy
Answer» D. gliffy

Wireless mobile computing is

A. bluetooth
B. wi-fi
C. firewire
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

The system involves a concealed transmitter in the chassis of an automobile, which may facilitate the vehicle’s recovery if stolen.

A. cookies
B. firewire
C. lojack
D. google earth
Answer» C. lojack

Which among shows IT for national integration

A. permanent account number (pan)
B. electors photo identity card (epic)
C. sakshat and inflibnet
D. all of these.
Answer» D. all of these.

In order to be considered “OSI Certified” a product which criteria among the following is not applicable?

A. the author or holder of the license of the source code can collect royalties on the distribution of the program.
B. the author must allow modifications and derivations of the work under the program’s original name.
C. no person, group or field of endeavour can be denied access to the program.
D. the rights attached to the program must not depend on the program’s being part of a particular software distribution.
Answer» A. the author or holder of the license of the source code can collect royalties on the distribution of the program.

------- is a non-profit corporation formed to educate about and advocate for the benefits of open source and to build bridges among different constituencies in the open source community.

A. free software programme
B. free software development
C. free software foundation
D. the open source initiative.
Answer» D. the open source initiative.

Which among is not to help bridge the digital divide:

A. community organisations such as libraries and recreation centres are providing free internet access to the public.
B. increasing the bandwidth of broadband drastically and taking broadband connectivity even to the rural areas, providing computers at cheaper rate,
C. making linux based open source software widely available so that the computing devices cost less and become more affordable.
D. decrease local and global internet and computer access.
Answer» D. decrease local and global internet and computer access.

Which is the wrong meaning of Digital divide?

A. the discrepancy between the “haves” and "have-notes” with regards to computer technology
B. the gap between people with effective access to digital and information technology and those with very limited or no access at all.
C. exploit the power of the internet for criminal or terrorist purposes.
D. imbalances in physical access to technology as well as the imbalances in resources and skills needed to effectively participate as a digital citizen.
Answer» C. exploit the power of the internet for criminal or terrorist purposes.

Software piracy comes under

A. individual’s privacy
B. intellectual property right
C. accountability
D. security of data
Answer» B. intellectual property right

Theft of software comes under ......

A. software piracy
B. intellectual property right
C. individual privacy
D. it stress
Answer» A. software piracy

..... is social networking site

A. orkut
B. facebook
C. myspace
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

------- can be referred as the use or application of computational devices in the field of biological sciences and research.

A. bio-computing
B. virtual computing
C. artificial intelligent
D. dna
Answer» A. bio-computing

This unlawful acts wherein the computer is either a tool or target or both

A. cyber ethics
B. cyber crime
C. cyber abuse
D. cyber literacy
Answer» B. cyber crime

Which of the following is annoying, but really doesn’t render any harm to our computer?

A. shareware
B. malware
C. spyware
D. adware
Answer» D. adware

Why do you not want too much personal data about you on the Internet?

A. it might reveal embarrassing facts about you
B. it might be used by an identity thief to impersonate you
C. it might be used by a potential employer to find out more about you
D. there is no reason to worry about personal information on the internet
Answer» B. it might be used by an identity thief to impersonate you

What is the top rule for avoiding Internet fraud?

A. if it seems too good to be true, it probably is
B. never use your bank account numbers
C. only work with people who have verifiable e-mail address
D. do not invest in foreign deals
Answer» C. only work with people who have verifiable e-mail address

One scam that lures internet users into revealing personal information is

A. malware
B. spam
C. phishing
D. internet hoax
Answer» C. phishing

When hackers use a program that pretends to be useful to a user while actually allowing the hacker to gain control of the user’s computer, this is called a(n)

A. zero-day attack
B. trojan horse attack
C. distributed denial of service attack
D. boot sector virus attack
Answer» B. trojan horse attack

Virus that travel from computer to computer on their own (i.e. independent of hostile activity) are called

A. worms
B. stealth viruses
C. logic bombs
D. macro viruses
Answer» A. worms

How could hacker use information about you found through Internet searches?

A. to guess passwords if your passwords are linked to personal
B. to guess passwords if your passwords are linked to your interests or hobbies
C. in social engineering, to ascertain more information about you or your computer system
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above
Question and answers in Informatics and Philosophy, Informatics and Philosophy multiple choice questions and answers, Informatics and Philosophy Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for Informatics and Philosophy, Informatics and Philosophy MCQs with answers PDF download