These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy (BA Philosophy) .
1. |
---------- is considered as the father of modern philosophy |
A. | descartes |
B. | kant |
C. | hegel |
D. | plato |
Answer» A. descartes |
2. |
According to, -------- experience is the only source of knowledge |
A. | rationalism |
B. | empiricism |
C. | idealism |
D. | none of these |
Answer» B. empiricism |
3. |
Who has said that mind has innate ideas |
A. | spinoza |
B. | kant |
C. | descartes |
D. | hume |
Answer» C. descartes |
4. |
‘Meditations’ is the work of------ |
A. | kant |
B. | descartes |
C. | spinoza |
D. | all these |
Answer» B. descartes |
5. |
Who among the following is a representative of Rationalism? |
A. | hegel |
B. | kant |
C. | leibniz |
D. | all these |
Answer» C. leibniz |
6. |
Interactionism is the Mind body theory of -------- |
A. | hume |
B. | berkeley |
C. | descartes |
D. | none of these |
Answer» C. descartes |
7. |
Who among the following is not a German Philosopher? |
A. | kant |
B. | berkeley |
C. | hegel |
D. | none of these |
Answer» B. berkeley |
8. |
------ is not a representative of Rationalism |
A. | kant |
B. | descartes |
C. | spinoza |
D. | all of these |
Answer» A. kant |
9. |
John Locke is -----Philosopher |
A. | rationalist |
B. | empiricist |
C. | idealist |
D. | none of these |
Answer» B. empiricist |
10. |
Generally the rise of modern Philosophy had been marked by---------- |
A. | critical thinking |
B. | reflective spirit |
C. | revolt against authority |
D. | all these |
Answer» D. all these |
11. |
Leibniz defines substance or monads as |
A. | physical object |
B. | active force |
C. | geometrical figure |
D. | none of these |
Answer» B. active force |
12. |
As an empiricist, Locke claims that all our knowledge is derived either through sensation or |
A. | perception |
B. | reflection |
C. | thinking |
D. | none of the above |
Answer» B. reflection |
13. |
Who among the following is a French Philosopher |
A. | kant |
B. | descartes |
C. | plato |
D. | aristotle |
Answer» B. descartes |
14. |
Who introduced the concept ‘Cogito ergosum’ |
A. | spinoza |
B. | leibniz |
C. | kant |
D. | descartes |
Answer» D. descartes |
15. |
‘Monadology’ is the work of------- |
A. | kant |
B. | descartes |
C. | leibniz |
D. | hegel |
Answer» C. leibniz |
16. |
Who among the following is a German philosopher |
A. | plato |
B. | spinoza |
C. | kant |
D. | none of these |
Answer» C. kant |
17. |
------------ is an Idealist philosopher |
A. | spinoza |
B. | locke |
C. | kant |
D. | none of these |
Answer» C. kant |
18. |
Whose ideal is ‘Real is Rational, Rational isReal’ |
A. | descartes |
B. | kant |
C. | locke |
D. | hegel |
Answer» D. hegel |
19. |
Who among the following propounded the theory of Psycho physicalparallelism |
A. | descartes |
B. | leibniz |
C. | spinoza |
D. | none of these |
Answer» C. spinoza |
20. |
------ developed his philosophy on the foundation laid byFichte |
A. | descartes |
B. | hegel |
C. | aristotle |
D. | none of these |
Answer» B. hegel |
21. |
Who is considered as the founder of Rationalism |
A. | hume |
B. | berkeley |
C. | descartes |
D. | none of these |
Answer» C. descartes |
22. |
Which one of the following is not a work of Kant? |
A. | critique of practical reason |
B. | critique of pure reason |
C. | meditations |
D. | none |
Answer» C. meditations |
23. |
Who among the following is the author of ‘Monadology’ |
A. | spinoza |
B. | descartes |
C. | hume |
D. | none of these |
Answer» D. none of these |
24. |
According to Descartes-----------as an absolute substance |
A. | mind |
B. | soul |
C. | god |
D. | none of these |
Answer» C. god |
25. |
The rationalism of--------is heightened by Spinoza |
A. | hume |
B. | berkeley |
C. | descartes |
D. | none of these |
Answer» C. descartes |
26. |
--- recognizes mind and matter as relative substances which are created by God |
A. | kant |
B. | descartes |
C. | leibniz |
D. | hegel |
Answer» B. descartes |
27. |
----- believes that there are no innate ideas in the mind |
A. | plato |
B. | spinoza |
C. | kant |
D. | locke |
Answer» D. locke |
28. |
Who among the following is obsessed with the intellectual love of God? |
A. | spinoza |
B. | leibniz |
C. | kant |
D. | descartes |
Answer» A. spinoza |
29. |
Who said ‘substance is a product of human imagination’ |
A. | spinoza |
B. | descartes |
C. | locke |
D. | hume |
Answer» D. hume |
30. |
-------suggests that the idea of substance is a complexidea |
A. | spinoza |
B. | berkeley |
C. | hume |
D. | locke |
Answer» D. locke |
31. |
According to ---------- , only mind and their ideas exist |
A. | hume |
B. | leibniz |
C. | spinoza |
D. | berkeley |
Answer» D. berkeley |
32. |
According to ----- God is an absolute substance |
A. | kant |
B. | descartes |
C. | plato |
D. | none of these |
Answer» B. descartes |
33. |
’Ethics’ is the work of --------- |
A. | descartes |
B. | leibniz |
C. | spinoza |
D. | hegel |
Answer» C. spinoza |
34. |
Berkeley rejects Locke’s distinction between primary and secondary qualities because: |
A. | all qualities are subjective |
B. | only secondary qualities are subjective |
C. | qualities are created by god |
D. | qualities in here in substance |
Answer» A. all qualities are subjective |
35. |
For Descartes, the idea of soul |
A. | is not related to reason |
B. | is identical with reason |
C. | contradicts reason |
D. | does not contradict reason |
Answer» A. is not related to reason |
36. |
According to Kant belief in God is: |
A. | accidental to ethics |
B. | totally irrelevant to ethics |
C. | contingent to ethics |
D. | a presupposition of ethics |
Answer» D. a presupposition of ethics |
37. |
For Descartes the proposition ‘I think’ is self-verifying because |
A. | it is a necessary truth. |
B. | it is a logical truth. |
C. | doubting it confirms it. |
D. | thinking is my essence. |
Answer» C. doubting it confirms it. |
38. |
The primary aim of Descartes is |
A. | to explain the relation between body and mind. |
B. | to prove the existence of god. |
C. | to refute the reality of the external world. |
D. | to reach clear and certain knowledge. |
Answer» D. to reach clear and certain knowledge. |
39. |
Who called God as Natura Naturata? |
A. | locke |
B. | kant |
C. | spinoza |
D. | hume |
Answer» C. spinoza |
40. |
Who said that ‘Reason must approach nature not as a pupil, but as a judge’? |
A. | kant |
B. | locke |
C. | hegel |
D. | spinoza |
Answer» A. kant |
41. |
According to Kant _________ the proper objects of faith |
A. | phenomena |
B. | noumena |
C. | both phenomena and noumena |
D. | neither |
Answer» B. noumena |
42. |
Which one of the following is not the work of Immanuel Kant? |
A. | critique of pure reason |
B. | foundations of metaphysics of morals |
C. | critique of practical reason |
D. | the phenomenology of spirit |
Answer» D. the phenomenology of spirit |
43. |
Who highlighted the problem of personal identity first in modern western philosophy? |
A. | berkeley |
B. | locke |
C. | spinoza |
D. | descartes |
Answer» B. locke |
44. |
The concept of categories was advocated by : |
A. | kant |
B. | kant and aristotle |
C. | kant and locke |
D. | kant and berkeley |
Answer» B. kant and aristotle |
45. |
Who among the following held that space and time are apriori percepts ? |
A. | pythagoras |
B. | spinoza |
C. | kant |
D. | hegel |
Answer» C. kant |
46. |
According to Descartes, the idea of God is ------- |
A. | finite |
B. | fictitious |
C. | innate |
D. | none of these |
Answer» C. innate |
47. |
According to Descartes, the infinite substance stands related to finite substance as ----- to ----- |
A. | universal, particular |
B. | many, one |
C. | one, particular |
D. | none of these |
Answer» C. one, particular |
48. |
Who has said that the mind has innate ideas |
A. | hume |
B. | berkeley |
C. | leibniz |
D. | none of these |
Answer» D. none of these |
49. |
The secondary properties of substance are known as |
A. | attributes |
B. | modes |
C. | relative property |
D. | none of these |
Answer» B. modes |
50. |
Spinoza claims that the things which make up the world related to God as the properties of ------ to its concepts |
A. | quality |
B. | theorem |
C. | geometrical figure |
D. | none of these |
Answer» C. geometrical figure |
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